Last Alive - DayZ Survival - Ep.1

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hey dude what's up hey i'm gonna kill myself i was gonna give you all my stuff oh there you are okay yeah i'm dropping it now [Music] yeah you can kill me [Music] i just want to get a fresh spawn thanks man [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i've just spawned in here and it looks like i'm somewhere along the coast as always i just need to find a landmark and i can figure out my exact position but my plan today is to actually head inland i need to get geared up before meeting up with my friend renee looks like right now all i have is a flare and some rags and apparently i'm ronda rousey um but uh i think star oil would be my best bet to get some gear it's just south of here in that well it's not it's like southwest of here i think this is near varazino it looks like someone have to head off in this direction over those trees there are a lot of people on the coast so gonna have to be careful right now i don't see anybody now but i've been running into just a ton of people all over the place there everybody's exploring the map right now so chances are i'm gonna see quite a few people looks like i'm already getting kind of low in water so i'm going to stop at this water hole up here try to quench my thirst oh there goes a guy how'd he do hey man let's go pretty good so uh where are you headed uh i don't even know man i just got killed up north so yeah oh really did you happen to get killed by a squad up in novo by chance uh novo yeah some dude on the there was talking on the radio on that and then i got just shot i didn't even see dude i was just at novo and i let these three guys kill me it was a it was a squad they're still there they're at the police station yeah were they talking yeah they were talking on a radio or something oh no i didn't i didn't hear that i just kind of spawned in there a second ago yeah the guy was on like a loud speaker oh yeah yeah no i didn't hear that at all okay yeah cool all right man well i guess i'll see you later yeah all right good luck it's kind of funny that i ran into that guy because i just met that squad of three dudes up at novo and i let him kill me i would have known they killed him i would have tried to take him out who knows i might actually run into them again if i head up north big squads usually don't go unnoticed oh there it is i was waiting to get that icon with a full stomach down in the bottom right so that shouldn't be enough to hold me at least until i can get a water bottle there's a town just on the other side of this valley with a couple houses i can maybe find some food there it's probably my best bet there's a couple zombies up here let's take this stuff food actually isn't too hard to find right now but sometimes when you're on the coast it can it can be a little difficult i usually just kill the zombies they sometimes have stuff well except that one looks like an apple orchard oh my god it's a bore oh god they're fast get back here i only want a piece i only want a little bit of you god dang it it's too fast i can't catch it on to plan b another soda they should just call this not sprite that should be the official name of it i'm actually pretty good on food nice to get a gun or something though flare all right let's get out of here i'm gonna head on over to the next couple towns and maybe get a gun so i've just arrived here at delena just north of starroy hopefully i can find something good here another survivor i'm gonna talk to this guy hey man what's up what's up dude so uh where are you headed i'm just trying to get some water and some food right now man actually i don't have any real plan i have some water and food if you need it but yourself you having trouble finding it uh not so much i was i was up there and i was doing pretty good i got killed by someone with an m4 there not that long ago yeah so i'm just kind of respawning back in yeah i've run into a lot of people with m4s and aks yeah they're [ __ ] they're all over the place man i find anyway i find like i don't know if the stress test has a higher player count or what but i find i bump into people a lot more often i think it's that uh a bunch of people are like going around the map a lot more often just to explore all the new stuff so you're more likely to run into people yeah that's it thank you so much for this man no problem i got kind of lucky i found a bunch of food after the server reset nice nice so do you want to stick together through this town and maybe check the police station i can slightly protect you all right okay it seems like apples are a lot rarer yeah they are i generally just go for pears nowadays seems like nobody knows about it where the hell do they even spawn man oh hey there's a water bottle and a knife in here uh they spawn on pear trees i'm not really sure what they look like this might be a pear tree oh maybe not feels like the last time i've been through here it was because i came from northwest airfield going towards the coast yeah nah i don't come too often to this town there's really not much here [Applause] not a thing yeah it's pretty