Landscape Painting 101| The Easiest Painting | Paintings By Justin

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[Music] what is going on everybody I hope you guys are doing so well today I know I'm doing well I have been working so much these last few weeks as you already know I'm opening up this beautiful gallery and workshop to display not only the paintings that I do but to to display other things in the future that people do I want to just kind of tell that story as time goes by different people that maybe can just kind of transform themselves coming from a very bad place to a good place that's what I want to do here I want to share people's success stories over time but today this is what we're gonna do I know I know it's not done we're not done here it's still under construction we're gonna break this place in today we're actually gonna paint something we're gonna do a quick little tutorial for you guys something that you can just kind of relax sit back you know the drill do your thing have some fun do all that kind of stuff so get all your stuff together why am i standing like this I know I'm like completely bent over so anyhow good to see you guys I hope you're doing well I released my paintbrush line for a very short time they're almost sold out I posted a link here right on YouTube I'll put the info in the description below go check them out they're probably going to be gone by that point I will be releasing them re releasing them sometime later this year so it's great to see you guys and I'm just so happy I'm just think it's just good good time to be alive so seeing a second fiddle yourself together all right well this is totally totally exciting first painting in the very first and new studio could be more happy right now so I'm just gonna hold this up real quickly here this is my palette like my little sticker here's my little palette with all my colors same colors that we always use I will make sure I link and blow all these colors are made by gamblin absolutely should go check their website out they have so many different things on there and their paint is nice and I like the consistency it's thick and it just works it works for me everybody is different but this is what works for me here so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do landscape painting one-on-one not one-on-one landscape painting 101 so let's just make a standard landscape it's something that I've been wanting to do for a few days something that I could just hang in here also is my my first quick and easy landscape painting for this new studio so what I did was I put the clear fluid on here first okay I put that down here first I didn't do that on camera because I'd like to spend a few minutes also I'm gonna start off with a 2 inch brush here which by the way link is below if you guys want to go down I have a few sets left I released them around midnight last night and they're just about gone so I'm gonna re release them later this year I know I said that a few minutes ago but I have a set there's six of them I'm gonna add a few more as time goes but here's a nice pretty new shiny one right here so I'm gonna start off with a two inch and let's see if I want to hold the palette I'm probably to set it down yeah let's set it down alright so I'm gonna put a little glow in the sky right here nice little pink glow so I'm gonna take a tiny bit of red and I mean a tiny bit you see that right there very very little and I'm just gonna go like this real quick look at how sturdy that easel is mmm love it took me like two hours I had to like mount all the feet to the floor I had to build a bracket on the left side one on the right side so yeah all right let's put this glow up here this'll be nice this will show a little later on down the road all right don't spend a lot of time doing this definitely don't just get it in there just like that I'm gonna grab a touch more of that stuff there and then maybe we'll just throw some right down here all right just so we have a little bit of that reflection in the water all right just like that you could pull it down if you want a black all that stuff perfect okay now that took about 20 seconds and you should do the same get that color up there and move on to the next step do not you know sit here for 20 minutes and you know try to blend it you know perfectly I'm telling you it'll just be a waste of your valuable time just get it in there and just work you know work it in later you have other paint that's gonna go on top of this other colors whatever time you spend on this besides those 10 or 20 seconds is most likely going to be wasted all right just trying to give you guys some tips I really want you to you know enjoy this process you know I want you to enjoy it all right so we're going to go over to some blue I'm gonna take same brush wiped it off a little bit let's grab same thing look at this I got a tiny tiny tiny amount all right I'm just gonna throw some of this up here I'm just going to go right across the top all right work your way down like this I want it to be not even so I'm probably gonna go a little lower on the right side here just cuz you don't want to be like a straight line you know what I mean so maybe I'll bring it down like that you'll get a nice little purple color which is awesome all right okay so I'm gonna wipe this off real quick on a paper towel all right then what I'm gonna do real quickly is I'm just gonna hit this edge real real quick where the red meets the blue I'm just gonna kind of soften it it's just so it's a very it's a smooth transition okay there's that now I'm gonna go back up and I'm going to darken a little bit so I'm gonna get a little bit of blue you know what I'm gonna get just the tiniest bit of black - I think let's see what that does little great up a little bit I just want to darken the corner here and you see I'm just kind of I'm being real sloppy about this I'm not really worried all right got that up there's a little bit darker but it go back wipe it off excuse