LAST CHANCE!!! - vs G2 - Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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can G2 tackle VP we got a monster walk and this pop flash coming over the top yeah G2 have held on to the util this whole time that smoke only used now and that's going to give Hunter the cover the D Barett is Mir walks right into it and a hunter The Kills come free The Kills come to him around this smoke fit tries to move in through the back lines but it's all Hunter right now eventually overran and overwhelmed as Jame puts up a double he loses his teammates to got to do this all alone 40 seconds left that's a lot of time by James standards so what does he want to do as he creeps out through monster all lies on this position two pairs of D Barett is still in play for G2 there should be no win in this for Jame here they come and there he goes the jump sets off his Crosshair and G2 start things off with a bang In Deed Hunter on your screens a that window where Nico had Departed the top site and was reinforcing low it now closes and VP a chance to get into the round is looking done as Mony Valiant effort over on the top side clean on the M4 oh he's on a something here is Mony OT the kid puts them in boxes bro sends them out of the sight invertus Pro it's all on me the guy who spam down to 5 HP right at the start of the round what a brutal way for that one to go Mony is's so sick God look at the control G2 exuding confidence Eco nice easy double and that's the bomb away from verus Pro so they're way back in should never be in a round like this you know even though they win that game they remind themselves okay full Focus Royal arena is our goal and then the tournament starts no but good luck one oh up top and nor he doesn't need luck lovely double kill bomb retrieved they're suddenly rotating around right now G2 they're still clearing out middle they're still trying to figure out where VP have gotten to the rounds have been slow up until now but this one's got some Pace behind it all of a sudden running out through monster chance at the plant as Norbit just opened up a last second route to the round win has 2v5 attempt here out of VP and Norbert the man who kick started it all he spots another norbert's having a around and just next dead in the heavens no but doesn't need luck VP that's how they get their first 2v5 they are on the board well and truly and that forces a response mon awp comes out nice combo hookie it's definitely been given us better individual form in this game CS2 over CS go putting himself in the Limelight with that entry but nor but spams the monster smoke what's going on no but suddenly gone god mode man what do you mean suddenly that's a major winner you're talking to have some respect this is madness just a random smoke spam onto Nexa and now he's even taking the space he's suddenly uh really looking to to be that point man that front man for VP the one that brings them into this tside in a very big way again oh Nico he can't play this he can't do anything right now it's up to G2 in the bomb site as Hunter trapped down in pit he's in a lot of trouble will get brushed inside but that's when Jame Cooks up something for VP Mony clutch attempt but he picks it up with a 4K goes on to open up this one byebye now James finding his footing as well and he rounds it out with a multi kill of his own suddenly G2 money is really called into question seen lots of be fakery into top hits this round looks to be the same we have Jame lobing in flashes no but doesn't commit damage into the stack that's an ugly spray for flit it might force them back into this lower sight modesty deagle round that's what it will have to be if G2 want to somehow win this there's one not a bad way for it to start but wrapped on and finished off by norber Jame follows up with the kill to hookie now that plant coming in Mir even taking space over to Wards dumpster and g2's hope of winning this round oh hinges on a Kill from Hunter bring them back in that 5 seven rings out and now Norbit repositioning all the way back through long Jame way away over in toilets just trying to play around this bomb VP look to win this one fairly safely they don't want to give G2 the fights cuz thus far they've looked good in them tap on it but VP called their Bluff Jame big brain the re swing now Jame will stop G2 in their tracks it's a damn good try with the pistols the balls to call off that stick as well sure the call for VP is they don't have a kit they're on E there's no way just get the info if anyone's there up the Flash and now Hunter dead flit opens hookie trying to hold the line but he's going to need support him and Nexa both playing this down in the pit 10 seconds it's down to the wire from verus Pro one kill in the right place could do it but the bomb plant comes in Nico will put a stop to it it's hooky rather swinging it wide and so G2 breath a sigh of relief for last second exit de from verus Pro the stack was in down towards lower ooh that's way to get your opener man with a on the smoke that's not even a good angle for the t's really that's so much better for Ho's legs Jam is holding the wrong Corner don't know if Nico knows about M but Mia doesn't want to risk giving up that bomb right now with no support but has him contained in the connector he can go up ni wants more he wants to fight will this be the death of him they box him in right now Nico