crazy eh so i think we should go up to star roy there's a military base up there we can maybe sneak in even though we don't have any guns and find something if you're up for it sounds good i don't know man it seems kind of risky to go down there well here's the thing um you value your life more than i value mine so i'm going to run in no no no no i'll get away yeah let's go let's go i thought it'd be pretty funny to give you the turn back and give you the flaming arms i'm sorry i should let you do that oh no nowhere this is what you call desperation running into a military base without a weapon all right man you keep doing that i'll be right back we're good to go let's take that all i want is an akm oh jackpot oh it has a mag too wow time to put some holes in some boys that came out wrong hey man you keep looting okay all right cool yeah i'm just gonna keep a lookout hey we got a player approaching from the main road i can't tell if he's geared or not did you hear me hey man stop right there stop right there yo okay can you lay your gun down i'm not gonna kill you i have a friend looting the base right now no you can keep it you can keep it yeah are you by yourself you got any friends i'm by myself right now all right all right i'm just gonna wait till my i'm just gonna wait till my friends are done looting then you can pick your stuff back up have you seen anybody else not yet i heard a couple of people on the radio but that's pretty much that yeah would you like a radio if you have an extra one i'll take it but if you only have one you can just keep it aw thanks no no you can hear this guy's kid in the background it's like daddy can i play hey man come with me uh we're gonna go inside the center of the base just keep your stuff there just walk into the center of the base i swear i won't kill you yeah just follow me follow me hey man are you around here i don't know where my friend is somewhere around here looting yeah just follow me this way hey man are you there what the heck is going on i don't know where he went the guy that i was with all right let's go back you can go back and get your stuff he must have ran off i don't know where else he could be this is weird oh wait dude i think i see him dude i think i see him dude come get your stuff come get your stuff i think i see my friend he's dead he's up in the tower dude somebody shot him hey get your stuff get your stuff i didn't hear a shot but he's obviously dead all right all right all right here i may need your help here all right here we go now i'm going to drop you some ammo i have a makarov mag yeah take that get that mag what the heck you got it i dropped it over here did you get it yeah yeah reload reload reload there's somebody here that killed him sniped him yeah i didn't either must have been a silencer uh we could do it in a second let's not do it quite yet we got to get out of here first hey follow me i think i know where the sniper is he has to be on that other hill over there in the trees we'll try to flank him go around this way what sorry do you hear yeah i can hear you dude i don't know where they are there was a sniper he would be in this spot so what do you think we should do now it was up to me i would take the camp again all right all right yeah i'm with you let's go let's check the base i have 1700 hours that's cool shots yeah you see you're right man they must have went over to the other side okay maybe this is the time where we should lose your friend before we go i'll cover that now i'm not going to do that it's too risky to climb up there that guy was on the other side of the mountain you see there yeah i don't see him but yeah i think you're right i don't see him but i cleared the shot yeah let's go over there and check it out this dude is playing hide and seek with us where are we headed now i don't know i don't know i'm headed but i think we should go down into the town and see if we can hear any shots or see anybody magazine back huh would you like your yeah i mean no no no you keep that you're gonna need it are you sure yeah you keep it i really appreciate it no problem man i think we're gonna need to get you another gun or not okay well looks like i'm by myself again so get up get up man yo dude dude in the purple backpack dude stand up dave gabriel you don't have a gun or anything do you no i have nothing man i just started all right here going bro come up here with me pretty good just come up here with me okay i'm hearing gunshots over here i'm not sure where it's coming from some guy just tried getting me with an ak he did really british guy yeah he didn't have a clip but he was back in myth when i saw him oh okay um i take it you already you already looted the uh military then yeah i alluded it earlier got the ak there yeah all right um all right here i got a gift for you man okay take this oh nice all right man your mic has a lot of background noise oh it's it's the uh i got this fan that's like for growing pot it's like the hurricane all right yep all right all right i'm gonna try to get this guy with the ak he didn't have a clip he was indiv did you want that cleaning kit you didn't even pick it