Lapping a V Block With a shop made lap

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[Music] all right we get an interesting cutting job that's just perfect for the marble so one of the things that you can do on the marble saw that it's hard to do on a swinging horizontal pipe saw you can make straight cuts and in this case I have a big piece of cast iron here and I want to just cut down to the line then I'll turn it 90 degrees and I'll cut it off and I'll end up with two pieces now I want to sit there and watch it or push it into man in the vertical man's up so this is actually a really good example of something you can do on this so let's check it out here's the piece I want to cut and the column on the the marble runs a straight in and straight out and I also have the ability to set a stop so if I want to stop at a certain point it's really easy to do that so I can walk off and go do something else and then come back and it'll of stop you know on my line or a little past or whatever right so let's look at the stops and how the stops work all right so here's so this is the stop rod and it's got a little kick it's got a cam on it and this is a slight EP so they can set anywhere I want and when this cam runs up on this just twist this far and actuate this micro switch over here and shut the saw so I already put a mark on it so kinda cheating here a little bit so I was at the end of the are the beginning of the cut and then I just measured from where the stop was to where I want to stop and just going to put the stop right there let's go a little bit past to make sure it cuts it oh wait we're going to lock that down and then when this cam gets to here it's going to click it off and I'll hear this saw has stopped and I'll just come over and either go a little farther or turn it for the next cut that also had a it has a hard stop - they keep you from going too far one way or the other but you hardly ever use those so let's let's get a cut going all right bring it up most of the feed mechanism you can see the handles is turning very slowly okay and then this guy over here is a weight that can vary the feed pressure with this by sliding this weight back and forth and then this little lever here disconnects the feed like so pretty cool [Applause] [Applause] so that's the start of at the start of the cast-iron lap there now I'm going to reverse this thing and I'm going to cut grooves in this direction too and I have a precision stop set this time so that all the bottoms of these grooves in the same spot I'll show you that sorry so here's my precision stop when I come up to the indicator I can just go to a zero and then I know with actually pretty good precision that the although saw grooves are at the same depth so which is you know it's just kind of a workman like touch you know so they all end up at the same level they look nice there's the finished lap and it's like cut it at 90 degrees the other way and you can see it's pretty good I got one that's kind of off a little bit I musta went to pose the land or whatever I was taking the measurement but it's still it's going to be fine for the lap a surface around the top of it you know this is a small enough one here that that's going to be flat enough for what I want to do and then what I'm doing here is I reground this this is a cute little anton v block and i reground the the outside of it and the V and what I want to do is I want to just mess around in and lap the V and see you know how nice of a finish I can put on there and how flat I can get that that the V part of the the V block the part of the D block okay so anyway that's what this laps about and then we'll we'll give that a go and see where we end up all right there's our cast iron laughs and I kind of ready to go I just put it in this vise so it's more stable here's our V block and then here's how we're going to address the lap like so okay and then they can turn this around so use both sides of the lap I really want to concentrate on down pressure here on one side at a time so this is a three micron it's pretty fine although the grind is pretty fine too so this is an aluminum oxide slurry and we're just going to give that a go and see how it how it performs here sure why not okay you see that dark stuff that means it's doing something so I want to come I want to come off the end just a little bit not enough to make it unstable but enough that I'm using the whole surface of the lap and they turn this around and you know this is one of those things that you got it you got to try it a little bit to kind of to kind of work it okay I'm not putting a ton of pressure on it okay I'm not putting a ton of pressure on it I'm letting the abrasive do it do its little job there okay and not trying to force it so this is one of those you know you get going to have some patience right and concentrate on you know good movements as opposed to you know trying to do it fast right so this is pretty boring video right so let me let me work this for a little while and then we'll come back and see what I can do all right so we're I don't know it's maybe ten minutes later from screwing around there see if I can show this on video clean it spend a lot of time cleaning see it's been shows up pretty good it's starting to come up nice now I put some tape on this side to protect it because you know it's kind of tracking along the side of the lap and and this hasn't really had any preparation so just a guiding surface now but so we'll work that a little bit and then we'll switch the diamond that once we get it to looking pretty good and then see how good we can do there terminex videos please visit a fair amount of time cleaning stuff cleaning the lap out and this is water with a little simple green but what I do is a you know the water stays with the out of the shop so it's really the same temperature as everything else in the shop so I mean sure how water works better but now you change the shape of the lap although this one's probably not a big deal but if you're doing a big flat surface you can cause the lap to change shapes no all right so we're looking pretty good here and you see yourself so the lap is dry right now but it's still charged with the aluminum oxide micro lap and what we're going to do now is we're going to use the lap just with the charge that's on it and I'm going to wet it with a little bit of a Kingsford just bejust lighter fluid so with that just to keep things flowing we want most of that off of there all right and then we're just going so you know the particles embed in the lab so we're just using what what's there - to do the finish work I keep my finger in there you know there's it's kind of like filing a little bit right there's a some kind of relaxing component of this you know rhythmic usually I have the radio on and this can loan out and get in the groove right all right let's clean that and see what we get at me okay oh by the way and you go through a lot of towels too that's the other thing this piece of towels the kind of dirty there yeah so I guess there's a solvent film on there right now so let's meet my other little fancier a out here this is and this is just a one of these we call it na step de couleurs all right well I think it's about time to switch over to some diamond there give that a go see if we can brighten that up a little bit more so the edges look pretty good I haven't rolled the edges over anything cooky there I don't want to drag this through my puddle of mud here okay looks pretty good so yeah I think we're going to switch this oh yeah switch to diamondden and get that final really nice nice