Large cargo ship tour | Bulk Carrier 180 000 DWT

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good morning ladies and gentlemen in this movie I decided to show you the cargo ship the bulky area where we are for the moment this is moto Western lady charm keeps eyes bulk area and I will try to make some excursion to show you the Western [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not the Discovery Channel this is not National Geographic this is movie about the ships about the shipping about the seamen and this movie is made by seamen let's go to take a look this is the forward part of the ship the most important machinery of this part is the anchor gear this is the anchor chain which is using to hold our anchor as you know the anchor used to hold the vessel when the vessel is not burst also this is the place where situated the mooring equipment Wessel has the 16 mooring ropes arrangement is made in order to move the Wessel to the wharf when the westerly stays at port now we are on the main deck the main deck is the most wide space on the boat of the cargo ship because lady charm is the cargo ship its intended to carry cargo 90% of space is occupied cargo space vessel is divided for 9 cargo compartments using this rails the part of this hitch cover is moving aside and then we have access to the cargo holes for this kind of shipped frequent cap is iron ore called the concentrates and that's it that's it because no more other cargoes are transported on our planet in such a big quantities sometimes if you want to walk from the forward off it takes you four three four five minutes if you have some urgent duty in one end of the ship and you should go to another end of the ship so you should keep in mind that you need three four five minutes in order to pass from one end of the ship to another in particular case we have a the cargo of coal which this vessel brought from from the South Africa Richards Bay and now we are discharging this cargo in the Vietnam using the floating crane very low performance by the way and it takes about three weeks to discharge even the half even the half of the cargo we need three weeks to discharge like this this is the most frequently used device generally in order to discharge its called grab grabbing the cargo and then bringing it short this is the accommodation or how it's called sometimes the superstructure this construction is actually the house of us of the seamen at the place where we are living where all the controls of the Wessel are situated this accommodation has one two three four five six seven decks or how it's called the shore floors the living spaces of the crew are situated on the on these decks the last deck is the bridge deck from where we are making the command of the vessel from where we are navigating from where we are keeping the watch motor vessel lady charm is called motor vessel because it has motor and motor is obviously using the fuel in our case Wessel is equipped with diesel engine with the power something around 17,000 kilowatts this is the bunkering manifold we are using these pipes in order to refill the tanks of the ship with the new fuel the bunkering ship which is the small tanker is coming to the site of the ship and then we are using this crane in order to pick up the hose and bring this hose make connection and start pumping this process is called bunkering because the fuel of the ship is called bunker and bunkering is very important process it's very critical this is the rescue board from this name we can see that it's designed for the rescue the main purpose of this boat to pick up some person which falls overboard or sometimes used for some other rescue situations designed for the six people and it's lowered using this David by the way this is quite dangerous and according to statistics big number of accidents during the lowering of the rescue boat sometimes we have five meters waves and this board is not reliable enough so we should double check and this is a freefall lifeboat in order to send it to the sea we are using freefall method the wrasse securing points here and here and in cases when we need to send this boat to the sea we are just using the hydraulic pump and releasing the jack releasing the hook and going to the sea there are a big disadvantage that crew experience very big stress when they are falling inside the board sufficient stress for your body but the advantage is it is almost guaranteed that the board will be able to be sent to the sea it will be released chances for the surviving are increasing okay this is the main deck inside of the accommodation there are only the technical compartments here and let's say here we have a laundry space here we have a fire control station instruments in order to control the fire extinguish to control the vessel in fire safety respects this is the gymnasium in case if you want to play ping pong or this is the changing room change rooms the crew is changing here to the working overalls here air conditioning room another one changing room entrance to the engine room and now we are entering to the engine room this is the engine room the engine space where it's called all the ship's machinery here you can see this is the beta 2 diesel generator engines boiler and centimeter and pane if the DVD pump compressors and other various machinery at the half of the crew is working in the infant space and it's very critical and important placement policy now we are in the engine control room this space is used to control all the machineries all the equipment on board of the ship this is the place from where the engineers are monitoring all the alarms all the parameters of the machinery onboard electric system as well as you can see the system of this vessel is fully electronically controlled how does it work hundreds of sensors are split in the engine in the compressors in the pipe things in the pumps