Heroic vs paiN – Map 1 Nuke - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024 - Elimination Stage

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speaks to to how how much pain have impressed us here on on their major run when you look at just the names on paper heroic should be should be massive favorites coming into this right but pain have been surprising at every turn uh whether that's you know in big aera who very much takes the Limelight or oriss him as you mentioned for me I I've really enjoyed watching cowz and kind of the Redemption Arc that he went on from being the second bottom rated player for for the entire opening stage he had a kind of late recovery in in in the closing segments at that stage for pain and in that game versus VP he was a monster he was like the one guy delivering any hope for pain gaming well we got a bit of a ramp rush in this pistol for pain starting on the T side of their pick and they go quick not down towards lower at least not instantly rooting for hell no one's here it's into Tess is at the bottom site he needs to take one with him but that glass is a problem it sucks up the bullets kicks and shoots through it and Tess is somehow surviving gets alive with two kills I don't know how the hell they keep five up there heroic but they do beautiful from kickand that was a a lovely sequence that's one of those rounds where it just feels like the stars are line for you as they're Crossing in control look at this he's actually aiming at the guy the back just Taps twice and finds the double from it very well done from kickand to to keep control of Lor even even n was blown away by what just just happened there round's over before the rotates were even required what's been really cool to see from pay in this event is the level of teams they've taken out right well we have ecstatic who defeated Lim vision and the Mongols of course especially the L side of that very impressive but pay have had to fight only EU teams on their run through the opening stage and they've managed to defeat almost everyone it's sure dominant lost to Eternal fire but they took down Apex an and saw to get through to this stage so I think there's something to be said for that when we talk about the different the base level and the difference between EU and Americas and of course this major kind of subverting all of that conversation whereas where both Americas and Asia have gained more spots in the next for Shanghai so I think that's pain pain of the evidence of that for sure and with Imperial already eliminated early on today and and certainly expectations for pain to be the same I think their run so far has been nothing short of impressive but will it come to a close kick and think so flash through the Hut and dropping Nissim in a five on four going for this out of yard take they've done the diagonal smokes and the waterfall smoke up on top of main this gives you a nice bit of Leverage to try and take away some control they'll walk through over over into garage getting past nerds Kian trying to deal with this presence out in the yard is only good for one as Lux will trade that out still the advantage sides with heroic and it's a nice bit of info to know that lux is still floating around main right now Tess say on his Lobby push is caught by cowz and soay now set their sights on crunch in this upper sight by the looks of things ready to split through main his Lux and shush spotted out on the Rafters tries dropping in and he will get there on a good timing now he's got support from nikar over in heaven and they'll swing that final player together so very composed to open up from heroic yeah even though it gets a little dicey after they uh they lose tessers back in the lobby they're able to swiftly move into a nice position to play out that 2v2 just positionally there wasn't much room for pain to make that interesting it all kind of counterterrorist was was dependent on dealing with shush as he drops into the site yeah if You' just come from that ecstatic game and you want more Danes to ro for in Copenhagen well this is your safe bet right with the uh the Danish core of the ex heroic sorry not ex original heroic players plus ncod do making a Redemption Arc formerly of the Copenhagen Flames where we saw back to back deep major runs for that Squad U you know stockh almost into the playoffs and antp just about getting there so Nik do I think has been one of the more positive surprises for this roster at this event playing very very well in the awp and he's been a player played by consistency across his career in time of fanatic but not here so far good shots B this him he takes one more with him 3v3 slowing down this ramp retakers heroic group no noise has been heard by pain so they could take an educated stab in the dark that this is a triple ramp retake no ground gained over the W secret for Heroic as they just have to move out through the ramp room and that feeds this M4 go quick one back from nikad do but bomb is getting away from heroic they try to get on it cover provided as this AK and nerts looks to deliver he loses his teammate and big aera will be the one to close of course it's big a era and he one Taps him with a P250 at range while he's getting that other player off the bomb SI close I mean the time was the big issue he had to stick the defuse on heroic but pain play off each other very nicely in that post plant terrorists win they get on the board early in this game off of an Eco as well explosive ramp hit great flash nerds like commits to that cuz he just thinks his crossair is in the perfect place but this hit a banger that gun gets traded back to Tessa nik's going to try to find a good time to blow these smokes open but biger not found out in the yard