Incredible Access To Universal Studios Hollywood Backlot & Rarely Seen Areas On VIP Walking Tour

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today's adventure begins as a recording of this Sunday June 4th 2023 for my hotel room just to top Universal Studios Hollywood looking down upon the theme park and the movie studio was so much history bright and early well not even bright it's just early and very cloudy a little dismal and overcast at this moment but the sun once the Sun starts to rise should kind of burn off a little bit of this Haze and fog I am doing the VIP tour as shown here a VIP tour is like a time machine now I've done the VIP tour at Universal Studios Hollywood before but every time is a little different I'm hoping today can go down to Courthouse Square and possibly some other places that I haven't been to in a while exclusive access to Hollywood awaits it's very early 6 30 right now the tour begins at 7 30 so I'm going to go ahead and start heading down there also this is the valley and there is Super Nintendo World down there I'm inviting you to join me it's going to be a fun day meeting up with some friends also from my room you can look down you can see some of the old trams that are right here in a parking lot near the freeway the old Universal Backlot trams the the toward torch Rams I should say these relics of the past just sitting down there right here on the corner of the Hilton in proximity too the park itself there's the front entrance there's the globe there's City Walk there's Wizarding World see the globe right there [Music] hello fishies [Music] it is early good to see the leaf blowers out welcome everyone Adam the woo here it is about 20 minutes now it's time I got from my room down to the bottom level about 15 minutes till 7 A.M our tour meeting up with a couple friends begins at 7 30. who knew that they were they were doing a tour this early gonna get coffee over there and I think the theme park opens at eight they have they're getting close to their summer hours opens at 8 A.M so the first tour we're thinking maybe we will get a little bit better access and the fact that it is a Sunday might be able to see some stuff that you don't normally see because there might not be a lot of filming going on so leaving my hotel room headed in inviting you to join me he's done an Academy Award from The Sting should also mention big bake on the move is also here he will be doing the tour as well and then over here we've got nerd locations you get into getting some juice eating some coffee with ice coffee with ice ice coffee today all right you ready for this I am ready for it are we all awake we're ready I'm not caffeinated yet let's get caffeinated and then over here there's all kind of light snacks you got all these croissants you got the smoked salmon croissant she got the tartlett over here you got the danishes you got the blueberry muffin got the chocolate chip cookie of course I got water over here they got Citrus they have some oh is there eggs over here and they got some fruit whatnot all this is included on the tour itself Maple and brown sugar oatmeal and when I think of the chore I always think of you always think of Frankenstein and then uh and Hitchcock out there Hitchcock would be proud of the tour and there's this little area up here with the Phantom of the Opera sign over there a lot of photos and here is the coffee that I'm going in on and this is the bus that we're going to be getting on vip705. all right welcome forward our VIP super trolley folks and let's give a big round pause for our drivers absolutely we're here it's a really long walk folks like a Lord of the Rings style long walk everywhere the whole property our theme park at Studio is a different franchise 400 square feet is it Lord of the Rings a little bit of our Metropolitan set area it could be just up the way here off to the left side of us here can be made to look like any major city across the world or across time simply based on how production it rents the space from us chooses to decorate all right over and over and over we're gonna go back here producible for decades over hundreds of Productions nope any superhero movie fans there's no hands on that's where Mary Jane Watson was performing our big Broadway debut in The Importance of Being Earnest and Spider-Man 2 Peter Parker tried very hard very very hard to get to the show on time he was a little sidetracked he'd swoop in to save the day of Spider-Man got as far as the feeder Lobby before the Usher turned him away kind of hoping we go back the concrete jungle behind and head towards a different jungle altogether we also have Magnum Pi's Ferrari from that great show starring Tom Selleck they have some Back to the Future Vehicles as well and just please remember to remain seated at all times guys for safety thank you so much got 15 minutes convertible which looks and smells a lot better since it cleared out all of the door futuristic vehicles from back to newer part two that pair very nicely next to these prehistoric ones featured at The Flintstones so John Goodman and Rick Moran all right I'm a little disappointed for my Wizarding World fans Flash the results of thousands of gallons of water being pumped out that their own recycled all the way up to the top three sets we call them six points it has that name because it started off as six interconnecting Western Street sets that mess in the early days of silent film big Once Upon a Time in Hollywood right here at the same time never had to worry about sound comparing