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so it's been a bit of a while since I've done a starter home on this channel I think the last one was two months ago where I did a sulani starter home so today what we're gonna do is do another star to home we're gonna do it in the world of windenburg which arguably especially for me is the best world in The Sims 4. I just love the world of windenburg it comes with so many different areas they all look a little bit different to each other and there are just tons and tons of lots to choose from but the lot I have chosen to build on today is this one this is in the old town area of windenburg and it's just this 30 by 20 lot right here my loves yes it is I'm gonna make things a little bit more difficult for me today so I really just want to build with base game and get together which was the expansion pack that gave this world to us we're gonna do a two bedroom home I've kind of already played around with a few little floor plans here and there so if you see me looking over to the right of my screen it's because I've taken a screenshot of something that I've already kind of pre-planned down first and that my loves is the mantra today there's nothing left to do apart from make a start on it first thing what I'm gonna do is get rid of the greenery here we're gonna put this down first but don't worry I will bring a bit of greenery out once we have got the base of the house down first so with that being said let's start building this house we're going to start down here now as I said if you see me looking over to this way it's because I'm cheating I just wanted to get a bit of a different shaped house than something that I've done before before I start at home so that is why I kind of pre-planned this one just to sort of see if it would work and it did it kind of worked out quite well two bedroom we're gonna go for like a tudoresque kind of style the Tudor look in get together kind of was in the Forefront so I really just want this house to kind of fit in with this world too I am going to lift this up on a little bit of a high tier so I can put some stairs up to the side here that is the Mantra and that is what we're going to do today and then up on this level I'm going to overhang this Edge over to this side here bring this all the way down to here my love excuse you where did that go that went downstairs all the way along to here and then up onto that bit there right there's going to be one bedroom here a small children's bedroom is going to go on this end and this is going to be the main bedroom here there's not going to be a bathroom up in this level I am just going to do one bathroom down here and this is where the bathroom's going to be round about here like this it's going to be quite a long one so I can put a shower and bath in there too and then the stairs are going to go over onto this side here and then we're going to have a kitchen in a living area kind of like a semi-open plan I may even raise the kitchen up slightly on a level like a platform I don't know how we're gonna go about that just yet we'll we'll get to that when we get to it yes it will so what we're going to do is we're going to choose a roof line first now what I thought about I want it to be quite a steep roof line so I'm going to bring you into here I'm gonna bring this one over to here and I'm hopefully going to get quite a steep roof coming in I'm gonna do that one to there I'm gonna bring this one to here tuck those Flaps in pull those flaps up and bring that one over to there uh yeah I think there because I do want to put a window here so I kind of want like a nice window going into the uh landing area over onto this side and then continuing on with that roof I'm going to be pulling those flaps down and I'm whiffling this all the way to the other side there now it's not going to be steep enough I think it is but we do need to bring that flap out over onto that side as well yeah cute and then on this bit here I'm going to do a half hit hept all the way along and I'm gonna finish it over to around about here I think and then bring this one here down and this is about as far as I got with my pre-planning I just like that's a nice attractive kind of shape that I'm for uh so the rest we're gonna be making up together now yes we are now I do want to slightly bend that roof I think just a little bit uh yeah and I'm gonna do the same with this which is quite annoying because I'm gonna have to do it with every single one now should have done that beforehand but let's see if I can just do it quickly now that's not gonna happen so now for some wallpapers in fact I'm going to start off with the foundation so we need to make sure that we're using get together and only base game we're going to use this as a foundation because I am going to be using that brick on the bottom level of this house I think let's see how much we can spend here I mean I think it's gonna be just under 200 simoleons for the whole bottom that's not too bad we can kind of see past that let's hope that the rest of it is not going to be that expensive as well and what I'm thinking about doing is just using this one here we're gonna go for a dark kind of black Vibe for this that's 65 simoleons so is that oh okay and I think the top one I'll use this one here because that's going to be free anyway isn't it yeah that's gonna be free just for a little bit of detail I'll put them on all the roofs and just so that nothing pokes through all looks weird that should be okay I think okay and I think for the top what I'm going to use is a slightly redder tone or the actual roof line itself a brownie ready tone now I do need a little bit of a stepped roof trim and I'm going to go for the dark black just to match in with the rest of the black accents that we've got going on this house I would like a little bit of a trim going around it so I think what I want to do is just use the simple one yes do you know what actually we don't even need to put it on this part oh that does look nice though how much is that that's 104 simoleons I mean it doesn't need to be there so I'm not going to put it there just yet I'm just going to put it on the bits that I want it to be on and that's the actual house itself underneath there doesn't matter so much it's fine we've still got 14 500 Simoleons and