4th Grade Language Arts Compilation

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wow we are going to learn so many cool things on this homeschool pop video all right what's the first thing we should learn how about metaphors that's a fun word to say isn't it metaphors you're gonna understand what metaphors are and how to use them first what is a metaphor what is a metaphor well a metaphor is a way of comparing two things it's not the only way to compare two things but it's a very interesting and creative way of comparing two things you might have seen examples of metaphors in books and in poetry and there's a really big chance that you use metaphors in your everyday speeches you're speaking to people we just use metaphors from time to time and bob loves using metaphors when he speaks to me he loves comparing things in a really creative way metaphors are unique because they compare things without using the words like or as and we're going to look at some examples at first they're going to look a little bit weird but then you'll get the hang of it and you'll see how fun they are to use here's an example ben was a cheetah at the race today ben was a cheetah at the race today we are comparing in this sentence ben to a cheetah because he went so fast and cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world so we're comparing ben to a cheetah it's a metaphor because we're making this comparison without using the words like or as we mentioned earlier that metaphors can sound silly that's because in our example ben is not really a cheetah even though we said ben was a cheetah at the race today it's a way of comparing that makes it sound like there's no difference between them at all let's look at our metaphor again ben was a cheetah at the race today is a metaphor it's comparing ben to the cheetah and it's not using the words like or as okay let's pretend we did use the word like or as what if our example was ben was like a cheetah at the race today that makes it a different type of comparison called a simile a simile a simile is different than a metaphor because a simile makes a comparison using the words like or as remember metaphors are comparisons that do not use like or as [Music] metaphors metaphors are comparisons that do not use like or as look at this example the snow was a white blanket on the ground the snow was a white blanket on the ground in this metaphor we are comparing the snow to a blanket [Music] notice you don't see the word like or as this is definitely a metaphor because it's a comparison that is not using the word like or as let's think back to our examples the first one ben is compared to a cheetah and he is called a cheetah the comparison doesn't use the word like or as so that was a metaphor a metaphor speaking to how fast ben was running in our second example the snow was compared to a blanket the metaphor said that the snow was a blanket on the ground that's a comparison that is not using the word like or as the second metaphor speaks to the appearance of the snow on the ground metaphors a metaphor is a comparison that does not use the words like or as look at this example learning is a piece of cake with homeschool pop oh this is a good example learning is a piece of cake with homeschool pup this is a metaphor comparing the learning that you get with homeschool pop to cake to a piece of cake a piece of cake is a common metaphor speaking to how easy something is just like it's easy to eat a piece of cake learning with homeschool pop in this example is easy this is the metaphor learning is being compared to a piece of cake without using the words like or as [Music] metaphors are comparisons that do not use like or as they're simple they're fun and they are a creative way of comparing two things i am a block of ice no that's that's not a metaphor i'm not comparing myself to ice i'm frozen okay the big ice cube mr whiskers was in this lab with me mr was mr whiskers this ice is melting shouldn't take too where's mr west cars where are you [Applause] metaphors a way of comparing two things without using like or ass but this is not a metaphor i'm frozen hey whoa okay first of all elephants don't drive okay elephants can't get a driver's license and he's driving on the grass he's driving on the grass you're gonna ruin the lawn okay what's going on here all right this is out of hand okay elephant i don't want to tell you what you can do what you can't do but you can't drive all right oh my goodness all right next we are going to learn about homophones homophones are really really weird okay they're very weird homophones are weird like a cow that works in the city you know that's just that this doesn't happen no i mean it's just like what so many questions why is this cow here who taught this cow how to wave why is this cow wearing clothes weird i don't know if you believe me really homophones are weird i mean they are weird i mean really really weird okay i know i'm repeating myself you need to understand these are really weird words and we're going to show you why you see homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling [Music] another way of saying that is homophones are words that sound the same but look different and don't mean the same thing they're kind of tricky weird words that they sound the same but they look different and they don't mean the same thing okay i think you're ready it's time to meet the homophones we want to give you some examples of these words that sound the same but they look different and they don't mean the same thing homophones same sound different spelling and meaning like nose and nose they sound the same don't they the exact same they're homophones because they've got very different meanings don't they the