Perfumes PIRATAS vs ORIGINALES | ¿Conviene pagar más por marcas?

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We have the 777 men, here we have Hugo Boss. One hundred?! Oh wow, you're right I like the sign. Stolen perfume $100 pesos. The "Lacoss", I'll take one of these. This one is good. [Music] Original vs pirate perfumes [Music] [Music] In this video we will talk about perfumes and lotions. These exquisite fragrances that can make us smell delicious, can make that with our scent we stand out in a crowd of people and when they are made by a renowned designer, they become very expensive I'm talking about hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but is there really a difference between an imitation Hero and a Hugo Boss original? Do they smell different? A Ferrari lotion and a Ferrati? In this video we will try to determine it. We are going to buy different fragrances of imitation or piracy, we are going to compare them in detail with their original brand versions and we will see if it's really worth spending a lot more money on the original versions. Let's start by going where you usually find cheaper stuff, let's look for pirate fragrances and imitation Let's go for it. [Music] We're already on the streets, undercover, of course. Let's look for big sales. Big sales on lotions - Hi, good day. - Hi, how are you? - How are you? We came to look some lotions. The Lacoss ones catch my attention. - It's eye-catching but the bottle is simple.Comes sealed is a basic, square bottle. - How much does it cost? - $42 wholesale, from 6 pieces. - Wow, super good! - It's made in Mexico and these here are prototypes, they are imported from India and it costs $62 wholesale The "Lacoss", I'll take one of these. This one is good. And give also one of the Ferrati. It's so good! Ferrati, I didn't know this existed. It's good. I'll take this one too, and look, one of those, Hugo for men, algo one of those, please. They're so cool, right? I want this one! 717 VIP, this is the good one Oh yes! I came looking for copper and found diamonds. This is great I didn't think imitations were like that, how curious, okay let's go to another one and see if we can find these one that they call "clones", right? Because this one are merely imitations, let's go to let's see if we can find some of the clones ones, that try to be original. [Music]. - Hey hey, how are you? Do you have clone lotions? - The ones that... - $250 and $270 Let me see the One Million or the classic one, don't you have it? - I have the 212 - Oh, let me see the 212 it comes identical to the original. Oh wow! It's soo cool. $250...and does it smell the same? - Yeah, it does. - Ok, then I'll take these three. Okay, there are some here too. Let's see, okay. I think they're the same ones we've already bought I like the sign. Stolen perfume $100 pesos. - How are you, friend? Whichever for $100? - Yeah, the one you like in 100 The Liverpool label and all. Stolen perfumes. I'll take one from Liverpool too. Let's see, inspired by two Dolce & Gabbana. Liverpool, there it is. Why does it say stolen? - Because it's stolen from Liverpool. - Let's would $200, right? Okay, thank you! This sign is a jewel, it's good it's good. Successful mission. We bought a lot, we came out nice. How alive are the streets, you find everything. Like this video if you would like a video of "Adventures Downtown", simply wandering around, just to see what we find, besides people is really nice. Ok, let's try them, let's see if we find the original versions of some of these, so we can test them. [Music] Now let's buy original perfumes. [Music] Now let's try to get the same fragrances in their original version in any department store, let's see if we can find them and for how much. I feel like it's going to be a big price difference. OMG, see here, big price difference. Look, this one that we bought over there $2,550 pesos and look at these others the 212 that we were getting there, $2,900. Yeah, wide price difference in the department store. Well, ready! perfumes purchased, on this side we have the fake, pirate, bad perfumes, however you want to call them, on this side, the so-called originals, those of the official brand. On the fake side we have 13 perfumes, which cost me approximately $1,100 pesos about 55 dollars, a more than reasonable price, we could even say "cheap". On the side of the originals we have 8 fragrances that OMG, I'm not proud to say this they cost me a little over $16,000 pesos. It seems to me that 1$6,130 was the total bill about 805 dollars, approximately. OMG a lot of money here, but well now let's go with the comparison. How much the fake ones change, the ones that don't make an effort on being classified as clones, such as this one here, the Ferrati and the Ferrari and even much more interesting, How much do clones change? Ok self named "clones" like for example this one I have here. Let's see how it changes its presentation, its bottles, its aromas, let's get to the bottom of this. It's really worth spending a lot more