me that's the benefit of using very little bit of paint because you don't have to you know clean your brushes in the middle of a painting you just wipe it off with a paper towel and you can actually use this brush to blend which I am doing right now all right leaving a little bit of that there's a little dark and light areas in there I think that's pretty cool so I'm probably gonna leave it okay set that up there on my little magnets all right clouds let's put some clouds I'm gonna grab this fan brush real quick I'm gonna use pure white and make some very very easy easy clouds okay simple clouds alright just pure white boom see that I kind of soaked it on there so what do we want to do here maybe we'll maybe we'll kind of outline this a little bit so let's do this mm just gonna do those little circles first see how that see where that gets us I'm just getting more paint getting more paint all right let's go in there and that's all right if you touch the red that's totally fine it'll give you a different color all right let's drop this one down a little bit more like that and then we'll just go right about I'm really pushing to put one right there get some more paint up here right off the edge okay all right you see that you can clearly tell I really am not worried about how these clouds look all right just get them on there and I'm actually gonna let's just soften the bottoms and it'll just kind of set them down and do all that good stuff to get the hair in there swipe it right out no big deal now look you can absolutely put a shadow color in first for the clouds if you want to you can do that I'm not worried about doing that here today though I'm just just getting some of these clouds in I'm gonna like lifting up on them just like that swipe back and forth alright and then you can go back and you can add a little bit more in so what I want to do here is I want to grab some more white and then primarily I want this area to stand out a little bit more so I'm going to get some more paint there see that I'm just kind of setting it down sideways actually I want to fill in this here maybe some there to just get a little bit more white in there so it doesn't look so washed out see that it doesn't really matter how you put it on maybe a little bit more there so you could tap it on if you want does it matter it doesn't matter just have fun with it I'm just gonna hit the bottom of this again one more time I'm actually using the corner of this right now I know it's kind of hard to see but the benefit of moving into this studio is I'm gonna have multiple cameras very soon and it's gonna allow you guys to see the different angles of what I'm doing you know a couple close-ups stuff like that I'm just gonna lift back up on these again real quick swipe it to the side all right and let me actually show you something since I'm right here doing this so remember earlier I was talking about shadows you could put shadows in if you want so I'm going to take that same fan brush real quick I'm gonna wipe it off and I'm gonna take I'm gonna take some blue and some black and there's white already on here I'm gonna take some blue and some black and I'm just gonna sprinkle some of this color just like this and I know I already made the clouds but this is what I was talking about so you can actually do this after the fact if you want to just make these little little shadow thing he's like this see a few extras in there if you want boom alright back to the two-inch and look at this watch this I'm just gonna go right in here and I'm gonna blend you know these two colors sort it together alright this will just give it a little bit of you know extra something you could like I said do this before I just wanted to show you like it can be done either way see that nice little blend go right back in here and lift up on this see that all right you could put those shadows in there all right let me set that down and step back here real quick and see where we are and you can use the one inch also you don't have to just use the two inch to do that sometimes the one inch is a little bit more easy to control for example you can get in there like this and really just have so much more you know control and blending capability if you want and you can still lift it and you know do all that stuff so don't be limited to exactly what I'm doing you know do what's good for you you know if you want to use a fan brush use a fan brush to do this try different things try different things and see what you're comfortable with all right I'm going to set that fan down and grab all right so I'm going to get a knife right here and what I want to do here I'm going to get some blue and some black blue black and I think I'm gonna use a little bit of red let's see what that does for us should give us like a grayish color blue black red and I put a little white in there too all right here's our color I'm going to start right back here and I'm gonna put a little something right there like this boom just like that let me wipe the knife off him quickly and I like doing this in the prize like wiping it off as I'm doing it because I don't know if you noticed but I generally don't get a lot of paint or any paint on me when I'm making these pictures because I'm constantly you know kind of cleaning as I'm going so I'm just gonna pull this out real quick these are my favorite these are my favorite type of paintings to do right here by far they are my favorite I will paint these types of pictures for the rest of my life because I only care about how I feel I don't care how it looks or what anybody you know what other artists are doing I don't really care about that I just care about how can this help me and how can this help you alright alright cool check that out it's behind the glow that little pink glow is talking about is right behind there so alright let me set this back up there real quick and let's do I'm gonna take some some white paint here along with what do I want I'm gonna take a little bit of Brown some