first nose is a part of your body the second nose is when you have knowledge about something something in your mind he knows what homophones are they have the same sound but different spelling and different meaning it's tricky isn't it it's a little weird homophones [Music] homophones same sound different spelling and meaning like eight and eight they sound the exact same don't they but one is a number right this first eight is a number the second eight has to do with eating the baby eight the watermelon eight and eight are homophones homophones same sound different spelling and meaning like hey and hey they sound the exact same but they're homophones aren't they because the first hay means hello and it's spelled differently hello hey it's an informal way of saying hello just like this friendly little bird is doing right now hey the second hay is food for horses they sound the same but they have different spelling and different meaning hay and hay are homophones we want to make sure you really understand this homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling like buy and buy this first buy means near or close to the photographer that took this picture was by the grasshopper this second buy means to purchase you do this at stores don't you this person is buying an apple buy and buy they're homophones here's our final example of homophones flu and flu this first flu isn't very fun at all it's a type of sickness the second flu is a lot more fun this is a seagull that is flying the seagull flew over the ocean flu and flu they sound the exact same but they are very different words aren't they they are homophones now this is something crazy did you know there are over 7 000 homophones in the english language over 7 000 and that's why we can't talk about all of them here there are homophones that you probably know that we didn't have time to cover today but there are over 7 000 of them in the english language hey can you think of any other homophones maybe after you watch this video try to come up with a list of homophones that you might know that we didn't cover in this video they're a lot of fun oh this is such a heavy cart oh my goodness oh it's hard work you know a lot of times learning can be hard work too but we hope that these videos are really helpful make learning fun so that learning isn't hard like pushing this cart oh my goodness all right what's the next thing we should learn about let's learn about prepositions yeah wow what a cool sounding word what are prepositions you're about to find out and then you'll just be able to say prepositions and you'll know exactly what you're talking about it's going to be cool first we want to show you this okay you might be saying why are you showing us a bridge oh there's a good reason for that it's a very good reason for that we're gonna just keep that a secret for now but for now just look at this picture of a bridge bridges are so cool aren't they they're so cool there's structures that connect two sides of things don't they and you can see the storm clouds are coming it's probably gonna start raining you know the photographer probably was running for cover you know but this is a nice picture of a bridge here's another picture of a bridge do you know the name of this bridge pretty famous pretty famous bridge okay yeah the golden gate bridge okay the golden gate bridge if you didn't know that you need to check out our video on the golden gate bridge some fascinating facts there you're going to love it you're going to love sharing those with your friends and your family and everyone's going to be like [Music] let's look at the golden gate bridge again it's an amazing bridge and a bridge connects two sides a bridge you might be wondering what does this have to do with prepositions i thought we're talking about prepositions not bridges what is going on here well that is what a preposition is okay a bridge preposition is a bridge okay in the world of words and grammar it's not really a bridge you can't drive a car on a preposition okay that would be a little bit difficult and he wouldn't be able to do it but a preposition works just like a bridge in the world of words a preposition is a bridge that comes before a noun or pronoun and connects it to the rest of the sentence and this is how it works for example let's say we've got a noun at the end here and then we've got the rest of the sentence now we've got a problem there's a big gap something's got to go in between now let's say the part with the noun is my backpack and the rest of the sentences i put my book i put my book my backpack there's a cap it's a lonely backpack we need a connecting word we need a bridge so we put in a preposition yeah a preposition a bridge word a connecting word that will connect the noun at the end to the rest of the sentence so we're gonna use the preposition in so it would read like this i put my book in my backpack now the noun backpack is connected to the rest of the sentence yay yay bridge yay prepositions let's look at this example charles loves to rest the floor uh oh there's a gap we're gonna need a bridge we're gonna need a preposition to connect floor to the rest of the sentence aren't we let's try the preposition on charles loves to rest on the floor oh it's perfect on is connecting floor to the rest of the sentence charles loves to rest on the floor wow that's perfect that's perfect i love prepositions [Music] prepositions can talk about place time or movement here's some examples of prepositions that talk about place on over at in around under below above behind these are all prepositions that talk about place or placement not interesting let's look at this example beth enjoys skating the lake uh oh there's a gap we need a preposition