NAVI vs paiN – Map 2 Mirage - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024 - Elimination Stage

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yeah I think he's always going to be a guy to just be better naturally poised as a CT oper to get his opportunities very consistent on holding angles the easy shots good positioning and getting better and better being aggressive I would say for sure every day so yeah but for the meantime before the future is upon us and the AI robots take over and kill us all uh we got CT side opping looking good here for wonderful those damn automatons they're comons they're coming I hope we hope it's the bugs that get us all right let's run it na'vi wanted this they wanted Mirage damn right they wanted it last night too versus Cloud9 the series and qualification for playoffs that is one away no doubt na'vi can taste it biger has been the biggest issue for any team that goes up against pain he has been the driving force of this awesome run and he will catch eme the smoke to give them a 5 for retake nice flank already coming out from t-spawn but they've completely forone control of ticket and CT and he's so fast he can walk the palace now they've got time to put this in and P actually moving quite quickly before he even gets very close to on bench look at this three players up on site wonderful is going to make sure he locks in two nice to have him in the server Alexi B's ramp Position will not be unraveled by that Palace flank and bit just spotted it from Jungle this deep control in Jungle on ticket and still on ramp means that the three remaining players are just nowhere to be found until no way cowz gets the second all for not though bomb's going to pop and na'vi take a pistol yeah that's crispy from cowz as we've seen maybe a big moment coming in this game potentially for him in the future but um I guess if you he walked the whole flank he did could they have waited longer I do actually like that they did something while he was flanking um because we were down past about halfway ticked when this engagement happened but look at wonderful he dies instantly if Callas trades when he finds his timing to come out of Palace they can he can clear out sandwich for free he can clear out Tetris for free that's sort of the best thing he can do safely and then after that it's hitting the guy on default in the side of the head the guy on trip on the side of head the guy on CT on the side of the head so I mean sometimes you got to pick your flavor doing things too standard doesn't work out in the end but this time na'vi are the victors miss the first victim of round two looking like a clean conversion as we see this damn MP5 again and again it's a weird one an odity but if anyone's going to use it as bit he'll clear the stairs it's a bit of flirting versus harassment with you when it comes to the MP9 the MP5 and the MP7 yeah well the mp7's just better than the MP5 in every single way but you know what what that means it's priced accordingly it's expensive same yeah yeah cuz it's the best C's knife out sorry bust nope I like how that looked like no bullets are coming in the gun almost no damage he was just Dum locked he just had him on an electric whip you can't move Son hello jail been having a good time in Copenhagen yes individual performance to certainly be proud of of course I'm sure he is hoping that his teammates can find their groove and thus far there have been no glaring issues from na'vi in this series two Z big he's got a Zeus electricity at his fingertips fire at the feet of na'vi as they quickly swarm top middle now again their tside Mirage it's dark and full of secrets okay when we see na'vi spread the map they take mid control it's going to come down to getting into connector as any good tside team does getting in slowly low resistance low utility and then forming the a split that's just fundamental Mirage is also navi's current style is leaning towards it again previous iterations 2021 na'vi it was all about cat and that was the meta at the time but now we have the anti Eco leading this way and naturally the CTS here to meet him anti EOS are hard to win even with Stacks but when you got a sniper on a pistol you always have a chance USP from down Town plus a player stuck in sight and that 57 the right range can go crazy they're going to come clear it he gets the instant head shot so he'll bring down another one cost effective round for pain no denying that p2k almost gets a third and that would have been majority Dead But Chuck to the Wayside is the MP5 Gils will move forward and na'vi starting strong on a tside we saw that uh imma and and bit bailed out na'vi of a couple if there's one thing I would definitely think about changing here for na'vi would be like bit bit in 2021 was basically the best lurker of the year right like he was not only like was he this most amazing rookie but he learned how to play the position so well and his like underpass lurks were just incredibly effective and I would say imma's just been so sketchy as a lurker Sometimes good sometimes not oh but there's other ways he can be used