rest of Pain still waiting back in the lobby that re smoke at the door is the uh last bit of UIL available over on this top site so they don't have the option to drag this round out anymore to uh to heroic they still have the smoke on Nikos he's just not in a position to use it going to get himself up into the heavens but pay have already got so much real estate that this is going to come down to these two having to step up massively they both drop into the site bait and switch maybe it's all a fake to find the Gap and they found it on ramp they don't need to go the only issue is time you don't want to leave it too late but both B is clear and Heaven is about to be taken so oh they're going ramp with the bomb yeah just cuz they've got control of the site Nissim should still be winning the round off of kills here oh he's playing very safe he's playing anti saave right now if try and exit CT they will get caught they might go the other way entirely with that b Gap found from outside ramp to B leaves pain with five alive something I've really liked about big his ER is he's got a real you know variety of Paces to his cool he uh he loves playing around with the the kind of tempo that pay approach rounds with they're very good at slowing down in rounds like this one so they they just keep it safe they keep it clean saw how this started for them where it's far more Up Tempo and already he's kind of exerting a bit of that into the server now and where that becomes problematic for Heroic is you know picking and choosing your timings of when you're going to lob out this early util do you want to be dunking Molly straight away in the door and Hut if you're not expecting pain to be playing quickly then you might try and hold on to them and so that's usually when those Pace changes come in this round all starts on the back of that Peak and just a a very measured round where so much of it is is about gauging the reactions of heroic after they get that opener and that leads pain onto a Flawless second second with five alive they're making some money now over on this tside and it's not going to get any easier anytime soon for Heroic oh aggressive attempt but denied they don't know a second player is right here and try to grab that gun quick he makes noise this him goes through the smoke going to get spotted there's no support here for nerds right now he might not need it but hell player nowhere to be seen he wins his fight because somehow in secret and ncod any further to guaranteed death oh I said guaranteed oh that's ugly this is a big problem for pain even that Peak at the door scuffs the Molly it's very awkward as now they're just left with this top site hit the Zeus of shush finds a gun finds a kill and now he's arm with the AK scavening from the bodies of pay bomb is also tumbled out into the open with that first Peak and here's the backstab arriving from ramp p qz is just saving that is a disastrous round from big aera whiffing on Nik do looking the wrong way to a Zeus kill even the support for this would have been nice right just chasing down that ramp player but you always expect support from Hell there was AOG just doubled up stacked in the a site they're coming for this gun as well winning an Eco gives him that freedom do they want to kill him after time or is this as far as they'll go kick a may as well he's going back to find a gun so herok happily take that 4 to two winning an Eco getting out with three AK-47s could not really be better and a very uncharacteristic whiff from big aera was kind of the the real fall down of that round that's the kill that just turned the tide so abruptly and so suddenly pain weren't ready to lose that fight big gazir is definitely calling guys just wait I have a kill here he saw him a few seconds earlier he had all the Time in the World to get ready for that fight and once that happens they don't really have the real estate to go anywhere but a into that Zeus is a crazy statement but they're very very strong and so P might try and keep it a little more simple here and now no longer an outside L for big aera instead everyone waiting back in the lobby M's nice it's for the rafters I think right above the Hut so it clears out a extremely difficult angle to check manually kon's hot roof he's forced off as well they're out in the middle of the sight so blind just still covers and this is petering out right now for pain one by one by one and they all fall at the first hurdle this him inside of the smoke he's actually traded places he doesn't even know he's walked past nerds you might never know oh my that's even checked well this him come back late or does he want to try and wrap Heaven orb spotted in the Hut good grenade hits a shot and gets out giving this him the room to pounce surprising for him 2v2 they're in this is Nim going to try and take the heavens right now he's being given the time to 30 seconds and he is all the way up Miss shot from nqz is or that is a a big Miss to have had but n should still have this in the bag and now that he's got Heaven the worlds their oyster man this reagg in through the lobby needs to arrive in quick time and got to take this 1 V one into nqz while it's available Tess says they know that he's eluded this they know that he's somehow disappeared and not falling for this heaven rra so they should be able to piece together it's this Lobby play but he's made it out into the sight even once he deals with this or of nqz this him he's got so many options to play with and he won't even make it past the awp of nqz had such a nice setup as well he just dedicates to his side or the heaven player covers him but I do wonder how that's overlooked that is's going Heaven they knew where he was he hadn't committed through main hero