we're going to need a preposition that talks about place [Music] let's try a round beth enjoys skating around the lake oh that's the perfect preposition for that it connects lake to the rest of the sentence beth enjoys skating around the lake prepositions we said this already they're pretty cool they're pretty awesome pretty pretty amazing all right you got to connect we need the connecting words we need the bridges we need prepositions now prepositions can talk about time as well [Music] look at these prepositions before during after these are prepositions these are bridge words connecting words they're prepositions that talk about time look at this example it snowed four inches the day oh we're definitely gonna need a preposition there aren't we oh my goodness what's a preposition we could use for this sentence [Music] let's try the preposition during during so our sentence would read it snowed four inches during the day wow that's perfect that's the perfect bridge word the perfect connecting word the perfect preposition now prepositions can also express movement whoa [Music] like these prepositions through towards to into across along these are prepositions bridge words connecting words that express movement let's try this one we were glad we went the game uh oh we're definitely gonna need a preposition we have to connect game to the rest of the sentence let's try two we were glad we went to the game two is one of the prepositions that express movement we were glad we went to the game and now the word game is connected to the rest of the sentence prepositions can also just seem random like about of and from you could just memorize these words as prepositions because they do kind of seem random about of and from are all prepositions too here's our next sentence we enjoy taking care the birds uh oh there's a gap we're gonna need to fill that with a bridge word a preposition aren't we what is a preposition that you think would go well there which one do you think fits in that like a puzzle we enjoy taking care the birds [Music] yeah of of we enjoy taking care of the birds of is a preposition it's a bridge word connecting birds with the rest of the sentence now here's something that can be tricky prepositions can also appear at the beginning of a sentence the preposition still has a noun coming after it and then there's the rest of the sentence but the preposition is still connecting the noun to the rest of the sentence let's show you with an example all right here we go after dinner oh after the preposition after dinner i enjoy reading a book wow now notice it's still a bridge word and it's still connecting dinner that's the noun to the rest of the sentence even though it appears at the beginning it's still a bridge word still a connecting word so if you see a preposition at the beginning of a sentence don't freak out it's okay sometimes they go there [Music] prepositions are connecting words and wow just like bridges they're a great time they're awesome and they just they're just cool they're just cool who else is a fan of prepositions anybody anybody okay no one huh you like prepositions now right you love them right you love prepositions they're connecting words they're bridge words wow mom you're doing such a great job in your race i had no idea you were an athlete okay i mean with all that cloth wrapped around you're doing great you're doing a great job just like these kids are doing a great job learning in fact how about this the next thing we're gonna learn about is action verbs which sounds exciting because it is exciting well first things first what is an action verb huh what is an action verb the truth is in order to understand what an action verb is you have to understand what a noun is remember a noun is a person place or thing a person like a teacher a place like a gas station or a thing like an alarm clock if it's a person place or thing it's a noun [Music] okay so what is an action verb well action verbs are words that tell you what nouns do oh it's so cool we'll say it again action verbs are words that tell you what nouns do and we'll give you some examples all right now we're going to look at some action verbs for the nouns we just saw remember action words are words that tell you what nouns do so our first one what do teachers do what does this teacher do yeah he teaches teaches is a good action verb it's what this noun does what this teacher does what else does this teacher do this teacher helps [Music] all right on to the gas station what does a gas station do well gas station sells doesn't it it sells gasoline and other things what else does a gas station do what's another action verb for a gas station well gas station fuels the gas station fuels your car fuels is an action verb great let's try the alarm clock what does an alarm clock do what are some action verbs that describe what an alarm clock does well an alarm clock ticks doesn't it tick tick tick tick that's one action verb for an alarm clock another action verb let me give you a hint this is what an alarm clock does when you need to wake up what does an alarm clock do when you need to wake up it rings yeah an action verb is rings [Music] action verbs describe what nouns do a teacher teaches and helps a gas station sells and fuels and an alarm clock ticks and rings huh let's think of some more real life examples of action verbs [Music] awesome here's a picture of a rat pretty cute for a rat most people think mice are cute mice are cute too rats can be cute just so you understand now what does this rat do in the picture what is the action verb what does this rat do yeah this rat eats great job eats is the action verb it's describing what this noun does what does this rat do this rat eats eats is the