Las tiendas futuristas de Amazon donde NO PAGAS las cosas 💵 | Amazon Go

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My friends, today we are going to meet a smart store from Amazon. [Music] These innovative stores are called amazon go, of course they are part of amazon's international empire. Interesting fact, at the time I recorded this the owner of amazon is the richest man on the planet. They are called smart stores because they are too technological. As it says in the entry they are stores in which there are no lines you don't have to pay at the cashier, they have advanced technology called just work out shopping that just by intuition, if we simply translate these words, you walk into the store you grab what you need and you leave, you don't need to tell anyone: hey I'm taking this, where do I pay?, where's the line?, do you accept card or cash? no, nothing at all. You grab what you need and go and you get billed to your amazon account. A very very impressive thing without a doubt that gives us a glimpse, once again, very realistic of the future that awaits us. But well, there's no use to just be talking about it, let's get in, let's put it to the test and let's see how smart these amazon stores really are, that work with artificial intelligence. What we need to enter into one of these stores is to have the amazon go app. And with our amazon account, look at this beauty, hello Luis it provides a QR code which I'm covering up because there's always a smarty pants who'll save it and will severely indebt me by going shopping using it. So we cross the door. Come on in, don't be shy we are going to scan our QR code and this is going to give us access. thank you And that's it, it's just like a grocery store, it's like a mini-supermarket, so let's see I grab my little shopping bag and here I'm going to throw in everything that I need. So let's say I need a coffee, I have it, I need, I don't know, a gatorade, I need some pumpkin seeds and something that supposedly makes this store even smarter is that you can grab something, I grabbed it, and then say no I kind of regretted it and I just leave it here again. The whole store is equipped with smart sensors, look there's one here, there's another one, all over the store that detects where products are stored, so these sensors work with cameras and they detect like the movement of the customers, what they grabbed, if they put it back if they took two of the same thing. Let's see, I'll take, I don't know, two, I grabbed two of these chickens ok, I took two then I went to see other things; -hey mom, can you buy me this? -no son, it's very expensive -ok mom- -but we can take just one, ok I'll take one mom- Let's see, I'm going to return just one let's see how this works, because yeah I'm curious to really see how smart is this system, this technology. Then you come an ask, -mom, what else do you need? -bring some milk- ok let's see, I walk over here, -I don't think there's milk mom but there is this milk, like protein milk, so I grabbed it I'm taking it here with me, I ask my mom, -hey mom is it this one? -no, you dumb kid, take that back. -ok, I'm sorry mommy.- So I have this in my hand and I put it back here. Now what if I suddenly take something, this salami for example, or maybe something that doesn't spoil because I'm going to leave it there. So I take one of these cans, I grabbed it, then I started looking at the phone here, I got distracted and I left it there. I'm not taking it away but I'm leaving it out of place. Let's see if the smart sensor catches that I left it out of place. Delicious, tasty tortillas I take it and I put it in the bag. So right now in my bag I have the chickens, I have a coffee, a gatorade, I have the pumpkin seeds or "auyama" seeds, however they call it in your countries and I have the tortillas ok, that's all I have. And that's all I have to, I just take the things and I go. I do need a water, at the end I took this water ok, I want it we put it in the bag and that's all. That's it, I'm just supposed to get out. So let's take a good look, I'm not going through any line, I'm not telling any workers, hey I'm taking this, nothing, I'm just going to walk away with the bag of stuff that I grabbed. I leave and it's supposed to be charged magically on my phone. Let's see, let's check it out it opens and that's it, bye bye smart store, let's go, let's go out on the street I'm not telling anyone and ready, we are out. So let's see ok, I have my stuff, I have my groceries, we'll see on the app what they actually charged me, how they charged me that, and see how smart this system really is. It's very exciting, I'm very intrigued. I walked back to my hotel and now my bill from the store is ready. Let's analyze how this works, we have here in the receipts section all your purchase history, we can see that I had already purchased previously, here it we have the one from today, six items were marked for us, let's see which ones it marked. Up here it says how long we were at the store, apparently I was inside nine minutes and seven seconds and let's see what we were charged, let's see how smart this AI robot is let's see, it marked a box of water, here it is, sunflower seeds, present, chicken bars right here, a fruit punch flavored gatorade, here it is but it's not fruit punch flavored the one I brought is