I am made up so what we need now are some windows and doors so I'm going to go ahead and pick them and I will show you what I come up with in just a tickety bow I've picked the windows and I've used all of them from get together I've put some with the actual Shutters on the edges of them and I've done some other uh kind of like the the more landscape shaped ones down at the bottom and also into this bedroom but because I was like oh this kind of needs working now like I can't bloody show you because the ACT the camera on this lot is awful by the way I think we all know that by now but that's kind of like hidden for me so what I was thinking that window I'm thinking about pushing this to here copying this over again flopping you to there pulling that flat down pulling this flap up and then also getting another roof shape I'm putting it across here just for some kind of detail this is all going to be free so why not you know and that makes it look even more attractive in my eyes I may even pull those flaps out to that point there oh I do like that yes yes that's cute and we'll do the same over on this side here as well as well copy that this is all free by the way so why not you know architectural detail absolutely treat yourself Sylvia my love and that is what I'm gonna do so what we need now is some stairs I'm gonna put the stairs up to the front here and also over into the area over there and the upstairs in question I do want the black ones but I can use these black ones they're they're cheaper and I just think it will just look exactly the same anyway so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna wiffle you along to there that wasn't too expensive we've still got 13k to play with I think we're gonna be okay ah eight simoleons just to put a little bit of detail on there well you know in for a penny and for a pounding my loves and because it's quite cheap this fencing and I think it will fit in quite well I think we're gonna put here that was 50 simoleons that was still quite expensive how much for stairs 20 well I'm putting them on anyway we're gonna do that yes we are current date okay not too shabby at all and I'm gonna use those same stairs I'm not going to copy them I'm just going to absolutely copy them that way and I'm going to we're probably going to want to come from that point aren't we so let's figure this out out this way I'm gonna bring these around here and then pop the stairs there like that and I think that would be absolutely fine yes and that's now making me want to use this railing and just flop that over the top here like this then I can fish bash boost that out like that oh yes but we'll get rid of that and that oh it's got rid of it from the outside I hate you hold down shift and you can pop it where you want it and it doesn't come in on the inside then as well lovely job okay yeah kind of happy with how that's looking to be honest we have 12 000 simoleons so what I'm gonna do is pull out everything that I know that we'll need for this house and don't forget we've got a child and maybe a single parent so I'm still gonna do a double bed but we just need to make sure that we've got everything that these guys will need to survive before we make it look pretty so let me grab a few bits out and I'll be right back so I've gave them all of their necessities and when I was doing that I was like well let's put some flooring and wallpapers down so these are the floorings that I've decided to go for base game wood uh the flagstone here from get to together and also get together wallpapers I decided to go for a bit of a mix with the like the stone and the kind of like plaster looking moment uh and I'm kind of for it so I've gave them sofa I gave them a TV I've also pulled out the Necessities for the kitchen the bathroom as well I've pulled out everything that I would need to keep themselves clean and have their pools and boys and boys and posts and upstairs I gave them each their own bed for their bedrooms I've lit the place up as well and I'm kind of vibing kind of vibing with how this is looking I really really am I'm not too worried about going in with the six thousand simonians now and making this place to look a little bit more attractive so that's what we're gonna do so what we're gonna do first is pick some columns now I'm thinking about using these because they are not too expensive at all the main areas I do want to put a column is here but also on the corner of this roof piece here so hopefully if I can pull that down and then pull that up like that that will just kind of give it something yes it did but what I am going to do is use some sconces I think how much are you not sconces corbels sorry oh the terminology honestly um can I size you up just for a little bit of architectural detail oh I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do two only one on each side so two yes I like that on that overhang that's very nice and that only costs 40 simoleons that's an absolute dream I mean I would like to put a window here but is there any point really not really maybe when you extend out this house you can then think about Windows on this side but there's just no use for it they've got a big window here going into a tiny little hallway I'm not going to waste money by doing that um I'm thinking methodically and not aesthetically today my loves I'm not going to put any corporals up there because they don't want to go up there because the roof line so they can go to hell but what I may do just for some details down on here is put some corporals up on these parts here one there uh one there I think I'll do one more on the other side like that oh yes yes that's nice I mean we've still got six thousand simoleons left and we've already done anything but that just makes me feel a little bit happier it really does um do we want to put some ivy on this house no I know that we've got some Ivy we've got together and it's one of my favorite IVs so I think I think we're gonna do it I think what I'm gonna do because this looks like a bit of an empty wall here I'm going to use a bit of Ivy here I'm gonna do one piece two piece three piece and I've just realized I've used the color that I'm not really keen on we're gonna go for this color here just slightly differently green yes and then down on this bit I'm going to do a little um