effectively he's on Amazing aim just like B but he can play a little bit more quickly you know something to take into consideration Navi congregate here inside of be holes into the op shot kill the pressure's on though they're going to chase him down bit oh just gets no scoped and then another shot through the edge of the wall nqz putting up some impact doing a ton of damage to keep man advantage in the hands of na'vi is insane just by a thread so it should be easy clean up here for Lux sidearms out spam damage not enough that close but you give Alexi an op and he could still hit a shot that could keep this streak from na'vi Rolling he is waiting for that inevitable bench Peak the frag grenade out from Nissim off cat JL with a chance here up in apartments but with a smoke on bomb he's going to have to open it oh and the Health Advantage makes a difference pain gaming Kings of the CT side on Mirage will post one in the force it's a great idea in the play from from JL I mean the nade uh the n and the the first Peak out of the second window almost worked out if you got the kill probably could have gotten both or set himself up for a spray down so I think he shows a little bit of anger there because he sees the opportunity that was at hand but nicely done from locks nicely done from nqz of course I actually love that they just try to jump on him get right underneath the scope and Barrel stuff him but he was too quick with the reaction so they pay the iron price into round five all right going for it two cap players looking for a fight head shot angle for the t's on the approach and that is Alexi B at the helm of this mid setup into the bricks boost cow is not committing but just keeping Lux occupied for the time being it's a safer setup to us to not lose a member if Novi do peing or barreling up cat the question mark is there as Alexi throws out the smoke grenade but biguer looking for the timing on the peak and he just saw a shoulder they both SE each other now and he's locked in pinned in by the second player Alexi slides up but Lux does a good job of keeping eyes in from catwalk Eman not able to get him back so a double kill out of Lux and a quick response from na'vi to try and take over this a sight there is no presence nobody to hold him back all de niss still active he can come and peek this if he liked to looks like it's a matter of time in fact before bit gets spotted and whoa no actually he'll be able to transpose into connector and find new Sanctuary inside of these walls pain going to play this fast coming in from ticket but they still have let their guard down to this position from Nissim the molotov went deeper and they mean need Nissim to come out now wonderful up close gets found out not expecting it we've got bit down and con and JL looking to lock in through Tetris wall bang kill as he closes that Gap and looks to keep them off the sight luck onto the bomb fry grenades going to expose him on the 10 second stick he comes off and JL frantic to try and stop that but time is of the essence Nissim is the one with the kid now he's on the defuse and sure enough pay will get the retake going oh was down to the wire they have to stay coordinated in a very chaotic situation especially the first player diffusing on 10 seconds so the communication's really good in a frantic spot and jl's also misses a little bit they thought it was going to land which is probably a fair assumption but top of default wasn't good enough it almost went arai but um they were they looked pretty composed right here all about lucks from connector again showing us some real good ability as an individual this round was really about again winning connect control biger showing face getting spotted from Alexi B playing this game sort of tag this will be a pretty big chance but that Gap might look wide to the tside as well I don't know what Emma saw might be an awkward perspective on the left side but on the right side but when one on the left so I think I think it's real nice to see pay playing doubling up connector again because the propensity for na'vi to end up here don't know if that's going to be how they establish their game plan like they did yesterday but oh o cow is getting back into con and dying this is a great chance for EA working as the solo AK this round he knows the damage he did to biger but down he goes dropped by Lux off cat again Alexi will however climb up and through murder hole is an option decides to walk past it little Challenge from JL again out from ramp bit looking to move that AK into the mix flashing connector in case there is C presence as there has been but isn't this time around the wall bank's not far off said if you're not here you're there yeah Lexi hanging on to it as na'vi put the bomb down this was a solo AK round that na'vi were looking to break through with and they have put themselves in a fantastic spot that AK exchanges hands bit will shine and wonderful hits the de pain gaming cannot sustain losing rounds like this when they get into this area where you look at the mini map right now in all their positions they get an aim buff because