over onto another's production I swear and my favorite part of any Western that I happen to be watching uh I'm just a really big fan of the fight I think the earthquake has stopped oh oh hang on bad news looks like the water mains broken yeah I'm curious in a foot quickly we can work on getting out of here thank you that's my friends and earthquakes and regulations like urban areas of our property including Elm Street so so far tomorrow [Music] got relocated to our back lot when they were done filming [Music] now some more recent Productions to shoot here include never have I ever our continuation of Quantum Leap on NBC our upcoming Ted television series turn this area into Boston I do want to point out this yellow house coming up here to the right now Susan's house on Desperate Housewives just a couple seconds just a little pop-up again haircut right there right next to it are we not getting off here that is the monster's house 1313 Mockingbird Lane just missed the monsters and uh I do have to point it out it's a really fun 80s comedy from us here at Universal this is Mayfield place this is the street of The Burbs with Tom Hanks really fun movie a majority action tickets and look around like the VIP tour actually promotes that we're supposed to do yeah they don't really deviate from Mayfield place in the entire movie what the hell yeah we're gonna head a little further out here I mean walk through here we're going back to Colonial then we can go back to the escapism the fantasy of it all you know as we head back down the road here we're passing by Elm Street once more here off to the right side if you saw a movie with Will Smith called Hancock makes a superhero Landing right in the middle of Elm Street right over there he pays a visit to Jason Bateman in his house right there on Elm Street Will Smith movie I heard a slash and uh as we pass by our Jaws attraction one sport if it looks a little familiar you might be a fan of a long-running series called Murder She Wrote sorry bring that up for you back to walk around I'm seeing outside of our Western area with some farming equipment boxes barrels Creek so I've done this before that's probably my fourth time usually they let you walk around a lot of spots especially if they're not filming anything that can be added sometimes they'll say oh they're filming back there so they don't let you walk around where they're filming no I don't see any filming happening today and we're actually going to be heading next to our first VIP Excursion something that we've not had access to for several years only recently of the last few months have gotten to have back access to our prop Warehouse you can't film on the problem take these through our first floor are you are you happy I'm happy Amanda for for the amount of money amount of money it's like you know we're not seeing anything I expected a little more man also marry the girly girls here also yeah I didn't introduce you on the way in it might be important if you guys all you want to see is you want to get a photo in front of the cycle house some people say Insurance during like now maybe it'll take us by there uh any Tarantino fans yeah maybe we'll go back Quentin Tarantino yeah all right if they made a movie a few years back called the hateful eight there's a scene in that movie where Jennifer Jason these characters finds a guitar and they have into hiding so at least I'm not the only one has done this before that realizes this is so far it is annoying anything extra than what you would get other than they are but we weren't allowed to film inside there which is understandable we haven't been able to walk around but I'm assuming we're gonna walk around and probably Court of Miracles what did you want to see today Hill Valley I wanted to get off this bus and go see something yeah what'd you want to see Colonial Colonial or Hill Valley either one would be great or something this is my first tour too we're gonna go inside a Sound Stage though that I don't know what's been filmed in there demonstrate why I sound stage sound through oh yeah are you excited I do like South stages except I don't know anything that was ever filmed in here it's like they just opened it like a week ago it is very quiet though so what are we hoping what are we hoping for today to make this better I would love to get on the uh Hill Valley man that's mine the most important thing but if it's one thing this area is known for it's known for its monster movie history all the big name monsters right here Dracula Frankenstein the wolf and it doesn't mean thanks for looking I appreciate that he's invisible that's what makes him so scary I have a favorite party of those monsters this is basically we're not getting off of the tram for anything so you got Elm Street up here so that is where Kill Mockingbird was of Boo Radley's house is right over there but I don't think we're gonna be able to walk over there House of a Thousand Corpses up here right and also Dolly Parton um Best Little Whorehouse up there the opening of Murder She Wrote it's right through here okay that's kind of neat seeing uh seeing the shark fin from this side I just think Angela Lansbury walking around right here great Angela Lansbury I'm not sure if they if it was in this spot when they were filming it or they moved these sets to here kind of like they did with the note sets also last time they got you got to go on the notes apps not this time Three Amigos was right here in nacho Libra I think that was Nacho's apartment right there for I remember the