flower box I think in fact I may even looking debug for that because then it won't cost me any money um trying to be very frugal today my loves which in turn may give us a bit more leeway now to use some more IV around this part here so I'll do one here clamber report clamber it up onto this level and then maybe that will stop that wall from looking too empty there yeah cute okay okay feeling it we definitely need some Landscaping I'm gonna bring a bit more Greenery out into this build now now this is the only door here so I'm thinking about maybe just doing a little bit of a garden around here with a fence and having a little area for them to do a little bit of growing in uh I think I'm gonna do that so let me pull out quite a bit of stuff from the debug and the live edit and all of that's free so then we can just sort of plonk it around together make it look very nice so here we go pulled out a few bits here and there from the debug and live edit um only using base game and get together thank you very much I'm going to use these trees here some of my favorite trees in the game are these cypress trees I think they're absolutely stunning so I'm gonna use this one around on each probably Each corner but not so it's like symmetrical I'm not one for symmetry me I prefer asymmetry it makes my heart a little bit more happy and my eyes very happy indeed so I'm going to put them just a little bit offset to each other that might make somebody scream and cry and to that I will say sort your life out what I'm gonna do is also use this fence and I think I don't know whether I want to like completely enclose that area now I don't want to do that I am going to start it from there though I think I think I'm going to start it from there so they haven't got no access into this little kind of Courtyard Garden what I'm gonna do more along the lines of somewhere where you can grow veg and whatnot so just got a little bit of a garden out here which in turn will give us a little bit of room now we're going to use a couple of these Planters these are 200 so I might even go for about four actually lovely and maybe some kind of outside seating so I'll use this base game bench we'll go for a brown one rather than the black we don't want to be too matchy matchy and I'll put a little bench just there now the only thing with this is that it's in a city center and this isn't very private at all so what I'm thinking is hiding most of this away and I could use the head of Dreams because the hedge of Dreams is from get together ah and then that will enclose that Garden into a lovely little privacy moment and I think I'm gonna do this do I want to do it around the other side as well I think we should I personally I think it's on the cards do you see what I mean that just gave it his own little private Courtyard Garden moment which now in turn makes me want to move that tree slightly only to about there though nothing too drastic um and then obviously we need to go in and put some terrain paints down as well and there we go just a little bit of Earth underneath of all the greenery leaving this completely empty for you to be able to extend in as this house progresses and I think this would be a really nice shaped house to like make bigger as well something I could look to doing maybe down the line like doing a little bit more of a Redevelopment of like a starter house that I've already done let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing that because this would be a really good house for me to do that on I was thinking about putting these up but I don't think it's worth it especially them being 45 simoleons each but what I could do is go into the live edit and maybe find something like this which is also from get together and pop that on the roof as well and there we go I just think that makes it look a little bit more attractive and because we didn't spend any money I thought you know what I'm going to treat them to a cheeky Weather Vein so I did just on both of that roof line there stunning uh so I think we've got we've still got nearly 4 000 simoleons to go in and start making this look a little bit more attractive and also get how dare it I think we need to start on the kitchen area to be honest with you so that's what we're gonna do now I am going to make the kitchen a little bit bigger than what I thought now now that I've got 4 000 in here and that's how I'm gonna go about it so I've put the oven over on this side I don't really like when the oven's next to the fridge but sometimes you cannot be fussy loves you really can't so that's what I'm going to do I've put the sink there and I'm thinking I don't really need a full piece here I think I'm going to get rid of that one actually we're gonna get rid of that one and I'm just gonna put a little cheeky end piece over on that bit there just to give us enough room for this bin to go in yeah cute we've still got 2 300 simoleons so I could add a few extras in there but for now I'm going to keep it just the way it is and make this look a little bit more attractive here so we have got a sofa we've got a TV that's perfect but what I would maybe want to put in this room is a bookcase now the only problem with that is that the bookcase is a majorly expensive I had this one in my head from get together and it's 1 700 and that will take up all our money so we're not doing that what I'm gonna do is use this bookcase here and then what I'm thinking about doing is just having a little reading Nook over on this side and using hopefully how ah 400 is not too bad that's 300 though and I reckon I could maybe make this one work in this room I mean the style kind of semi-fits in I think we're gonna do it I think we're gonna do it what keeps pulling my eyes in is are these chairs these chairs are very dark so I'm thinking about maybe using these ones here instead they have got the brown yeah I'm gonna use these they're just a little bit less darker than the ones that we've just used and I think that would just suit it same price as well 50 simoleons not too bad I'm gonna pull you in even further just to make sure that you'll be fine so we've got this we've got a little reading Nook here now which I think could be kind of cute it's a bit odd having it right behind the um sofa but I'm gonna go for it anyway because I'm thinking here like a