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Wow we are gonna learn so many cool things on this homeschool pop video alright what's the first thing we should learn how about common and proper nouns but before we learn that we have to know what is a noun well now it is a word that is a person place or thing in other words if a word is a person place or thing it is on now you may not realize this but there are two types of nouns there are common nouns and there are proper nouns and what's exciting is by the end of this video you're gonna know the difference and you're gonna be able to spot them and figure out which kind of noun and now it is so first common nouns or common nouns name a type of person place or thing so what about proper nouns will proper nouns name a specific person place or thing so a common noun names a type of person place or thing and proper nouns name a specific person place or thing now let's show you with some examples here's our first example oh we love these what's the common noun for this ya dog this is a dog dog is the common now now let's say this dog's name is Fido Fido is the proper noun for this dog because that's the specific name of this dog is Fido dog is the type of thing that this is so it's the common noun the common nouns dog the proper now for this is Fido here's another example here is a girl a girl and girl would be the common noun because a common noun is a type of person place or thing but this girl's name is Rachel Rachel would be the proper now because it's a specific person place or things of the common noun is girl the proper now is Rachel here's another one here we have a picture of a park park would be the common now it's the type of person place or thing now let's say this park is called Smithfield Park Smithfield Park would be the proper now it is the specific person place or thing that this is it is a park that's the common noun and the proper now is Smithfield park remember common nouns name a type of person place or thing proper nouns name a specific person place or thing [Music] let's look at this example this is called a stadium the common noun for this is stadium but let's say the specific name of the stadium is York stadium York stadium would be the proper now it's the specific person place or thing the common now this stadium is the type of thing that this is York Stadium is the proper noun because it's the specific thing that descends let's try this one what is this what would be the common now yeah computer computer would be the common now now let's say this specific computer is a Platinum 10 that means that the proper noun for this would be platinum 10 the common noun is the type of person place or thing which is a computer and the proper noun is the specific one which is the Platinum 10 now did you notice that all of the proper nouns start with a capital letter and all of the common nouns start with a lowercase letter is interesting let's look back okay so dog is common and it's lowercase and Fido is the proper now and it's uppercase it's a capital letter let's see and girl is the common noun here and Rachel's the proper noun and Rachel starts with the capital letter proper nouns always start with a capital letter oh wow open and part is the common down here and it starts with a lower case letter and smithfield Park is the proper now and so because it's a proper noun it starts with for the letters [Music] and let's Oh Beckett this one to the common now here is Stadium in the proper noun is York Stadium in the proper noun it starts with capital letters York Stadium they are capitalized because it's a proper noun and what about this one again okay the common noun is computer so it has a lowercase letter but the proper noun is platinum 10 which is capitalized because it's the proper noun let's look at two more examples okay this is a picture of a yeah farm is the common noun and notice it's got a lowercase letter it's the common down if the type of flea Memphis's now the name of the farm is Johnson Berg ranch so that's the proper now it's the specific farm that it is Johnson Berg ranch and notice how it's capitalized because Johnson Berg Ranch is the proper noun that's capitalized it's the specific thing that it is [Music] okay now this is our final one the common noun of this is a map of a city city would be the common noun notice the lowercase letter it's the type of person place or thing it's got a little letter it's the common noun now let's say this city is Denver Denver would be the proper noun and notice it's an uppercase or capital letter because it's the proper now it's the specific thing that visits Denver to review if a word is a person place or thing it is a noun and there are two types of nouns common nouns which name a type of a person place or thing and proper nouns which name a specific person place or thing and of course all of the proper nouns start with a capital letter and all of the common nouns start with a lowercase letter [Music] well now we're gonna play a quick game to see how much you've learned we're gonna call this game common or proper it's where we will share a noun with you and you tell us whether you think it's common or proper there's the first one sock this is a common or proper now yeah it's a common now it's a type of thing so we know it's a common now but also it starts with a lowercase letter sock is a common now let's try this one mrs. Barrow is this a common or a proper now yes it's a proper now it's a specific person we also have the clue that it has the capital letters they start with capital letters with the capital m and the capital B tell us that this is a proper now mrs. Barrow is a specific person this is a proper noun great job how about this one Chicago is this a common or a proper now yeah its proper and we have two clues the first one is that it's a specific place Chicago and also what's the other clue yeah it starts with a capital letter we know that Chicago is a proper now great job about this now teacher is this a common or proper noun yeah it's a common noun it's a type of person also what's the other clue that tells us that this is a common noun uh-huh the lowercase letter tells us this is the common now [Music] let's try this one now box is box comment or proper what type of noun is this yes it's common it's a type of thing and also we know that it starts with a lowercase letter that tells us that [Music] here's our last one Lincoln Elementary School is this a common or a proper noun is it common or is it proper yes it's a proper noun it's a specific place and we also have the clue of the capital letters and starts thank you so much for playing that came he did a great job that's it common and proper nouns it's wonderful now