action verb let's look at this picture what does this dog do in the picture what does this dog do what's the action verb yeah this dog runs the action verb for this picture is runs this dog runs [Music] cool let's look at this one what does this lady do in the picture [Music] what does this lady do what is the action verb uh-huh this lady reads reads is the action verb good job wow look at this what does this man do in the picture what's the action verb what does this man do aha yeah this man swims swims is the action verb awesome [Music] action verbs are words that tell us what nouns do all right you're ready you're ready you might not feel like it you're ready you know this action verb stuff you're doing a great job let's play the action verb game yes okay so here's how we play the action verb game we're going to show you a sentence and you tell us which word you think is the action verb let's get started okay here's our first one the little girl sang [Music] the little girl sang which word is the action verb yeah sang sang is the action verb because it tells us what the noun does good job [Music] let's try this one he speaks to his mother he speaks to his mother which were is the action verb [Music] aha speaks speaks is the action verb it's the word that tells us what the noun does the noun he speaks speaks is the action verb good job okay let's look at this one now they grow flowers they grow flowers which word is the action verb [Music] you've got the hang of this awesome grow grow is the action verb it's the word that tells us what the noun does good job [Music] okay the last one the kids watch homeschool pop this is a cool one the kids watch homeschool pop which word is the action verb yeah watch is the action verb to new adventures we fly fly is an action verb it's what i do we are so happy to have you with us i mean you are so awesome you really are oh you like my poster mr whiskers poster you know it's pretty cool pretty cool you know it's a pretty cool poster pretty cool cat too i wonder what he would like to learn about next if he would learn from one of our videos what would he like to learn next hmm how about [Music] let's learn about similes similes are a lot of fun to use in fact you probably already use similes maybe even without realizing it you might be wondering what are similes how could i have used them if i don't even know what they are similes are actually a way of comparing two things we compare things all of the time look at this comparison the baby sleeps like a koala in this sentence we are comparing the baby to a koala what's the comparison that the baby sleeps like a koala this is a comparison look at this comparison his sister is as gentle as a lamb his sister is as gentle as a lamb the comparison is between his sister and the lamb and the gentleness is what makes them similar his sister is as gentle as a lamb that's a comparison let's look at both of our comparisons again the baby sleeps like a koala and his sister is as gentle as a lamb you want to know something interesting about these comparisons these comparisons are similes that's right both of these sentences are similes you see similes are comparisons that use the words like or as if there's a comparison that uses the words like or as then you know that that comparison is a simile look at this sentence learning is as easy as pie wow learning is being compared to having pie easy as pie is a very common simile that means easy just like it's easy to eat pie in this sentence learning is as easy as pie it's easy to learn learning is as easy as pie this is a simile because it is a comparison using the word as remember similes are comparisons that use the words like or as similes are a way of comparing things using the words like or as [Music] look at this simile the strawberries are red like roses the strawberries are red like roses we know that this is a simile because it is a comparison and notice the word like the word like means if it's a comparison that it is a simile [Music] the strawberries are being compared to the roses and what do the strawberries have in common with the roses yeah they're both red the strawberries are red like the roses this is a simile similes are easy to spot a simile is a comparison and you're looking for one of two words you're hunting for the word like or as if the comparison uses either of these words you know it's a simile and what's cool is now you can use the word like or the word as in your comparisons to make your very own similes isn't that awesome wow he is as happy as a clam that he knows what similes are now get it that's a simile because it uses the word as you know a comparison that uses the word like or as is a simile he's as happy as a clam he's as happy as a homeschool pop viewer right you know he's as happy as mr whiskers you know oh wow look it's the homophone cow homophone cow huh homophone cow you're just walking you're just just going to ignore me see how it is okay so you're upset that we haven't included you in other videos what do you call this you know you're in a compilation video that's cool too all right i i need to talk to the homophone cow uh but in the meantime let's learn about sentence fragments ah the beach is so wonderful isn't it don't you just love the beach i'm standing here with my shopping cart and there's one word that comes to mind when i'm standing here looking at the sun setting this is complete what else could you want you're standing on a beach don't make fun of the shopping cart and i might find something on the beach okay you don't bring a shopping cart to the beach that's weird okay i've got a shopping cart i feel complete this is complete to me this makes me feel happy you know sentences can be like that too you