Last Epoch: These Keybinds Will Change How You Play!

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what is up guys welcome to Denny's today I wanted to show off some of the uh keybinds that might help you guys out and uh quite a bit I think that this game comes with some good keybinds you don't have to change anything you know you can do fine but I think changing the keybinds is a big uh way to enjoy the game and kind of increase the fun Factor you know especially if you're coming from other action RPGs and you're used to the way you know other movement works and stuff so I'm going to go over a few options uh in the gameplay options and then I will go over the keybinds um and kind of my reason as to why I chose them so right off the bat um I'm going to recommend you uncheck move to melee attack enemies that are out of range um because what it'll do is it'll basically make it so um if you're if you left click or if you're right clicking like if it's a melee ability it'll actually just keep walking to that person to try to melee them whereas like if there's a you know person in between you and that enemy and you right click you'll always melee without yeah really nice feature there basically I recommend to uncheck that it's kind of like the stay still from the Diablo franchise but you don't have to press shift or anything um I like to display damage numbers display health bars uh and then obviously I like the display health bars really optional for you guys there um loot filter is a whole other video or whole other aspect I'll probably go over that a little bit later there's plenty of videos on it as well already but have my take on it um uh Auto compare items is a really good idea whenever you have that it'll basically just automatically compare the item on the left um you have equipped and on the right you'll see the actual piece you're hovering over so you can know what's better so definitely have that checked uh it's probably one of the best things to have checked this is totally optional I just like seeing everybody's names so I know like if I'm playing with my friends or something like who is who um just in case we're all playing the same class or whatever's going on I just like of T the floating player name um I can't remember if I changed any of this a lot of people Lo like their cursor being locked to the game window I have two monitors and I like to not have to alt Tab and kind of scroll so I don't have that checked um other than that we're going to go right into the keybind so I'm going to uh go over a few things that are going to be pretty important for me so uh the biggest one probably the most important one for me is going to be the force move the mouse wheel down so you can't do mouse wheel up as well which is kind of annoying because I like to scroll up and down to move so um whenever you're moving you know like you can hold down left click obviously um but for me at least when I first started in Diablo uh I always liked being able to just like accurately Force move with my mouse wheel it's a I think a lot of people do it it's just a really really good way to start if you guys have not done it before you use your mouse wheel that way whenever you are trying to interact with things you know to click you know your left click instead of so you can like force move around this person without clicking on them or you can click on her with left click same with items and stuff like that you can kind of force move without having to click on an enemy basically um which is really nice that's that's the biggest one I'd say uh next up we're going to do the abilities so obviously it starts off with the querty the qw r um for these I'm an MMO player so I play WoW and I play you know other games and one 12 3 4 is just always super comfortable for me um so yeah one two three four for that um potion on q i play Diablo obviously I'm sure a lot of people are coming from Diablo it's just muscle memory for me definitely recommend Q being the potion uh it's really easy to access uh portal T that's a base I believe dungeon ability that's something that's a little bit later in the game but basically dungeons have uh little extra action buttons you can press um kind of like rid Encounters in wow if you're familiar where you can you know uh do a certain mechanic we'll worry about that later um the other ones that I'm going to kind of tie to Diablo open inventory is going to be c um it's not I don't think that's a Bas the one but again I play MMOs and that's just kind of how you access your character uh panel right so this is kind of like a character panel there is the um other character panel that shows up um and we'll go over that as well but yeah c for that uh character sheet that's the other one I didn't I didn't bind this so this one's actually going to be S um for me at least uh tying with Diablo so like for example a gets you to your skills like Diablo would pull up your skills from the right side um so this is kind of just keybinds that are coming from uh how I like them in other args again you know I just want to reemphasize that again it's it's all opinion based you guys can you know use these or not this is just stuff that I do to make the game a little bit more enjoyable but yeah s brings up the um like everything about your character a brings up the skills C character pain uh so you can see everything there um and then you've got the passives map uh I play again this is same as wow but n opens up your talents and wow so I'm just used to that use n for that um and then where are we at here so crafting menu That's base at F settings at o I don't think I changed much else uh of this to be honest with you I do want to change I do want to change Quest log to L um and then the lad I'll probably just I don't even know if that's a Focus right now I'll probably worry about that later when I'm like max level and stuff um probably just do like F1 for now uh and then Min attack command o that's actually a good one probably do back quote for that to the left of your um button so to the left of one uh Quest log social panel it's usually o for me but no I don't think I Chang anything else I think the most important uh keybinds are going to be Force move and then where you put your potion and you're kind of your character and everything like that but again the biggest one definitely definitely Force move I think Mouse wheel is going to be amazing if you've not done it before this is like fantastic for moving um so yeah you don't have to ever worry about you know interacting with anything if you don't want to uh Force move is one of the the best keybinds you can do by far um but that pretty much um does it for keybinds I mean you know is at least the important ones to me uh if you play on a controller obviously this isn't going to really matter for you controller is definitely viable in this game there's not much going on obviously you have five abilities not six so it's actually better than some RPGs as far as controller play um and you don't have like a Dodge or Mount or anything so you don't have to worry about that um yeah that pretty much wraps it up I'd say um the only other thing you can kind of mess with in your downtime is is loot filters but I'll probably be putting out like a video uh for what I do for Lo filters because there's a lot of like pre um made loot filters you as you can see like I have pre-made loot filters that I found on the internet obviously but I kind of like to make my own now because it's it's really easy um just like a few steps like a couple minutes and you can make your own loot filter so um yeah but no that's uh the um keybinds that I believe everybody should be messing with and some of the some of the simple settings I think everybody should be messing with uh in their game to make it as enjoyable as possible and if you guys like the video make sure to subscribe I'm probably just going to be putting out um a couple videos maybe uh a week of lasty kind of my my uh opinions on it and and builds and whatnot I'm starting off with Sorcerer And yeah so if you are looking forward to playing last CAC I'll definitely put out some videos and uh hope to see you guys in the next one thanks peace
Channel: Denneys
Views: 7,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, arpg, action rpg, guides, builds, gaming
Id: wGeh9z_ohh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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