previous tour when I was out here three or four months ago me and Sean Clark did a video before he walked around and they kind of explained it so I got to walk around this area Backlot access questions you gotta remember this place maybe do that thing where they say drinks are on me we're hired here we didn't stop the same day there was a recreation of Hawaii uh Clint Eastwood what I heard the original ones were thrown away but they recreated them they were right back hilarious Street Colonial Street Colonial Street Colonial Street Colony you got across your fingers Colonial Street hello we're going by Colonial Street I love seeing all those old videos a bonus feature on some of the Star Wars informed that one of our guests is a die-hard psycho fan so we're gonna see if we can swing past the Bates House up ahead here and get a photo in front of this iconic set really quickly before we head back into the theme park for some fun surprised we're not walking around these picture cars once more that double decker bus actually proved a vital to pitcher car inside of our theme park when they filmed an episode of a really great comedy series called Arrested Development all right Mary what do you think I'm speechless since I go out that Albert has got more information I mean it was my first horror movie that I watched in the basement of the home I grew up in as a child all alone in the dark no I didn't yeah and I knew I was I knew I was a horror fan at that point I'm glad yeah I'm glad the guy made like a made a return trip around because originally We're not gonna stop here but we were like we want to see a psycho house so weird and as said it's it's always interesting how every tour is different like this is the first time I was not allowed to walk through or they didn't take us through the airplane usually Little Italy and the airplane or like go-to's and that's the end of the this trolley tour I think we're supposed to hit the theme park we're gonna have lunch and just kind of see where the day leads us in about a half hour we're gonna have lunch right over here in the in this little area here the Moulin Rouge area you guys want to give me your thoughts what are your thoughts on uh the tour and the price of the tour and what you expected I'm trying to get not just my own thoughts but everyone else I'm friends with here on their opinions I've done the tour before and it was a little lacking today little lacking for the price how much do we pay for this close to 500 bucks a piece right and it was I did the same tour for half the price two years ago I got to do so much more right okay okay yeah for me is the first time thing I've ever been here I've watched tons of tons of videos on YouTube for 500 bucks I mean they're at the end and pulled the uh psycho house that was nice yeah it was a nice little add-in do that for Mary shout out to the tour guide for doing lapping back around yeah I mean but I enjoyed it I mean there's a lot of money from what we got yeah I wish we would have seen a little more so I'm just trying to put it out there into the universe to let people to know exactly the price differential make your own decision but yeah it sounds like every tour is different every tour is different kind of like Forrest Gump s what else would you have wanted did you so you saw the one thing you wanted to see is there anything else you wanted to see the number one thing I wanted to see wanted to see the Back to the Future Courthouse Square of course one of my favorite movies I would have liked to have been able to walk around the wreckage they showed us the record yeah usually they do I was really really bizarre they wouldn't it honestly my dream would be to just have somebody take you back there and leave me alone for five hours I know they won't yeah that rarely happens these roads I mean you look hungry we are hungry yeah you're from where are being taken to our seat for a little gourmet meal Buffet meal style and then uh I got some broccoli here we got some rice some Curry meat there we got some asparagus mashed potatoes potatoes mashed potatoes and regular potatoes some pasta some tortellini big bake what'd you get oh man I've got a little bit of pizza some teriyaki chicken some salmon some curry with rice pasta a little salad I went Tex-Mex kind of on my salad I did Regular classic with a little bit of Caesar mix in there so mixing it up and then nerd locations really has the goulash going on here I've never seen anything quite like that complete goulash I got Curry french fries pizza and get that like the mountain of fries yeah just threw them on there I was ready to go God I thought it was biffing bro watch over that guy all right back up in the breakfast area nerd locations is talking to guest services and see if we could get back over to Colonial Street I think maybe he might be able to work some magic and just say that we weren't didn't get kind of what we expected I'm gonna see maybe something to work out for us so I'm gonna get another piping on a caffeinated beverage all right we're over here at Guest Services and appears that they're going to kind of work it out I don't know if we're going to be able to go to Hill Valley but I think that we might end up having someone take us back down there and show us a little bit more when you check out the water world Show the cast is made up of actors who are currently working as stunt performers in film and television okay doing live stage combat riding jet skis boats working with power techniques all kinds of explosions it's really a