Compré un refrigerador INTELIGENTE | ¿Vale la pena gastar TANTO? 😱🤖

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I'm going to open my refrigerator to see what I have. What? Do I live in the past? Why would I open my refrigerator when I can simply open an app on its smart screen that tells me what's inside? And not only that, it tells me when my food is going to spoil. Pfff. Welcome to the 21st century. Smart refrigerators are a reality. [Music] Luisito Techinology. Ladies and gentlemen, here we have, Luisito Technology! Yes! Luisito Technology. Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, Wilson, for that excellent introduction. How are you all doing, my friends? Once again, here's Luisito Technology, your reliable source for casual, everyday tech reviews. Today, my friends, I'm very excited. Okay. I'm amped up. It just arrived at my house. Just an hour ago, some guys came to leave it. A smart refrigerator. What a beauty! What a marvel! What's a smart refrigerator? Well, I'm not sure if that's the technical term. Can hear some expert YouTubers on refrigerators saying: "No, this isn't just a smart fridge. It's a fridge with an 870-turn screen. But, Luisito doesn't know much about it. It's a fridge that, in addition to supposedly being very functional, a great fridge, spacious, and more, it has a screen, okay? It has a touch screen to do various things. I don't know, I imagine you can watch tutorials here Of kitchen stuff, because well, you are at the kitchen. Or you can watch the news in the morning while having breakfast. Tweet, check Twitter threads, here on your fridge. I don't know, I can't think of much to do with a screen on my fridge. By the way, these little holes here, could they be cameras? Does this have cameras? I just bought another device for the authorities out there to watch me, to spy on me. For a price of around $3,300 dollars. Truth be told, it's a bit of a pricey fridge, about... $66,000 Mexican pesos. This Samsung refrigerator, which is named, let's see, at least as it's written on the box, is a 27-inch FDR. It has a little 27-inch screen here. And that's all I can tell you for now, okay? I don't know why I made that purchase. It just made me laugh, made me curious in the store, and then they talked to me about it. "Young man, we're down here..." And I was like, what?... I didn't remember I had bought this wonder. Let's start, as always, with the unboxing. [Music] Alright, let's begin. I don't have anyone to record me, so I'll do it this way, freehand. Samsung 27-inch FDR. It has a pretty good, quite favorable ratio. And look, here on the right side is where the actual screen comes in. Oh, how cool, how beautiful! And well, on the inside, let's see, it's quite spacious, honestly, it's very good. very nice. It's my first time reviewing a refrigerator, not quite sure where to focus. This is where the water comes out to make ice. Down here, we have the freezer area. Quite roomy, pretty good, but let's get to what interests us. And for that, we need to connect it. Fridge connected, and let's see. Oh, look, look, look! Oh! Oh, wow! How cool! See, these lines you see on the camera don't really appear that way. That's more like, well, I don't know, a thing with screens and cameras that always happen. Then it asks for your country. Let's see, Mexico, of course. Done! Yes! I agree with everything. Let's see if I'm not agreeing to let technological goblins come and eat my food. Ah, I agree, agree, and let's see. Oh, look how cool, it alerts you about the open door. Oh, so sophisticated, wow. let's see. Let's close it, and it disappears, wow. Alright, that's pretty awesome. It also asks if you want to perhaps add different apps, like YouTube, Instagram. You can start checking Instagram on your phone, wow. You've got your Spotify playlist there. No, this one's good, I find it quite functional. Ok, another modification. You've got your recipes there. It's good, look, here, if you're on a diet, it tells you about your meals and more. And I think those are all of them. Honestly, I liked this one here. This one's good. It works as if it were an Android device. Well, obviously, it's a Samsung refrigerator. It must be similar to having a Galaxy or something, wow. Wow, how modern this is. Ah, of course. You can have your screen off. You can have Smart View. Alright, that's pretty cool. And apparently, you can talk to it. Does this thing listen to you? Wow. We'll turn the screen off in a sec. Aha, there's Luisillo. How do I...? There it is. There it goes back on. Alright, what a tremendous, tremendous madness. So, let's see, that's the first thing, the essential. The welcome the refrigerator gives you. Now, I'll connect it, fill it up, use it for a couple of days to give you an accurate opinion and tell you about other hacks, other functions I discovered that are useful in the smart refrigerator. Alright, I'm really excited. It's very cool to have a screen in your kitchen. Absolutely. A hack that, of course, Luisitec, communitec, had to have. Alright, let's do this. See you in a few days. [Music] Okay, so I've been using the smart refrigerator for a couple of days now. As you can see, I've even covered it with magnets. And wow, I must say, it's pretty cool. It's... fun, I don't know, it has some things that are very useful, and others that aha... could be useful, but in a real scenario, I don't see myself actually using them. But overall, my impression is that it's really neat. I keep discovering new features it offers. It's very functional, very practical, not too complicated to set up. But let me go into more detail for you. Alright, the first thing: this