NEVER SEEN BEFORE - Secret WW2 Tunnels Found After 77 Years

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[Music] oh no i need to tighten that up right okay [Applause] now i'm out of breath yes i know i am stop moaning right so i don't even know where to begin with this this is one of those videos that's going to piss a lot of you off because i can give away pretty much no information about this whatsoever it's very sensitive you will not have seen any of this anywhere else and at certain points i am going to have to say uh you know pixelate some of the signage down here just to protect the site um this one's very special there is no online content of this place um so you can be damn sure that if you're seeing this video because i may not even put it out uh or it might not even put it out for a couple of years but if i ever do it means that this place is definitely a no-go and yeah anyone else your chances gone so i'll turn you around and i i would explain what i can but again i have to be so careful about what i say um so let's turn around and let's go and have a look at this underground world war ii set of tunnels that's probably about as much as i can give so let's go so yeah leave leave me to it fellas i'm just gonna i'm just gonna wander around and i'll come back for my camera later so there is no graffiti here at all and ah so much of the original lighting and all of the ventilations still up that's better now these tunnels are very extensive now i've known about these for about 20 years and i did do a lot of research a while back to try and find a way into this place but the bottom line is i just couldn't do it now more recently thanks to the efforts of a couple of people um are now now able to come down here now unfortunately because i mean all of this tin work and the mining rings is in great condition especially still with that yellow paint but sections here you can see they've had to reinforce it with spray foam uh spray foam sorry spray concrete just to reinforce it in certain sections um but i'm gonna have to keep going i'm not even sure this might even have to be a two-parter because this place is huge [Music] wow look at that so here's the original woodwork and it's still got one of the fans in here my god look jeez oh sorry if i'm a little bit shaky at first but the adrenaline of getting in here is still oh definitely going through me below all the original light switches are still here as well let's have a look on the other side of this because this is where we should start to see signage um uh passive dip right okay so i've got to blur that oh look inside i don't know if it the the mesh gets in the way but you can see the motor is still on the back of that fan now this would have been one of the ways in um but this is sealed off at the top so i'm not going to worry too much about going up there um it's interesting how they've got these on the side though um because it's almost as if it's benching which again second world war would have been used for air raid purposes as well as its other primary function unfortunately i can't tell you what the primary function of this place is again because it's a giveaway um everything's still here oh look a sign oh okay so that must be to first aid wow all that paint's flaked off so badly though it's so old and one thing i can tell you about this place is that um this hasn't this hasn't been open for anyone to see i mean they sealed this off very shortly after the war is my understanding and it has remained untouched and unused ever since look at this oh wow okay ah right okay so there is more modern lighting because this these are the original ones the original fittings there but then here there are newer ones now this place does get surveyed just like most other underground places of this size so maybe they put up more modern lighting like these string lights here just for inspection purposes because my understanding is that this is surveyed by the military once a year is there any signage on the back of this door nope [Music] uh always just to stop okay so this is just oh look so there's some pencil markings and some paint markings oh look it's a ship can you see that it's a little little picture of a ship that's amazing is there anything else in here no no okay oh wow look at that he's an old socket check that out old baker light that's just so much round that's just nails now why is there a hole there i've never seen that before okay so let's keep going because as i say this place is incredibly extensive so i need to now shoot off to the left i'm presuming [Music] because it should actually go further than further than that it's kind of the layout's very interesting here it's kind of in a triangle i guess um yeah so let's keep going yeah here we go just kind of lay down the grid pattern so it's not exactly you're not going to get lost really oh look another sign ah that one's in even worse condition that's a shame oh look look look sorry i'm getting on proper having a nerdgasm here hammocks not to be slum near vent inlets i have never seen that before holy crap this is amazing mate have a look on what's written on this big event you'll love it look right right there mate read that right let's continue our little tour old fuse boxes again what else can we find down here now there's not much there's not much on the floors down here [Music] ah right okay i can't show you this sign that's to my uh yeah sorry to my right here is a sign i cannot show you that sign i'm sorry oh right okay so this bit has been completely sprayed up there's something marble either white or mildly refractive down there but so what would they have stored in here if they would have had metal gates hmm [Music] now it's a shame they've had to do this um to the tunnels here um but again it's you know you've got to reinforce it to protect what's above and because it's such a large area they have to do it what is that [Music] what is that down there it's red or orange this looks like another section of tunnels that goes left to right what is this [Music] what on earth is this okay okay so it goes off that way oh god and it goes off that way as well and that is pro it's why is it red i have never seen wartime tunnels why is it red oh right okay [Music] yeah i mean i'm guessing the ventilation here was probably purposefully taken down because of um you know spraying the concrete around um so this what's this oh so that okay so that takes us back that way that's fine we don't need to go down there so this would have been yet another one of the original entrances and this one has been sprayed right up which is a shame because when when tunnels taper