white and some brown paint and mix that about 50/50 let's see how this looks here I just want to give it a different look it's kind of a dull brown and I think that's working put some here like this all right alright I'm gonna take that same color and let me add a little bit of blue to it so I got that same brown and white and I'm just gonna mix some blue in there all right easy enough right just drop a little bit right in there just like this perfect okay just wiping that off real quick now I'm gonna take let's just get a little bit of white a little bit of white and maybe some yellow ochre that'll give it a little bit of shine and then let's just do this real quick cuz our little pink spots back there just put some of this nice little color on there something like that drop some there let me just step back real quick and get a little bit more of that blue color okay all right let me wipe this off real quick and then set my knife down grab our two-inch and let's just soften this up so I just like that little I love tapping these because it really does make it nice and soft and you can give it a little wipe if you want your two-inch brush and then just kind of swat it back and forth like this you can do circles you can do all kinds of cool stuff like this tap a little bit over here to push this thing way back push it way back there all right back to the knife and back to our our color that we had for the original base which was blue black and we had white in there I'm going to add more blue and more black to that and a little bit of red it's just gonna make it a little bit darker and that'll bring us a little bit forward so I'm actually gonna drop one right about here maybe a little bit higher like that right back here get some more paint right here come right in front like that alright let's wipe the knife off man it's a that's pretty that's close to close-up right there alright let's grab the two-inch here and just pull on this a little bit like that bring that up bring that ringer front there all right I'm just wiping my brush off just to get that excess off of there and I just go back and forth softly it just really helps soften it up excuse me just getting over a cold also right in front there alright let me set this back up there and let me just take a step back looks good it looks good let's grab the knife now and we can start putting some color on that so then you move some of these colors out of the way here because those are our blues and our shadows let me grab I'm gonna get some white and then wood we have we had a little bit of brown going on a little bit of brown H a little yellow ochre in this one okay and then let's just go ahead and drop some of this color on shoot right down just like that I'm gonna wipe this off because it's picking up some of that under under layer there right up here and drop some of that in here real carefully I'm gonna get a little bit more that yellow ocher I think just to make it a little bit stronger of a of a color to kind of help us with perceiving that you know it's closer just kind of sprinkle on it right on top just like that it's there I'm just dropping it in I'll put my shadows you know wherever kind of go over top of the color with that and all right let's go over here I'm gonna get some blue and some more away okay so some blue and white make this a little bit more stronger also and you just drop in you know some little areas here like I said you can go right over top of the little highlights make your own shadows drop some of this color in and then you can even go back over top you know with some highlighted areas yes I'm just kind of pulling it around see that and it's colorful and that's like something that I like I like having nice color strong color yellow ochre yellow ochre and some white here I'm just gonna put this right just like that right down to the front some there a little bit back there too so I'm there like that let me wipe this off all right you see this here people complain a lot about the breaking in the paint see I just kind of scraped it on I wasn't real concerned about the you know the paint breaking so let me show you something you can take a little bit of blue and black and go right over top of this you see that now it looks like the paint broke and I didn't because I actually scraped the highlight color on but I just went back over top and just I gave it a quick swipe all right so that actually you can do that alright so I'm going to take some black and blue just a darker black and blue color it's almost like a bluish grey and I just want to I just want to drop in some color right in the front here just to darken it a little bit just like this see that okay back to the blue blue and white this is like a lighter blue color I just want to drop in a few little things right here or you could take some extremely light blue and do this sometimes this looks pretty cool just like a little it's like a shadow highlight if that makes any sense to you see that although I think it would look better if I did it right there like that all right what else what else let me get some of our color here I just want to split this right here I just wanted to split that shadow up right there you see that all right so there we have that set the knife down and let's take a look see what we got two inch let's go right in here mystify the bottom of the base here just like this I'm gonna leave a little section right there a little bit of showing there it's maybe like a little kind of a layer or something right it's a big old mountain taking up everything isn't it that's alright that's alright wrong with that let me just soften this up back there a little bit the same thing over there let's hit this side it's a close-up mountain all right set that back and see what do we got here what do we got I think I'm gonna grab the one-inch brush here and let's just put some things in where we want what do we want I want some green I want some green yellow ochre let's mix some yellow ochre and and green