spectacular show okay I'm getting hhn Vibes back here this is where you have to walk for Horror Nights inspector here oh really yeah from one year to another the houses or The Mazes whatever they call them that year are in different places throughout the park but this last year uh this was the path to get to What's called the age I've never seen million gallons of water it takes three days to fill so that's where Norman Bates bought the car right there and you can fill it in Parts too and uh so this is where I've never seen this land an airplane and film uh exactly I have an airplane right here in the water and then replaced of course the blue wall with the um the skyline of New Jersey on the Hudson River so that is where Norman never seen this body in the Marion's car wow never seen this before yeah this is well this is even super rare the VIP tours don't even come this way thank you um yeah area would have been the area known as Falls Lake it's where normally Lake yeah was there something on the blue screen at that time at the time yes oh my gosh okay this thing's turning out there wouldn't have been computer never hurts to ask all right on Colonial so it never hurts to ask we'll see you real soon you know what all the houses are welcome um I'm familiar with what most never hurts to ask and express that your favorite that you didn't get the experience you want you just never know if it's going to be rectified and they are really going above and beyond here so this entire cul-de-sac is actually the reason this street has the name Colonial street because there used to be a colonial image right over here but now uh this that's where they filmed the last scene of the last episode of Superstore right in that yard and then that house somebody phrased it this way yesterday and I thought it was Charming is it actually has two tree houses on that lot the one that you can plainly see right out here in the yard uh and then the house itself actually has a giant eucalyptus tree growing right through the middle of it oh my gosh so some of these houses of course are used strictly for filming the outside right whereas some uh are what's called semi-practical there are parts of the insides that you can use for filming some that are partially decorated some have a usable first floor and then stairs that lead up to basically nothing um is a house actually that was rebuilt for during Desperate Housewives because the house that was here prior to this one was in disrepair it had been here for a very long time and so a tornado was written into the plot I remember to knock that house down and build this one and it's uh in its spot this one here 1436 this is uh often recognized from all of the Ace Hardware commercials this is the Ace Hardware house this was actually Walter's house in The Burbs which was right here because the cul-de-sac was here but that little and they shifted it yeah so the cul-de-sac over there goes down here when they filmed the burbs they made this the cul-de-sac and this house here was right here and you couldn't go past that it was kind of weird yeah there was nothing behind it or what was supposed to look like nothing and in the burb's house Tom Hanks house was here but this it's gone obviously right because that house they actually Blew Up The Reel oh the yeah the clopax house this is clopex was here Tom Hanks house was there and then the guy that was in the Bruce Jones character was right there actually has a restroom in it and then Corey Feldman's house was right there which is also the Monstrous house kind of let's have a look inside shut up and paint your GD house we'll head into the front door this is where the clubex house was right here this is where he pulls out this is where he pulls out and beats the hell out of the trash can right here Tom Hanks and them are over there he's like I've never seen that I've never seen someone pull up to another driveway take their trash beat the hell out of it with a stick I've never seen that and this is where uh Bruce Stern falls off the roof and that's where Corey Feldman's house was over there Department functional restroom in here all right please let us inside dude it never hurts to ask all right you can decorate this wall so that if you're pointing oh my gosh way and framed out the plywood in the other room it would look like you were in a furnished house wow oh there actually is bathrooms in here yeah these are usable restrooms High ceilings for lighting equipment cameras yeah absolutely there's also a usable backyard that we can have a look at if you know oh my gosh the backyard the backyard I'll see if I can see the telephone patio furniture but also recently for a very very top secret like so top secret I literally can't tell you what it is oh Meg there's the power pole from The Burbs the guy falls off right there that's the actual power pole that he got electrocuted on that's a good eye I've never even noticed that wow that's the one he like fought like gets shocked from right there still there Holy Ghost that is wild you never noticed that before well we don't very often come back here on this on the tour oh Mike this has been used recently honestly this is the back of Tom Hank's house right there look at that oh my gosh that is amazing holy cow all right that's epic dude that's the that's the electrical power pole that that falls it gets electrocuted right there oh that is it you know yeah this is the back of Tom Hank's House or we can go through the driveway right over here so a lot of the things about this house or this