in a cage of his own making tries to walk it out short but flit patience is a virtue for him there nor but waiting outside a monster and piece by piece as G2 go looking for these fights giving them away to VP and VP are in a great spot now Mony spotted a spot it they they know where both G2 players are and so if you look at Fame on the mini map he's just walked all the way through this top site monly thought he this is textbook verus Pro textbook J terrorists and the way these rounds have been built and they've come together from the initial 04 start where it was looking I don't even want to say dismal cuz it's so early in the game and they're on the tside again go for the monster walk this is crazy early Hunter's not looking Hunter is dead nor but opens up the round can he get any more out of this Smoke on the barrels player will save nex's life hoook bailed him out but will that go on to mean anything in the round as nor but plays through their smoke now they can just oh my God he swapped spots and VP just baiting for it they're shooting at barrels like they don't have a player there Nexa this might be a jump scare as the M fad he flicks and finds the face but Nico are they ready for him same checks it runs in runs Nico down Monas he's got to make a stand here but a missed shot on that or and now they close in it's just next bomb has been planted was able to stem the bleeding down on that b site but now he's got to cook up a 1 V3 VP are not the type of team to give these ones away for free Jame posted back at toilets contact made from the sight player and they're even wrapping next to through the bank flick comes in on the backstab and verus Pro tie this up at six all keeping them in their St know but yeah you wanted more out of that if you're verus Pro he one man versus the army of G2 as they come out through the monster tunnel plant in bomb has been planted verus Pro rotating down they're still believing in the retake I say that Jame hasn't moved the muscle he's still holding for Nico over in toilets Nico is completely up and left so Jame gets here a little later VP very comfortable playing down to the wire so they're not feeling that pressure yet they move in together and G2 both players are Spott down in water jumping through the heavens it's Jame and he delivers around around 2vp late on the rotate last man in but what an impression he's made smokes everywhere that smok's awkward G2 have to try and play around it oh stop shooting next to wh down by his captain but they will overrun these players in the sight flit Miss spray and now it's just norber but he sees the back of Nexa he does more damage can't follow up on a hookie who will safeguard that round with a 3K makes up for the Damage Done to NEX but G2 just do a mixture of barreling through it ning it open and now hookie continues his his nice run of form here as he finds the opener in this round oh back turn but it's only a P250 hookie will live to fight another day B it's going to reset it's going to cut it close I'm getting a little nervous on Nico he can blow that smoke open oh he doesn't blow it open but he does Chase Jane down in the corner that gives him their way turned up by the USPS oh God this is a vanilla pistol round getting out of hand they need this kill they got to deal with M right now no and they will lock it in Hunter looks like oh we got an old school setup close long with the orb covering could even flash him in they're going to go for it boost up oh this is nice spots Jame throwing the util now they know the fame is coming Mony hits both shots The Marauder on the top site going in for more now G2 just hit the Go Button M behind the dice can't convert the double on the spray and with flck dead in rotation this round is all Nico and Mony that's all you ever wanted it to be for G2 G2 have never lost this match that's there's something to be said for that with how many teams struggle against VP and even when VP aren't in Tour Tournament winning form same is creeping up through short catch Hunter with his back turn key trade out of hookie but it's responded to from M so now next's got to go grab that package from from short Nico moving out through the long smoke but he's waiting for his teammate to join in Mony now in the pitcher as they move in G2 a man down but control over the site they've just got a deal with this truck player m not offering anything up that baits Nico in with deep Peak and James ORS allowed to get involved Mony Whittle down there just isn't time for the round anymore K sh a Jame but it missed one from Mony and he gets that or out of there finding something on this CT by and aggression suddenly supplementing surely they heard this over the top revenge is sweep for fame Jame wins his fight down in connector and G2 evolution of VP when they started playing you know Speedy tside rounds or a couple times a half send those rifle uh those pack rifles to just Chase and VP run a mck in this round they go back for more this might be too early Fame being considered and dealt with by Hunter there's still a second player that G2 shouldn't be ready for missed opportunity uhoh should still be a save yeah they are just saving and that's the thing VP are trying to do as much damage as they can they want to break G2 here doesn't matter they stacking be anyway they know so close on the back stab as well that kill is free Nico just popped out through middle as here norit close