[Last Epoch] How To Find Any Unique Item or Exalted Base In The Game! Target Farming For Dummies

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[Music] all right let's talk last de Pock and farming a lot of people have been asking me a ton of questions about some of the builds that I've recently released majority of the questions have been like hey you've got some really cool items how do I get them like what's the trick what's the catch and one of the coolest things about last Epoch is that it allows you to pretty much choose any item or any base type of item and pretty much just go hunt for it exclusively and to me that's one of the coolest features if you watched my recent video a couple weeks ago about cof then you know all about circle of Fortune if you're on Merchants skill then you know to just go buy Merchants Guild but say you're the player that just wants to feel rewarded you want to go out and hunt your own items you want to search for everything you really don't know the best way to do things well step one is to push corruption and we'll talk about that and step two is to understand where items come from and how to do things the first thing that I'm going to mention is as you push your corruption in a Zone and get it higher and higher you'll start to notice more and more loot drops at the end cash and you'll just start to see more things you'll have more Rarity you'll have more experience for favor so pushing corruption is step one and trying to find a lot of what you're looking for if you need help understanding corruption or you need a whole video about how the best way to push corruption please by all means let me know in the comments down below and I'll get that out to you but the tldr is Kill the Boss twice go in or pretty much go in a straight line from the beginning like either go down or go up or or go left or go right go as far across as you can kill the main boss of the timeline twice so that you get two eyes kill the shade reset go again but if you guys want more in-depth by all means let me know and I'll make that for you so now that we understand corruption is good the other thing is each monolith when you go and you look on this end of time each monolith itself has specific things so for example if we go to follow the outcast and we click on the monolith here it says there are exclusive Echo rewards and I don't think a lot of people actually realize what this is or what this means essentially it says that this timeline's Echo can reward you or Grant you set bows or Quivers or set in unique bows and quivers so as I start working on this timeline and doing things you'll see I can Farm runes if I go here I can get rare maces glyphs rare amulets but eventually you'll start to find nodes like this that reward a unique or set bow or equiv and one of the other reasons why you push corruption is the more corruption that you have the more likely these rare nodes are to show up so if you know that you needed a bow or a quiver you would Farm in full of the outcast assuming that you're not looking for a boss drop so me personally I figure out what character I'm going to make I look at the build I start jotting down all the items and I'll start to like plan my route around the monoliths if I know for example that I need an item that drops off a boss I I'll go check so a really good example is you guys have seen that I've been playing detonating Arrow detonating Arrow requires frostbite shackles and last steps of the living these both come off the boss in this timeline the blood Frost and death so I'll make note and I'll look it up on last Epoch tools I'll actually show you guys a couple of cool websites on how to do that but essentially I'll make note that blood Frost and death drops my gloves and my boots I'll take a look down here I see armors so I know that drops armors I'll just write down and make a little note blood Frost and death boots gloves armor and then I'll you know keep going down my list then I'll see I need a ring and a belt I'll mark the word shade and then I need daggers I'm like oh my God I need daggers where do the daggers come from so I'll just like go Scout around really quick and kind of take a look at the different monoliths and I'll just kind of look I don't have them all memorized yet and I I don't know I'll just have to double check this one's hands and I'll just go around and I'll take a look at all the different monoliths we see this one says that it can grant us unique or set melee weapons axes Mak as daggers as their Spears so now I'll make note ring or weapons you know reign of dragons so now I know I can Farm my weapons and Rain of dragons my shattered chains and my siphon of Anguish rain of dragons and I can Farm the boots gloves and armor in the other timeline and you just go about and you look through all the things that you need now I know you're going to say to me well how do I know where things come from how do I find where things go what's the best way to do this and essentially like if you have last Epoch tools or you have a planner with the build you can actually click on all the different parts and I'll include this link down below for it you can actually click on all of the different items and it'll tell you where it comes from so for example peak of the mountain says the mountain you know the mountain beneath lightless Arbor dungeons so I know my peak of the mountain comes from there if I click on my weapons and I go to dagger and I look up my oops whoops if I go to dagger and I click on my blasting knife and I scroll down it says timeline set rain of dragons so that's you know we can look up where things are coming from and one of the coolest things about knowing that sometimes your weapon comes from a certain monolith or a certain dungeon you can use other bits of information so what I have for you here is I have a link to last eo. ton clab and this website's actually been really cool I found out about this the other day from you guys actually and you guys Direct me to this I didn't know this but according to this if I click on dungeons each dungeon also has a set loot table for the day so if I know that I need to farm peak of the mountain from lightless Arbor I see that enemies are substantially will drop more glyphs and I can click on lightless Arbor and I could see all of the uniques that come out of lightless Arbor and I could see pretty much on what day and when certain things will drop so if I'm hunting exalted rings I know I can do that in 5 days if I'm exalted relics I can do do that in 4 days tomorrow is going to be exalted Ulus and this works on every single dungeon you can click on the dungeon see what they drop and just pretty much what they'll have additionally in them and this is like really cool you saw in soulfire bash and I click back on accident Floor 2 has different things floor three has different things all the different enemies and there's just a lot and I mean a lot of really good information that you can get same thing goes for the jol fight you can come in here and see essentially what tier of dungeon will drop what so if you're looking for something you can actually like check if the dungeon has what you're looking for and strategically go Target Farm what you want now one of the coolest things about coff is it's really easy for us to pretty much get a lot of the uniques and a lot of the uniques with LP but we as cof players struggle with finding bases to put into our gear now that website and stuff I'll link to you guys down below in the description but if you're like me and say you're playing this build or you're just playing any build and you need to find exalted items