you know the difference if somebody asks you hey is this now bombing or proper now you know now [Music] you have been doing a great job just like Mike who's doing these push-ups you know he knows it's important to stay fit and exercise it to stay healthy and you're like exercising your mind right now which is super cool and next we are going to learn about adjectives let's start at the beginning what is an adjective well this might sound a little weird but in order to know what an adjective is you have to understand what a noun is and remember a noun is a person place or thing a person like a doctor or a place like a bookstore or a thing like a desk if it's a person place or thing it's a word that's a noun well here's where adjectives come in adjectives describe nouns adjectives are words that tell us more about nouns so let's look at some adjectives for these nouns that we shared the doctor the bookstore and the desk the doctor two adjectives we could use to describe this doctor are tall and smart tall and smart describe this doctor and the doctor is the noun remember bookstore is a noun - it's a place what are two adjectives that we could use well one adjective could be the word fancy this looks like a pretty fancy little bookstore it also looks like it could be friendly friendly is another adjective we could use to describe this bookstore fancy and friendly are adjectives they describe the noun well what about this desk well two adjectives that could describe this desk are clean and tan clean because you can see it's not a dirty desk and also tan because that's the color of the desk that describes the color of the desk this is a tan desk tan and clean are adjectives they're describing the nouns all of these words you see our adjectives tall smart fancy friendly clean and tan adjectives are pretty fun all you have to remember is adjectives describe nouns now let's practice using adjectives to describe nouns look at this picture these girls how would we describe these girls well some adjectives we could use we could use the adjective happy they look pretty happy look at those big smiles what else would describe them do they look clean or do they look messy yeah they look pretty messy messy is another adjective happy and messy describe these girls it was a pretty good job now let's look at this picture what are two adjectives we could use to describe this Lego toy well he looks a little angry doesn't he angry describes him that means angry could be a good adjective what's another adjective is this toy very big look at this toy compared to the graphs this toy is pretty tiny tiny describes the toy in this picture so the two adjectives we could use are angry and tiny they describe the noun Wow look at this picture look at all these trees how would we describe these trees what are some adjectives we could use to talk about these trees well these trees are tall aren't they they seem to reach all the way up to the sky it looks like from this picture they're very tall something else about these trees and we can tell this because of just how tall they are they must be very old as well these are old trees these aren't young little saplings these trees are tall and old tall and old are adjectives describing the trees oh wow look at this picture how would we describe the water in this picture if the water is a noun it's a thing what are some adjectives we could use to describe it well one of the first things we know about water is that it is wet right whenever you get in water you become wet because water is wet that's an adjective we could use right what's another adjective we could use look at the color what is the color of the water yeah blue wet and blue are adjectives describing the water adjectives are words that describe nouns alright that's pretty cool now let's play the adjective game and find out how much you really learned okay so here's how the game works we're going to show you a sentence and you tell us which word is the adjective it's kind of like a game where you hunt and find the adjective in the sentence let's get started so here's the first one the sentence says he ran to the old store which word is the adjective remember adjectives describe nouns which word is the descriptive word yeah old old is the adjective awesome job here's the next one the quick Fox got away wonder which word is adjectives huh can you spot the adjectives uh-huh the word quick-quick is the adjective quick is describing the Fox quick is another word for fast this is a quick Fox that got away good job look at this one it says he wanted to buy a new car I think you might be getting the hang of it which word is the adjective yeah the adjectives the word new because new is describing the noun car great job new is the adjective okay here's our last one the birds flew past the big building it's a long sentence can you pick out the adjective the birds flew past the big building which word is the adjective alright big yes and why is big the adjective uh-huh it describes the noun building it's describing a noun it's an adjective awesome job alright hell is a great time wasn't it I mean adjectives are so much fun it's the way that we describe Matt owns and right now I'm hungry that's an adjective I'm describing myself and look at that cake on that table um I wonder what are in those silver bins I bet there's some really yummy food in there better go but remember you can use adjectives any time they're just words that describe now oh wow look at the homophone cow homophone cow huh homophone cow he you just walk you're just gonna ignore me okay so you're upset no we haven't included you in other videos what do you call this you know you're in a compilation video that's cool too alright I need to talk to the homophone cow but in the meantime let's learn about action verbs which sounds exciting because it is exciting well first things first what is an action verb huh what is an action verb the truth is in order to understand what an action verb is you have to understand what a noun is remember a noun is a person place or thing a person like a teacher a place like a gas station or a thing like an alarm clock if it's a person place or thing it's a noun okay so what is an action verb well action verbs are words that tell you what nouns do oh it's so cool we'll say it again action verbs are words that tell you what nouns do and won't give you some examples all right now we're gonna look at some action verbs for the nouns we just saw remember action words or words that tell you what now is do so our first one what do teachers do what does this teacher yes he teaches teaches is a good action verb it's what this noun does what this teacher does what else does this teacher do this teacher