on the line sends G2 packing fantastic spray from nor but well controlled full blind the whole time and a well timed push out into mid and G2 go right through I can't believe VP are holding on to this Fame doubl up and with support from his captain G2 all the time in the world all the prep in the world wouldn't have prepared them for that Double toilet setup shoes through the G2 ranks Mony can't even scavenge these guns they're lost to VP he's moving in on the deagle has to leave a lasting impression here it's Mony and NCO with the two players you think you'd want in this scenario but Mony is dead and NCO all alone trying to stop that tide of VP washing over G2 and there's just no way there's no route back in for ni here backstab through middle Jame finishes the job and this one gets bought to OT verus Pro now mon all returns and boy it has to be the Saving Grace on the jump shot fame's face removed Mony a monstrous opening kill and VP are here to respond walk out through monster immediately punished next to again long this has been g2's entire game plan is abusing long abusing this top site M just turns away from the flashes tries to reposition but run down by Nico it's ugly from me Jame back in the bathrooms seen him deliver in this spot many a time but just the one and done as Mony stops the Jame from rolling now fit's been spotted and this save is anything but guaranteed for VP backstab out an Nexa yeah high flying performance we be getting coming into this second half but a fast B play a complete change of pace out of G2 Nico secures the opening kill they're moving in VP this could be a knockout punch they've got to hold on and M will double up M will make it happen that slows g2's role flit even here supporting in the Smoke Fame might get overwhelmed are they ready for a second man next to was but can't connect now hookie and Mony the dying lights of this round and with the backstab in from Jame hookie is left alone dealt with by who puts on a clinic in defense of that b site G2 are getting ready to execute into B they kind of still have to go 40 seconds no map control ncoo needs an entry but he's moled and hiding inside of the smoke is not but he gives away nothing G2 can recommit but this is desperate and NOA so comfortable in defending this B site one of the top dog anchors down towards B oh Jame rotate out is mimed but he should get back in time Fame deleted through the smoke Hook's got the read James got to deliver this or has to deliver first shot connects Jame dancing around but he can't find any more than just one comes through M comes through and that's how VP win out this first half of overtime this is awkward flashes from the heavens doing a really good job of stalling out this VP exec they're in the site but no one's found each other yet finally hookie puts that first kill on the board that was the bomb getting away from verus Pro more flashes from the heavens Hunter lends a helping hand and with 10 seconds left there's no way back in this for verus Pro wow the power of that close Smoke on the pillar the electronic smoke absolutely ends vp's State there's 20 seconds on the clock and they're 5v5 in the sight and no one's even got a kill yet yeah if there was an off on that holding a deep line that would have completely got them at least pushes G2 back for an attempted aggression but Mony hits his that provides a path for Nico to back off he's had a wavering game has Nico now close and yet so far they're out Hunter dead over the W short ho blind down in pit they're blocking each other this is awkward and NOA comes through in a big way oh that's a disaster for G2 and what a round you're getting at an orbit here it's another big multi-kill one where he runs solo and gets it done for VP crazy to think that you know you talked about it earlier on how at the RMR that they they subbed Kiron out right they took him out of the squad it was because he was bought in to replace Nora after VP had won the major they mve Nora onto the sub bench and since he's come back especially on overpass dude this guy looks lights out yeah probably extremely motivating factor you know getting a second opportunity with the team you win a major with but it's it's also just the individual form in CS2 his stats have shot up to close their elimination stage to perhaps close their major M may do it dirty through the smoke next to response G2 keep it even for now n might be getting tested over here in mid him Mony have to fall back now that connector control has been taken by VP Mony actually hangs around in the toilets not for long he'll up and leave VP grouping they're amassing over here outside of the B site F going back to spawn grabbing some extra util BP just act like they have hours in these rounds they have hours to play with oh what a shot out of Mony got to go now they've got nothing left and here's the thing even though monesy wins that fight he's not going to be in the right spot when this exec moves in instead the fate of whether this goes to OT hinges on Nexa and hoopie two of the more criticized players in G2 have got to stand tall here smoke still up they're paranoid G2 do not have infinite time here they've got to get moving VP just haven't given them a single fight no one's overstepped and here's that first swing that first incision just hoie left to try be the differen maker but it's Nora King norba on the other side and in with the backstab Nora has done