they just know what to do with the space they put themselves in the spot so many times very dangerous look at na'vi get away with the window lurk get up in the jungle and also Emma as an opener inside of mid this is definitely one of his better Maps where you see him be really effective whether he's with the Packer lurking from under pass he looks like he's always finding action in a good fight so that helps out a ton na'vi went around they're not supposed to can always Bank on bits head shots oh my god wow Wonderful's got him too teror that's beautiful Bey Beauty damn what a jolt to this tside as well money in the back pocket pain gaming economy is gone so they're just looking to work with the double deagles and then this is a round again antio so it could be just a round that ends up going up cat they saw the stack last time in the B site topcon smoke means anything in a normal round what's interesting though is na'vi don't even smoke this when they approach connector control in the regular rounds I think they don't want to let it be used against them in a CS2 way sure where it used to be just standard to always have it smoked he almost gets vision of the two inside of stairs he's in a good spot to cancel out any rotators so everything goes swimmingly over towards the B play and we will need to remember round six put a pin in it real ramifications for pay CT side which was legendary versus heroic but of course na'vi fresh game tape to go off of there was a very important game for na'vi at the start of the year in katav versus Spirit whereby they decided to pick Mirage and thought that they could handle Spirits Mirage it's before we knew kind of all about Spirit y we were just starting to see it y we thought it was real but it felt like they were still you know contestable ends up blowing up in navi's faces The Mirage pick backfires and I thought to myself with the domination that pay were able to put forth versus heroic that maybe this time it could cost them too but so far especially with round six well they got practice versus donk which is how you get ready for everything be D and everything's easier after that now they're going up against Bonk you know Brazilian Don and big isera so but we haven't seen him be better than the original yet definitely had his moments of Brilliance back on nuke was key in his multitude of positions on that CT side to get the comeback going but right now na'vi they've got paying exactly where they want them they are reinvested in this one they've got some util they just have a real suffocating default inside of it and I don't blame teams for not being able to get back in here is the between timing they're looking for it big fight Alexi B tucked in here's the approach good flash but he manages to still get the best of big oera and all the while bits sizing up that b site now bomb is here in Middle oh Alexi with the running gun to grab the bomb steal the op and what will be now an easy rotate into the B site they go all in on that midf fight and Alexi B just serves up enough of a distraction that the extremities of the map fall Nissim has a chance if he kills JL he can chase Alexi but it's good coverage and with that it now falls on Lux who's so hesitant about top mid and that looming threat that he won't stop Alexi on the window cross bomb plant guaranteed and a sixth round looking easy this is this for me really validates like what we saw when they play tside versus Cloud9 a team that they had to take 1614 in the end on Mirage playing close to Cloud9 but we saw how well Cloud9 were playing across three Maps the only issue for na'vi was not playing well into Maps 2 and three but on on Mirage when they played their tside they started off pretty dead well and they had very hard rounds to go up against but they the complexion of those rounds looks identical to this it's mid control with all the little details and right here it shows us that they basically say I'm going to show up to the schoolyard okay and you're going to come fight me in the schoolyard and if you come fight me in the schoolyard I'm actually just going to go into the back door okay I'm actually just going to go push down into B and get into the site take something else for you and if you if you fight this me in the schoolyard I know you're going to bring three guys and then you're going to be lacking on the other side of the map so they've been using that tactic basically to call out pain and pay tried to instead of staying in a mid setup that's one CT stuck up the top one at the bottom come in late come in when na'vi picked their timing but figuring out that timing is difficult as we can see and they still feel like they have so much to watch I guess biger Zer is uh avoiding a flash while turning and it's smart of Leb to come and Peak that but their ability to just get get into all the Nook of the map as soon as they want to take mid at the same time put so much pressure on everybody on pain not just the mid players to make sure their choke points are handled as there is just basically leaks all over the place and then the reverse of that obviously if you