up oh yeah my bad yeah he didn't even have a clip i don't know where he is but he shot me once and i i hit him three times with the hatchet and freaking i don't know where he went from now i just all right we'll go try to find him dude i was just sitting in the kitchen and i looked and i i look up and i see a guy standing over me with an ak in my face i was like oh [ __ ] yeah sorry about that all right um turn your mic off when we're up here so nobody hears that sure just stick with me man you can have all the guys gear once we kill him oh there he is yeah sounds like he still okay i see him dude just follow me he's by the deer stand oh my god oh my god dude here grab that gear grab that gear looks like we missed the party what the heck looks like a double i think that was my friend actually that i was with earlier man i was just here like five minutes ago oh there's a guy i don't think he saw me all right i'm gonna flank him so i've come up around the back side of the base that guy should be straight up in front of me now if he didn't go into the base i accidentally left my friend forgot to tell him i was running off got to be careful here is that him i don't think that guy's armed is that the guy [Music] i think this might be my friend i don't know can't remember what he looked like [Music] oh this guy has a gun he has a pistol i'm gonna have to kill him [Music] i may have went to that chicken stand [Music] where did he go she they don't move [Music] oh crap oh crap oh crap oh my god that tree just ate all my bullets oh my god i think he's still looking for me gotta get out of here i'm completely out of ammo and that guy has a pistol hey man don't worry i'm not going to kill you it's me it's me i've met you i just died the guy that killed your friend by the deer stand yeah i i died there were three guys there i went over there and there was like there's like three dead bodies then there was a guy with me and that i found somewhere else then we were looting and we saw another guy with an m4 there's like a bunch of people over there i'm really lucky to find it right now yeah that's pretty crazy so you got killed yeah that's very sad oh i found a compost what did you get killed by i killed by an m4 chambered m4 oh okay i literally just ran into another guy in the woods he had an m4 he may have been the guy that killed you and i emptied an entire mag on him and he still still survived yeah i was like i was like running and i saw and i ran into him and he survived pulled up my gun i was like and i swear like the tree like soaked up all the shots or something i don't know but he uh pulled out a mat he pulled out a pistol so i had to run he actually managed to get a shot off on me too all right all right i'm gonna get out of here i need to find some ammo and meet up with one of my friends uh okay well you have fun with that so do you need anything like food water i'm good for now i just want a kind of spaghetti so i think i'm good oh do you have a knife to open it thank you very much i know i have a knife okay okay thank you all right man look there is a deer stand over there did you loot it uh i saw it but i looked up at it but i didn't i didn't go up in it so i don't know if there's anything in it okay well i'll go there and see oh bye it was really nice meeting you all right man see ya good luck okay so i need to find some ammo first and then i'm gonna go meet up with renee i think he's somewhere near krasnostov at the moment so uh we'll head up there callaway chicken someone go ahead and start heading up there hopefully i can meet up with him hey man it's me wait is that you yeah over here behind you so you saw h rifle um where are you heading sir honestly i have no clue just kind of i just uh gotten the stress test so i'm trying to get my bearings you know fair enough do you need food or something no i'm good on food and water just kind of looking for other supplies now i need a better weapon all that kind of stuff okay okay i guess the other yeah all right sorry again you guys are together yeah yeah we're together well we we we were just meeting up here so it's quite funny i just said hi to him and then you showed up as well yeah i thought i'm waving to you well i'm gonna go and paint this knife where's the backpack oh follow me i can't figure out which guy is you i'm not the laggy guy oh okay yeah it's back here in these trees what do you mean back here oh right here right here my bad i said i was downhill from oh my god dude that chicken just scared the crab out of me yeah i thought it was that guy laying down all right i'm a bit jumpy he's a fast crawler here it is here it is okay take the ammo out of it first okay i'm trying to take it i might need some of that back oh no no i have another box can't you take it it's not going in my inventory for some reason you double click it oh yeah there it is that's weird yeah i'll give you some of it back no no good i have another box i forgot okay i saw this other izh in there so i just took it so that guy wouldn't get it just in case he tried to turn it on us he had ammo hey you have any uh thing to drink by the way um yeah yeah i wasn't paying