it in OT at 1614 no but Rises to the occasion a master through out and so this map is recovered by verus Pro what level do they bring in can they send G2 O2 in the 22 game that's the goal for Jame well Jame is dead very early on in this one Hunter secures the opener in the pistol he at least looked good in that last game of overpass it was a pretty jarring slowdown out of Hunter down the stretch as that game raged on into the bomb but little smoke push from flit is punished immediately hunter gets the ball rolling they knew that was coming they really set up for that kill even next usual Stacks the the bread and butter of this verus Pro Squad haven't been coming through successfully there's been some misreads there's been some missteps along the way and so that we've seen they're not invaluable here and so hopefully that kind of gives G2 a little more faith a little more confidence they'll be able to piece together answers in this game they try hunting down the pistols we're mindbending numbers as well so out of the gate hitting high heights but there a long fall down before you hit the ground G2 executing to B they've got the entry that Famas has been picked back up and Jame is utilizing it inside of the site he's got to get a multi kill here if they want to have any chance and the Flash is good two kills from Jame still down a man M through the smoke and that's just a hope and a prayer as G2 managed to Snuff out this round the longer he leaves this if he can get a dink at the end he could kill a players of the bomb but they always playing the money game on VP you know oh the dink he get a kill cleanly hey you take it he might get rewarded for this patience but the flash destroys him and Mony is now out of the round as well this reago into the top of B for verus Pro perfectly timed was Nico stuck there and he could like maybe couldn't move cuz he's crouched under that little lip I don't know that he didn't even turn from The Flash he didn't even try and fall off he kind of accept his fate didn't he I'm I'm feeling like maybe he was stuck he couldn't you know just like slowly sneaking I'm not sure that just felt out of place G2 now lost in the source lost in the open 20 seconds as they burst into the crossfire this three players here there's no hope as VP choke out G2 they'll take this control that deep Molly is annoying as G2 line up their own UT they have to run right through Fame oh awkward spot to be in Fame doesn't crumble the fame doesn't go to his head he goes to theirs three kills on the fountain and even more to do it's not over yet but Fame a pillar of resistance finally locked out by Nexa he's done all he had to and then some in the round Mony with a bomb plant is G2 try to claw back a 2v4 it's Mony or nothing for G2 sinks his way into the back of the site but now on the smoke push they've seen him Mony get the better in all but still has some heavy lifting a dude as Mony up and over tap on the bomb VP do not overreact they call his bluff they see that he's not planting Monas is trying to hunt down these kills m not from banana this is crazy mon being given so much room but at this point he fully discounts banana surely if anyone was there they would have Peak him by now that's how Mony has to feel and Jame has come walking in into the lion's den Mony one man left to find and it's me who played it silent and slow from banana to rob monasa that clutch unbelievable unreal the bait of a lifetime from me but it gets the round and that's all VP Ever Wanted Ever Needed James telling him to not move surely cuz he's pushing into the sight on his own Mony has given two simple kills it's not it didn't even feel like G2 got ahead of themselves like they were neck and neck with VP in that last game but look at this through the molotov fast and dead immediately Jame is managing to get back to safety situation covered from quad Molotov ready here come G2 St that by that Molly they've got to wait even longer they've got to waste even more time it's down to the final few seconds as they move in Nico leads the charge back of the site he's cut down M spamming smokes and now flit trying to send Nexa out of the round as he's boxed in they're not even giving him the fight and there just isn't time for Nexa to win this VP and masters of the clock and G2 are playing right into their hands quick up banana Nico is in the Crossfire right now he is in the line's de they're getting molded one by one bights taken out of G2 hookie o and n Nico a nonf factor n to that's dangerous there a swing through spawn smoke there's still a third player here you can't get rid of Fame another kill comes through that Molly does its damage Fame will fall and Mony has to do it again it is the exact same situation Mony stopping Fame on a teir and now left in what was a 1 V3 where are they once again nor but this time is the one taking up banana M Waits back in the church Mony he was betrayed to the clock last time so this time he tries to rush that bomb plant but he'll get chased M doesn't Peak him Mony actually has a chance to fight here he was betrayed by the banana push last time he has to be aware of it this time and he was but no butt lands the shot and so Mony another clutch attempt denied before the ball even gets rolling sto on this B site flit spams a smoke and Nico continues to be unable to catch a break nowhere to be seen they're going to come back banana in the final seconds