don't come to fight them then they're going to take over connector then they get so strong when they get into jungle they get into window it doesn't feel like many teams are going to be able to beat him when that happens this is an important 1V one could put an AK in the hands of the apartment player and if that happens suddenly sight is contestable but he backs up not expecting the t's who have now quietly crept all the way up catwalk look at that timing not only on the player in apartments who gets blindsided but even big user's rotation he's not expecting somebody back market so a Real Testament to the silent creep this round from na'vi even with one hiccup in losing the AK Navar just steps ahead of pain at the moment the timing is looking so nice you know oh you go for a top mid push Alexi's behind the boxes oh you catch a kill up in ABS can you make some no they're already on your bomb on your bomb site yeah JL coming out of Halls um bit coming out of B apps or the pack taking over mid one things for certain they know exactly where to take the space back when a reaction happens they've got such a good game plan and I'm glad to see it a game plan is something that was lackluster versus Cloud9 on two of the maps in the series but the one map they played excellently was right here nuke and Mirage have been the most impressive things na'vi have brought to the pgl Copenhagen major yeah and it's you brought this up too you know 15-day boot camp into this stage like what what more practice do you need to fill out your map Pool and yet and yet they still have short shortcomings which could be they I I bet you anything they say okay we were well practiced they didn't execute properly things were wrong on the day we see overpass again maybe suddenly everything's fixed because they do have the tools they just couldn't figure it out maybe it was too much CS all they were staring at was CS for too long and um well if they qualify to playoffs well they have three days off to actually take a break but for now we know that um pay quite like this map Pool too right so even though it's Navi sort of best maps are like very impressive maps in this stage it's also been pains it's just hard to say what the reaction is I think on the CT side I would start thinking about double pushing B apps back to top mid again em here alone on the fallback he gets around the corner so this is the dun strap just get him to top box instantly oh God so many players for nqz they're going to swarm him down and with a Molotov it's tough fall back but n throws out util and he has CS to help wonderful won't leave for free and that's a re-engagement queued up so this is this is an IM round in my opinion he's there's a lot of information Happening Here on the ramp and oh Alexi finds the peak very carefully does he come out for that duel and there's a flank in play nice time flank too big isera he's been quiet about it but oh wonderful wonderful presence of mind to keep his head turned back around him Lux in the bomb site this could be a glorious moment for him he catches the player top Tetris first now they're going to do their best to avoid him and as he tries to get out of sight there's that lurk from you up and that's what that's the thing that wonderful had nothing else to do except make sure nothing could go wrong they weren't going to take the aite at that moment because they had imma as the final piece to the puzzle coming in slowly on his own watch at uh underpass into connector and he had free reign to do so there's no one to watch him no one to catch him terrorists win so even though there's multiple instances where pain Gaming's individuals have a second to put something forth It's just na'vi on high alert feels like reading all the possibilities ooh huge damage for EMA to deal with now 17 Health could be and is the 54 pain bricks hold look good big usera 57 this is lesser weapon and he's trying his damnest nqz here to help out and suddenly out of nowhere we get pay posting a third is it just me or are these faster more frantic rounds where pay can actually Thrive yeah and maybe that's why Nai don't play them as often they just say let's just go for the slow crawl every once in a while every time they try to do something fast they uh well that's what it is growing up in Brazil right everyone plays fast so that's exactly what they're used to is dealing with rushes all the time sort of multiple layers of aggression at every point in the round and they use that very well on on their T sides but na'vi are the anti antithesis to that style they probably don't have the sparring partners or the range to be prepared another opening doubl down cowz starting to find himself there's a little bit of a Groove for pay to slot into here in the very end of this CT side and a stark contrast to what we had in their previous Mirage outing no matter what they posted on this CT side again even if it was a 120 there were always going to be questions about the offense once they swap sides and those questions remain but now with a bleak start four rounds at best but one you can presume they will close nqz