attention to my water you can keep it i have another one i have a campfire yeah i had a water bottle but i drank it all when i was coming to meet you so where do you want to go dude i think we should head west maybe check out commence military and some of the other bases around there [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh did you hear that no that deer no i didn't it's over here i don't know why i'm so jumpy right now yeah there's a deer up here somewhere it's a deer that escaped dude i see him he came a long way he's to the left at the tree line the left of the tree line straight straight ahead no that's where i'm looking oh yeah i see the one you're looking at what the way you're holding that gun it just looks really funny let's do i'm gonna climb up here you're gonna shoot it i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot one of them let me get into position i'll try to get it from another angle oh wait there's two here i don't know which one you're shooting at uh i'm gonna shoot try and shoot the one that's in the field a little bit all right cause the other one was behind the tree for me we can try to hit the same one don't shoot yet let me get into position all right i'm ready whenever you are okay i'm gonna shoot the left one the left one yeah you shoot the right one you shoot the one in the field okay i'll shoot the field one there's actually three so we'll see okay one two two three well i got one i shot the one that was here that's why i'm running off hmm yeah i don't think i hit this one well i i might have hit this one but i think you might have hit it with a second bullet i might have this is a baby there you're like a real predator going after the weakest link the baby yeah i and so do you remember your first kill uh i don't know i think i i don't know i remember the first guy that i tried to kill and i failed i think the first kill that i ever got was a guy who was picking apples in a at a tree and i just shot him with a makarov i think that was my first kill how did it feel i felt kind of bad about it actually because he didn't really have anything like he was kind of cheap it was he didn't have anything just a backpack so when i first started playing daisy it was obviously it was the mod when i started and it was and it just i just couldn't i first of all i couldn't i couldn't get past the zombies so i was literally on my belly crawling everywhere otherwise the zombies would just kill you couldn't get past those arma 2 zombies no not really and uh because i didn't know how to deal with them yeah but there was stealth in the game so people just said like get in your belly and just go go for it and that's what i did i just crawled whenever there were zombies i went flat on my belly and i just crawled from house to house oh my god and and the first i think it was in my memory it's because it's so vague i i don't remember it i remember literally i remember a guy with a flashlight in the middle of the dark running past me and i was scared to death later i kind of realized obviously after a few months of playing you're gonna realize oh that that that guy that first guy that i met my my very first encounter who didn't even see me by the way yeah he he just had a flashlight he didn't have anything else because that's what you spawned with and i was scared i laid there for 10 minutes in high grass oh yeah even shown the light over my hat because he i think he saw something but he didn't know what it was and he when he didn't see anything anymore he just moved on i think we've all had in our early days situations kind of like that where there's no threat at all but you're just scared to death to move it's just a part of being a new player i guess that's what this game is i'm a drink before i go in there we gotta find a shovel and then we're gonna bury a backpack in the middle of the map somewhere we're gonna put stuff in it all right that way it'll last the rest of the day before it gets deleted it's about the story man that's true because i do these things and it doesn't sometimes it doesn't always make sense but it just makes sense for the story and i live the story that's that's what i do whoa okay that looks weird hmm i thought this would look cool but it doesn't well you did to me and i started bouncing oh you're in there oh my bad my bad yeah i'll check in there for the ak yeah i don't want that it's badly damaged i should ump let's state is your radio in pristine okay let's get down from this area all right uh tactical vest in here i'm gonna take it for now i'll drop it after again yeah if someone shoots me at least i can tank a shot hopefully that's the spirit there's an m4 here you should take that do you have any ammo for it though yeah no mac though so i'm gonna put it on my back i'll move into these sandbags i'm gonna put this thing off because the m4 made me happier i cannot run anymore did you see that uh plate carrier did you drop that what do you mean there's a plate carrier back there on the ground beside the tents on the wall yeah it was just sitting there on the ground i just put it off i just oh okay and it was next to a wall all right i'm