money? Practically, 10 times more on an original perfume. Let's start with the epic Ferrari vs. Ferrati Original Ferrari is priced at about $580 pesos, 29 dollars. Ferrati $46 pesos. Ferrati perfume 2 dollars, made in Mexico, ok. Here, evidently a text that it says made it Made in Mexico against Ferrari, made in Italy, or at least that's what it says here, okay made in Italy they both come wrapped in platic, okay, the black boxes this way...something tells me that the actual difference is going to be in the bottle. Ok the Ferrati's box it's very shiny the Ferrari's it's kind of nice, it's even embossed here, it has their official Ferrari merchandise stamp. Likewise, the horses are facing opposite sides, and well, let's see, let's try This is the packaging of Ferrati's, actually looks nicer than I anticipated, I thought it was going to be much much more simple, has its little horse here, not bad. And the Ferrari, okay comes with double cardboard and oh my, this one is another bottle. Look at the nice detailing, the black glass, the Ferrari logo comes with a little embossing, let's call it that, it protrudes, the cap is like this, the atomizer is black. Okay, there's a huge but massive difference. But how about on the smells, let's see maybe it doesn't change that much. I read on the internet that to do a odor test you have to neutralize your sense of smell with coffee so I have it here ready. Neutralized Wow, wow they smell surprisingly similar, really very very similar. The smells are really very similar, the bottles not so much. Next one, let's go with the Lacoss written as such, Lacoss and the original Lacoste. From the original Lacoste I did not find the same box it's white, they only sold the combo, but but the lady at the store told me that it's the same cost $2.200 mexican pesos 110 dollars, the original versus about $50 pesos, 2.50 dollars the fake one The original is made in Monaco, the fake is made in Mexico. We can see that the crocodile is kind of chubbier, right? Like he's wider than the crocodile original and let's look at the bottle. Ok, well it's a generic bottle, I would say, let's compare for example the Ferrati one with the Lacoss one, like it's the same bottle and to the is an entirely different bottle see this, the material of glass, the color, even the crocodile is made of cloth, the original the other one is nothing more than a stamp. I just realize that the original is called L.12.12 and the fake one is L.21.21 Now by smell, will be the same thing? Wow they do smell very, but exaggeratedly similar, I don't think I can differentiate them; they smell identical. We will be testing the duration thing, later on but first instance, the same. Let's move on and now we're going to go into the clone category, cloned fragrances so that they do look like the originals, identical. 212 for men by Carolina Herrera, the original one costs $2,300 pesos, about 115 dollars and the fake one cost me $250 pesos, like $12.50 To the fake one, they put a little sleeve on it that the truth is, I don't know it's kind of tasteless like the print is kind of tacky, like the colors look bad. When you take the sleeve off, it looks more real. The truth, this box does look very very authentic. Let's see. let's open the boxes. Okay, well yeah touching the cardboard does make the impression of the original feel better. Let's see when you open it, ok it comes this way, you open up another little cardboard, you take the bottle out, there it is. The original one, we take it has the same cardboard cover, there it is. Okay, well yeah, to the touch it's very obvious; the original feels like it's better assembled and the fake feels like plastic...cheaper, more generic. The original one it even feels a little bit metallic like it has some metal coating, it's even cold and the fake is all plastic. The numbers, look you can tell the difference, look at the 212, 212 we can see here the Carolina Herrera is perforated in the plastic and here is just a small impression. Both say that they were made in Spain, although obviously the clone must have been made in another place, but they put that because they want to imitate it. Now, the nicer detail, they put the magnet on it to the fake. Check a magnet, another one. Ah wow, and in aroma, let's see... very good. This one smells a little bit different. Mmmm no, here you can tell the difference, even with my untrained sense of smell, I can tell that the clone smells a lot more like alcohol, the original smells good. Still, nice imitation...its actually pretty accurate. Let's go with the very famous, Jean Paul Gaultier, and the little dolls, well let's prove them. This is the original, the crystal feels really nice, I like that it has like different textures, here on the buttocks it is like scratchy. This one is just one texture, however the truth is very well done and I will have to say, the fake like went more to the gym than the original. See this, even has a six-pack abs my dude, highly marked pectorals the other one, kinda. Not bad, pretty