will flip play ahead he's found hookie in the spawn and that's hoie 0 and 10 dying with the bomb at t-amp with 30 seconds left in the round how can you call against that G2 they're all here they're flashing through they're trying to recover it they're doing they can but that just simply isn't time 20 seconds as they rejoin Mony in top mid every kill's got to be Flawless there is no margin fora you cannot get slowed here if you're G2 you've got to steamroll your way in Mony is doing all he can but it might not be enough as nor but down in the pit delivers death swiftly to [Music] G2 he don't have a need to break that so it will come down to these sight players norber from the pit has to Stand and Deliver immediately takes one of the Dome that's more like it from Nex a Mony bomb has been planted VP they love a save but this is tantalizing 3v3 Fame on a fast flank he's locked them in the sight there's only so many positions this is the hardest sight to retake and Counter Strike and VP are given it a go this is VP going for the curb stomp they wanted the leite G2 from the server Here and Now winning this round would do it Mony holding on to Long down every move he makes James making a lot of noise but flit is found and now it's just Jame 1 V2 Crossfire is too strong he doesn't want to give it a go he writes this one off VP they try to break the men or they try to break the the heads of G2 by going for that three on three retake you know this team would always save there VP retook Top Banana and he hasn't looked the same since there Gap hookie 0 and 11 he's found the timing he's found the head shot on and he's wrapping that b site a lot of pressure put on VP right now knife out this is a very gungho for hookie very loud and he should have no chance here runs right by flit as they set up for this B hit are trying to invoke the speed the pace the belief that they can recover this game jamee dealt with back of the sight as Nico head on a swivel first multi- kill round you've seen from him and now he's posted with the or making a play M's making a play and Eco misses the timing no trade no chance Nexa with a big backstab at least G2 have got time they have to find some comfort in that but was ready but Nexa replies and so now it's m trying to drive the knife in the G2 kicking them while they're down in a 1 V2 attempt he denied that plant with the double with the smoke push but now they have this Crossfire he's going to wait till that bom gets pled wait till the 1 V one is available surely he walks it early he walks it early coming through Nico will get the better of him and that's how G2 find five proven Duo are they going to check will get clear betrayed by the boost up Nico responds with one and at least keeps this even you can see him building back into this game if he can find one both here ni smoked off is he going to come through this is he going to try and fight with hookie as hookie takes all the attention Nico won that one's given over for free the sacrificial lamb of hookie picked up by verus Pro backstab on the cards for Mony who has good timing here closing the Gap he's been spotted takes the next fight Nico chimes in with another in the meantime out from CT they're getting wrapped on by Fame they don't know about this play they don't know about this move they're so tunnel visioned on dealing with Jame they will run him down it's all Nico in this pistol he might have to finish now as well Mony on the bomb Nico needs to hit this shot if Fame gets out gets around the corner gets this kill and VP win the round the bomb stuck and Nico covers Nico prevails four kills in the pistol round from Nico I think I'll be a generous in that statement from the Star rifler a G2 if he can Prevail now inspire a bit more faith and consistant man of Mony still a world here Hunter locking it down over in top mid he'll get out with that kill there is the route through the apartments open Jan will elude capture making it into the sight but Nico Stands Tall cuts down M and now it's just Jame ni will silence him Nico has landed can win you the round and fit knows that the only guy's bit of threat here is NI dead immediately to the deagle of Fame hookie doesn't know it but he was getting wrapped on through CT trying to make a stand but he can't find a thing hookie dead Mony claims one back but do G2 want a risk going for this round a man down money on the line you almost don't want to give VP the respect here you know it's just that one gun bought forward these post parts are so powerful no one's at quad no one's at dark no one's in a mol position it does get NED after moving back into the sight but he's still going to survive and this lineup in this layer will get denied by a double NEX pulls kills out of out of a hat and Jame now G spamming does get a kill Mony sticks again in the face of adversity he finds the defuse and G2 squeeze around through somehow some way he's shot up the board Monas is winning those clutches now that he wasn't winning earlier Hunter is feeling the freedom to make plays this could be the start of something truly fantastic for G2 it does feel some it does feel different doesn't it just think about how down and out they were off that huge Tech timeout G2 have found a way back in M Gap amol out he does deny Hunter and opens up options opportunities through the opponent's spawn doesn't have to commit to a b play that bomb is still stuck out of mid he's