helps yeah all right on to the gas station what does a gas station do well gas station sells doesn't it it sells gasoline and other things what else does a gas station do what's another action verb for a gas station well gas station fuels the gas station fuels your car fuels is an action verb great let's try the alarm clock what does an alarm clock do what are some action verbs that describe what an alarm clock does well an alarm clock ticks doesn't it tick tick tick that's one action verb for an alarm clock another action verb let me give you a hint this is what an alarm clock does when you need to wake up what does it alarm clock do when you need to wake up it rings yeah an action verb is rings [Music] action verbs describe what nouns do a teacher teaches and helps a gas station sells and fuels and an alarm clock ticks and rings huh let's think of some more real-life examples of action verbs [Music] awesome here's a picture of a rat pretty cute for a rat most people think mice are cute mice are cute too rats can be cute just so you understand now what does this rat do in the picture what is the action verb what does this rat do yeah this rat eats great job eats is the action verb it's describing what this noun does what does this rat do this rat eats eats is the action verb let's look at this picture what does this dog do in the picture what does this dog do what's the action verb yeah this dog runs no action verb for this picture is ones this dog runs cool let's look at this one what does this lady do in the picture what does this lady do what is the action verb ah huh this lady reads reads is the action verb good job Wow look at this what does this man do in the picture what's the action verb what does this man do aha yeah this man swims swims is the action verb awesome action verbs are words that tell us what nouns do all right you're ready ready you might not feel like it you're ready you know this action verbs stuff you're doing a great job let's play the action verb game yes okay so here's how we play the action verb game we're gonna show you a sentence and you tell us which word you think is the action verb let's get started okay here's our first one the little girl sang the little girl sang which word is the action verb yeah sang sang is the action verb because it tells us what the noun does good job [Music] let's try this one he speaks to his mother he speaks to his mother which word is the action verb [Music] aha speaks speaks is the action verb it's the word that tells us what the noun does the noun he speaks speaks is the action verb good job okay let's look at this one now they grow flowers they grow flowers which word is the action verb you got the hang of this awesome grow grow is the action verb it's the word that tells us what the noun does a good job okay the last one the kids watch home school pop the kids watch home school pop which word is the action verb yeah watch is the action verb two new adventures we fly fly is an action verb it's what I who it's hard work you know a lot of times learning can be hard work too but we hope that these videos are really helpful make learning fun so that learning is hard like pushing this cart oh my goodness all right what's the next thing we should learn about let's learn about pronouns how to use them how to spot them and how to have fun with them of course first we got to figure this out what is a pronoun that's a good question what is a pronoun a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun here we have a picture of a pit crew that is working on this stock card during a race now this pit crew is made up of professional mechanics these mechanics are pros they're always ready to step in and do a very special job pronouns are like professional words that are ready to step in and replace nouns kind of like this pit crew they're professionals they're ready for a special job they're good at what they do they're pros pronouns are pros at replacing nouns [Music] all right let's give you an example okay so here is a picture of a woman playing a guitar a wonderful musical instrument okay let's say this woman's name is baddy so the sentences Betty plays guitar Betty plays guitar now let's change the sentence so it includes a pronoun she plays guitar she plays guitar did you see what happened there so cool she is the pronoun because it is a word that takes the place of the noun which is the name Betty she replaced the word Betty she is a pronoun okay here's another one here's a picture of a boy who is fishing let's say this boy's name is Henry okay so the sentences Henry went fishing Henry went fishing now let's change the sentence so it includes a pronoun so the new sentence would be he went fishing he went fishing isn't that cool he is the pronoun because it is a word that takes the place of the noun which is the name Henry he is the pronoun remember a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun that's the job of a pronoun to take the place of a noun okay for another example here is a picture of a young woman who's reading a book let's say her name is Nicole so let's make this the sentence Nicole enjoys the book Nicole enjoys the book now let's change the sentence so it includes a pronoun this time instead of replacing a name with a pronoun we're going to replace a common noun with a pronoun we're gonna replace book so our new sentence is Nicole enjoys it Nicole enjoys it that's pretty awesome isn't it it is the pronoun because it is a word that takes the place of a noun in this case we had the word it replaced the word book instead of Nicole enjoys the book we changed it to Nicole enjoys it it is the pronoun aren't pronouns fun hey and did you know the words I and you are pronouns - it's true and that rhymes which is always fun I and you are pronouns to see you use pronouns all the time in fact I just did oh I that's a pronoun you is a pronoun ah I did it again I did it again i-i-i-i is a pronoun - oh my goodness I can't stop using pronouns oh I just did it again ah okay yeah the word you is a pronoun so if you see your friend Brittany and you want to compliment her on her outfit you could say hey you look cool in pink you wouldn't use her name Brittany when you're speaking to her you would use the word you you is the pronoun it replaces her proper name and you would say you you look cool and pink next time somebody says you to you you could say that it's a pronoun pronouns are everywhere they are everywhere and as we mentioned the word I is a pronoun - you think I am sad oh I is a pronoun you don't use your own name when you talk about yourself you use the word I I replaces your proper name and you say I we use the word I all the time I is another one of those professional