nice angle in underpass and wonderful with JL will try to steal this back and what a robbery it would be this 2v5 there's two players told up inside of B they're avoiding this fight it's the last round in the half so you know they're going to attempt this going to Mid they would B they basically have to require the CTS to be like in here I think if they're going to play in connector and you know I don't know if they're going to have anything go right if they try to get up the a or go up cat in this situation so their odds are almost gone already we'll see how aggressively cwiz plays it but okay wonderful coming up on the side but he can challenge it if he wanted to he's going to open it up oh and in opening it the door swung wide 10 seconds to the clock the apartment's player is key but oh wonderful with the wall bang and a chance to plant bomb has a peak and a miss shot okay okay oh man if you hit the scope he was actually right on him a swift reminder to what wonderful can do wow that was a nice try that was damn near impossible the wall bang to set up the attempt and um and I love the frustration that he didn't land that shot you know what I mean 6040 in that one V one yep somebody who's upset when they can't pull off the unthinkable that's the kind of guy you want in your squad so an 84 half means that na'vi I mean they going to be very proud of what they've done at least pay showed something towards the end but you'd think CT side is where the money is and now now it's a lot easier for Alexis you know sort of SC that tside for every single advantage that he could his players are playing well on it and now they get to pick their favorite spots and hold all their angles this could be an easy ride for na'vi paint gaming looking to keep this one simple pack of players on ramp one in Palace a little later but you've got some Sharp Shooters inside of this a sight setup for na'vi a little concern for Mid but there's no pressure from that smoke grenade on KH in the first casualties cowz imz stuck in behind triple looking for the palace peer knows he has to fight here's the recovery starting to come back damage on the stairs player and wonderful and more of it as they tag him up in the 3v3 but soon that smoke on KH is going to fade it was there to get them in but now that they're standing in sight The Edge taken back by na'vi Lux can't do it on his own and na'vi are getting that much closer with a CT pistol too and bit kept going he got that information on the ramp it was so known what the play was going to be the full a exac into a bit in CT spawn getting his and then sticking around a little bit later to reinforce imma position on the back of triple which sets na'vi perfectly up for Success N9 to four with an anti Eco bit with sorry pain with no plans no investment will have to stare at Double digits in the next couple minutes and this might be a Tas finally too difficult for the team that has pulled off Miracles here in [Music] Copenhagen it's a huge performance versus heroic to shock us to turn heads and to keep that dream alive but the pressure has been cranked as the last representatives of Brazil and in this pistol round you can't expect all too much and so we start to ask ourselves does na'vi have what it takes in playoffs to do something special because as we have watched some of the expected favorites the expected Challengers of team spirit struggle throughout this top 16 phase feels like doors have been left open maybe Windows a jar we are talking about a team that is made made up of some very experienced players right Alexi B multitudes of Majors underneath his belt eme two majors already JL 100% success rate in making playoffs at Majors and he is fueling them in this moment to pull that off as well yeah okay it gets a little shaky versus Cloud9 but that's another Squad that has exceeded expectations and so what was very important for na'vi was to come in tonight and to send a message to the rest of the pack all the eyes on them in this last 2 two match and maybe we do have just one more [Music] Challenger if on their day is their biggest worried at least today is imemo with another opening the most important player down Lux down yeah I mean this him did have a good spot but the MP9 wins out oh man and they'll shrink back or I say that actually it'll squeeze nqz out but this is what we want if na'vi are going to absolutely destroy pain this evening if then it just means the level of competition is continuing to increase when the favorites look faulty o it's a perfect reposition here he gets down beneath the palace he's got the ramp players soon to join the two players coming out from connector and that reposition certainly catches the first one off but cowz has an answer pain gaming from a 3v5 to the 2v2 I think they know that they can actually get in the window yeah I think JL knows this he's moving over into jungle with a vision on site to hold cross oh but cowz starting to piece it together he's growing with power and Alexi B creeping onto the backline get his head ripped off there it is just when you think there's nothing left a little X