holding for this rotation Mony is running it right now steps made Mia knows or out scope and Mia cows back avoided completely as Mony wraps the wrong side that is the bomb drop by Nexa he's coming alive right now at the right time for G2 those Stars continue to align and no backstab will save them here it's just flit even in how they're able to piece together the end goal of this round the fact that hooks is there on the rotate it finally feels like he's kind of regaining his read of the game again and he's got these pieces starting to come alive they're giving him more tools to work with FL goodbye buddy next waits in the boiler and it's another 3K round out of Nexa a double pump EK out of verus Pro Nico self flash out through the coffins but one man already in the pool Nico unpunished tries to support hoie tries to support his captain and that's his downfall very little time left as he goes swinging hopes he can get that one kill to win the round BP do good on their promise at the end of that tack timeout they bring the heat back into the game G surrounding running through apart they find the AK Mony still unknown about has a force a kill and these are massive exit with huge implications for G2 it keeps them fighting in that next round but verus Pro break the streak of six PR smoke they know that G2 are coming for something they're coming for kills hoie sending it down banana he's done a lot of damage and he does finish on his job a kill and a half and then Nico help now Jame is gone flit not long for this world hoie sending a message that's more like it and in terms of his impact in the round right if you can get one out of hookie with the game he's having he will take that every day of the week now him and Nico keep this oppressive stance over on banana it's another from hookie and he repels the B offensive he throws a a curve ball the way of verus Pro they're saving already and it's actually just definitely the right call right now cuz also you don't want to give G2 this awp no sort of rounds a game counterterrorist win and so G2 redeem it here to keep the lead reag gring at the top of banana ho taking a wide swing and sure that the crazy plays down banana of works in the past but that one is so overzealous no grenades that's a kill given away that feels like it didn't need to not in that fashion and that is a gift to VP a gift to the enemies of G2 they can't go back of the site this is where he's got to have a stand and it's just the one and done M will get the trade M has opened up this site opened up the plant and they even spam spam out Mony Hunter arriving on a back stab it's good timing at least but now the surprise factor is gone they know where he is they know where he's coming from next is moving in to join him has been avoided across these last few rounds so the great performance he's been given us hasn't come to matter do G2 want a risk going for the 2v4 hunter looks very committed very keen flashed in from Spawn tries to close the net low on ammo for Hunter and M will put him in a box to tie this game up that pressure never goes away when you play VP this is a nice change hesty getting to Dawn this awp boosted on the half this shot has to connect but the trade is instantaneous flit immediately brings Mony back down to earth that's so what was kind of meant to be the the Difference Maker here keeping that or posted denying the take a banana it's not come through for G2 flit now doubles down on this aggression and manages to sneak past through the CT smoke trying to give Chase hoopie oh H where's that come from flit lost to the hands of time in spawn did Hunter not get the message he's cut down in rotation he don't know Nico back at the S Nico in with the first and now me M's been the bane of Nico in this match up Mir has been canceling him out in these beight holes time and time again and this one's no different it's a one V one to decide the fate of G2 he knows he's got a gap he's got a huge gap he can run for the Hills right now if he does it he wins the round from position alone a miraculous rotation from Mia and Nexa knows not conviction in his decision he needs to stick that bomb and it is teed up for ver Pro and nexter is now de dealt a nearly impossible hand having a rotate in late to a lost bomb site where M has had all the time in the world the kit was right there left in in the spawn as Hunter was cut down on the rotate and so Nexa doesn't have one to play with time is everything versus the masters of it in VP and these extra 5 Seconds could cost him dearly tap on the bomb no Peak from me no commit to a fight from me looking to take this to the clock it's a VP special he would have loved that kit now as next the strong performance means nothing when he doesn't get the round and that breaks G2 all game all CT side G2 have been waiting for this a hereit they felt like it's coming even in that round where they leave Mony to solo B their quad stacked over on a they've been waiting for exactly this round but do they have the answers Mony set up there playing Ane over at long first kill secured in the meantime flip making more noise keeping options open for verus Pro it's that going to pull a rotate though Nico's moving round and it's all a fast right now for VP it's all just a mind game it's worked to Perfection they're so scared this B site has been the bane of G2 and so VP sneak into the Gap steps heard rotates back 20 seconds only two