here is a speaker, and it actually sounds loud. Sounds hard. Let me give you a demonstration right now. Yes, you can have a party in the kitchen without any problem. Now, let's go to the main page. Look, it's really cool that you can personalize it with your own style. Photos and reminders. You can keep changing your screens. For example, on the main screen, I put a photo of Paco, another of the beach, a photo of Arisita, and me there. Arisita drew something there for me. We also added music because you can connect your Spotify. You can connect your Spotify to... to your fridge. And look, here on the second page, we have the weather, for example, right? That's quite practical. It tells you how the weather will be in your area, more or less. Here, I've set up a couple of quick links to pages and such. For instance, there's the... the recipe app, the shopping list. Other applications here are really helpful, you know? They're functional. I'm still not quite sure what to add here. Right now, I've only added Uber. Because yes, you can order an Uber from your fridge. And check this out, it basically works like this. Let's say I want to add something new here. Well, if I hold it down, it's to modify the entire screen, right? If I just tap it once, there, I can add what I want as I like, right? I can add a photo, a video, a reminder. Look, for example, a reminder. I put a reminder there. Let's add another one. They're like little notes. It's pretty cool, look. "Do not use crack. Never, bros. Never use crack." We'll hit save, right? "Do not use crack. Never, bros. Never use crack." We'll hit save, right? [Music] It's actually fun. For example, I put my Spotify here. So, I click on this and it opens my Spotify page. Then I can play whatever music I want there. It's very cool, really, really nice. I would play a song to give you an example, but obviously, I can't due to copyright and all that. But I'll give you another example now. So, yes, I can order food, a favor, whatever, from here. Just like with Uber, that's pretty cool. Look, right from here, from the fridge, I put it. But these are things I'm not sure if I'll actually use in real life, you know? They're there, but I don't know if I'll come to my fridge to order an Uber. But in case I need it, it'll be there. And then, check this other thing out, this is interesting. It has this app called View Inside, I mean, to see inside. It's literally for seeing inside your fridge without having to open it. So, look, I tapped it and there it is. Right now, my fridge is quite empty, but look, I've got my drinks, my olives, right? And what's interesting about this too is that, look, I have my food list where... Well, I haven't configured it properly yet, but in theory, you enter what you have, and it tells you roughly when it spoils. Look, for example, I stored some leftover Chinese food I ordered yesterday, right? So I put it there. Yes, what? I set it that there's Chinese food that spoils in three days, right? So when it's almost expired, it reminds me: "Hey, your Chinese food is about to go bad, brother. Take it out because it's starting to smell." It's in the fridge, freezer, or pantry. You can also list things you keep in your pantry. It can remind you of that too. Well, it's in the fridge, so add it, right? And you can also take photos of your products. For instance, look, I took a photo of the olives, and that's the actual jar I have in there, right? I took it with the camera that this has. So, I don't know, I see this as useful, and this not so much. I suppose, initially, it's like, don't you ever open the fridge to see what's in there? Well, don't open it, check it from here. But really, what's the trouble with just opening the fridge, right? Although, you have the option. It's cool, it's fun. Another thing that's cool. Wow, it has so many features, huh? I don't know why I initially thought it would be like, one or two. No, it's quite complete. You can connect to your fridge from your phone. This is through two apps. One is Samsung's Family Hub, and the other is Samsung's SmartThings. Even if you don't have a Samsung phone, it doesn't matter, you can download it on any other device. So, check this out, it's really cool that I can access the fridge's cameras from my phone. So, if I'm suddenly at the grocery store and I'm like, "Hmm, do I have beer in the fridge? I don't remember." I can check my fridge from wherever I am and see what I have, what I'm missing. Likewise, in the app, I can adjust the fridge and freezer temperatures, for instance. If by chance, I suddenly remember, "Oops! I left the fish in the fridge instead of the freezer, and it's going to spoil," and I'm already traveling, I can just adjust it from here to make it colder. That's very cool, that's very, very practical. [Music] And, oh, here's another thing with the phone. This one is really cool. You can connect your phone to the fridge using SmartView. For this, you do need to have a Samsung phone. At least, to my knowledge, you do need an actual Samsung phone. For example, right now, I have the Galaxy. Look, let's try it out. Here in my settings, I'll find SmartView. There it is, SmartView. So there it is. Look. It detected the fridge, right? So, yes, it's the fridge where I want to duplicate my screen. Aha. Start now. Let's see. There's my fridge. Look. So... It's cool because it's duplicating the screen of my mobile phone. Look at it. On my refrigerator. So, look. I start moving, and it moves. No, no, no. It's really cool. Super practical. Oh, you know what? I haven't tried the camera. What happens if I turn on the camera? Oh, it does turn on. What? That's super