words that replace nouns a pronoun oh and just to let you know I'm not really sad okay because I mean we're looking at pronouns pronouns are so awesome okay not sad pronouns are cool no sadness okay just to let you know don't worry don't worry cool here's another did you know hey did you know a pronoun can also replace multiple nouns yeah they're really fancy like that a pronoun can also replace multiple nouns let's say we have a sentence Rachel and Amy our friends Rachel and Amy are friends now let's try replacing two mounds Rachel and Amy with a pronoun our new sentence would be they are friends the word they is a pronoun because it's replacing the nouns Rachel and Amy they is a pronoun let's try another plural pronoun that's a pronoun that replaces multiple nouns okay let's say this little girl likes to walk on the beach and she says the sentence dad and I love the ocean now this one's a little weird the word dad is a proper noun because she calls him that that's his name that he's called by his daughter is dad so dad in this sentence is a proper noun and the word I we know is a pronoun so we are going to replace this proper noun and this pronoun with one single pronoun a plural pronoun that will cover both of those nouns our new sentences we love the ocean the word we is a pronoun it's replacing the words dad and I dad and I are replaced with the pronoun we and notice it's a much shorter and more simple sentence we love the ocean this is the power of pronouns pronouns can replace a single noun or they can replace multiple nouns so to review a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or multiple mouths here's a list of some of the more common ones I you he she it we they me him her us them a noun is a person place or thing and a pronoun does the same thing it's a professional word that replaces a noun or multiple nouns in a sentence and here they are and they're so much fun to use I you he she it we they me him her us them the pronouns hey when is it going to be my turn I want to be in this compilation video too okay let's see I'm going to teach about I'm in the park is so much fun you know what else is fun is using rhyming words while you're at the park like this have you ever tried to glide down the slide it's like a game that was great and you can practice rhyming anywhere like at an airport the planes fly high up in the sky [Music] or at the grocery store don't drop your lollipop while you shop Oh rhyming words are words that end in the same sound lollipop and shop are rhyming words because they end in the same sound lollipop shop tried and slide our rhyming words because they end in the same sound even though the sound is spelled differently tried slide sky and drop are not rhyming words because they don't end in the same sound sky drop do these words rhyme faith space [Music] great job they rhyme because they end with the same sound do these words rhyme dog plane very good they don't rhyme because they don't end with the same sound do these words rhyme right right that's it they rhyme because they end with the same sound even though the sound is spelled differently you did great today we learned that writing words are words that end in the same sound even if the sound is spelled differently have fun finding rhyming words see you next time we are so happy to have you with us I mean you are so awesome you really are oh you like my poster mr. whiskers poster you know it's pretty cool pretty cool you know it's a pretty cool poster pretty cool cat - I wonder what he would like to learn about next if he would learn from one of our videos what would he like to learn next hmm how about hmm what's known about prepositions yeah wow what a cool sounding word what are prepositions you're about to find out and then you'll just be able to say prepositions and you'll know exactly what you're talking about it's gonna be cool first we want to show you this okay you might be saying why are you showing us a bridge there's a good reason for that it's a very good reason for that we're gonna just keep that a secret for now but for now just look at this picture of a bridge bridges are so cool aren't they they're so cool there's structures that connect to sides of things don't they you can see the storm clouds are coming it's probably gonna start raining you know the photographer probably was running for cover you know but this is a nice picture of a bridge here's another picture of a bridge do you know the name of this bridge pretty famous pretty famous bridge yeah the Golden Gate Bridge okay the Golden Gate Bridge if you didn't know that you need to check out our video on the Golden Gate Bridge some fascinating facts there you're gonna love it you're gonna love sharing those with their friends and your family and everyone's gonna be like wow let's look at the Golden Gate Bridge again it's an amazing bridge and a bridge connects two sides a bridge you might be wondering what does this have to do with prepositions I thought we're talking about prepositions not bridges what is going on here well that is what a preposition is okay a bridge a preposition is okay in the world of words and grammar it's not really a bridge you can't drive a car on a preposition okay that would be a little bit difficult ooh it but a preposition works just like a bridge in the world of words a preposition is a bridge that comes before a noun or pronoun and connects it to the rest of the sentence and this is how it works for example let's say we've got a noun at the end here and then we've got the rest of the sentence now we've got a problem there's a big gap something's got to go in between now let's say the part with the noun is my backpack and the rest of the sentences I put my book I put my book my backpack the lonely backpack we need a connecting word we need a bridge so we put in a preposition yeah a preposition a bridge word a connecting word that will connect the noun at the end to the rest of the sentence so we're going to use the preposition in so it would read like this I put my book in my backpack now the noun backpack is connected to the rest of the sentence yeah yay bridge prepositions let's look at this example Charles loves to rest the floor uh-oh there's a gap we're gonna need a bridge we're gonna need a preposition to connect floor to the rest of the sentence aren't we let's try the preposition on Charles loves to rest on the floor oh it's perfect on is connecting floor to the rest of the sentence Charles loves to rest on the floor perfect that's perfect I love prepositions prepositions can talk about place time or movement here's some examples of prepositions that talk about place on over at in around under below above behind these are all prepositions