one thing that a lot of people aren't really talking about or really directing people to is to just go to the observatory like if you're playing cof you can go hunt monoliths of course and you can go look at your monoliths and you can go look for things but a lot of people really aren't taking advantage of Circle of Fortune in terms of exalted items we always think circle of Fortune and we always think that it's really good for hunting uniques but if I were to take go into the observatory and click on this lens and if I was looking for rings to slam into my my bases it's really easy for me to come here and find rings if I know I'm going to be hunting lightless Arbor you know just being able to take these will be really really really good now alongside you know understanding that prophecies are really good this vendor here when we click on the vendor if I want to just say more daggers I can actually get a node that'll give me 20% chance to increase the fine daggers and other really cool things to note is there's this lens right here that says all prophecy but they offer twice as many uses before expiring and this one says that all prophecies will double so note if you're Target farming anything those two prophecies are really really really good now I'm going to hide my face here for a minute and I'm going to show you guys I recently was hunting daggers and if I just take these off to show you this one is the all rewards are doubled and this one is twice as many and this is more daggers if I was hunting daggers and I put this in you'll note that I have no daggers here I'll roll and there's no daggers again now if I put this in and I roll please work you'll see that we now have daggers and I'm more likely thanks to this to be able to find daggers now something that's really cool to note is this can be changed this node right here or this lens can be changed to pretty much anything that you're hunting now you'll see here if I kill an arena Champion I will get two unique daggers the this is fulfilled three times if I put this one in and it updates you'll see that I'll get I guess I have to roll for it to update I should have just like picked anyone to show you as an example I guess I have to reroll where are my daggers they're not working this one now gives me 10 daggers but we want to we want to look at a unique dagger with there so we get two daggers two times death of the guy if I take this out we get two death bers two times so forth and so on so we put these in I guess visually it's not working but it works I promise you it works so I'll actually show you I'm going to take this let's make sure this is the only jel run that I have so that we can be sure oh there see uh no that's not it we've already fulfilled that one one time temporal sanctum there it is four daggers is that it no it's the last one there it is it's two daggers two times but it'll update it'll update when we complete it and you'll be able to like go in and far I would go do it now but I'm just going to get a billion daggers actually maybe that's not a bad idea let's go do that really quick and let me show you okay that took a little long so you'll see right now we're in level 100 and we have prophecies so we should get two 6 2 + 4 is 6 10 10 daggers 10 daggers 14 [Laughter] daggers 14 dagger all right so we should get 14 daggers I will all right I dude I never gets s all right let's just go grab the daggers and actually see what we got we should have 14 daggers and this is why I'm going to show you that this is a way better than you think pretty sure we have a lot more than 14 daggers here is that a dagger that's not a dagger any other daggers okay so what do we get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 we got 28 daggers see see it's visual it works you get 28 daggers 28 daggers CF is busted C is so good this is literally how you target Farm anybody wondering and saying that it doesn't work this is 100% of the time how you target Farm whatever the hell it is you're looking for a so good dude so absolutely good all you can see look these all have LP these all doubled and have LP these all have LP these have two LP each and then this one doesn't unfortunate but they all have like like it's crazy right and then on top of that look o that has three on it die oh my god dude that's not that's so cool but that's this is how you target farm right and this is the Beauty and benefit of doing coff coff just allows you to pick and choose and go get and farm whatever it is that you're looking for at any given moment and a lot I don't think a lot of people realize like if you understand these very basics of just being able to go get prophecies and be able to Target what the prophecies do you can pick and choose anything and you know right now I had unique daggers I am actually looking for LP 3s and LP fours of these daggers but if you need exalt bases go back and click exalts if you need a chest go and click a chest and then you get to do really cool things like you get to take prophecies that Target monoliths and you can specifically choose the monolith that you're looking for to hunt the item that you're looking for so you can like really you know kind of do whatever you want and eventually with time get everything that you need the hardest and worst part and I'll be straightforward and honest with you is farming exalted bases exalted bases are a little bit of a pain in the butt but if you're really looking for that unique to really tie together a build and to bring it all together pick a monolith that you know will drop that piece of unique or that type of armor or weapon go get prophecies that work alongside of it and just go blast that monolith raise your corruption and go if you're like me and you don't have the stuff that you need for a build it is okay to play a build like this detonating Arrow or to play something else and Target Farm what you're looking for me personally I want to finish my ignite hammeren I'm going to be using this guy to farm prophecies eventually to get stuff for the ignite hammer in I know there's a few people that want to see it and you know I'm just going to use a character that can Farm really well old school Diablo 2 mentality click the sorc teleport to what you need kill misto 100 times get your Sho or your bear in your jaw run and reroll Enigma hammered in you know nothing changes the only thing that changes is understanding where to go to Target Farm what you're looking for so if you found this video helpful or you were able to get something out of it don't forget to leave a like a comment if you made it this far in the video I appreciate you guys being here if you have any questions about Target farming or how to find things or you're a little bit lost and confused by all means please leave a comment down below come St by the Discord we'll be more than happy to guide you and hold your hand and help you but for now friends I'm going to get this video out to you guys I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Travic
Views: 11,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travic, Let's Play, Path of Exile, POE, loot, loot explosions, farming, broken, powerful, farming strategies, explosions, PathofExile, last epoch guides, last epoch marksman, last epoch build guides, last epoch target farming, last epoch how to get uniques, last epoch 1.0 guides, last epoch how to, last epoch how to guides, last epoch maxroll, last epoch farming, maxroll, lastepochtools, last epoch tools, last epoch travic, travic last epoch, for dummies, how to
Id: pfFNdbJuf2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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