can see that the only other option is heaven and even though Tess has resets and gives that timing open it feels like Nik do just considers it a second too late the smoke gives him cover in the sight but he just stays in the open to Heaven that's a crazy round for pay to have picked up and it all starts with that weird mistiming between nerds and this him over in main it felt like it was going to be inconsequential in the moment that was how much of an advantage heroic had but a well-placed or kill for nqz the lack of the punish from the sight player that triggers nissim's play through Main and onto the heaven wrap and so P pay pen pay cook up pay cook up a 2v4 round that they do only three m4s as well hero money on the line competitive beginning for pain considering they win their first round off an Eco and then they pick up a 2v4 like that Lobby Rush denied onto Nissim and they give up all of outside P will have to cross down towards secret but there's an n on the smoke they cross after the fact no actual spot for hero of course they hear this they're aware they can't stop it they actually further than NS is ready for he's throwing a deep smoke and try to swing with it Tess is now in the sight oh the Shadows he sprays and he at least gets a kill there but three on three pain have been solid in these post plants so far bomb has been planted plant in and heroic once again largely grouped over the Ws ramp curious if nikoda wants to play late or early might wait for his ramp players to take a bit of contact and give that illusion that once again heroic a triple retaking through the ramp room which they often have but a lot of time has ticked off this bomb it's a heroic yeah it all comes down to that first fight and the moment they don't win it with them leaving so much time on the table it's uh it's an awkward retake round that never really gets going it's like that last retake on B against the pistols right even though they get the kills it comes down to a player forcibly sticking the bomb because they don't have a choice they fight they lose so that was awward for nerds because Nikos just misses the cross the spot on the cross and so while he calls their secret you wonder how you know tonally he called that because they're running for players and ner just thinks he has so much room there he was not as quick as he believed and they catch him with nades out that is the first Domino to fall in the B bomb site hero now the second being their economy and the third being this round they have only a Zeus and an M4 saved and I say only ncod do likes to subvert expectation another opening kill to big as era oh dear not another Eco for Heroic two opening kills in this one and while Rams conceded it's by Design Tessa set up for a one and done on the B site he's got a player baiting for him as well as a kickand takes the contact and then going to try and pull them into Tess's deagle leaves all the pressure on tesses really kickand certainly got the attention he's done his part of the bargain now the deag has to deliver and it just falls short cleanly done for Nissim on the openers the bait and switch does not net the success that heroic needed it to as they move down they'll get sound in the doors so well contained from the pain Squad yeah nice crunch there right they they already bring back a 3v5 to a 3v3 and then they just throw themselves at the pistols knowing with numbers with better Weaponry that Moro can not going to win that fight in double doors it's so important to take space when you have the B bomb site on this map it's you know we talk about for example ancient B if you have it in a post plant in an even three on three 5 on five there's not many places to play you need a position with cover where you can choose your battles from and the same can be said about nuke B you need that window control or double door control so you don't you're not just in the open on an off angle that will be cleared so taking that double control gives them room in the post plant never gets to that but it will be a 54 lead we've had Eco wins for both teams pain sit up in control for now looking for that point that really lets them just break away from heroic and kind of set the uh the heroic Squad onto the back foot in a big way and this could be that round money on the line for Heroic so this one's important Nikos and shush keep it safe for now Nikos dead up on the Rafters but support is here and it arrives in time for Heroic just L dinked on that first Peak but he gets his revenge can he take this any further it's not a likely clutch with that first shot bringing him down to 19 points of Health Kon kon's getting impatient but good timing on that Molly PA bang will do it oh he's been burnt out of the heart a lux forced to reposition on heroic safe so he FS the Footsteps in towards the ramp room and now he's going to ease off give a bit of time for that uncertainty to kick in for Heroic eventually they have to consider heaven heaven main door Hut longer he waits every option is available so her will have to find new positions n knows that and often a move here is just getting aggressive and clearing something together so they're going to walk right into him this could be good for LS he's going to get the chance to take an instant head shot here how quick is he on the shot he turns away and kicks and catches him on the Move two timings for Kon that are perfect in that round Kon also sits in the smoke and sprays his entire mag and still comes out with a Reload and a kill on the execute I like the pain up the pace and try and limit test in that round but Ro bring them back to reality a really nice upper hold from Kon and nikad do so far everyone's performing for Heroic with the exception of nerds he has W