down like this to a smaller size it usually makes a really nice photo um yeah so at the top there we can see that it's all been bricked up so there's no point in me going up there but we're going to continue through i want to find out why on earth that's red oh ho ho ho right okay so this this board here offices and store rooms ah crap and i've just seen a piece of information on it which i can't show you i will try and blur out just the little bits that are sensitive so that you can at least read the rest i will try my best to do that um but again i have to be so so careful with this location because no you're not going to see anyone else down here trust me oh what's that oh it's another hammocks uh warning not to not put your hammocks over over the vents near the inlets i love this now for one of the people that you know has managed to do the hard work so that i can get in here um i've already seen one or two of these photos just a handful so i know that there's a lot more original signage around here somewhere um so we just need to look for it right so there's i have to pick which tunnels i want to go down right uh we won't go down that one i will meet up with that section later because i think this is the back end of the tunnels um let's have a look yeah so this is so this backs into the corner [Music] um so we might be at the back i think we're at the furthest point back but again this has been sprayed up and a lot of the venting just dumped to the side it's a shame but at least there are sections of the tunnels down here where they are pretty pretty good condition they've got all the old lamps there as well i'm gonna get so many comments going oh you're coughing a lot because of the dust yeah i am and it's my choice so keep it to yourself [Music] how reflective that is oh [Music] so at least these metal gates are intact well except for that top corner and the doors just yeah no the door's still there um but what's that that looks like a sign uh yeah so that would have been a sign but everything's gone off of that that sucks um okay well let's go to this bit then right so that is not the back tunnel because now we've got ones going this way too oh look families so that would be the families of the people working down here now you can see evidence of more recent activity with the military because that's an led panel granted pretty old and screwed up but whilst we have oh look it's everywhere this stuff yeah no i'm i'm i'm still going around and mate you'll miss it there's one above your head that that one's actually probably in them oh that is a good point i'm glad i came down here now let's have a quick look and see what's in here so this might be a plant room of sorts um shame the glass is missing off of these so oh yes mate right so this is ventilation for the tunnels and that is one of the biggest fans i've seen now here oh right okay so i can actually see no seriously you can see something you can see sunlight up there maybe don't be quiet so there's sunlight up there so i'm gonna be quiet and i'm gonna move out yeah have a quick look if you want me yes obviously this contains asbestos so they've sealed that off um that is that's what's it going to be though what's it going to what's in there obviously i don't want to open it up because it's full of asbestos but i can't i can't see through it to see what's in there oh there's some kind of valve though you can see that through there and i'm not sure what that would have been but if anyone's got any ideas please do say that's amazing and yeah that would have um so air would have been drawn down from this shaft i'm guessing and into here but yeah i'm going to move away from this shaft i thought i'd keep hearing people up top and that's the last thing we need i might even close this door if it all shut no it won't that i'll know it well right i'm going to shut that just to try and limit some of the noise going up oh sorry mate right so hold on which way are we gonna go we're gonna go this way because at least because i don't want to lose my bearings we'll go back down there in a minute so this is going further in like deeper into the tunnels and oh jake we've got a royal marine style staircase right no i'm not joking it's exactly the same yeah look right so if you've seen if you've seen my previous video wow so this is what it would have looked like down in that other location but it says it says danger collapsing stairs so i'm going to put my torch in my pocket and then i yeah i'm gonna no there is no second floor here mate this will go up to the surface so i'm gonna just keep one hand on the railing just in case a step does go i can't see anything yet right i'll let you know what's up here but it's just going to be sealed yeah i've got to be careful these stairs wow this this actually goes up further than the stairs in that other place [Music] still going up [Music] [Music] still going up chase [Music] ah right okay no still still going up right here i can see the top though we're going to go we're not we're going to avoid that go up this way so the stairs more rotten the further up you go which makes sense right i'm going to go with this side all right this is where it gets a little bit sketchy because of the stairs oh wow okay let me get to these last dodgy stairs [Music] right okay so there's an air brick there but i don't know where it comes out so we have to be quiet i might even just film it from here so that would have gone out to the to the surface amazing two seconds all right i'm going to start going back down now i'll meet you guys back at the bottom right so we're back down the bottom so now oh yeah ah there we go right so oh yeah apologies if i'm out of breath but this place is huge um so there's there's the ventilation room that we went in a moment ago and now we're going to continue on and find the signage that god has found okay so it's like a canvas door right well that's strange oh what oh my god okay so they've built rooms into the tunnel um okay i must so a lot of people always ask oh how do you not get lost um i begin to get a little lost in this one but it can't be that bad um oh damn on my on my right hand side there's another sign but i can't show you that one this is so annoying um right well okay well let's well that's not got a door handle on it does that open no it's this and it's locked from the other side maybe there's another way in [Music] there is so yeah these are just hold on 20 okay so is there 20 rooms there oh science science oh there is all right okay i've just seen between there's more i can't show you god this is so frustrating i do apologize to everyone i really do i'll slay you the