orange flavored and the app is marking fruit punch. ¡Not that smart, amazon robot! It costs the same, it doesn't affect anyone, it's the same amount it's just an interesting remark. Tortilla candy, here it is and a caramel frapuccino from starbucks here it is and it got the flavor just right look, it's caramel, just what the app says. Wow, what can I say I admit I'm pretty impressed. A store where you don't have to deal with anyone, any kind of contact and everything is charged directly to your mobile device. But there must be something wrong with this system, it's perfect for when I go shopping by myself what happens when I go to the store with someone and different people take different products We're doing the experiment by going into the store with Willy and Ale the three of us are going in and we're supposed to be able to get in using my code, they don't have the app but they come with me; you normally go shopping with someone, with the girlfriend, with the aunt, with the grandmother. So what happens if we come in and we start grabbing things, let's do a real shopping scenario and see if the amazon go AI is that smart. QR code in hand, look at here it says we get in the three of us are inside, then what is it?, did the sensors picked up that we are 3 dudes?, I don't know. grab something, or grab something, then leave it and then take something else. I want this cookie you know what, I don't want it anymore, I'm going to leave it here like I forgot it there, a very human behavior I want milk, almond milk, almond milk and then I regretted it, I don't want almond milk anymore and I leave it here to see what happens. I leave it here but now my trusty little box of water, now I like it, boxed water is cool. What we're going to do now is we're going to get out separately, I tell them: I've got to go, don't worry I'm buying, but I have to go, bye I'm going to get out first, what an intrigue, what is it going to charge us?I'm going out and I'm out and let's go, again we're watching it, nobody saw anything, I just left What a thrill, if this works out, wow. Do you have your things? What did you get? -Cheetos, I grabbed a lot of coffee and then some cheetos- ok, cheetos and a coke. And did you grab something and then left it? -coffee, sodas, -I had a gatorade but I regretted it- something very human you regret it. Let's see, we just have in our hands boxed water, Coca Cola and cheetos let's see in a little while when the app charges us, what it really charged and how smart is amazon go. What an intrigue. 8 minutes later We have our receipt, our bill is ready and apparently it charged us something extra, it says four items let's check what it charged us. Ok, it charged my water, cheetos from Willy too, a vanilla coke, it even detected that it was a vanilla one, wow. And it's also charging us for a protein bar nobody took that. -I didn't grab any- Is it in your pocket? -no Is it in your bag? there's the water, no, nothing was stolen. That was the robot's mistake but look, it was throuh a device and I was moving a few things you guys you saw it, I was moving them really hard grabbing and leaving, so it wasn't too bad. Now, a good question Willy asked what happens with this mistake?, can I claim it? we are going to see I just swipe here and No, I want to request a refund because I didn't take it so what happened?, there was a problem or I didn't take it or any of my family members we really didn't, give me my money back please. Will it be that fast that they give me my money? Oh wow apparently it's ready and look it was updated very fast, they are not charging me anymore in just seconds. Let's see, with a technology like that you really have to rely on people a little bit, because how else are you going to check it and I honestly think that amazon at least at the time that I'm doing this, doesn't have those stores for business, there's not plenty of them to represent a real income to an empire like amazon. I think right now they are in test stages so tomorrow they're able to implement them and make them part of the amazon empire and make it really profitable.There you have it, the smart stores that could be giving us a glimpse of what the future of consumerism is in stores. We are using less and less cash, and it seems that bank cards are being used less to the point where we can buy something just by going in and out of a place. Did you know this technology?, what did you think of it? is there something similar where you live?. You can put it in the comments below. An interesting fact, maybe a little disturbing, Jeff Bezos, the owner of amazon, while you were watching this video won approximately 900 thousand dollars. OMG what a disturbing fact. Let's follow the advice from Jeff Bezos and put our money and our efforts in things that could change humanity. Thank you for joining me. As always I'll see you in a few days with a new video. Goodbye futuristic "pimpollo"
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 12,045,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Amazon, Amazon go, smart, stores, tienda, futurista, inteligente, futuro, Mercado libre, Estados Unidos, Nueva York, Amazon go grocery, cómo funciona, how does it work, review, reseña, dinero, Pago
Id: 3vpupYmG1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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