Day in the Life of a Mega-ship Marine Engineer

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this is alan also known as ip by his chinese last name on the ship we call him ip man or it man after the famous wushu master he's the fourth engineer onboard the ship tending to the ship's engine he wakes up at 6 30 to get ready for breakfast and work this is the standard ship bathroom compact efficient use of space have all the necessities that a seafarer might need engineers they all wear baller suits for work even in port and yes our company's boiler suit is in prison orange we're cool like that after getting changed allen has a standard set of equipment that he carries throughout the day for work he also immediately put it at the corner of a desk prepared from last night a torch light pens usb watch earplugs camera and his keys his cabin is on d deck and the galley aka mass room is three decks below we can take the stairs or the elevator allen up for the stairs because it's faster alan keeps his own sets of plates and cutlery optionally we can take it from the public spaces which is washed by the automatic dishwasher after the meal it's just personal preference we'll come back and take a closer look at the breakfast later i don't want to hold up the other crew since there's a line waiting behind us the first room we walk by is the officer mass room which is for clean clothing only no boiler suits allowed so allen will have to go to the duty master which is for dirty clothings work clothing hey alan how does the seating work so while alan's eating breakfast let's go check out what's on the manual for breakfast this is the chief coke handmade buns boiled egg pick a radish some canned foods many condiments for choosing and then mango juice orange juice guava juice pineapple juice and milk fried rice congee a lot of choices as you can see the breakfast is not bad lots of choices now i'm gonna wait for ellen to finish his breakfast and then we're gonna head to engine room for the morning meeting and morning risk assessment the ship's engine room and accommodation is separated it's a near design compared to older ships so that the engine is closer to the propellers shorter shaft provides less stress and more efficient transfer of power so to get to the engine room we must go by under deck passage which runs through the whole ship p-deck it's about a three-minute walk through multiple watertight doors this under deck passage is shielded from the weather provides a safe passage for the engineer it also gives access to the boson store pilot station bow thrusters at the forward and steering gear room at the aft you can see at the side of the passage these manhole covers they lead to the ballast tanks and we're here the engine control room some waiting some chit chatting discussion about the daily jobs which is listed here by the department head the second engineer this morning meeting is also known as a two box meeting a risk assessment where the second engineer will detail the jobs he once done for the day discuss the risk the hazards and also implement any paperwork any checklists any permit to work lock in lock out as needed after all this allen gears up in safety helmet and safety boots and go for his morning rounds this round is to take the readings of all machinery gauges all 12 lines of cylinder the turbocharger and other secondary systems such as generator boilers all these he writes on a piece of paper and later transferring to the official logbook back in the engine control room [Music] so so doing the checks on bow thrusters and steering gear there's not much to do just check up on gauges give any leaks or anything abnormal done and on to the stain gear making sure the gauges are at the correct level inspecting for anything of the ordinary and putting back some new boil onto the shaft gotta keep the shaft lube no i'm saying the steering and main engine runs 24 7. so it's vital to keep it well maintained and check regularly so that the ship can run smoothly next up is sounding of the fuel tanks the sounding pipes are located in various locations some are even in the engine room such as this one it's inside one of the cargo holds the principle is exactly the same as the car's dipstick you clean it dip it in pull up and check the readings it's important to keep a daily record of fuel tanks so that we know how fuel efficient we are running and whether there's any problems we also don't want to run a fuel tank dry and have the main engine die out on us by sounding the engineer can switch fuel tanks before it's empty once that's all done he goes back to engine room and record everything into the official lockbook this whole morning round usually takes about an hour and a half so by the time you finish it's tea break the engineers just usually chill and relax around the engine control room have a coffee enjoy the cool air conditioning and 10 30 straight back to work after tea break the second engineer assigned him to a new job he's going to take apart one of the main engine fuel pumps and do some maintenance work to start he turned off the pump and have to drain out all the residual oil oh and this alarm is one of the dead man alarms that's placed everywhere in the engine room it's extremely loud so that it can be heard over the loud engine it has different ringtones this one is someone calling the engine room by phone probably from the bridge anyway back to work pop out the fuel and dump it into waste oil tank most ships nowadays switch to low sulfur fuel oil which has