well imitated. Let's see the original, here it is, this is a classic. A very very nice jar, is like a gold ingot. A truly classic, this is a very very successful, one of the best sellers worldwide. And let's see the fake, ah gee! Well it doesn't look bad at all, I repeat that it is not exactly the same model, but we can get an idea. Now, I'll do a mention to... let's listen. do you hear that plastic? It sounds like it's poorly assembled and the original... kind of feels better, the truth very good. Here I don't even know how to compare the fragrances, the aromas because I repeat, it's not the same thing, but wow really if I were to go to my friend's house and we are getting ready to go out and he lends me his $250 pesos lotion, I'm not going to realize that it's fake, it looks quite real Yeah, it looks pretty fine, well done there. Ah, I was reading on the internet that one of the things to look out for, is the serial number that should be the same as the one on the bottle as it is on the box. On the original, can you see it? Look right here, it says 20 0 41 can see the code? There it is, 20 0 41 and in the same way, this is going to be in the box okay you're looking at it, here 20 0 41 is going to be the same batch number, I think that's how they call it, that's the official naming. On the fake, let's see if they took care of that detail No, in fact it doesn't even have the batch number on the bottle. It doesn't have a batch number, it doesn't have a serial number. Ah, well that's the big difference, if all of a sudden you guys buy a fragrance on the internet, that you got it with a good price and you're wondering mmm it's fake? it's going to be original? That's a big hint. Oh and look, wait! We have the One Million Paco Rabanne, original, clone but we're forgetting about the number one! Look at this Oh my, for 5 dollars, $100 mexican pesos...not bad at all. Just that this one is a really cool bottle that opens like this, normal, does not have the sensual dispenser like these two but it get its good points for participating, its consolation prize. The Gold number one, 5 dollars. Well, there are the visible differences, aroma differences, of first impact, between the originals which cost more than 100 dollars and the fake ones, which hardly exceed 10 dollars in price. I will now proceed to perfume myself with an original one, and with a fake one, an imitation. I will be testing them throughout the day, to see how long they last, if they smell equal good, maybe one of them will give me some irritation, if I feel it all of a sudden sticky on my skin, I don't know, let's try to get to the bottom of this. [Music] Ok, today we will get, original. Today, we get fake. ah, nice! Original and today we get fake. There it is. Fresh! Let's go! Several days using lotions after... [Music] Well, fragrances tested and none of them gave me irritation, none inflamed my skin, nothing there what I did notice is that the imitation fragrances, such as this little baby, last less that's a fact, with the original one I used to wear it and after a few hours I would ask people with whom I would meet, do I smell good? and yes, in fact from the moment you walk into the boardroom they tell you, how nice you smells, did you put on perfume? and with the imitations it was like an hour, two hours after I put it on, I noticed that it had already gone down in intensity, I would ask people and they would tell me it's smells poor or it doesn't even smell like you are wearing perfume. So that's a fact, that they last a lot less and now my verdict on this issue is going to be whether you have the possibility of buying the original fragrances, always go with that, because I think that you have to respect the fact that they don't let to be the creators of the fragrance, right? that they an idea and I want it to smell like that, and it took them months maybe years of laboratory, experiments to come up with this scent and I would say, if you want to buy a much more economical fragrance that there are very good economical ones, better to buy one that is inexpensive but with original scent not one that is imitating another, so that would be my personal opinion, but what do you think? You can leave it here below in the comments. Thank you so much for joining me on this video I hope that this information has been useful to you, that you had fun for a while, that you were distracted. We'll meet, as you know it, in a few days with a new video. Goodbye, let's keep smelling good!
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 14,279,189
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Perfume, loción, fragancia, olor, aroma, Lacoste, Ferrari, Calvin Klein, Armani, Hugo boss, designer, diseñador, fake, copia, imitación, pirata, comparación, reseña, review, caro, costoso, barato, barato vs caro, Carolina Herrera, 212, Jean Paul gaultier, vlog, provinciano en la ciudad, centro, mexico, Ciudad de México
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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