that talk about place or placement not interesting let's look at this example Beth enjoy skating the lake uh-oh there's a gap we need a preposition we're gonna need a preposition that talks about place let's try around Beth enjoy skating around the lake that's the perfect preposition for that it connects Lake to the rest of the sentence Beth enjoy skating around the lake prepositions we said this already they're pretty cool they're pretty awesome pretty pretty amazing all right you gotta connect we need the connecting words we need the bridges we need prepositions now prepositions can talk about time as well [Music] look at these prepositions before during after these are prepositions these are bridge words connecting words they're prepositions that talk about time look at this example it snowed 4 inches the day we're definitely gonna need a preposition there aren't we oh my goodness what's a preposition we could use for the sentence let's try the preposition during during so our sentence would read it snowed 4 inches during the day wow that's perfect that's the perfect bridge word the perfect connecting word the perfect preposition now prepositions can also express movement whoa like these prepositions through towards to into a cross along these are prepositions bridge words connecting words that express movement let's try this one we were glad we went the game uh-oh we're definitely gonna need a preposition we have to connect game to the rest of the sentence let's try to we were glad we went to the game to is one of the prepositions that express movement we were glad we went to the game and now the word game is connected to the rest of the sentence prepositions can also just seem random like about of and from you just memorize these words as prepositions because they do kind of seem random about of and from are all prepositions to here's our next sentence we enjoy taking care the birds uh-oh there's a gap we're gonna need to fill that with a bridge word of preposition aren't we what is a preposition that you think would go well there which one do you think fits in that like a puzzle we enjoy taking care the birds yeah of of we enjoy taking care of the birds of is a preposition it's a bridge word connecting birds with the rest of the sentence now here's something that can be tricky prepositions can also appear at the beginning of a sentence the preposition still has a noun coming after it and then there's the rest of the sentence but the preposition is still connecting the noun to the rest of the sentence let's show you with an example alright here we go after dinner ooh afters the preposition after dinner I enjoy reading a book Wow now notice it's still a bridge word and it's still connecting dinner that's the noun to the rest of the sentence even though it appears at the beginning it's still a bridge words still a connecting word so if you see a preposition at the beginning of a sentence don't freak out it's okay sometimes they go there [Music] prepositions are connecting words and Wow just like bridges they're a great time they're awesome and they just they're just cool they're just cool who else is a fan of prepositions anybody anybody no one you like prepositions now right you love them right you love prepositions they're connecting words they're bridge words Wow mom you're doing such a great job in your race I had no idea you were an athlete okay I mean with all that cloth wrapped around you're doing great you're doing a great job just like these kids are doing a great job learning in fact how about this the next thing we're gonna learn about is prepositional phrases do you know what those are prepositional phrases you're about to understand them they are very cool they are very very cool prepositional phrases are incredible once you know them everyone's gonna be like what you know what that is and you'll be like yep yep prepositional phrases I got it I watched the video before we learn that we have to answer this question what are prepositions we can't know what a prepositional phrases without knowing what prepositions are well prepositions are connecting words it's pretty simple they're connecting words prepositions are connecting words that act like bridges like this bridge oh wow what a cool bridge a wooden bridge a bridge connects from one side to the next and in a similar way prepositions are connecting words they're like bridges in the word Kingdom mr. whiskers you know you're supposed to you know you're supposed to stay up during the night you know and sleep during the day you know it I don't know what's going on with your internal clock we're in the middle of talking about prepositions how prepositions are like bridges they're like the bridges of the word they connect their connecting words they're great words I'm in the middle of a review listen if you'll just hold up we'll play with the special bouncy ball okay and and the little thing with the with the string you know you know you'll think you're attacking a bird okay can you just wait just a moment so prepositions are like bridges that connect a noun to the rest of the sentence for example we went fishing with Ben with is the preposition because it's connecting Ben to the rest of the sentence we went fishing with Ben it's connecting Ben with the idea of going fishing we went fishing with Ben width is a connecting word a bridge the word width is a preposition now sometimes a preposition is at the beginning of a sentence but it still comes before a noun connecting that noun to the rest of the sentence look at this example after dinner she read a book the word after is a preposition it's connecting the word dinner the noun to the rest of the sentence she read a book after dinner she read a book it's still a connecting word it's still a bridge word to preposition even though it's at the beginning of the sentence prepositions can show things like time place and movement cool now the really interesting words that can do a whole lot if you want to learn more about prepositions we have a video that's pretty cool that talks about prepositions in more detail after this video you'll see a button that you can click to go straight to this video and we'll share more about the different types of prepositions and things like that but for now what you need to know is prepositions are connecting words okay so what is a prepositional phrase we know that a preposition is a bridge word a connecting word but what is a prepositional phrase well a prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with the preposition and ends with something called the object of the preposition remember the sentence from earlier we went fishing with Ben [Music] remember the word with is the preposition because it's