I'll BUY whatever you can SPELL ! - CHALLENGE

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[Music] Far Rock Ferrari like the car oh my final answer Ferrari Ferrari can you just talking about that camera or something Toyota's answer paw [Applause] I can't believe it actually works I got a Ferrari the real one [Music] hi everybody Welcome to the studio space today we're gonna do the challenge called whatever we spell out paw will buy challenge what kind of money am I gonna buy this please keep it inexpensive I can't so excited so that means he has to pay for it yes [Music] Rambo all right so so here's what we do we're gonna spin the wheel and whatever number it lands on that's the amount of letters that we will get okay yeah you want to get more leather so you have more variation to make it expensive stuff for Paul to buy all right you can spin first all right my turn all right give me 20 give me twenty I need a new watch so 11. all right so you get 11. go ahead get your 11. so let's see what so let's see what number I get okay [Music] four five six seven eight okay let's see what letters I get here whoa oh no I have so many C's let's see I can spell out that's that's any letter so I can spell out cat oh a bat [Music] what can we do see can we buy seeds entire ocean the ocean I can barely afford a pool I don't know if I can buy an ocean oh this is a poor little pie I'm hungry so maybe we can get some long as you will only share wait a minute guys so excited look what I can now g u c C I ah Gucci Gucci as in the brand and then the X very expensive brand you give me a purse Gucci purse sunglasses all right one thing one thing I could probably get alone now but I'm not sure okay oh thank you Paul that means I don't have to worry about loans birthday party right I don't have to buy you a present anymore right this is difficult a good idea what pee p e all right keep pet I want new pets oh pets pets multiple more than one all right Paul I got our final answer Gucci for me and for you pets for me where am I gonna find Gucci and pets cool better go shopping yeah I'm gonna go I'll be back once I have a very expensive Gucci and your very expensive pet yeah you might want to stop by ATM machine yeah on the way there we we AK Lorena looking to get a Gucci I don't have Gucci money hey big mom Big Boss we're here man big man I got you I got you big me boss Big Boss dude you need Gucci I got Gucci right here I got bananas I got dry erase board I got everything you need man whatever you need I needed a Gucci did you hear me I got you right here I clearly heard you like conveniently heard you okay so here we go 100 imported Straight From Italy with an E so you know it's really good this is extremely convenient you know yes of course Gucci Wally yeah of course there you go well it's not technically a word it's a phone cage where do I put the money at here you go big man here you go look at that look at that foreign [Music] I just said I had twenty dollars all right twenty you got me I got you okay right here 20. beautiful I'm giving you a real good deal Gucci I finally got some real Gucci man this is great I was just looking for this luanne's gonna be so impressed it's real in the sense that it actually exists all right thank you sir all right [Music] I'm leaving hey we're here at PetSmart we're gonna pop here at PetSmart we're gonna find a pet for Sean and it's gonna be great it's gonna be nice and fluffy he's gonna love it forever and ever and take care of it and he's gonna have to clean their little poops and everything come on come on let's go find him a pet all right here is where cats love to play I mean I like to play let's see oh is there a cat in here no cat it's okay we're gonna find one we're at a pet store how hard is it to find a pet [Music] whoa it says squeeze me I squeak liar oh I found it the camera man squeeze me I squeaked too [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh man you know what I was Finding Sean a pet but then I forgot all the accessories that you need to take care of a pet I don't think I have enough money to find one you know what I have a cheaper better idea I don't need any of this stuff I can't wait for my new purse I know he should be here anytime now hey I just got chased by dogs from the pet store anyways all right back I got all the goods all the stuff I got the pet and the Gucci I want to introduce you to your knees low maintenance and you said pets right so me too right so boom I got you another dog so alive so alive no this is toy and if that's not enough [Music] I thought about it and I know you work all the time and you don't have time to take care of a real pet so I got you fake ones all right I guess I can cuddle with them and sleep at night time oh but look it says try me so [Music] um [Music] he moves like a real dog yay well he talks okay oh okay all right I guess I'll take it it should have been more specific you should have done real things for that all right correct so I got you the most authentic Gucci on the market all right definitely not a fraud I definitely didn't meet someone in the back alley to get you this here you go [Music] wait a minute yeah it's Gucci see is that how you spell wait it doesn't match my word let's open it up you know don't get stuck in the cover you know I mean okay is this real or hey this ghost is real it's definitely real 100 real it's coming off no no coming up it just happens like that you see they put a little coat on the top of it all right and then it uh oh it's a cell phone case yeah it's a cell phone case [Music] man beautiful cases are in [Music] it's