Factor sprinkled in from Pain yeah that is beautiful about pain and that's one thing that's missing from some teams in the stage that pain have somehow in Spades is players like cowz big bets on the future big user known quantities high fragging potential of Lux and lots of X Factor rounds they believe in moments like that and they make their dreams a reality but we will find if it's going to be a drop in the bucket or not there's still a comeback that they need to make happen and when we look at the first half of that round I mean it's pretty perfect for na'vi it's very clear great shot Scott cowz out of that I think that's what pay have to bank on I think that's all pay can really bring to the table somehow trying to tap into that Sharp Shooting that cowz puts forth in this one quick time to kill and very important to get JL right the piece that's kept na'vi in place suddenly that CT economy starts to falter pain gaming feel like there's somewhat of an opening but we've seen one-off round wins from them before they cannot allow that to happen now going fast C there's a cat play right here JL ready for it with emep back in window two JL feels that confidence to roll forward and just as quickly as they get their fight it's pain to try and transition into something different no and they wanted to set up their lurker inside of cat and maybe they connect they would have just continued forward maybe they just wanted to draw attention away from him as the connector smoke was up right now em is looking for a Target wanted a piece of the action in Middle didn't quite get it this is actually a little weird here for the CT side because they don't have info on Mid so Emma has to watch his back for the moment yeah but it's still numbers right still a good position for everybody to be in IM is going to be is it could challenge around the side of bench bit comes out with the SMG and then it's on EAC but nope not this time pay will get through that sight Alexi and JL still in the fight and Alexi up close with the pistol he could be good for this and that's a weapon offered over that's a chance to unravel this post plant but he doesn't take the gamble doesn't Force this issue and so pay will get away with consecutive round wins yeah and you're right they had enough players there inside of a the only worry was like they weren't doing anything special they had very vanilla spots versus that full a that coming in the one kill comes down for pain doesn't have as much impact because four players coming into a site is almost as strong as five most of the time you're never going to have all five of those players doing a lot at the same time I think pain the best thing they did there was going fast because they set up a timing on an a exact that fails if there's a push down the ramp or some very cute sort of setup in the a ramp itself that's that's waiting for them to come in but there wasn't anything like that it was just three players one in front of a smoke with a weaker gun one back in the sight and imma who positioned himself very well to try to get to but of course we know that pain have Shooters we haven't seen all of them so far in this series but a moment of Brilliance from cowz sets up the back-to-back round wins that 2vx suddenly becomes a chance at three round wins consecutive and that's a little momentum on a tside that was so dry just one day ago pain sizing up this B site and of course very little risk except that M4 but the M4 is here and already succeeding he's lost his teammate so no more distractions it's got to be all Alexi and just too many players on the approach too many attackers on point and focused forward and so JL will grab an AK a parting gift for navi's pain just like back on nuke will start to claw away at the na'vi lead gra a couple rounds off the bottom of the barrel and try their damnedest to tap back into that belief the dream of Brazil in top eight rests on their shoulders Here and Now and it's a nice mixed bag of rounds as well right into the B Target all of a sudden this is going to keep Alexi and na'vi on their toes looking for a punish on one AK left to save biger does he terrorist overstep bit certain to punish he doesn't even bother won't fall for that he says he's willing to fight Noble in the next round versus your guns imagine having the weight of your ancestors on your shoulders and your pain you're not even Furia you know this is a a team who it all comes down to everyone's watching this game the last one of the stage the last chance and a chance to make a statement right before playoffs on top of qualifying cuz at that point who knows who really knows what more you can do Lux will take one out in imma inside of connector another good start well well well pain starting to power up starting to feel that electricity in their fingertips as a has been sized up softened up and soon to be consumed you'd think with the utility everybody's going to group back up and just play as a pack I like that Flex the 5v3 don't fall victim to the outnumbered Antics that you've pulled off yourself they let that asight fall silent JL has not come out