here to stop the inevitable nexter has been avoided throughout most of this CT side his numbers have been spectacular he's always Keen to deliver but they've often dodged him not in this round Nexa from the apartment has given G2 second shot a second chance it's just flit in on the back stab and he's smoked off can't win this round G2 with a bunch of SMGs a couple of pistols they keep the dream alive counterterrorist and in the same way that VP were counting Their Blessings they're thanking me for winning what they thought was the game defining round all this pressure being applied to the asite G2 been paranoid about it all game Mony will deliver the kill to orbit but now Nico this has to be his moment this has to be his moment and when no kills found bomb site given over to verus Pro to win the map J is he is he crashed he's crashed oh no in a pivotal round he's at the back of the site in the open that was the open of post PL that's a dream scenario G2 have been given road to run can they close the gap M hit his it's one for one it's only flit and G2 miraculously saving themselves yet again divine intervention oh dear plays in to keep G2 oh dear and so this is the ultimate test of vp's mental that's a rough move from me to open Mony post moment G2 know exactly where this round is ending what the goal is for verus Pro and Nico might be here to take it all away claing his way up through middle Mony lightning fast on the awp and with divine intervention comes the Redemption of G2 they long this out can they grab it by the horns got an aop Nexa alone for a moment Nico Hunter moving in and VP about to explode oh what a smoke VP are going to play through it they're going to play ahead of it straight through into the sight but Mony will deliver on the dues couple of Miss shots for Nico but not for Nexa it makes quick work of no but Hook's flank will get located they're trying to deal with him now Hunt is giving Chase and G2 they want to assert a bit of dominance here but a plant will be found this bomb can go down but the flank is so quick M dead instantly as soon as he's off that bomb just flooded with messages and so they now need to seize this opportunity verus thr meanwhile it's all about building back stronger Nico over here in mid Toe to Toe and blow for blow with me man advantage taken for G2 up against this for spy they successfully lock verus Pro out of middle feels like can't be too steady but you can be too slow that Molly at a perfect time doesn't cut anyone off they go right through lots of damage for NEX but unable to reposition there's two players where that came from only nor but now he's been a monster in this series but it will go no further in this round G2 getting hyped test for Nexa flash gets him off the angle Nico able to lend a helping hand but only for that one Nexa good opener can't quite find M but he buys enough time for Mony to join him and so Nexa keeps up his good performance from Inferno it's just flit left with a minute to play with not at the end of his tether yet but as he walks back Hook's aggression here will get the better of him but right now G2 are doing a good job of pressuring the extremities here so this a hold Falls to just one player in Nico now that you've seen flick coming out dark you'd bet your bottom dollar that this is the B play but the true nature of the round was always a for verus Pro leaving it down of the wire the bomb dropped and gets away from VP they Chas the heaven player and this is the last second plant this is a very VP round this could be them trying to bring themselves back into this game and it's all eyes on Fame in the clutch up into the heavens oh oh man come on dropping down Fame they're running at him and they're going to overwhelm him G2 feeling Invincible right now you can just tell exuding confidence Nico catches Mia that flash does nothing for short honestly easy [Music] shot and a 5v3 as the dust settles low and slow for verus Pro back into an a walk Jame here is the next man in we'll reclaim one of these but they're going to keep pressuring him tries to get out with the bomb Jame actually goes back in and that's his downfall Nico secures the kill with just nor but left it's another one of these impossible clutches for verus Pro oh cleanly down onto the first man it's Nico though moled himself as well n will happily take this fight heads on all right another one from norbut oh norber so close but Mony there able to stem the bleeding able to stop norbut in his tracks now through dark the tech knes trying to close the gap here trying to play into these closer ranges but Flash in to set up Hunter now'll run down flit as well so the dark component is cleaned up oh this one's free but he lets him go he wants even more shame not content with just the one deals with modesty now he's got that awp and they know about this second player he's playing the longc playing the long game going to try and join up with his teammate in through middle brings the bomb in oh but lies in way and they have just toyed with Nico throughout this entire round bomb has planted Nexus still pinned in over at the stairs can't move a muscle Hook's got to be that first point of contact M gives one over for free they change down this man at the stairs and norber is punished James got to do this alone one V2 for Jame first Contact they're fing that it's going to come from Main but in the meantime hoook crept all the way