Gucci This is a disaster okay hopefully we'll get better with round two now I know what to do okay all right here we go [Music] oh 11 again [Music] all right this is me I'm gonna need a lot of letters all right this is great all right see what letters I got here oh no [Music] oh I got I got it guys this is this is best money money give me the money I don't know what else I can spell I spell out air oh wait a second [Music] f-e-r-r-a-r-i wait does that smell something is this spell something foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so Sean wanted money money money money money money money money money money money none of this looks like money oh what's this it's a treasure chest there has to be money in here I don't know it seems kind of small there can't be too much money in there all right never mind I see some Legos some Legos [Music] it's a monopoly money thing it's not real money but we can make it work [Music] s two hundred thousand dollars I'm never gonna be able to afford that I can't find affordable Ferrari anywhere you know I would even take a used one an old one something a little cheaper you know do my ears just yeah I said use Ferrari well I can give you a pretty good deal on a used car you have a used car for sale pack yes I use Ferrari to be exact okay awesome let's go see it yeah yeah just follow me okay cool let's go oh gosh whoa what is this pack oh this whole thing it's just an old ride yeah this is a little smaller than I had in mind uh how much do you want for it oh I'm actually already bored with it so you can have it have it for free yeah all right I'll take it awesome it's been a pleasure doing business with you pack I'm so proud of this bye I can't wait I need a new car um guess what Sean I got your money money [Applause] [Music] Monopoly money man yeah the best money that fake money can buy for you outside let's go I think I'm really happy [Music] right here a Ferrari this bad boy gets great gas mileage okay it's an exotic color you know what I mean I can't even go inside I mean you know you don't need to go inside to get into a Ferrari you know what I mean you get inside in your mind okay it goes up at least you did say that that's true I did say open this way you got your key to your brand new Ferrari at least it moves like this exactly here we go oh you like it right all right let's go back inside okay so that was not what I expected I don't know about you but I want to do this challenge anymore okay so I'm gonna replace myself and you with probably somebody else Paul okay all right so David and Daniel you are up all right transition all right and we're here Sean Lowe and pass it off to us Knuckleheads right here we got David and we got Daniel knucklehead if anything I am a smaller head wow thanks see positivity that's what I knuckle brain Daniel go first all right wait wait why do you get to go first number here all right third Point all right continue five pick your five here we go one two three four five go David [Music] okay I didn't want to bring this up before Daniel but I'm definitely gonna beat you at this game all right you're here okay all right I mean my money's on Daniel but honestly wow okay thanks a lot all right big money big money big money more than five more than four five two to be able to throw this down that's all I can afford is one word all right all right all right two four six eight ten who do we appreciate 12 14 and then 15. boom fifteen ah look at this what is this what can you even do with that oh nothing plenty that's nothing come on all right let's gonna see they're gonna try to make a word and we're gonna find out what that word is right now sliz or zils hey I did okay okay don't let other people tell you any different okay I got luck look that's how you spell luck okay I think they're all done with their words I hope it's nothing too expensive David what did you want I got a fish a fish yeah so you gotta get meat efficient the finest fish I've ever seen alive a live fish an exotic fish oh give me something what do you like all right how about that what are you allergic to anything you know I don't care I'm gonna find some lunch for you it's gonna be delicious uh I hope I have enough money for this I gotta go [Music] fish fish fish fish you want to fish I mean they give them a fish all right which one these are really nice and colorful okay guys oh they're running away from me I just want a friend all right let's see let's see you know all these fish look really cool guys but I think it's a lot of responsibility I have an idea all right Daniel's looking for lunch uh I don't think I found it but it is pretty cool huh all right let's see what does he like to eat he probably likes human food but that's how we're gonna get him today because I really don't want to give him food but let's see oh look at this oh I think I'm gonna make him a sandwich guys what if I make him a Play-Doh sandwich and convince him that it's a real sandwich and then he'll eat it now that's to me that's way too high lunch lunch Daniel needs lunch all right okay this is the world's slipperiest burrito but I found Daniel a burrito here we go it's a cutie oh he can't really eat it I hope he really doesn't try because there's a cute little furry animal hidden inside one of these gonna be super excited let's get in this burrito fish shoes which shoes for your fish the best thank you all right that's a long time shopping okay but I got exactly what you needed hey did you happen to see any fish now fish shoes I have no idea what that is you need to go to a hospital okay all right all right duly noted I'll take that