them an Eco but three and six on the star of this team it's not really a worry just means when he does get activated how hard will this be for pain so many of their games the Brazilians relying on big isera the captain and the high Fragger for this team such a rarity to see an in-game leader so can consistently outly his roster in not just statistics but impact as well because sah manages to find it almost every time 4 and eight right now he crosses down secret and Molly tick he's got to run now n knows about it it's all a bit of a fast though as pain set the sights on ramp they're going to go right into Tess says Nikos is available for a pretty quick rotation as well so he shouldn't be alone in this just but the mly him away even the rotate was there big is this they can't drop it that's crazy don't don't do it again shush just can't drop they can't rotate down this is brutal yeah the round is over n in with the backstab on a P250 he'd love the upgrade and he's going to get it maybe even shooting for more here as he goes looking for shush call for a bit of help slow it down he's actually going up n is also waiting he knows they're going to come hunting this wins that fight from hell with the B250 and nerds can fight his way out but he can't win the round nqz shuts him and that's a crazy entry on ramp but the one hole that we're seeing right now is that there's never a second player ramp even if the map is entirely quiet and they know about big era down B they for sure know about bigest AA down B and there's only one ramp that's the most common goal that you would split ramp to B while the vent rotation being held Kon falls into it that's a surprising move for Kon and that was a very suffocating round ad of pain they wanted to take control of the money uh in that a rush round where they try going fast out they weren't able to do so but they get their kind of delayed gratification here on the back winning that round there and locking out those three players who were attempting to save leaves heroic but next to nothing in the final round of the half and so once again they're going to go for this walk down award secret but this time with numbers often it's been Bigg as eror here alone and he will lead the charge down towards lower but they actually get pulled back out so passive for nikad dos they have to clear this all the way and oh it doesn't look they haven't they think garage is clear oh my god oh nikad do this is the round right here palm of his hand three kills a lot of targets he's got to hit every one of these shots nikad do does all he had to do couldn't quite manage the third cowz will get the trade at least n's now moving in trying to punish this final man out in the yard they know the bomb is dropped down in garage and so P caught a little bit scrambled big aera hunting down this kill down towards lower cowz retriev the bomb for the time being everyone on low is dodged capture by the captain of pain gaming and this bomb is still trapped out in the garage bazer eventually finds kick at niip all the way through the a site they've got both bomb sides right now and with it just left onto tesses in a very unlikely 1 V3 bomb has slick double kill Trigger Discipline from nados won't get capitalized on P looking for a two round lead on the half and they are good to get there very well recovered after the crazy play from theodos is the eagle they will go on to close out the round so they don't get too flustered by that man waiting for them back in the garage what an impressive game out of pain right now when you consider you know some of the rounds that hero have crept into this game like you said denying that money breaker on the top site Rush winning the Eco with the Zeus and still pay hold on to a commendable lead this is their best map statistically they most picked where they took down an and saw and the Mongols here in Copenhagen but still this is a red hot heroic who have already knocked out some big dogs a two Eternal fire for crying out loud top eight team already they made them look weak at points in that match even started by catching phase off guard on Ancient and here for Heroic getting dealt heavy Hand by pain double jeules Marx opens cowers even pushing oh that one's free shush drops into the lion's den quick vent drop out of nerds with that bomb on his back he's going to go try to get the plant at bare minimum can they make it anything more as now it is just nerds 1 V5 plant down at lower bomb hased that's all he's going to get though the Julies running down and even then they take their time they know he's in the single door they've cleared out the site they're going to come running together and cow closes cleanly 8 to5 a statement here for pain gaming written off after the RMR written off in the opening stages and unexpected here an elimination but right now they are taking heroic all the way and it's safe to say you know like we we've had our fair share of quiet players for paying I think we we've had these moments as mentioned in the opening stage especially where guys like CZ were just nowhere to be found but right now it feels like everyone is switched on for this pain gaming Squad n him leading the charge the tip of the spear but a supportive cast around him and even with a couple of whiffs in that first half of big is there some unusual misses from the front man of pain gaming they've still found a way to a very good spot in their map pick the opener of this elimination bo3 if they stick The Landing versus this Force spy there is very slim margins for Heroic to pull this game back around looking like a ramp hit Tess's making it across in a secret but we have his fair share of tests down towards lower as big as Ariz in way n him holds on to ramp successfully