yellow ochre and blue let's do that see what that does green yellow ochre and some blue all right let's see how that looks thanks all right I'm just using the one inch and I'm just I'm just tapping in these colors now I'm going to turn it sideways I'm just gonna go right across like this just like that truth right back there somewhere all right then we can darken it up get some more green some more blue a touch of black you know we can make centers a little bit darker you see what that does there it just kind of you know gives it another another layer if you want to if you want to call it depth whatever you want to call it but it does does something it does something just get it in there get it in there see that just smashing the color in all right alright let's set the one-inch down we take a step back take a look at this alright alright before we go too far let me grab this guy here I just want to I'm going to just drag some of this down just to do it ahead of time because I'm very guilty for doing this like at the last minute I know there's gonna be some water here somewhere okay just so much easier if you do it at the appropriate time instead of having to go back all right set that down let me grab it's like a blueish pink color it'll work so I'm just gonna put in a something some kind of line here just so I know where I'm going okay right over to there which is fine it's like great but hey it works right it works wiping the knife off okay what do we got here so we have that there what should we do grab I'm going to take the 1 inch and I'm going to wipe it off just a little bit all right before we move forward and I'm gonna grab I'm gonna get me some yellow ochre here and some CAD yellow I'm gonna get those two colors and then I just want to I just want to see about putting uh you know some kind of something on here just something to separate ya so maybe it'll look like there are some lighter areas you know and then there's some darker areas too right down into here just like this okay that took about ten seconds don't you know don't do too much you see I just want a different color there that's all I really wanted so I'm just wiping that off let's pop that back up there like that and then let's do the cool thing all right this is the part I love doing so let's I think we're gonna have this like yes and what we want to do here want to come this way all right I'm gonna grab the knife I'm going to take there's a pretty good amount of green black and blue green black blue let's put a little brown in there too mixing that up all right so I got just a nice dark color all of our dark colors mixed together and I'm just going to I just want to get some of this down on the canvas all right and this will help me form what I you know where I want to go with it so I can spread it around after the fact you can do this with a brush if you want absolutely so I think I'm going to come in like this and then I just want it to go I don't know something like that maybe we'll see so I'm just going to scrape this around something like that all right let me wipe this knife off so that was just getting the collar down that's what I was doing just now I'm just trying to get some dark-coloured down on the canvas and then you can use any brush you want for to spread it around I'm just gonna I know I have some white on this fan brush but I'm just gonna take this and just try to do some little circles start in the back here because it does have some white on it so it would be a lighter color and I'll work my way up like this and I'm just getting this color spread around the canvas so I could figure out what I want to do here you know kind of form you know form the land how I want it stuff like that okay I'm gonna come back and get some green black and blue on the fan brush mm-hmm and let some of that color there like that I want it to be darker here so I know where I'm going okay dude there's some land there all right so I just now I just got to determine what am I doing here and we lift some of this excess paint off here like that grab the two-inch so I know I'm gonna be coming down like this this is gonna be dark alright so I know that so I'm gonna pull that down okay so I think I'm gonna need to close the back in a little bit to make this sort of come together so I'm gonna start something like that right there and then same on the other side this and I'm gonna bring that just like that and and this may not all the way come together until until you see like the the final like highlights and stuff like that little bush maybe there something something growing like that right so now if I grabbed right this minute if I just even took a lighter green color or something like that for like a sort of like a water line this would start off right about here and it would work its way you know pretty much rate off of the canvas like that just to give you an idea all right something like that that's not the water line though that was just to show you all right all right all right let me see here this is all good to go here dark colors in just put some stuff here and this is just what I like doing because it makes things easier for me to put the color in and then you just kind of go after the fact you know and make it work okay and I keep stepping back so I can I want to make sure that you know the land is is looking okay stuff like that like it's sloped properly all those things alright alright so I'm gonna add a couple things on the left side like a couple of little trees and stuff over here first so let me just keep the fan brush and I got some blue and green here blue and green and let's just put one somewhere right there and use the corner of this and church and I'm just I like put I love the the pushing up and I keep reloading too because you you know use quite a bit of paint when you're pushing up alright and it just kind of disappears down there for now let's make us another one right there little baby one same thing push up push push in that shop and then put one here