from connector to see if there is anybody behind it but wonderful will walk over not with op in hand but are they wandering what's the final plan here for the CT side they're going to play in this round they have mid control and they don't see any lurkers that's what they've been clearing out but oh man this is very awkward because if if Lux is going to throw some kind of fake by walking out there's actually no time for him to get into B and make noise but they're concerned at least they're watching it right at least they hold it because they do indeed catch Alex hold on hold on they're getting pushed into this now five or sorry excuse me wonderful he's underneath and he's holding and we've got JL to serve up the distraction so this is starting to work there's damage on the board but Alexi on the fall back will be caught out a little uptick impossible ility there for na'vi yeah almost at no fault of pains where they sent one LK out into the B apps went unspotted but they were careful enough as we just saw to watch their flank at the very least gets scary when you know that your plans are now in Clear View but they still deal with the situation and the fragged their way out of it as they have been very good on the entries just like just like na'vi have been nice shots again from Lux top middle cowz out the ramp closing down on this mid lurk to and this is that like Eerie similarity between them and and na'vi with their T default they do leg nav but faster they're very comfortable coming in looking for individual entries I'm glad to see some of that faster Pace from P because it is these quicker moments where I really think they have somewhat of an edge and maybe they're not better than na'vi but that that piece of the puzzle is where they've got them beat so don't skip any keep your finger on the pulse and keep the pressure up but the CTS have been able to take over ramp and I'll say better was temporary oh God don't fall into this pistols right here and piger oh he's got them both nicely done third pistol player right here Behind the Bricks gets a little awkward with the swap out the Desert Eagle that's a double and then the bench player gets shut down nicely done from Nissa making sure nothing else goes south yeah and and I'll just say better is very subjective because your form is temporary and we also know I mean pay they watched that game from yesterday think oh this is a beatable team depends on the day pain looking to sees theirs one round now and they have the perfect clear out on the a ramp The Flash is perfect so all the protocols in place to punish anything close up in the way of pistols or SMGs not exactly a massive Target to grab here with jl's trying to sit in this corner with the deagle a little bit of frustration from him on the camera just hoping to get anything I think to make closing out this game a little bit more easy but a second chance for blade to come in we usually talk about the they need to plug the hole in opening kill like that's the first thing because they've actually given that up very quickly in these rounds so we aren't even seeing late round situations where na'vi might be able to use their experience and comfort in those situations to get them more kills they want to play the aggressive CT side fine they can but that's actually something it feels like pain are very very good at stopping their T Pressure into side of mid is not as good as their CT side pressure inside of mid yeah good observation right now they've got EMZ numbering connector when na'vi are really allowed to join forces in mid with cat and con and window occupied that maybe pay can't get over the speed bump that is the opening bout of the round but and there's a 54 round that na'vi got where they ran up C pulled back and turn into an AAC they haven't stopped that either here we go numbers in mid and again it's just a slight variation out of pain they have tried to keep approaches fresh oh this is such a key spot when you jump down here you catch a connector lurk huge ask of Alexi B right now smoking out the molotov indicating there's somebody here if JL could have held top middle that'd be one thing but biger is looking to skate by as wonderful has to go by the arch smoke JL will catch the midf flank so wonderful freed up to come help except smoke obscures his vision and we've got Lux pressed in against Market wonderful it's just the one fast retake CT's fighting and we've got pain falling here just as they were on the prank and qz two to go and JL is right there in the action that is a pressure cooker of a b bomb site layers on layers no bomb planted just everybody fighting for this win yeah that's an incredibly difficult situation to distill and in favor of na'vi they got to be very glad one of the first fast rounds over towards the B site in full and they get the info that it's not a mid play to start into ready to rotate is the key thing and that's what happens when you start out with players inside of mid so paying this time thought we've conditioned them out of it they might be afraid to try it and if they do commit to the top of mid maybe they won't