for the first and now he hears more footsteps just going to go through the motions of dropping down ramp only one rifle in this entire round for Heroic now so this is hard situation to deal with even with the control they have on ramp and in secret just because of this double rotation down lower a is the weakest side bit hero don't have the utility to consider a as a possibility unless they want us to try and wrap hell but even that ladder is being held from the top roer desperately hoping for a kill nothing presented they have to split B into this double setup into the top perform former in the server and the captain waiting for tesses R can't control the spray and big as a has been picked up waiting in the vents that fight felt as good as done for big aera he was ready for Tessa his late lurk in there but heroic have carved the path to something here dink down range comes out from the M4 and so suddenly oh with says nailing that one it's just cowz throwing into a 1 V3 around the pain thought they had in the bag they had every reason to win that that's shocking I I agree with you I don't know how big his eror missed maybe he just missed the timing on the peak and Tess's drive by him with a Mac 10 but rampers ramp was a huge issue for Heroic CT side and I feel like pay played ramp perfectly in this round to get one kill and to concede and into this double setup of B but they weren't playing together which is fine win still Nim in the window gets a one for one but those guns picked up used against pain denying the retake that was inent by 5v3 and heroic force a save great work for Tess has him and shush have really done a great job on this team of proving that the X players of heroic weren't required to make this team a threat and this new international Squad can certainly rock it here at the major a major where none of those ex heroic players appear up close cleanly done on the 57 L also lies in weight in the vent and you might not expect the double vent rotate here out of pain they've already got a lot of bodies down towards lower the bomb is right here oh the bomb's getting ped the bomb's getting trapped Tess's left battling for his life and he won't get out the third will get the better of him he does all he could but it might not be enough with the bomb away from heroic one minute left to play with and a lot of uncertainty creeping over the round have to go down lower cow has just escaped death certain death ner was walking out upper cow is SL is slinking down the vent could still be in trouble but there's a trade available the lineup is there nqz 1 V one loud drop nuts he has the Health Advantage the weapon Advantage everything in his favor but he can't close the round nqz clutches up and pain loud and proud they are stealing this map away that is madness from mqz you felt like that was set in stone after they line up on that initial Peak neither player ready to deal with the fight from secet and he's so low on health nqz he should not be winning that versus NS for crying out loud but we said it didn't really or I said didn't really matter the NS was going cold in this game cuz the other players are stepping up big Herer in control of the early game but a streak of pain on the end of their t- side a pistol on top and they win the conversion fight overall with now back to back rounds and that's AR Tess gets a 3K down secret and still loses the bomb couldn't do more and Ne nerds five and 11 a you want the rookie of the year to be playing from last year right and embarrassed there after that 1 V one goes against him that could have been the Turning Point round for Heroic the kind of momentum break that puts a stop to pain and allows them to build back into it on their T side instead they're left clutching at straws they come through with another Force SP I mean that one was some slim margin so they're looking to capitalize on it they at least get this trade outside in the yard he heard him in lobby this this isn't as comfortable as you like your feet show pretty obviously it's just so you hide from Main luckily the or is covering this position so even just Enz missing will set up the shotgun for the for the trade although this aggressive angle this might favor shush here inz his corner and he misses it shotgun PS in jumping the gun but it does find a Kill or is out and so is this T by the vent not for long backstab sticks The Landing lots of Damage Done in the two players out in the yard 40 seconds to get weird with it heroic what do they want to do they're going to split up one man down towards lower kicks and keeps roaming over in Maine and that bomb's going to come back up and join him they've got to get past Lux with this scavenged awp in at the back of the B site race site rather Lux scoped up looking down range as he ready for kicks down he's already crossed to The Far Side of Main he's going to get the bomb instead might catch Nikos as he walks in they don't know about this awp and they're going to learn about it the hard way with the time ticking away from them Kian needs this kill and he won't get it just ncod do left and this or can win the round to time surely Nikos can't do this there just isn't time for the round and so pay long it out dude the Brotherhood of this roster I'm loving it the eye contact the handshakes everything and this is a organization that felt like it left us with little to look at coming into this season off the back of Paris last time right pain get cut apart this roster we lose so many integral pieces we feel zevi went colder Paris in their elimination match he goes skulls ends up in liquid hards out in red kids and Pain still put together a fighting roster with a Fighting Chance as they do the dirty against heroic in an elimination game