right in front of this little template that we made here just do the same thing use the other corner and just just push up move down like an inch and when you get down here yeah you could just make it nice and dark right off the canvas you can come back and make little extra limbs and stuff if you want do all kinds of stuff and maybe let's just put one more here just a little bit taller than ever than the one next to him yeah some stuff in the background I don't know see that little things little things way back there maybe you'll see them maybe you won't alright alright alright let's move to the right side here real quick and what do I want to do over here I don't know if I want to put any pine tree there on the side yet ground is tapped in just like that here's a cool little thing you know how you put little trunks in you could actually take this knife and you could sort of like see that I loved I love doing this instead of actually using the you know like a brown color or whatever cuz sometimes that gets a little tricky but if you scrape in some tree trunks you could go back with your brush and just touch over like a few spots and it will show through and people will notice that they'll say oh look at those cool little branches so just an idea for you just an idea alright alright let's get moving here I'm going to grab let's go back to our one inch brush here and yellow ocher and our yellow and a little bit of green I guess maybe alright so I got someone here and I'm gonna come right about right about here I just want to tap on just a little bit of the lighter color nice and light okay and I'm using quite a bit of paint here because I have a dark base in a thick dark base underneath so I got quite a bit and I'm reloading as you can see like every every couple of times that I press it down here like this very I'm just touching so light to see that it gives you an idea of our ground there I'm gonna raise this up just a hair just to make it look right so that gives us an idea of what's you know what's happening right here this actually I'm gonna bring this down and you could this is what I like you could change this stuff you could drop this right right down and make that hill bigger and here we do the same thing bring this all the way down here if we want see that and this is dark over here so there's not gonna be too much going on you see that I had the water already figured out but not a big deal I'm gonna wipe this off give it a good wipe and then I'm gonna come back in and I just want to take some pure yellow just some pure yellow and just I want to think about some light and I'm using a lot of paint but I just want to think about some light areas that might be shining through because our light is coming from this way just like that maybe there's a little touch right in the center of these trees right here you know just kind of peeking through and I don't want to put any too far over because I want people to see right in this area here all right all right let's move to the other side so now I'm just taking pure CAD yellow I already have some dirty color in this one inch brush so let's start making you know our area here a little grass area or whatever two little Hills right there and there's a little bit of grass on the bottom right there boom okay that solves that and you can use the two inch I'm just using the one inch because that's just what I have right here I'm holding it that's a little hill that goes back there who knows where that goes all right and start forming our land kind of runs right down like this and there's a lot of dark under here too so a lot of dark paint under there and this is just getting our land formed and figured out now I'm gonna wipe this off because I have a lot of dark color down here and if you struggle with this dark color what you might want to do is I know I spread it on pretty thick but if you want look take the knife and just softly you see this okay if you want to do that you can scrape it off just like that back up here wipe it off on the paper towel just kind of all right repeat that process all right that'll help you with you know controlling it all right and if you want you could even see this I'm pressing on it and that'll just take out you know maybe a little bit of that oil okay that's in there all right this will help your experience generally what I do is I just use more paint okay but that's not always you know the best answer okay and I don't want you guys a struggle I want you guys to have a good time doing this all right so let's go into here now all right it's uh more paint and figure out and make sure you leave the dark areas in here too because that's important I'm just building up little areas leaving the dark and just thinking about the land and all that stuff all right let's go back here to the one-inch I want to wipe it off and let's go back into some of our yellow or pure yellow think about our sunlight maybe shining in here so I got some pure CAD yellow pure yellow and that's kind of going hoom so where is that going to land that's going to land right about here somewhere and I keep going back and reloading because I don't want it to to mix really with the you know the darker color because that's gonna give you like a dirty yellow and that's not what I'm looking for here alright see that fit so right here all right think about yeah it's our light shining in there like that you could make little areas here on top like so it's not perfectly a straight line or whatever do all kinds of stuff okay and then if you want you can wipe wipe your brush off or you can grab another brush I always just wipe mine off and then you can soften a little bit of this up just like some of the bottoms you could tap it once or twice and it'll just kind of set everything into place you don't have to do this though only if you're comfortable with doing this I just need a little bit more of that yellow I need it right here I want this area to stick out stand out and stick out because there's texture