much lower sulfur content than traditional heavy fuel oil for the sake of an environmental family and regulations allen will have to dump out the residual oil into the waste oil tank via this sink [Music] after a few buckets the fuel has been drained and cleaned it's time to take it apart it may look small but it's extremely heavy so we enlisted the help of a chain and blocks [Music] we take it apart bring it back to workshop for maintenance and calibration 12 p.m and it's lunch time the engineers will first grip out an engine control room waiting for everyone to assemble they will then use the android room alarm to notify everyone just in case someone forgets the time and still working once everyone's here they will switch to a man mode and head back into the accommodation back through the passageway up the stairs to abec into the galley for lunch [Music] the ship is traveling east so this announcement was to alert everyone that today we are advancing clocks by one hour the world is split into 24 hours time zones and well when the ship is traveling at full speed we'll have to adjust clocks one hour at a time every two days for lunch is standard to have a soup fruits three dishes and rice any leftovers are separated into food waste bin and everyone washes their own dishes some company have a second cook which cleans the officer's tableware but in our company we don't have that luxury so everyone cleans up after themselves now this is during the covet 19 time so after lunch everyone will head up to the bridge for temperature testing and recording we keep a record of daily temperatures just in case any of the ports we arrive at need proof of our health conditions we'll stop until 1 pm so alan will go back to his cabin and relax a bit 1 pm head back to any room and straight back into work you'll notice that they always report to the engine control room first before starting any task that's because the second engineer might just shuffle manpower or have a new task for everyone he's now assigned to clean out and replace lubricating oil on one of the air compressors carefully tickle everything drain out the oil using suction pump and then clean with rag once cleaned they just put back a new oil to finish the day off allen and the other engineers count the spare stores this is an ongoing process which takes many days to finish they usually leave until the end of the day after all the more important tasks are done and continue where they left off from yesterday the engine room is huge and there's more than a thousand spare parts so they just have to do their best until 5 pm and then get off work 5 pm comes around the engineers will get a backup and engine control room and return to the accommodation together just like lunchtime back through the passageway from 5 to 6 p.m is where alan will slot in an hour at a ship's gym right before dinner we're outside allen's cabin right now this is cabin card uh he's taking a bath after he's done we're gonna meet up and go for a dinner yo take five today's sunday and every sunday on a ship is western food spaghetti french onion tomato soup garlic bread fries spring rolls prawn crackers we recently got this korean style barbecue pan and so the crew is pretty excited to freshly grill their own steak oh my god and for dessert is my favorite hagendez vanilla almond after dinner allen will usually be back at his cabin on his phone whatsapping his family or play some video games with other crew on his playstation which he brought from home 8pm we go for a daily nighttime engine room rounds there is three duty engineers who rotate daily on who does the engine rounds to start the rounds allen must first notify the bridge that he's doing rounds by calling and that's for safety and security reasons since most of the time he's alone because the end room aren't fully manned during the night they had to check everything before going to bed all the gauges levels temperature piping and loose items all equipment supposed to be off are powered off any abnormal sound heat noise in the machinery and equipment the engine room is pretty huge and lots of machinery so that's why it takes about an hour it's way too long to document all the checks it's very similar to the morning rounds if you're interested in a first person view detailed full breakdown of what he checks let me know in the comments down below and i'll post it just a warning though because it's first person view you might get dizzy so this last part is quite interesting not all ships does this depending on the chief engineer but since the accommodation and engine room is separated the chief requires the duty engineer to stay and sleep in engine room on standby in case any engine problems because well running from the accommodation to engine room takes time and this is what alan does he brings a sleeping bag it's not exactly the most comfortable place since it's right in the heart of the engine room with lots of noise and vibration but the good thing is that the next day he has the morning off so he can sleep in and that's a day in the life of an engineer leave that in comments below what you think and subscribe for more no seriously do it subscribe so when the next video come out you'll be notified and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: JeffHK
Views: 1,507,628
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Id: rsgIkYory8c
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Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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