street that is uh the pavement the sidewalks the driveways the basic structure if you've seen the birds this is where the garbage truck was where they're dumping all the trash out right here [Music] absolutely this is where it raises the flag here the house because though that has appeared yet the television series the prequel to the movies sorry I didn't hear that part this hasn't aired yet but it's rumored to be the house okay yeah so this this house is completely different but this was Tom Hanks house in The Burbs klopex house right here and there is that telephone pole there and this yellow and Stone House this is uh the house where uh Adam this is his house this was uh Bruce jurn's house it was that scene where he like has the has the also the weapon on top of the roof blasts it off falls down over here Feldman's like awesome Pizza dude Feldman's rumors right there in The Burbs but obviously yeah Desperate Housewives is like a huge huge movie too this is also the house where Brian with Brian Cranston lived in in the movie why him okay is this one right behind us and this is the remake of Leave it to Beaver house too right wasn't it like the remake and then this was where the car hey Pinocchio The Burbs drives up into there and I believe this is the Animal House house or maybe that one is 1313 Mockingbird Lane yeah this is originally the house from the monsters it got a bit of a facelift though when Desperate Housewives came to town is that the Animal House house or is that one do you know I think it might be that one well this is the house so this was Gabby's house on Desperate Housewives and uh that's uh Eva Longoria's character and then it was also the house from Harvey the Jimmy Stewart movie Harvey yeah the Animal House not sure we're not we can't confirm [Music] and then this was the neighbor and the birds this is where the car crashes in and I believe you could even see that same kind of window Style just even in The Burbs and one thing I've always heard back to Future Part Two when Marty has a leather jacket on in the binoculars and he's going to where Biff lives with his grandma going to get my car grandma and he's like walking along that one Beth has the ball and he throws the ball up on the ledge most of that was on Bushnell in South Pasadena but the opposite sides where this was what I've always heard never confirmed it where Marty is on the other side of the street was actually right here on Colonials what I've always heard right along there Marty McFly somewhere in that so they actually do go inside of rums Fields right up here hey rumsfield that's where him and his wife go right in here look at this and then across the street Tom Hank's House been redone Walter's house which would have been in the middle of the street going that way making the cul-de-sac absolutely freaking incredible now honestly there is just so much history at Universal Studios Hollywood but I would think you know Town Square Hill Valley obviously and Courthouse Square first Twilight Zone episode Back to the Future Gremlins all that and then second to that which probably on par with that so much filming history here on Colonial Street 1313 Mockingbird Lane I mean a lot of people when you do the tour now they're always going to mention Desperate Housewives that's the most current thing but there's just a plethora things that were filmed right here on this street hundreds if not thousands of Productions that you've probably seen and didn't realize some of your favorite characters are walking right down this road or using these facades and these Interiors look at the size of this manhole all right this is definitely Redeeming the entire tour this is just awesome the driver of the van tour guide it's just the other one was so I think it was so hectic I think everybody else on the tour just wanted to kind of get up to the theme park but it worked out well I think the Matlock half yeah I was a matter of the Matlock house was over there maybe from this side but you'll come up the hill in the other direction is there a way we could drive up this hill up this hill yeah into the driveway this is the house of a thousand that's right spot spot two where Bill Mosley ends the guy's life over here on the corner that's right the door that's also where I will always love you with saying inside there look inside this let's go actually really special yeah yeah oh my God yes it's a chicken ranch we got Elm Street and the Boo Radley down there and so right over here is where Bill Mosley and the cop are and House of a thousand right here there's like all those like stuff was set up and this is where Dolly Parton sings to Burt Reynolds was that head into the door let's look in the door yeah Texas this is where Dolly sang I Will Always Love You Inside here on those steps are there right here can we look in the door let's head up the porch and we can look in the door just don't go in the house okay because truth be told the houses are not meant to be inhabited so there's no co-working House of a thousand oh the house itself this being a practical set one you can use to film both in and out is really extraordinary that is crazy this whole house when it was used for Best Little Whorehouse in Texas also used to be on a hinge like a dollhouse yeah you open the house up and also Beethoven hey Beethoven was here I recognize that staircase nerd locations [Laughter] that is awesome man I have wanted to stand up here for years uh do you know that's a great question the outside was definitely used as the Firefly house in House