up and onto the bomb Jame can't be in two places at once they're still applying all this pressure H hookie now sticking the defuse and a missed shot from James awp o it's very close H just about gets it counterterrorist win through the smoke instead honestly plays up close he's got to be careful they com right through M that Flash doesn't miss this time it's a follow up from Nico bomt is still left back so Jame must Retreat for it and just go for this desperate be hit they've never gotten in FL faking and he's done a good job he's bought NCO over blind Jame opens up the play the B site it's only hoie here they've got to do it they're actually moving away they're backing up on this this is kind of wild what they want to go rejoin flit surely not just checking the flank making it look like it is that a play it should still be a b end here only hookie in position if he gets his kill early he can pivot and try and stop that bomb from Crossing or just live for the retake options are open now as hookie takes that opener he he come through poopsie looks for more and norber denies opening up a path for the plant can VP do anything with this they have to here and now hased this has to be where they leave at least a mark on G2 Nico creeping up through the spawn norber in a good position to deal with this he's got teammates who can swing on him after this contact is taken or but wants to take the fight for them goes swinging out and that gives up the the the man advantage and this 2v2 to G2 Jame forain posted with the or the tap on the bomb FES feeling the pressure does go and check it sees no one on it but Nico with the kill to that Orin M now leaves all the pressure on Fame down in dark gets them off the bomb and fame will lock in the first round for verus Pro falling back off the mid angle right as M plays through those smokes it's an uptempo a hit Mony lines up a double but there's the response from James awp waiting to see him get going can this be his round while Mia waits to cut down rotates BP actually call off the a hit for the time being shame hello walking through the main smoke and now m in Middle is very valuable in position was meant to cut these players down as they rotate in it's going to have to be Jame on this awp smoke is a problem Jane tucks in an upper flip plays behind the smoke Jam SC they line up and the pistol might just do it for Jame the captain puts them on his back lining up the util they're just going to quick pop out through main nor but clinical on that first puts the advantage in favor of VP and now they te up for a retake 5v4 G2 with a plant verus Pro moving across the map trying to box them in they're going to go looking for these main fights G2 set up here heavy it's a 2v3 over in main but fit turns the tide first kill found Jam's been spotted and dinked on that first Peak but he gets a lot of info from the swing he sees that everyone for G2 is out at Main and there's a smoke on me oh he's missed this Jame playing really late oh Taps for Mony get him off the bomb it's Jame on a flank it's too little it's too late it's up to the stick and the smoke and they're spamming him out G2 find a pistol on top and the hyp Bro GL is working like a t bro Master up another one of these fast B plays ver Pro got everyone here norber and Jame kills a piece but the trades are found M back of the site lots of damage done and Hunter while he's going to get the bomb planted he'll go no further than that a multi- Kill from me keeps VP above water for now G2 are going for this B hit norber about to find out could be nades out Mony unscoped at the moment misses that timing no gets a big amount of information he sees the bomb there and look a VP Shuffle on the mini map they're rotating spawn they know it's coming it's inevitable smoking towards main that at least slows the roll the G2 that as Pro actually go back to B go back to a rather they're thinking this might be a ruse Jame will fully commit to the rotate now M the same they start to pull bodies over well this be too late remove from the action you need a great hold from these two players responsible for the site Jame watching from the cross 20 second left Mony responds Mony replies that or is not missing right now for Mony Mir and fame rough spot to be in and asmir strolls up into a lost bomb site one on three he knows there's no win in this round There's No Redemption here you won't have Jame running an awp terrorists win and it looks like VP are going to try push the boat out a little they take us swing here miss shot from the or jam and fame int them get away with a kill a piece and they lock G2 out of the main control Nico dead in Middle such a but it is water nonetheless VP surrounding Nexa and nothing he can do but die 6 to 12 oh he didn't check didn't clear it and Hunter haircuts VP shaved down to three that would be the time to show it so just three players left between G2 and that trip to the Royal Arena and hoie looks to make it happen Jame runs into the waiting or and vp's time vp's chance of playoffs in Copenhagen is over G2 they capitalized on the Crazy Hand that they dealt and they will lock in a top eight placing here in Copenhagen G2 are going to the playoffs
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 83,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: dnnLjaOomi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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