everywhere and the parameters of this machinery are transmitted to the control room from where we are also have instruments in order to control the machinery also this main switchboard is controlling the electromechanical arrangement of the ship this is the place where the engineers are spending the work time on board day by day many months and also we will take a chance to take the brief interview this is the older oiler Deauville signal what can you say about the work the engine room in Croatia is a nice easy ways sometimes it's very hard and also we took the chance to take interview of the chief engineer of this vessel I am achieving Alberto dancing of invalidity ah ok tell me how many years did you spend in the sea about 15 years I don't know 18 years my chief engineer about three and a half years as a GP year what is the most difficult in the job of the engineer so much difficult especially when troubleshooting dangerous trouble that is very very very difficult for us the loading of the vessel is the protest when we are bringing cargo distributing in the cargo port and same time we are removing the ballast from our ballast tanks when we are loading our ship we're putting the cargo here and pumping out the ballast from here if we are discharging the ship we are placing the ballast here and removing the cargo from the cargo hold there is a special place on both of the ship it's called ballast and cargo control room this room is designed to monitor the discharging and loading operation this console is designed in order to control the ballast system of the vessel here is the place where chief officer is looking how the westerlies discharged as you see it's very easy to monitor what is going on on deck also very important the lady charm is 290 meters long it's about 300 meters quite long piece but imagine the thickness of the metal of the hull is only 22 millimeters 22 millimeters and 300 meters it is very easy to break the Wessel in case if you will make the loading and discharging operation incorrectly the vessel can be easily broken in order to avoid the stress we are using the special software the special software which is intended to monitor the major stresses and stability of the ship shearing force and bending moment is the most important parameters for the loading and discharging of the vessel stability diagrams is the most important for the going to the see if vessel is loaded incorrectly sometimes it also can keep sight like this the loading in discharging vessel is the very critical process that's why the officer in charge for this duties is the most experienced and most qualified officer is the chief officer this is the chief officer of motor vessel lady charm yes your Hey every little francisco question okay what do you think what is the most difficult in chief officers job the most difficult for the chip official job here is loading operation preparation is not so much so difficult and we are just removing the cargo from the Bissell whoo-hoo and good but the but the loading operations here that is most critical because specially we are pumping out ballast once we load Dampier Australia because they are very fast loading you cannot go pinch it with a pin or ballast and that is the problem and also the stability of the ship because if you delay a stability is not so good so you must have to convince it whatever the loading situation is in progressive ok how many years have you spending the sea since 19 since nineteen then it told me if you would have chance to choose the different career would you change your mind no sir no it is my life tip so I never I never regrets regarding my proper here yeah thank you very much if have a safe trip have a safe operation - one of the most critical operations on board is the inspection of the ballast water tank this is the confined space and the really can be a lot of the oxygen in order to fix this problem we are using the Godsey sector and enclosed sensory procedure this is the special checklist calibration should be done at the fresh air so we cannot use our standard safety shoes who are using the wrapper poo so we are in sight of the ballast tank and what actually we have to inspect here first of all is structural integrity and coating conditions as you can see here there are some problem with sporting which later should be rectified the next important thing what we are going to check the unknown protection this element is designed to prevent the feeling of the vessel from the Araneta composing another very important thing is deficit of mass we should move before the condition of welding steam every ball carrier is the very long and wearing white thin Western in fact it's very fragile the welding things all the time experience experiencing the dynamic and static stress unfortunately findings of inspections like well we now it's not possible to inspect all welding thing because there are hundreds of kilometres I would say of where these things which cannot be severe this is actually the smallest chunk it can accommodate the 1000 cubic meters of the ballast so it's very small we are going to the double bottom water tank placed below sea level it's more difficult space [Music] [Music] okay we are finally down bottom line of the ship we are about 15 meters below the sea level as you can see the mud deposits on the double bottom part is quite high [Music] [Music] we have completed our inspection I decided to take the interview from my two days assistant this is a bj deliverers and ask his opinion about the life of seamen about the seaman's life so tell me Jay what do you think about the profession of the seamen okay sir I think type of seaman is very hard stuff not very easy you know some guys some people say that see mommy said too much money now see much job is very hard very hard in our time is always in danger see very far from home sometimes if there's some emergency we