connecting the noun which is the word Ben to the rest of the sentence now this is so cool do you see this noun that comes after the preposition this word Ben [Music] this is called the object of the preposition the noun that follows the preposition is always called the object of the preposition now remember a prepositional phrase begins with the preposition and ends with the object of the preposition so in our sentence the prepositional phrase is with Ben with Ben with is the preposition so it starts the phrase and the object of the preposition ends the phrase so the prepositional phrase only has how many words yeah two words the prepositional phrases with Ben remember a prepositional phrase begins with the preposition and ends with the object of the preposition [Music] okay let's give this one a try they traveled to the beach they traveled to the beach well the word - is the preposition here it's the connecting word that's connecting Beach to the rest of the sentence they traveled okay which word is the object of the preposition yeah just say the word uh-huh yeah beach beach is the object of the preposition it's the noun that is following the preposition that means the prepositional phrase is to the beach there are three words in this prepositional phrase remember a prepositional phrase begins with the preposition and ends with the object of the preposition prepositions are like bridges that connect a noun to the rest of the sentence sometimes a preposition appears at the beginning of a sentence followed by the object of the preposition which is just the noun that follows the preposition and then the rest of the sentence look at this sentence outside the window the birds are singing outside the window is the prepositional phrase the word outside starts the phrase out because it is the preposition and the word window is the object of the preposition ending the prepositional phrase pretty simple wouldn't it be funny if the birds outside the window singing were these there we go we're good those pelicans are awesome and they actually don't sing they just make sounds like and if you don't believe me listen look it up look it up online alright listen to the sounds they make let's get back to prepositional phrases we're going to give one final example and in this one the preposition is more in the middle of the sentence instead of at the beginning they swim during the summer they swim during the summer during the summer is the prepositional phrase during is the preposition so it starts the prepositional phrase and summer is the object of the preposition ending the prepositional phrase so the prepositional phrase has three words during the summer okay we're in space well a prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with the preposition and ends with the object of the preposition Wow there you go a prepositional phrase now you know what that means you have been doing a great job just like Mike who's doing these push-ups you know he knows it's important to stay fit and exercise it to stay healthy and you're like exercising your mind right now which is super cool and next we are going to learn about synonyms we're gonna learn what synonyms are and how you can spot them [Music] so what are synonyms well synonyms are words with the same meaning or almost the same meaning words that mean the same thing are synonyms like the words angry and mad angry and mad have the same meaning they are synonyms words that have the same meaning are synonyms like the words seat and chair I mean the same thing a seat is a chair and a chair is a seat those are synonyms the words many and lots they mean the same thing words that mean the same thing are synonyms so many and lots are synonyms they mean the same thing look at these two words smile and grin those words are words that mean the same thing they're synonyms hopefully with those examples you're seeing that synonyms are words with the same meaning but in our definition earlier synonyms are also words that have almost the same meaning the words aren't exactly the same in meaning but they are very very similar so we're gonna look at some of those synonyms [Music] sleep and nap are great examples of synonyms that have almost the same meaning the meaning isn't exactly the same but it's basically the same because napping is a type of sleeping but not all sleep is a nap but they're basically the same so there's still synonyms look at these warm and hot these are synonyms now hot is harder than warm so they're not the exact same mean but they're very similar meanings so they are still synonyms shop and store are also synonyms now a store is usually bigger than a shop but they mean basically the same thing it's a place you buy things so they are still synonyms because they have almost the same meaning they are still synonyms well there you have it synonyms or words that have the same meaning or almost the same meaning now we want to find out how much you have learned we want to play a game that we call pick the synonyms we're going to show several words and you pick out which of the words are the synonyms here we go fast best quick which two of these words are the synonyms yeah fast and quick try these good great flap which are the synonyms yeah good and great try this tug ha hole which two are the synonyms yeah tug and pull here we go road bike bicycle which two are the synonyms yeah bike and bicycle great job [Music] last one and beautiful pretty and glad which two are synonyms yeah beautiful and pretty great job well next time you see two words that mean the same thing you could say you know what those are synonyms thanks for watching we had so much fun it's hard work you know a lot of times learning can be hard work too but we hope that these videos are really helpful make learning fun so that learning is hard like pushing this cart oh my goodness all right what's the next thing we should learn about let's learn about antonyms what antonyms are and how to pick them out so today we're learning about it's antonyms our words with the opposite meaning they're words that mean the opposite thing here's an example of antonyms happy and sad these two words mean the opposite thing that makes these antonyms happy and sad mean the opposite things they're antonyms words that mean the opposite are antonyms like loud quiet loud is loud the quietest like a whisper loud and quiet are antonyms how about these antonyms hot and cold hot and cold mean the opposite things that means they're antonyms they're opposites hot and cold their work that mean the opposite thing antonyms are words that mean the opposite thing like mad and glad they're completely different their opposite these words are antonyms mad and glad our antonyms what