in that very stage and it's not just big aera either relatively unimpactful as an individual in this map pay still sits 106 up it's the other stars shining Nissim has had a great game nqz has had an important clutch pain are giving heroic exactly that a prod to the side of the head and down goes the Dos 5v4 on an anti Eco AK has been scavenged and retrieved by tesses but not for long cow is on a swing out through main they're looking to end this round out in the yard nerds creeps out but little jumpy on the Glock won't get that one kick sand good timing on this smoke push but there's nqz with an immediate trade at and it feels like you know the the the positioning of pain has been fantastic in some of these rounds that kind of trade potential that's always been open for the pain Squad Paramount to the success so far wherever you're going you feel like you're running into at least two players but often more hero going to play more as a unit here cuz it's been very lurky and very you know wishy-washy tside rounds right now slow walking a lot of split plays I think one of the things going to be hard there is that like nerz is often the guy really left to his own devices to try and cause chaos and disrupt the back line essentially and like give roots for for later in the round with him being so quiet does that become more of a liability for Heroic definitely cuz as this t- side goes on you're going to see him in more positions like that where his team are all kind of in one area of the map concentrated there he'll be left roaming to his own devices but with him falling so quiet here is that going to offer up free bees to pain well we've seen the lobby aggression punish already and that's you know if we have her going for four outside that's where you're going to find the sat back in the lobby almost feels like an easy thing to abuse when you look at the scoreboard and you see this Rookie of the Year 5 and 13 do herar have anything left in the tank we had such higher expectations they had far better results but right now not playing to their Peak and pain exploit that with some fantastic rounds in this map in their pick of course Tess is Crossing on noos but bazer is in the corner can he escape they've not got a Molotov to flush him out he is in no pressure to swing from this position he's got support as well where there's one there's often more cowers keeps Their Eyes On Main biger escapes and comes back up top hearing that vent break gives you so many more questions than answers if you're heroic what does that even mean is what they're thinking right now as big as era come up or is someone else gone down aggression into the lobby we said NS will he be someone that is exploited by pain well there he gives them a leg up in the round they struggle to get past lock and they even find no way timing up through the vent big aera with the backstab leaves it all on nuts 1 V2 as he starts to plug in the numbers he's unaware where this second player is and nqz will surprise him no clue where he got to in that round and Nur learns the hard way Paya running away with this and you know while we had a kind of back and forth start to this map it has been no question since we've gotten into the second half pay putting up a great CT side you can see why they picked this one it's 12 rounds to three for Heroic since those opening pistol and conversion rounds unbelievable just response from pain this has just not even been close it's been clinical they've been suffocating heroic in every round no clutches can be cooked up no heroic plays no savior in this server and the thing that is just so cool about it is as this has gone on you've seen the cast around bigas era get so much better that the depth is there the talent is there and over time pay have got to flex that big era hasn't had to do much in this game that round there he had great impact going up and down the vent constantly being a threat to heroic out in the yard but it's not like this is coming down to him having to bait his teammates and make some miraculous plays happen no they're the ones doing the heavy lifting and so across the board from top to bottom paina is showing a great face here nqz has been so frustrating to deal with and he's going to start this round on the or to the betterment of pain kicks and trying to hit this timing out through the heart nqz Z just keeps finding success and so heroic it could be a whimper here they're trying to do something in this 2v4 they've got it down even odds plant found but nqz takes up position ready and raring to go he waits for Nissim to join him shush she's going to be this first point of contact that n does so much damage and now it's just nerds fell down in the last 1 V2 attempt he's low on HP and they have a great idea of where he could be where he could have gotten to in all this time two smokes smoke in the heart that leaves NS with only one option to try and play it out through the door they're on the bomb and with this rifle oh looking to cover niss him gets back in time and so pain with a dominant win under their belt locking nuts out of backto back clutches and really driving home his lack of impact in this opening map pain leave themselves in a good spot now for the rest of the series Mirage next and with pain looking like this with the individuals showing up across the board
Channel: PGL
Views: 2,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroic pain, heroic vs pain, heroic vs pain highlights, heroic vs pain nuke, pain heroic, pain vs heroic pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage, pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage
Id: 32_DszXAHMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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