be in the fight right away blade asking himself how do we continue the momentum and what can we do in the way of momentum as the team that has to wait for the fight to come to them two round game and that means two rounds to tie up or two rounds to win here for na'vi I don't see a nervous pain but that doesn't mean that they're going to win see if they can read the next play for na'vi back into the midf fight with numbers I like that use this again because it went unspotted and QC gets a great spot where em is kind of stuck but a missed opportunity CU he get away oh NOP EMA is going to make sure that he does not get a chance to exit that fight comes at a cost it's it's the first shot as well that puts the outline on him now bomb still back by apps but Nissim just walks ahead of the fire no trade potential no util pressure and no bomb that could have come through had he gotten opening this is pain starting to fall apart round 21 could be navi's 12th and yet we have already seen these Brazilians break through at a numbers disadvantage in this half it is demanded of them again my god do they have little to work with Amali two flashes their biggest resources time they still have 50 seconds the CTS know that this one isn't done that it's going to be a save and it's not a 5v2 so how do they group they're going to start to clear out C get into control uh sorry get in control of connector jl's so comfortable on this catwalk he's got a player B to really be concerned with any kind of a pop but they've actually finagled an opening oh they slipped and Em going to hear this looks at that a 25 seconds for sure now JL comes off catwalk he's going to try to jump in on his own emat on high alert and he will win what was a critical kill and mistake given over by that fumble of the window boost oh you can hear what one footstep does in this game all it takes one mistake to cost you your chance anything was possible right before that moment whether it was going to be a b pop whether it was going to be a just one misstep and suddenly everybody is looking for your next move they have connector under control and they watch for the palace lurk as well those are the only two things they had to be worried about and they had them covered one slip up one audible Victory on the doorstep here for na'vi they finally sort of quash the doubts about what they can do versus pain in some of these fast rounds and versus their defaults you can see almost a smile here for Alexi B almost almost you know why he's smiling he's smiling because Alexi B has not cracked into the playoffs of a major since his time on ANS given opportunities with G2 twice with the ninjas in Pajamas not able to put forth the run that made his name a run with an A Team he crafted that he has made a career from and what tools does he have to work with now two of the biggest names picked up from the Paris major IMA and JL cracking into top eight for the last CSO tournament put both their names in the spotlight and JL a little less so but to hang on to that 100% major playoff rate is no joke and to do it as the highest rated player here on na'vi is a reinvention of JL but it's not locked in yet bit will stop the palace Peak and the ramp decides to fall back they don't want to go all in on this they're going to open up the smoke but it doesn't really expose him jl's right they on the edge oh they can smell it get they're still making moves they're still making moves biger is looking for his moment looking to somehow crack through this a hold and JL just wait waiting on this off angle for him to arrive they're still hugging the perimeter outside a bit who's sitting here waiting wonderful has a hard angle do they have a flashh yes one cowz with a Molly all that's left for the U this is going to have to be impeccable shots from pain at the very least there's no cat hold to try and hold back biger they're not going to lamp him he can easily hit this he's got a real chance at just slamming into this bomb site if the timing comes down to a but the timing is slow here they are hoping na'vi make a mistake but wonderful is honed in on this angle oh Lux that's the shot they need and jl's going to walk into the patience of biguer bit kick this off here comes the jungle hold from eme and with that they can decide to go double onto ticket they've still left bit going unchecked he waits and he waits and he strikes as backs are turned and a real issue now here for pay because Nai are your eighth team at the very first CS2 major playoffs congratulations na'vi they made it through they took down pay and some might be wondering well is this a a match that was too easy well no not if you've seen the maps that pay have played so far to get here they have taken
Channel: PGL
Views: 11,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: navi pain, navi vs pain, navi vs pain highlights, navi vs pain mirage, pain navi, pain vs navi pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage, pgl cs2 major copenhagen 2024 - elimination stage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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