Transatlantic travel on container ship Germany-USA

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone welcome to my video welcome to my cabin I'm currently on a cargo vessel here in Bremerhaven Germany getting ready for a transatlantic journey to the United States I actually boarded the boat here the ship yesterday we were supposed to leave yesterday but there is some delay going on so that's actually my second day on the boat and we are still in the port but I don't really mind it's a really pleasant place the crew is incredibly nice captain officers everyone very welcoming I actually feel like the town very suspicious a lot of space in my cabin very nice built to walk around very nice views from the deck so I'm really enjoying it for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's a day three on my ship and day two on the sea we left yesterday at five in the afternoon and now is five in the afternoon so we are 24 hours of the sea now the night has been not very pleasant actually I really couldn't get much sleep because especially because of that constant shaking that was also a little bit of a rolling of the ship otherwise the cavity is very very quiet the only thing you hear is wind outside and some some noises from the containers and stuff but today today was a beautiful day lots of Sun very very consoling you cannot you don't even feel you're on a boat when you were inside it's been a lot of traffic outside a lot of big and small boats around us and we also crossed the way in between England and UK and France we also could could see both both coasts and we are now just going into the open ocean let's check my room big nice living room lots of space to lay down sit down chill out then we have television DVD player sound system nice big desk if you want to work on your computer or something and then over here we have the bedroom nice and comfy bed and the bathroom with the toilet and there is a closet here and the best thing let's go on the deck to see the sunsets [Music] [Music] good morning everyone its day four for me on the ocean I just came back from breakfast another very good one from our cook it's nine o'clock in the morning right now it's been another very calm night here on the ship very good sleep and another cloudy day I can show you how it looks like today so lots of clouds can't see okay I'm gonna go to the gym right now and I'm gonna take you with me so you can see how a gene on a vessel looks like that's good the F that's my Kevin purser and we're gonna go down to the Dead Sea and there is gymnasium over there so let's go [Music] right so this is the gym a couple of scenery to work out and over here we have the swimming pool and the Sun over there so swimming pool is empty right now because of course the water is cold outside so not really pleasant to swim in so later on they're gonna fill the swimming pool app great view from the gym so let's work out a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so today's Saturday here on the ship it got really warm outside so we are all walking around in shorts also see got a little bit warmer so we got our swimming pool filled up today so I had a nice swim anyway tomorrow it's Sunday and most of the crew on the ship has a day off so today there will be some relax for everyone and there is a BBQ party coming on so let's go and see what the guys are prepared [Music] [Music] you [Music] hello again it's Sunday here on the ship for another beautiful day sunny very warm outside very pleasant to walk around the ship and join beautiful views the sea has 24 degrees today so also the water is pretty warm around here anyway today I'm gonna take you to the engine room so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes I've heard it all before [Music] come on yet happiness remains a rarity not beraud just beside [Music] sign your name across my heart don't let movin broken bar [Music] [Music] well good morning from the ship it's Monday and it's almost 8 o'clock in the morning I'm getting ready for my breakfast I woke up quite early today around 5 o'clock I actually noticed that even though we travel quite slow we cover about 900 to 1000 kilometers per day I do feel jet lag and I usually wake up at 1:00 between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning sometimes I just turn around sleep more but sometimes I work on the bridge and these early mornings have a great feature and this is Sarai's like this [Music] one place I really love on the ship beside the captain's mask where we have all our delicious meals is the bridge I love coming to the bridge spent time there there is a beautiful view all around I like spotting other ships I like to look with a binocular around moving clouds animals whatever there is it's also very interesting to look at all the navigation systems all the machinery out there lots of interesting information depth of the sea you know speed temperature of the sea direction on all this kind of stuff it's very fascinating and I love how the crew how the captains and the officers are always willing to to you know respond to all my questions so I really got a lot of interesting informations from them so let's just have a look how it looks like [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a central place you have safe distance from parks idea the repetitive on the side yeah this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] so it's last day for me on the ship last morning actually it's 8 o'clock right now and in about 4 hours we will reach my final destination see pilot will come on board soon and he will navigate us to the port of Charleston where I get off the ship I'm really looking forward to our way to the port of the river I'm sure will be very interesting to watch and I'm just I'll just enjoy this this last hour ship as much as possible [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: kinda cool situations
Views: 466,889
Rating: 4.7667351 out of 5
Keywords: cargo ship, cargo vessel, transatlantic, travel, north atlantic, atlantic ocean, container ship, journey, vlog
Id: zaK7-Rmnyn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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