see sentences like to be complete they love to be complete a sentence always has a subject and a verb a sentence wants to be complete because without a subject and a verb it's not a sentence anymore in fact it's something else it's a sentence fragment but let me not get too far ahead of myself always remember a sentence has to have a subject and a verb kind of like every cool birthday party has to have a baby and chomsky [Music] i haven't forgotten about the hat i haven't forgotten about the hat yeah so you can come to my party but it's still it's still raw it's still still hurts still hurts all right let's get back again so a sentence always has a subject and a verb that means a sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a verb it needs to have both otherwise it's not a sentence a sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a verb like this the dog plays catch does it have a subject and a verb yeah the subject is the word dog and the verb is which word which word is the verb yeah plays this is a sentence it has a subject and a verb which means it's expressing a complete thought this is complete there's a subject there's a verb we know what's going on and there's no way this dog is catching this ball or maybe this dog will catch the ball who knows let us know in the comments which one you think will happen you think he's gonna catch it or do you think it's gonna fall to the ground who knows but this is a sentence this is complete it has a subject and a verb it's a sentence or look at this one the pig swims with a friend the pig swims with a friend is there a subject and is there a verb as well well yeah the subject is pig the pig but is there a verb which word is the verb yeah swims so this has a subject and a verb this is a sentence i mean it's got a subject and it's got a verb and it's expressing a complete thought it's not missing anything it's complete it's got the subject it's got the verb it is a sentence so what happens if a group of words is missing a subject or a verb well then it's kind of like me on the beach without my shopping cart you know it's missing something a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or a verb that's what it's called as a sentence fragment when it's missing something when it's just part of a sentence it's missing something it's not a complete sentence it's a sentence fragment kind of like being on the beach without my cards a sentence fragment is incomplete it's missing something we're going to show you some sentence fragments so you can see that they're incomplete they're missing something they're missing either a subject or a verb all right i'm ready to look at them sentence fragments are groups of words that are missing something like this the book under the table what the book under the table where's the verb there's no verb it has a subject the book but there's no verb it doesn't tell us what's going on with the book what about the book under the table there's so many unanswered questions this is not a complete thought the book under the table is a sentence fragment or how about this one ran to school ran to school it doesn't have a subject who ran to school we have so many questions about this this is not a complete thought it doesn't tell us who it's talking about every sentence has to have a subject and a verb this has the verb ran but it doesn't have a subject rand to school is not a complete sentence it's a sentence fragment look at this one the old car on the road wait a second this doesn't have a verb the old car on the road it's missing something isn't it it's a sentence fragment it's not telling us what the old car on the road is doing it's just saying the old car on the road well what about it what about it what is the old car on the road doing this is a sentence fragment it's a group of words that's missing something and our final sentence fragment is mr whiskers on thursday wait a second what mr whiskers what did you do on thursday it's a sentence fragment i don't know i don't what did you do mr wish because you don't speak english to you i have no idea what you did on thursday i hate sentence fragments because they don't give you all the information there's no verb i don't know what mr whiskers did on thursday that's not a complete sentence you gotta have a subject and a verb mr wish blish i hope you're safe you know i i go to the beach with my shopping cart on thursdays and everything to review a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or a verb now a sentence always has a subject and a verb a sentence fragment though is missing either a subject or a verb a sentence fragment is missing something wow we are super proud of you now you know what a sentence fragment is you know that a sentence fragment is a group of words that is missing a subject or verb and you know that a sentence has both a subject and a verb a sentence shares a complete thought but a sentence fragment is missing something pretty cool huh so the next time somebody says something to you that isn't a complete thought you could say hey that was a sentence fragment because uh that was missing something wow you completed the video that is so impressive well you might notice there's a circle right here on this video page that you can click to subscribe to our channel or you can click this rectangle to go to another one of our videos but keep learning learning is so cool
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 390,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4th grade language arts, 4th grade language arts lesson, 4th grade language arts curriculum, language arts, 4th grade, 4th grade figurative lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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