later fish first up fish I got you exotic fish all right imported from this finest city in New Jersey Swedish Fish here we go I got you fish man there's like come on at least 100 fish in here too so you know what I mean there you go see a little fishy are you are you are you being serious no there you go I don't want this okay you can have one right now oh no come on man after fish shoes really okay you better get up your shoes okay you better get the worst lunch I've ever seen in my life okay because not I'm Really Gonna Lose It and for Daniel I got you some lunch man yeah you know what I mean I know you're really hungry dude you like Mexican food yeah absolutely oh so what do you feel about burritos yeah burrito burrito man Brother come on I got your burrito oh it smells delicious oh look it even comes in a wraps wow take a bite man no don't take the bite oh it's not really a burrito oh okay I don't know it's a it's a cute keto you see you unwrap it and there's a furry animal don't eat it don't eat it eat it don't eat it next round all right is the next round we're gonna do this again guys okay Daniel go first all right come on you're the worst here we go here we go all right get your 11 tiles while you do that David your turn spin the wheel bro [Music] how many tiles five no you know that's bad no come on no please America America America America no that's I can't even guess on this belt right are you sure too I can't even afford America forget what he just said nonsense I Got Time time you want me to buy you time I need all the time yes I need you to go back there's been millions of billions millions of years go back to the future and then DeLorean and get me a new watch because this one's sticking really bad dude so I need a good one give me a Rolex no no get me give me a Mickey Mouse watch they're so much better okay okay bye yes fine time he wants to watch oh I'll give him a watch what about you over here Daniel what are you doing uh you know I think I think I think I got this don't you buy me a cool aquarium an aquarium yeah that sounds great can I put my Swedish fish on YouTube of course of course okay guys I'm running out of money here I don't know what I'm gonna do hey that's not our fault dude you wanted us to do this so this is all on you buddy okay all right come on let's go dude oh a rise of David's spelled time and he said he wanted a Rolex all right well you know what we're gonna get that idea and we're gonna throw it in the trash okay because I can't afford a Rolex you get a trash trash can instead I've been really working on my DIY skills so this is what I'm gonna do okay I'm gonna get him this small watch and I'm gonna turn it into a watch I'm gonna get this small clock and I'm gonna turn it into a watch let's go oh they spelled aquarium where am I going to get an aquarium there's got to be something around here let's see oh check in this room I have no idea we're gonna find that Aquarium Gill what are you doing here oh I'm just working on a science project what about you go I'm looking for an aquarium why are you looking for an aquarium because they spelled it and it's a you buy I spell challenge come on man uh well I don't know about that but would you be interested in a volcano making volcano I need an aquarium aquarium girl uh well what about something that lives in aquariums hmm keep talking so then I says to the guy that's not a fish that's a burrito Taco oh yes guys guys final final things I bought all right don't look surprised sorry okay David you spell time right I did and you want to get rid of that watch let me see that watch again because I guess take it off and take it off let me see gotta take it off because it's Becca Apple watch Apple watches are old you don't need this anymore throw that trash out here man you're gone dude all right what you really need is a DIY project yes I got we were just making this right now I'm gonna go here you go boom brand new watch I'm so glad I got rid of the Apple watch and replaced it with this thing look at this bad boy it has so many buttons on it a light dude did your Apple watch light up yes it had a light every watch has a light but does it have an alarm yes that it's like my stupid little dumb alarm has one what does it bring back memories and this doll just passed no it hurts my wrist and weighs me down exponentially yeah but all the rappers do it anyways I'll let you deal with that no Daniel you had aquarium right yeah I did you know what's in a query fish fish you know what to fish a shark you know where sharks are rats in the ocean they're in aisles of stuffed animals I guess you're a stuffed animal a little shark here that does it for us guys enjoy your kiss channel will win time to take it back Siri bye take me to the nearest Apple watch store watching our or whatever we spell Paul buys challenge okay yeah if you like this video please give me a thumbs up subscribe for more fun maybe next time Paul can actually get us exactly what we want right thank you for watching it's not gonna work [Music] thank you man you're in bed hey what's your name my name yeah don't worry about that come on okay all right I'm leaving [Music] oh I lost [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 8,395,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, You spell I buy, I’ll buy whatever you can spell, I spell you buy, challenge, I buy you spell challenge, anything you can spell, spell, spell I’ll buy, whatever you can spell I will buy, spelling, buy challenge, buying challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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