i'm i'm looking into the dance on this outside i'm just checking over here near these porta potties thanks [Music] hey i see a guy he's up in the building he's in the building right side right side window one two three fifth window with an ak looking at us it looks like he's looking at you oh there's another one there's another another guy in that building i think i can hit him [Music] you shooting no that was him i may have hit him [Music] i took two shots i think i hit him he's probably still alive [Music] i'm moving up the hill north we'll try to get another position they're just camping out the tents did they take a shot at you no they took a shot at somebody [Music] i'm not bleeding or anything are you no no i'm good they didn't see me there's at least two guys maybe more up in the building right side top four yeah i looked after you said you shot but i didn't see anyone they were third personing i'm pretty sure i hit that guy but i'm [Music] i'm not low oh are you at the bottom of the building behind it no no okay so behind it there's a guy sprinting around he's running south south side he's all greened out with a booney hat he ran out of the building okay i'm leaving the m4 behind for now all right i got hurt pretty bad because of zombies i almost died actually i just didn't want to shoot all right i'm gonna have to move here not in a good position i'm moving outside the wall i'm gonna head south yeah see if i can get a flanking position yeah i'm gonna move outside the wall as well i think they're going to as well try to flank my shots what's up the wall yeah i think they're going to run outside the wall and try to flank us then we should we should take a safe distance from the wall yeah that's what i was thinking i just got one jeez i'm dude he was right on me it was the guy i saw too i'm such an idiot i had my gun on semi-automatic on me too actually all right i'm gonna go do another flank on the other side farther down there's another guy i think actually i know there's another guy definitely he could be dead but i don't know good job man i was literally because i got [ __ ] up by the zombies i was literally further behind you because i can't run i was right dude i see you running i think oh no this is this is not you what this is not you where are you there's a guy with an orange backpack uh east from the wall maybe a little bit to the north running with a cowboy hat on orange backpack is he walking away from him he has nikki oh great right i'm gonna flank around him i'm running north he knows i'm running away from him all right i'm coming towards you you don't have a hat right no hat no hat okay i'm still wearing all black i'm getting shot i just got shot at by something i think it was an ak i know he was yeah i was shot he was silent i shot at him but i didn't hit him flanking i have to get my breath back i'm bleeding i know just getting a tree advantage yeah i think he just nicked me he ruined my pants i took shots at them but then [ __ ] i have no idea where that's coming from since the silencer dude i'm really low blood man i know i know stay away from the fight yeah i'm gonna have to uh go further further up the hill yeah i'm doing the same he's not afraid to fight oh man i got a bandage again must have shot me twice uh i'm like close to the road okay i think i'm pretty close to it as well i went i went across the road [Music] oh man i'm so black and white i know man you're you'll be fine just keep it keep a low profile yeah i'm in a bush are you healing yeah just want my blood to go up a bit i'm gonna drop this radio thing why is it bringing you down so much not really it just makes me a bigger target i'm dead [ __ ] oh man he's right next to me i shot at them first but i missed he's hit though i'm sure all right i'm gonna circle around my blood has went up a little bit i'm gonna move to a new position i think i heard where the shots were coming from but but i was facing the opposite direction so it's right next to the road okay like at the corner where the dense trees start on the west side i just have to find a road first well here's the road i'm in the dense trees area i see like a little dirt path that intersects the road yeah that's that's where it was a little bit boston i see your body i see your body he was a little bit below the hill for me he can be anywhere dude you killed him i did yeah you killed him he's dead oh man yeah he's dead okay you carry somebody i'm on your body your old body yeah i'll get your stuff dude you killed him all right good lord [Music] good [Music] i'm happy with anything just take what you can and just all right man he was really close to you all right i'm coming back okay i'm gonna cast a rock all right i'm on my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Baby Nades
Views: 2,366,428
Rating: 4.854928 out of 5
Keywords: DayZ, Standalone, .63, beta, xbox one, xbox, gameplay, footage, let's play, cinematic, zombies, infected, pvp, pve, story, narrative, adventure, akm, firefight, bandits, survivor, PC gaming, Survival, sniper, Adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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