about these antonyms take and give take and give are words that mean the opposite think they are antonyms take and give our engineers these are antonyms because they are opposite look at these huge and tiny huge is really really big and tiny is really really small they mean the opposite things so they are antonyms there are more antonyms words that mean the opposite things sit and stand those are completely different they're the opposite sit and stand are antonyms [Music] antonyms as you're learning antonyms are words with the opposite meaning I think you're understanding this now so we're gonna be doing is we're going to be doing a fun little game we're gonna play a game called the antonis which means we're gonna be picking the words that means the opposite thing alright I hope you're ready I hope you're excited and let's get started so here are words tall big and short two of these words are antonyms which ones are antonyms I'm gonna need your help tall be insured which two words are the incidents tall and short they mean the opposite things they're the antonyms these sell-by and show which of these words are antonyms [Music] by and show ya sell and buy are the antonyms they mean the opposite thing here's the next one go [Music] we'll and won't are the Antonine Oh uh-huh they mean the opposite thing here's our last one over ground under which of these words are antonyms over ground under aha yes over and under are the [Music] the stick he awesome job [Music] well we're gonna speed along but next time you see words that mean the opposite things you can see yourself those are antonyms [Music] oh wow look it's the homophone cow homophone cow huh homophone cow you you just walk you just just gonna ignore me see how it is okay so you're upset no we haven't included you in other videos what do you call this you know you're in a compilation video that's cool - all right I need to talk to the homophone cow but in the meantime let's learn about sentence fragments the beach is so wonderful with my shopping cart and there's one word that comes to mind when I'm standing here looking at the Sun setting this is complete what else could you want you're standing on a beach don't make fun of the shopping cart and I might find something at the beach okay you don't bring a shopping cart to the beach that's weird okay I got a shopping cart I feel complete this is complete to me this makes me feel happy you know sentences can be like that too you see sentences like to be complete they love to be complete a sentence always has a subject and a verb a sentence wants to be complete because without a subject and a verb it's not a sentence anymore in fact it's something else it's a sentence fragment but let me not get too far ahead of myself always remember the sentence must have a subject and a verb kind of like every cool birthday party has to have a baby and Chomsky Chomsky I haven't forgotten about the Hat and forgotten about the ha so you can come to my party but it's still it's still rod so so hurts all right let's get back again so a sentence always has a subject and a verb that means a sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a verb it needs a vote otherwise it's not a sentence a sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a verb like this the dog clays catch doesn't have a subject and a verb yeah the subject is the word dog and the verb is which words which word is the verb yeah clays [Music] this is a sentence it has a subject and a verb which means it's expressing a complete this is complete there's a subject there's a verb we know what's going on and there's no way this dog that catching this ball or maybe this dog will catch the ball who knows let us know in the comments which one you think will happen you think he's gonna catch it or do you think it's gonna fall to the ground who knows or look at this one the pig swims with a friend the pig swims with a friend is there a subject and is there a verb as well well yeah the subject is pig the pig but is there a verb which word is the verb yeah swims so this has a subject and a verb this is a sentence I mean it's got a subject and it's got a verb and it's expressing a complete thought it's not missing anything it's complete it's got the subject it's got the verb it is a sentence so what happens if a group of words is missing a subject or a verb well then it's kind of like me on the beach without my shopping cart you know it's missing something a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or a verb that's what it's called as a sentence fragment when it's missing something what it's just part of a sentence it's missing something it's not a complete sentence it's a sentence fragment kind of like being on the beach without my cards a sentence fragment is incomplete it's missing something we're going to show you some sentence fragments so you can see that they're incomplete they're missing something they're missing either a subject or a verb all right I'm ready to look at them sentence fragments are groups of words that are missing something like this the book under the table what the book under the table where's the verb there's no verb it has a subject the book but there's no verb it doesn't tell us what's going on with the book what about the book under the table there's so many unanswered questions this is not a complete thought the book under the table is a sentence fragment or how about this one ran to school ran to school it doesn't have a subject who ran to school we have so many questions about this this is not a complete thought it doesn't tell us who it's talking about every sentence has to have a subject and a verb this has the verb ran but it doesn't have a subject ran to school is not a complete sentence it's a sentence fragment look at this one the old car on the road wait a second this doesn't have a verb the old car on the road it's missing something isn't it it's a sentence fragment it's not telling us what the old car on the road is doing it's just saying the old car on the road we'll what about it what about it what is the old car on the road doing this is a sentence fragment it's a group of words that's missing something and our final sentence fragment is mr. whiskers on thirst a wait a second what mr. whiskers what did you do on Thursday it's a sentence fragment I don't know I don't know what does it do mr. whiskers you don't speak English do you I have no idea what because they don't give you all the information there's no verb I don't know what mr. whiskers did on Thursday that's not a complete sentence you gotta have a subject a verb I hope you shave you know I I go to the beach with my shopping cart on Thursdays everything to review a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or