dental records my god i mean obviously it's just you know some coat hooks there and some shelves but still i mean and i can see further down the corridor but there's signs there's some more down there and that's okay we're gonna be here for hours if i i'm just going to glance into each room looks like we've got some water here as well um oh okay so we've got some original desks in here as well that goes sc office wow yeah unfortunately though when it comes to actual items everything has been taken from this place but just the sh god so this is like a laminate lino floor and it is just completely cracking up um oh now why is there oil here right so it's at this point in the video where i have to make an apology um so basically the adapter that goes into the camera for the microphone must have become dislodged and the audio was completely lost for the last kind of seven minutes of this video so you're gonna have to put up with me narrating for a moment so let's go but it gives us a unique opportunity whereby i can talk about some of the some of the afterthoughts um which is not something i'm often able to do so let's get into it so so yeah it's it's very unusual for us to find anything in this kind of condition and everything's been completely preserved and there's toilets for you yeah you've got to have some toilets in a sub x video um but no this place here has not been seen by any kind of civilians at all um this is still under lock and key by the military naturally i can't go into how we got into this place but needless to say um both the police military and local security are aware now that well not the time that i got him but uh some of the people i was with came back the next day and yes so this place is very much secure but yeah as we can see there's a lot of the old fixtures here um a lot of the old baker light which was obviously you know from the 50s and the fact that the lights are still intact um again something that you just don't see like in a lot of places but that's because you know this place has been on under lock and key that's why there's no graffiti nothing at all because yeah people can't get in but yeah captain's office um a lot of the signage here um i'm not going to give away too much information as to what it was all used for however i know that a number of our viewers who are ex-military will probably put two and two together as to what a lot of this means so you'll probably figure out whether it's you know air force navy army um but for everyone else i'll let you figure it out but yeah i'm trying not to talk too much um because i don't just want to babble over the video at this point um but also i know that it's frustrating when there's no audio on the video um yeah use other door and i go straight through fair play and i'm trying to security and first lieutenant yeah so this was a of those there are toilets as well with the vents above and also that signage there um you can see there there's a modern label for asbestos so it also goes to show that these tunnels they are owned by the military they go in once a year and they inspect it for safety because obviously they don't want things subsiding or collapses because of their lego pay they don't want things collapsing above because it can create sinkholes and it can cause structural problems for the buildings above which again goes to show as to what the military were doing because these days if there are old tunnels um underneath places where there's a new build taking place they specifically don't build over tunnels but you know the military is it's their own role they do what they want basically but i'm pretty sure at this point we're at the very back of the tunnels um yeah well i've i must admit i'm narrating through this watching this back um i wasn't expecting to put this video out at all or even if i did maybe six years but circumstances changed whereby well the people i was with and the people that uh managed to gain entry to this place they put their stuff out and that's the reason why i can put this out um is it a risk potentially you know we're definitely not supposed to be in here if the government or the military had a problem they could potentially have have a go at us but it wouldn't come down to much um yeah there's a lot of acronyms here that even i don't understand and bearing in mind i i won't say which branch branch of the military they're in but i was down here with someone who is a veteran and he was able to decipher a number of the the acronyms and and things for me um again drafting office but here yeah so these toilet their toilets there they would have had like an l sand chemical toilet but the fact that the paintwork's still intact in these places is uh yeah you can tell no one's been down here sorry just having a drink whilst on the right you can relate uh all right okay so i had to cut a little bit of a section out of this because one of these wood panels here if you go further down there is something that specifically says where this is or or what it was in control of um but i just i wanted to even though there's just numbers at this point i wanted to leave this in purely because you can see that there's so many things like that's all original so these would have been desks where people would have been working with communications um yeah so i don't know what those numbers are but you've got uh there was one piece of military slang that was used which my guy told me about um i can't for the life of me remember what it was so if you know leave it in the comments below if i'm able to show that uh but this is interesting this blackboard here is talking about nuclear weapons so we can we know that these tunnels were potentially still being used up until sometime in the cold war and then they were shut down and locked away so this wasn't actually um these tunnels weren't closed after the second war world war they were continually used up until at least the early parts of uh the cold war because they're talking about uh yeah position of bomb blast for example um this this blackboard here was very interesting which is why i specifically took a photo of it there's also a bit of humor on there as well and yet part of the old telephone exchange systems uh and that would have just been a coat you know coat rack stuff like that so wr again i'm not going to go into things too much but i think it's fairly safe to say that that's probably with regards to wrens so there would have been women working down in these tunnels there are um other signs in the rest of the tunnels that specifically relate to the rent so as we know when you know when you've sent almost your entire working male population