crazy. What's up, tech enthusiasts? Testing the smart refrigerator. Definitely. And look, there it is. Fridge, inside a fridge, inside a fridge. Oh, that's insane. Look, Arisita just arrived. -Hi. How's it going, Arisita? What do you think of the fridge? Good? -How did you do that? It's nice, right? It just... -Look I look like bald. [Laugh] -It makes a gap around here. So, that's a really cool use. And similarly, for example, it occurs to me, if you want to see... Well, I don't know why you would do these things, you know? These things you can do, I don't know why you'd do them. If you want to watch Netflix or, I don't know, a YouTube video on your refrigerator... You can do it very easily from here, right? In fact, let me take the opportunity to give you a sound sample, right? Let's see, let's play a video by Luisillo... [Video playing on the fridges screen] Look. [Video playing on the fridges screen] It's loud! [Music] And there I am! I'm watching a video by Luisillo from my fridge and it's loud. [Music] So, yes, it's cool, it's practical that you can sync your phone to your fridge. I don't know, it must be useful for more than one thing, right? Being able to have your phone duplicated on your screen, just like that. Be careful! What if, out of the blue, you're giving away the secret recipe for Coca-Cola? For some reason, you have it, you go to the bathroom to message it to your partner, forgetting that the fridge was synced, and everyone in your kitchen sees the secret Coca-Cola formula, right? So, with these kinds of details, you have to be careful. These highly technological things, sure, they can be a great advantage, but you have to handle them with care because they can also backfire. [Music] Let me see what else is cool. Oh, for example, this, the timer, right? I'm cooking, I need a small alarm. I set it to remind me in, let's say, half an hour. Ah, here we also have the fridge manager itself, right? So here, look, I control the fridge temperature at three degrees, right? I want it a little warmer, a little colder, the freezing as well, right? What I really liked is this, check this out. In the self-check, the fridge does a self-examination and tells you if it's fine or if something is malfunctioning, look. Starting self-check, no errors were detected. Obviously, it's brand new, right? But if it were to have issues suddenly, like if it's not cooling or something similar, in theory, it should tell you right here. This is funny; it tells you when the door was last opened, see. So, it tells you exactly at what time the door was opened, which could be risky, for example, It's like living with a partner and being a fit couple, right? Your husband or wife could be watching you like, "It's not true, I saw that you opened the refrigerator. I saw you ate four chocolates; I'm watching on the camera, Luis Alfonso, don't lie, please." It causes a whole drama just because your fridge is way, way too smart. I suppose you could also realize if there's an intruder in your home, or if your roommate is taking things from your side of the fridge. That's good because that's a real problem, at least here in Mexico City, living a lot with roommates, right? You have one side of the refrigerator for one person, one is for Yalitza, the other is for Jorjito, right? "But don't eat what's on my side," and you can supervise that in the app. [Music] So, yes, this is what the fridge does. Perhaps I missed a few things. Maybe there are some features I haven't learned yet, but what has caught my attention the most and what I've loved is what I've mentioned. Well, friends, that's the Samsung smart refrigerator. I actually quite liked it. Approved bye Luisito Technology. The price is indeed quite high. The fridge is expensive, especially when compared to the cost of a regular one. I'd like to say that over time, the prices will drop and all, but the reality is, I'm not sure. These fridges emerged around 2016, so they've been around for about five years. It's not like the prices have notably dropped, but maybe in another five or ten years, the prices will start to normalize as more brands begin to produce smart refrigerators. As far as I know, at least in Mexican territory, Samsung is the only one selling them. I imagine maybe elsewhere, possibly. Certainly, Xiaomi might have a smart refrigerator, I'm not sure. But as far as I know, they're the only ones doing it. Oh, look, it turned off. Ah, did you see? The screen turns off and its sensors detect when it won't turn back on. But well. It's good that right now they can afford to have such high prices because they are the only brand truly marketing them. But as more and more brands start releasing their offerings, prices might decrease and become much more accessible so everyone can have a more technologically reliant device. In our lives. Well, friends, I hope you liked it, I hope it was useful for you. Put in the comments what you think. Do you find it cool? Necessary? Or just a very big expense that you'll never benefit from? That you'll never find a use for? You can put it down here in the comments. Well, see you in a few days with a new video. Goodbye, pimpollo. Which refrigerates in a quite, quite technological way.
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 8,510,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, Refri, refrigerador, refrigerator, samsung, con pantalla, pantalla, smart, inteligente, screen, review, reseña, cómo configurar, configuración, fotos, vale la pena, comparación, nevera, hielera, congelador
Id: 7YNZaQm0Azs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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