don't have doctor on board so we need keepsake and how do you feel about such a thing that you are spending let's say 70 to 80 percent of your life on board so that's true many superior is spend their life on the sea because to provide to provide and this for their family no because in some country like a tree there's a easiest way to build in give support our family is to become a superior okay what is your plans for future for next 10 20 years maybe if I have a good health I want to become like you surf that's my dream so I need to build and study so us now and here working us lately so I need to study morning but when you will get your opuses licensure maybe after I completion my papers because I believe it's very hard to take our examination too much paper they need also such a big money like ok ladies and gentlemen Janet now we're going out it was not easy the next person comes this is the recreation room the space where crew can have cigarette spend some time together sing some karaoke watch some movies and this is the common space when the crew spending its time normally the people come in here by the evening this is the officers mess room one mess room is for the officers and other is for ratings and the next place is the galley here is the galley of the of this vessel this is the place where all the food is cooked and if you go further after the galley you can see the other space provision area it normally has three most important compartments this area is designed for dry provision more important part is the refrigerator rooms so here we are holding the wedges in order to prepare our food the next is diary room this is the fish room the fish and meat always stored separately and this is the meat room the places where we are storing the meat chicken maintaining the temperatures in the refrigerator room is very important and failure of the refrigeration plant to keep the temperature is the very big problem so as you can see this panel is controlling the temperatures of the refrigeration plant and in case the temperature goes up we have an immediate alarm this whistle has a seven Dex and sometimes it takes you a lot of power in order to move between decks so for this situation the Western is equipped with elevator that's getting this and I want to show you one more place this is the cabin the living quarters of the crew this is how look like normally it has the place where we store our clothes the table sometimes fridge so far the bed and toilet with the shower here we can see the whole ship below our legs we have a navigational bridge this is the wheelhouse and will house is situated on the highest point so you have a best review of what is going on around the ship this is the bridge wing the wings of the bridge and the place specially when you are bursting the ship and observing any other critical operation the officer pilot or captain is coming to this position and observing how it is going on and also from this bridge we can access the wheelhouse itself from where we are navigating the whistle here we have all necessary equipment in order to make a safe navigation the charts by the way we don't have any more paper chart the rudders the rudders is most important part which allows us to see in the night time the steering wheel this is how it looks like many people imagined that it should be something huge made of wood but no and also one big stereotype that captain is personally achieving the vessel it's not true normally it's done by Able Seaman and controls controls controls radio equipment everything we need for communication and this is the conventional radio equipment which called GM DSS and this is the chart table normally the name of the chat table means that there is a chart now we're using only the electronic charts for the moment only the paper work has been done here by the way here we can see that our offices which are I believe they are changing the watch no what are you doing okay so today 30 of June and you are preparing the documents the files the reports yeah that's correct okay how long you spend in DC how many years about 10 years second of and you almost 15 years and stay in this company almost running seven years that's it we have made the excursion in all the compartments of the vessels I was going to take the interview from the captain of the ship the captain Alexandre and ask him a couple of questions and since he is very busy with some his duties fortunately I'm also the captain and paint a lot of years commanding the similar type of the vessels so I cannot ask the questions to myself and say something the seaman's life is not easy you know and up to 80% of our life time we are spending in the sea sometimes it seems that we should not do that and this life is too difficult and there are no enough benefits to do so but I don't know how does it work but most of the seamen after their coming back home after one or two months rest they are thinking about the coming back to the West because seems like this is their life and this is how they are meaning in their lifestyle I wish you good luck thank you very much for watching the video you can click finger wrap you can subscribe I want to say thank you to the crew of the motor vessel lady charm to the my assistant today is the operator J let me show you this is the J he was assisting me today so thank you very much ladies and gentlemen see you online bye [Music]
Channel: English Channel
Views: 861,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shipping, ECDIS, bridge team, OOW, deck officers, seaman, navigator, radar, echo sounder, bulk carrier, cape size, become seaman, merchant shipping, deck officer, captain, Chief Engineer, Cargo Holds, MacGregor, Hatch covers, Ballast, Superintendent, Marine Superintendent, Port Captain
Id: M21kBY5QcgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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