to war you've left the women back home and they picked up a lot of the workload and they did really well and they did one thing a lot of people don't realize is that women were heavily involved with military intelligence back then and yeah they did a great job of that so it's just interesting and yeah here we have the plant room you can see all the belts on the fans are still intact everything if you turned it on today it wouldn't surprise me if it worked but obviously they've wrapped all that up to contain the asbestos and that that there will be the filtration system just to make sure there's clean air coming in and this is the shaft where it would draw down the air um we had to be very quiet in these uh in that area because the top the vents still actually open it comes out on military land so we just had to be a little bit careful um we've got some more signage here can i show you okay yep okay heads okay so heads comes from old british military i know it's more common in the states you know you go to the head because you you need to either take a piece of a dump the head was actually referring to the head of a ship so in the navy the head front of the ship where the uh my good friend minty will probably leave a comment explaining all of this but yeah basically you there would be these little positions where you could like take a dump off the side of the boat basically and that's where the phrase head came from you go into the head yeah telephone exchange so in here there was not much they basically take most of it out but that's a little bit of the residual telephone exchange i'm not sure what i'm pointing to at this point i'll be honest but you can see down the side there would have been that would have been there for either benching maybe there would have been people again this is speculation i do like to um tell people when there's speculation rather than fact because it's just dishonest if you don't but i believe it would have been a benching area so again these are set of stairs which i went up earlier these ones were in far worse condition way more dangerous um as such no i didn't go up them because at the end of the day let's be honest you get to the top it's going to be sealed off um it's just going to be a shaft but it's just interesting how the concrete work on the outside was laid out because it's very similar to other constructions in this area but we're now getting to the point where i believe we've seen most of the tunnels at this point but yeah again a lot of the original stuffs down here which is really nice and the fact that it's so difficult to get into this place that's what's kept it's you know that's what's kept the originality here because i won't lie and i am going to get some crap for saying this but a lot of people don't understand that people ask for locations and we say no it's because a lot of the graffiti and theft i mean a lot of these signs would no longer be there if this was fully accessible the sad truth is that a lot of theft and graffiti is done by people in my community not by myself because i don't do that but yeah they'll steal signs they'll graffiti they'll do whatever they want and yeah i'm gonna get a load of crap for saying that because i'm the first person i think to actually call that out publicly um yeah the exploring community and i hate using that term yeah they're they're just as bad yeah as like teenage kids and yeah you know what i've i've had a beer i will go as far as to say like you are taught as a little kid not to draw the walls so why do adults do it there you go report me but yeah we got so we got buzz here he's just trying to take some photos i've obviously ruined his lighting because i'm coming through with a lamp and a torch uh oh i forgot about that yeah there you go so there's the wrens so yeah we had a lot of women working down here during the second world war that would have been a porthole just to pass things through so it could be assumed that the work being done here was quite secretive and you'd pass things through so that other people couldn't see what the other department working on again that's speculation based upon knowledge so i'm probably right but i would not like to say it's a fact again loads of you guys that are out there that watch this stuff you are ex-military and some of you guys are old school so if there's anything you can add to this put it in the comments because if i ever get some really really good factual content i always pin it make it the top comment you know i do i always do and again if i'm ever wrong i will always put a correction as a pinned comment that's how we learn so where we going now we are coming to the end of the tour uh naturally i'm watching this as i'm editing it um we've got about a minute to go but you can see there where they've taken down a lot of the ventilation and i can only presume that's because they oh that's right so someone did the worst drawing of goofy that i've ever seen but it's still interesting um i that would have been drawn you know during a period when they were shutting down the facility because oh yeah okay um yeah okay fair enough um anyone outside of the uk um you can try and decide for that if you want a little bit of slang in there um but yeah these this is yeah it's one of the best places that i've ever managed to get into naturally this is the point where i was trying to you know do an outro um didn't realize the microphone was completely screwed um so yeah i'll use this opportunity to thank you for watching naturally that's what i always do i appreciate everyone that watches um but it also gives me the opportunity to say that yeah okay videos have slowed down a little bit but they're gonna pick up and for this video um yeah this is one of those places that has i guarantee you can look it up online no one's been here so this is the first time you will ever have seen this place whenever i can do something like that i try my best but again it's down to it's difficult to get into these places but anyway have fun thanks for watching see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sub Exploration
Views: 60,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploring, explore, urban exploration, urban exploring, subex, subexploration, sub exploration, abandoned, haunted, urban exploration military, urbex military, military exploring, explore military, never seen, found ww2, discovered ww2, secret ww2, gone wrong, danger, dangerous, accident, uncovered ww2, ww2 tunnels, ww2 bunker, military, british, dicovery, lost ww2
Id: 5W-GyTZIEo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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