finish on this is a three micron diamond from a q finish and this is the Glen Doe corporation they're in Kansas and it's the cannabis it's a spray it's a suspension that's in a I think it's an alcohol carrier some kind of solvent carrier and then the little spray nozzle will not only seem to die on these things you know you can dispense with all the screwing around if you just go straight to Diamond hood it's just a much more efficient abrasive than pretty much everything else and you'll see I'm just going to do a few strokes here flip it over so I'm using both sides of the lamp I'm going to pay attention here and yeah your your sense of feel is important here because you can feel it starting to kind of stick to the lap as you as you progress let's see what we got there you see doesn't take much on there there see in my little this little rags can and dirty bit oh yeah let's do it with a buff oh yeah near the colors coming out now I don't know how well this is going to show up on video but it's looking pretty it looks pretty good there's nothing shy right there it can you see the camera can I see the camera you can see the camera so we'll do a little more with that okay a little more with that and then we'll work on the other side today I get a look in the viewfinder there come on catch a light there there we go okay it must be the light of both overhead and you anyway so that's three micron diamonds right three three so it's the same group effective grit as this stuff here you know I could have just used this the whole way and sometimes well it's more efficient abrasive so I'm going to do the other side and then we'll see how it looks all together be back in a bit that's pretty good this side data actually a pretty good scratch in it I didn't notice it until I started polishing it out and so it took a little while to kind of work that scratch down and then on top of that there's a it looks like I exposed some some defects in the steel actually so it's kind of like a so let's clean this out so you get a good shot of that like the camera there let me get a good I gave you after you see this side this this and I think this is you gotta find it now oh yeah right here I don't know if you guys can see that I'll see if I can point it out in case it shows up on video all right right there that looks like there's some little tiny little pour ons or something I don't know what it is exactly anyway there's the movies pretty good and then you know I don't think I would do these surfaces here what I would probably do is do the bottom so there's okay that's a good looks a good counterpoint so this is how the v-- started out that was the finish on the V and that's just off the surface grinder 60 grit wheel off the surface grinder you know it's pretty good finish okay but not nearly as good as that so okay well I'll do the fun see you later I couldn't leave you guys hanging you knew you knew I was going to lap the bottom of this too so we'll give you a nice reveal here so you see I got graded cloths here to clean the bottom let's see what we got looks pretty good if we can get to get the camera in there at the camera that looks like the camera oh no that's me I should probably clarify a little bit you know we we made this lap kind of on camera off and on and this was just made out of a chunk of cast iron and this is what we we lap the V on okay but I didn't lap the the base of this on on this particular one I use this guy here and this is cast iron as well and this is a commercial one so I did the the flat surface on this one here okay just to be clear about how that went down so and on this one I just went straight to diamond done on this one here three micron and and then you know finish with with one and I finished with one on that one so so let's sit let's evaluate this surface let's check it out and see just how flat it is all right this is a lap master monochromatic light source so it's say it's a single wavelength of light and we use this in conjunction with a with an optical flat which is what this is here this is a you know I don't know if this one's quartz or it's probably just quartz but I don't think it's any special glass well other than it's a very stable glass and this has been lap very very very flat to within the fractions of a wavelength of light okay and then by laying this on this surface and having this light pass through the optical flat and reflect off of the surface we get an interference pattern that we can determine what the surface topology is of a of a flat surface okay and we can see that it's flat or not flat or where the high spots or low spots are now we left the this Anton Vblock here on the bottom and so we're going to we're going to test it with the optical flat and I also have a midotaur gauge block here just as a kind of a comparison so you can see what a really good surface looks like okay and I don't expect this to be as good as that and you'd be able to see the difference so I'm going to reframe the shot here and make sure I can see the interference band and and then we'll take a look at so it's a little bit of an art form to get the time enough of an art for me because the right word to get the flat on there without getting anything underneath it so it's a little bit of a trick to do that so the way we read this is you can see if this was perfectly flat though those lines you see those interference lines would be perfectly straight okay so how we read that is by how much bow is is in those lines right and so if you draw a straight line across one of them how many how many bands does it cut right and my magnifier on here looks we go one so it's you know two or three light bands right now and those are separated by eleven millionths of an inch right there so the bottom is flat 20 million sorr something like that 20 to 30 Millions and so now let's let's take a look at the mid Eto'o gauge block here and see if I can transfer this over without fussing around with it too much here you pop that loose clean that see if we can get that on there okay and let me get that up in there I hope it's showing up on the camera I mean I can see them you did oh yeah you can see them okay so you see how those are really straight we're really straight now the spacing doesn't matter in this case that just means the the wedge of air is thicker than if I push down on these they'll spread out a little bit okay but what we're looking at is how straight those are okay and those are really straight so that is flatter than 11 millions of an inch okay and in fact I think they're flat too whoo less than five millionths I think is one of the specs there for gauge blocks okay that's kind of cool so anyway just are a little horsing around lapping on that is it pretty good nice finish it looks good but it's not that good so that's the goal right there is to try to get something that looks like that and then you know you're you got control your get control your process okay anyway thanks for watching guys hope you liked that we're going to do some more laughing uh laughing videos and it's a real kind of an interesting subject so we'll do a few more [Music] and you [Music]
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 81,997
Rating: 4.9502072 out of 5
Keywords: Lapping, Toolmaking, Diamond lapping, Diamond abrasive, Aluminum oxide abrasive, Anton tools, V block, V-block, Lapmaster, Monochromatic light, Optical flat, Machinist, Machine shop, Metrology, Cast iron lap, Marvel saw, Toolmaker, Surface grinding, Toolsteel
Id: Js_B5-7jkag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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