of a Thousand Corpses I don't know that they use the inside the inside is absolutely from best little world oh yeah because she was on the banister singing right there yeah oh my gosh our Dolly Parton's I Will Always Love You this is the inside of the festival just blows my mind and then yeah it's kind of an unknown one but yeah right here Bill Mosley House of a thousand the Firefly house hey this look they made this look like a real Road and all this was like kind of shacks and dilapidated stuff I can't line it up because I wasn't prepared for this but it's somewhere right in here I mean you could definitely notice if you watch the movie you can see all that unbelievable it's turned out to be a good also yeah Beethoven in Buried locations try to match it up and then Boo Radley's it's freaking great look at this how often are you going to get that angle brother that's the area they're going to drive us back by the lion estate Recreation signs right there oh of course we'll get the right angle though so we can get a picture that's blocked that's all right we can get to the the side of it over here and from the way I understand it these are Recreations oh yeah yeah so you got the lion Estates but then over here it actually shows officially licensed exact Recreations original lion estate skates from Back to the Future or commissioned where we're going back Joe Walser and Ken were displayed at the long weekend of 30th anniversary night these were created back in October of 2015. they recreated them in 2015 for the We're Going Back event [Music] s this is a creature I was in nope right by this Lake you can immediately recognize the fountains and those sound stages in the background and nope all right because the opening of that movie takes place in a movie studio yeah right here all right one last stop again they've been very accommodating this would out this was Alfred Hitchcock's office 5195 I have driven past this 100 plus times in the regular tour in the VIP with this driving guide are allowing us to get out here and he got hitchcocks oh yeah um all right we're now exiting out of here where we had access in there and they were very kind the guys were very kind I think the day has been redeemed totally redeem yourself no house but I saw Albert Hitchcock's office I know so good today worked out good today worked out really good a little slow yeah start a little slow but ended perfect probably one of the best VIP tours I've ever done we all need Desperate Housewives The Burbs they gave us another complimentary water I had a coffee started off I don't know started off at probably around a D minus and now it's an A plus a plus plus plus Universal Studios come visit the studio that gets thumbs up and if you have an opinion about something go talk to the VIP guys express your grievances maybe they'll work it out for you yeah all right heading back over to my hotel which is on the other side looking into the park I'm not sure what floor those are but I'm kind of close to the top I'll show you what I'm up there and that's gonna do it for today started off a little rough but ended up working out for the best it was actually a really good good time and now I know for a future reference to be a little bore informative informed or let them know exactly kind of what you want to see when you're doing the tour it was a good time I'll see you in the next video the Vlog is over bonus footage it is kind of incredible though that they show that you're going to see this this would never happen let alone are you going to be able to go in to an area where they are filming something and you're certainly not going to have the you're not going to be watching this happen foreign it would have been nice to go back there but they were setting up for for something as stated every time I do this it's a totally different totally different experience see here's some this shows that they're filming something you would never be in an area where they're filming something so I'm not sure why that's the case oh I was there right there okay this we got to see this is the prop Warehouse we're not allowed to take photos in there though that was that makes sense so they didn't want photos inside the prop Warehouse Gourmet dining food on point and express you can walk on all the rides which is nice we did a couple a couple of the rides it wasn't really a ride day however like this is never going to happen happens Beyond like I don't know that's yeah you're not gonna see a guy flying out the window explosion into an airbag with that's not gonna yeah that's that's not that's not gonna happen they saw that that was great all in all a really good day [Applause] big thank you to the vi experience crew and team had a good time first it was yeah I was a little iffy at first but it worked out all right that's it
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 151,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: universal studios hollywood, universal hollywood, universal, studios, backlot, lower, lot, filming locations, vip tour, vip, lunch, colonial street, los angeles, western, sets, soundstage, walking, tour, house of 1000th, firefly, house, the burbs, dolly parton, inside, elm street, jaws, amity island, adamthewoo, adam, the, woo, thedailywoo, vlog, vlogger, vip experience, prop warehouse, big bake on the move, nerd locations, alfred hitchcock, Doc brown, Back to the future, Lyon estates, Sign
Id: CrOm3gVt1so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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