nice big plant or something on that side maybe even over on this side uh so that's what I'm gonna go ahead and do now we also need to get out a rug and a coffee table maybe not really adamant that we need a coffee table for this house just yet but I'm gonna pull out some stuff either way and just to save her some money I didn't end up using a coffee table what I did do was use this rug here now I have size this up with a tool mod just to make it fit into this area a little bit and also the same with this plant I sized that with the tool mod as well now just so you know if you guys don't have more installed this will not be counted as custom content I've seen a few confusions that when people use the tool mod you can download it download it into your game it will look exactly like it does but it won't flag for cc or anything so you can be sure you're going to be fine yes and I also put a little painting up on this side here as well just to bring a little bit of decoration into that area of the house this is all looking fine we've got 1 400 simoleons I'm not going to go too mad just yet I think the bathroom is absolutely fine as it is what I want to do is probably just put in a mirror we're going to use this one here the Morning Glory bathroom mirror I've never realized that that mirror was called that and Sims team filth that's all I've got to say that is all I've got to say to that so up into the bedrooms we all we need in here really are some bedside tables and yes I'm using two I had someone say to me the other day because I used two bits of bedside tables on a bed I'm sorry but every bed that I've ever had even when I was single always had two bedside tables so you can take that and you can smoke it thank you I'm gonna use just a dresser in this room I think I'm gonna use a dresser in this room and I think just a little bit of difference I'm going to leave it on the edge of the bed like that so they've kind of got this walk through here around the bed and then their dress is going to be at the edge of the bed like that now before I do put the bedside tables down we need to give the child some kind of fun don't we so maybe some kind of activity table how much are they 300 simoleons oh kind of expensive I'm toying between the child not having fun or allowing them to get dressed into some kind of clothing do you know what I could I could use that same dresser in here as well to be honest with you just to fit in with the Aesthetics we've got going around I think I'm gonna do that and then we've got 400 simoleons maybe give them a toy box 200 simoleons the swatches are all going to be absolutely shocking but I could maybe put the toy box underneath of the bed itself okay probably do two bedside tables that was 60 wasn't it the bedside tables we could probably put some lights up on there I mean this room is definitely screaming up for some kind of decoration so I might have to go into debug to find that so I had to get rid of two of the Planters because which we just didn't have enough cash but what I've managed to do a little rug we've still kept the toy box under the bed it's fine a little frog this little um character as well that was 15 simoleons this was about six millions a little mounted that mounted better whatever that means I've also used some debug chickens or Birds whatever they are they're hugging love it this outdoor um plant that I've sized down and put on top of here absolutely fabulous and I've put down two of these um little lanterns on either side of the bed here as well that is what I've done you are very much out of place and what else did I do oh I put two of these Planters as well saw these those little hanging baskets they were absolutely free so I'm very much vibing with that and what I had to do was just get rid of bit of the ivy as well just to give me a little bit more cash and then just out here what I did was just put a little um Runner rug in the hallway um and I hoped for the best but I'm sorry I'm kind of happy with this house I think this house is gonna it's just a nice little starter Tudor style in a little bit of a different shape that I've not really worked with before um and I'm kind of for it I'm kind of absolutely for it so obviously this is the outside area with his own little Courtyard private Courtyard if you will um going around to the back area here and as I said this house would be the perfect house to build on so I'm I'm definitely going to think about doing a video where I kind of developed this a little bit later and coming through the main entrance you walk in straight into the living room area got everything that they would need a little TV moments stunning kitchen I've managed oh I had to put in a fire alarm as well and an outdoor bin so I've put them into your Sims not going to be um out of salt without a bin and a fire alarm or smoke alarm a little dining room Nook area over onto this side little Reading area there into a very boring bathroom with a shower toilet and sink and a mirror I thought I'd treat them to a mirror and you come up the winding stairs let's give it a little turn around here into a landing into the children's bedroom bunk beds got something to keep them fun got a little um pet as well a little pet frog and into the main bedroom area too uh cute I'm kind of happy if how this came out and we've still got 56 emollients left love nice two-bedroom home two bedroom one bathroom open plan living kitchen area I mean I'm for it to be honest with you absolutely for it you guys will have to let me know how you think I did down below and also answer me the question whether you would like to see me develop this into maybe like a three four bedroom house with an extra maybe 30 or 50k put on top let me know and I shall make that happen yes I will that's it I'm Gonna Leave You Now my loves have the most wonderful weekends and I will be back on Tuesday with more let's build worlds goodbye
Channel: Devon Bumpkin
Views: 21,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, devonbumpkin, lets build the worlds, lets build, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 house build, the sims 4 build, the sims 4 gameplay, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build
Id: 3EBnOFJu2jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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