see that and maybe there's yeah right there right off the side you just step back and see how that looks okay wipe that off and if you want you grab some yellow ocher some yellow ochre and then you could just do this check this out different colors are always a good thing mix it right in like this just still keep your dark areas but that yellow ocher just kind of helps with the land and then if you want you could take a tiny bit of that yellow ochre just so it's like you know the paintings balance and stuff you can come on to the other side here you know just put some of that in here little bits of it just so when somebody looks at it it registers in their eyes that seem the same color you know similar color is on the other side let me set that up I'm gonna take a step back again take a look and see what we have here all right all right so now I'm gonna grab me I'm gonna grab a one inch but I'm gonna take a clean one I'm just gonna pull some of this down real quickly here I know I did that earlier but pull some of this down all right just like that and let me grab I'm gonna put a knight I grabbed the knife and I'm gonna make a I'm gonna put like a you know some kind of line in water line or whatever just so we can make it out and it looks separate I'm just using white I think there's a little bit of green or something in there see that and then come right around like this see that right into there you set that down and grab I'm go to the two inch real quick and I just want to hit this real carefully because I I pulled down some of those greens alright that's good I'm gonna darken that up with some green just a hair and then I'm gonna come in like this okay and then come right there like this let's do this sure this is all about just experimenting and that's about it where's our clean one-inch brush real quick I want to pull some of this color down here make it look a little bit more natural I guess and like I was saying earlier these are the things that you really want to clearly do beforehand because it's very very hard you know to do it afterwards so I highly recommend doing your reflections and all them things you know early on and get some more light here almost out of white just put a few little few little lines you know that run across just to kind of split things up here like that and you see I keep reloading there's a reason for that because I don't want to drag the dark colors into the light color so so I'm just adding these little you know the wine areas and stuff one at a time okay so real quick do you see how I'd rub this in here I'd rub that dark over the pink I know that'll drive a lot of people crazy so let's fix that real quick so let's add a you know something right here like a little see that you just added a little bit of Bush in there I'm going to take a step back real quick and have a look at that good then we can take our one-inch brush and grab some color here some yellow ochre some yellow and then we can actually just know what do I want to do here put some color on top of this see that split up with color perfect right all right you see so there's still a hint of that pink there you know not a problem and what do we got here and this is like where you can make your adjustments so I want to come up here I want to adjust this landform right there to make it look a little bit more even I felt like it's sloped down which I mean you know I really don't care too much about that stuff but smoothing things out make little lines okay let's see here but it's super easy to change things you can change all kinds of things like you can change the way that land is you know you could let's see here this is how you know I just showed you down here what you can do but like look for example you can make a change right here see that so now the land comes you know all the way out there so we grab you know a little reflection here a little reflection pull it sideways like that go back to our knife put the line in there like this you see like so you know it's just something to do you could change it that's dark maybe the Sun doesn't even get to that all right all right all right where we at where we at let's see here close we're close rip some of these paper towels I spend so much of my time focused on staying like clean during the picture the painting process them constantly ripping paper towels and moving them out of the way you know so I have something that whiteman brushes on something clean and all that stuff set that down let's grab us a filbert just a nice filbert brush and I want to put in I'm gonna grab some brown and some black something ice brown and black touch a red it's a nice color and I just want to drop something maybe something right right here something right about there baby you're all something right there something like that something that kind of balance out that right side all right wipe the filbert I used brown and black on that one okay and then if you want you can darken up that you know the other side with some black if you want to go in here you can just kind of hit that right side of the the tree trunk there and it'll just kind of help you darken it up when you do that you just have to be careful that that you know the tree doesn't grow too much because it'll grow if you're not careful all right all right let's see here what do I want to use to make us a few little tree little limbs let me just actually drop it a few little things in here like this first and we can go back with like a liner and all that stuff but that gives us some kind of little base right there to work with crossover the limbs never be afraid to do that whenever you don't like just cover it up all right I think you set that down and grab us um let's grab the the 1 inch here I think I'm gonna just wipe this off first because we have our yellows and stuff on there so I'm gonna wipe that off and then I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab some blue light just went out if you guys were wondering I don't know what that was about