a verb now a sentence always has a subject and a verb a sentence fragment though is missing either a subject or a verb a sentence fragment is missing something Wow we are super proud of you now you know what a sentence fragment is you know that a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or a verb and you know that a sentence has both a subject and a verb a sentence shares a complete thought but a sentence fragment is missing something pretty cool huh so the next time somebody says something to you that isn't a complete thought you can say hey that was a sentence fragment because that was missing we are so happy to have you with us I mean you are so awesome you really are oh you like my poster mr. whiskers poster you know it's pretty cool pretty cool you know it's a pretty cool poster pretty cool cat - I wonder what he would like to learn about next if he would learn from one of our videos what would he like to learn next hmm how about hmm let's learn about run-on sentences Ron sentences are very interesting and there's something special we have to do to fix them but first what isn't you know what it's sentences well a sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a verb so if you see a group of words that has a subject and a verb you could say hey that is a sentence like look at this the dog plays catch this is a group of words isn't it now this group of words doesn't have a subject and a verb yeah does the dog dog is the subject and what word is the verb plates yeah this is a sentence isn't it it's got a subject it's got a verb it's a group of words to presented how wonderful I shouldn't get emotional that's not it's not a big deal now here's another important thing to remember when we're learning about sentences a sentence always expresses a complete thought what that basically means is it's telling us what's going on and who's involved it's a complete thought let's look back at the dog sentence again the dog plays catch this is expressing a complete we know who's involved the dog and we know what the dog is doing the dog is playing catches and he the dog plays catch it's giving us a complete thought so we know what's going on oh but what if there was a sneaky type of sentence that wasn't even a sentence at all it was a sneaky kind of sentence that tried to put multiple complete thoughts into one sentence with multiple subjects and multiple verbs what if there was a sentence that tried to take more than it really deserved that was sneaky that was bigger that was taking on what was supposed to be in two sentences into one what if there is a sneaky thing called run-on sentences are they really sneaky yeah over on on sentence is a group of words that has two sentences inside there's more inner on sentence than there should be two sentences inside a one it's like a run-on sentence is greedy it's sneaky it's greeting oh my goodness these run-on sentences the truth is run-on sentences have to be split up it's not fair for there to be a sentence that has multiple sentences inside of just one you have to break them up the we're gonna show you how to do that run-on sentences on your game you think you're getting away with this we're about to teach all the kids how to spot you how to find you and how to fix you run-on sentences a group of words with two sentences instead of one look at this one Charlie knocks on the door Billy opened it wait a second this is sharing two thoughts and there's multiple subjects multiple verbs somebody broke the rules here somebody broke we've got to split this run-on sentence up have to Sciences inside we got to break this run-on sentence up well where would we do that where should the sentence have ended yeah after the word door the Senate should have ended after the word door we need to split up this run-on sentences right at this spot we fixed it so here are our two new sentences Charlie knocked on the door Billy opened it notice each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period look at this run on Grover ate the food he likes chicken giving two complete thoughts there are two sentences in this thing if we gotta fix this where do we need to split up this run-on sentence you know we're go ahead and say it yeah right after the word food we need to split up this run-on sentence right at this spot we fixed it so here are our two new sentences Rover ate the food he likes chicken notice each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period here's our final run on I need your help this homework is hard way this is expressing two complete thoughts definitely is a run-on sentence isn't it where do we need to split up this run-on sentence why don't you say it where do you think we need to split up this run-on sentence to make it right yeah right after the word help I need your help that's a complete thought and this homework is hard that's a complete thought - that's where we need to split up this run-on sentence we fixed it so here are two new sentences I need your help this homework is hard notice each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period remember a run-on sentence is a group of words that has two sentences inside how sneaky is that and run-on sentences have to be split up they can't stay the way they are they can't just be allowed to have multiple sentences inside they need to be split up and just remember that each sentence needs to start with a capital letter and end with the period so when you split it up make sure you capitalize the first letter of the sentence and that you add a period well that does it for us if you see a run-on sentence you know what to do we gotta split up we gotta split it up because it's not fair for run-on sentences to be so big and have so much inside of it we want to split it up so that we could have two complete sentences instead of a run-on so next time you see a run-on say hey I know how to fix it which is really cool Wow you completed the video that is so impressive well you might notice there's a circle right here on this video page that you can click to subscribe to our channel or you can click this rectangle to go to another one of our videos but keep learning learning is so cool
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 148,240
Rating: 4.5681005 out of 5
Keywords: language arts learning videos for kids, learning videos for kids, nouns for kids, verbs for kids, videos for kids, language arts videos for kids, language arts videos, language arts, language arts videos for elementary students, for kids, nouns, verbs, propositions, language arts compilation, learning for kids
Id: xOaMIwak7Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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