so I'm gonna grab some darker color so it's like some blues and some greens and stuff like that alright just something for some darker limbs and I'm using the one-inch and alright so that light went out so what I'm gonna have to do is maybe adjust this and when I'm editing it alright so hopefully you guys can see it the one light went out for some reason don't know all right let's put our dark limbs in let's just let's finish this up so I'm just using green blue and I'm using some black green blue and black and I know we covered up the clouds here but that's okay and we made earlier not a big deal not a big deal if you want you could grab some black too if you really want it to be dark just use black and blue we're working over top of a like a white sky sort of so you could put some darker colors in here darker blue some black stuff like that bring that branch out something like that you know and I don't really plan this at all so if I had to go back if I would have planned this a little bit differently I would have you know really not worried about any clouds rate in this area no big deal though all right I'm wiping this off and let's grab let's go over to our yellows and all those colors which I'm almost out yellow ochre and CAD yellow and we'll just come in here you probably can't really see this too much but I'm just gonna I'm just putting some lighter color in here just something see some white color something look like little leaves and and just different things drop something down out there like that that tree is growing I better stop that tree is absolutely growing I want to put some red in this one let's put some red in it I don't know maybe that'll look good too who knows you don't know unless you try it yeah all right okay let me just go back to this filbert real quickly I'm gonna wipe this filbert off and I'm gonna grab the last little bit of white that I have along with some yellow ochre and I'm just gonna drop in a little something right here just on the sides of these tree trunks just like that just to give it a little bit of a different color see that it helps a little bit just a little bit can't believe that light went out the battery was dead it is a battery-powered light so it's probably what happened all right let's see here you know me I like to do stuff so let's do this I'm gonna ground get myself in trouble here I'm gonna grab the knife and our dark colors that I had dark green blue black and I'm going to I'm gonna make some leaves tap in my own leaves in I probably wouldn't recommend this I'm just having fun here want some of that dark color in here tap-tap some of these clumps in let's draw some branches it's so funny I just used a knife and I'm putting dark color in with a knife flake you can totally ruin you know your picture by doing this but I don't worry about that kind of stuff make the corner dark oh yeah look at that nice boom little tappers and here maybe a little clump right there possibly something there clumps up here alright let me wipe this knife off well we're at it let's grab the knife and let's put some highlights real quickly on our pine tree trees real quickly maybe there's some showing back here light is coming through swirls and stuff I mean the sky is the limit you can do so many different things you know with a knife I definitely like a night for sure there's no doubt there you know like you can go back and you can put a little highlights on this tree if you want look at this just keep going and do all kinds of stuff you could tap spin the knife around and see that all right now I'm getting out of hand so I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop for sure all right all finished I had a great time making this and I just want to remind you guys is something please if you if you could do one thing for me I would ask you don't ever worry about you know what your outcome is or how it looks you know if it's something if you're doing this because it's helping you inside please continue to do it and don't worry about what it looks like time will allow improvement if you just be consistent and get confidence inside inside yourself and it does work trust me it works it happened to me you know and I just want you guys to have fun when you do this please don't compare your painting to mine or your painting to somebody else's just compare you know how you feel that's all that matters and if you feel better by doing this then you're on the right track and I just want to thank you again for coming here watching me so don't forget to Like subscribe do all those cool things that help this video reach other people when you actually liked the video or dislike it or leave a comment YouTube actually pushes it out further and I want to reach as many people as possible because I firmly believe that I can help you all you have to do is just watch you know relax and just know that don't worry about judgment don't worry about all that stuff you could do this all right so just I can't wait I hope I see you guys on October 4th at 6 p.m. we're gonna have a lot of food and we're gonna have drinks I'm gonna be giving stuff away if you guys are interested I probably probably sold out by now with the brushes but I'll put the link below I have a book with a lot of my favorite images in there I'll link that below to for you guys I did make that available I'm grateful that's all I can say is I'm grateful god bless each and every one of you thank you for watching and I will see you real soon take care [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Paintings by Justin
Views: 275,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art, painting, oilpaint, artist, howto, diy, learn, create, studio, canvas, inspire, tutorial, landscape, mountain, sky, clouds, trees, river, lake, stream, valley, wildlife, selftaught, depression
Id: 2kJVHMAblfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 41sec (4301 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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