4 Easy Ways To Paint Clouds In Oil | Paintings By Justin

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so today I'm going to show you how to make clouds four different ways to be exact on one canvas divided in four different sections and I hope it's something that gets you motivated to start painting or put some paint down on a canvas so with that said let's go ahead and jump over into the video [Music] alright so here we go we're gonna do four different easy way to make some nice easy clouds something where you don't have ten million steps involved where you're just gonna be discouraged totally like I was when I first started secondly I just want a note real quick I have a different microphone I'm trying it I don't know if it's gonna be better than the last one but I don't never know unless I try so let's break this up let me start over I broke I put this you can see I put tape here alright I have some thin down gel and white paint that I used it that I always use all that info is right down here in the description hopefully this hopefully this brush is not going to sound that this brush isn't going to interfere with the mic because the mic is down here right there it's not on me it's right in front of me so I've split this into four sections and I'm gonna start I'll use blue maybe a different color here there there whatever just different background color basic stuff alright alright so let's get started let's start up here in our top left section I'm just gonna grab a little bit of Prussian blue colors are listed below [Music] tiny bit you see that tiny tiny bit I'm just gonna start just like this I don't know why I put tape maybe just I could have just did it without the tape I just took some fresh and blue start at the top just gonna work down like this just to throw this color in here so we have something to work with I'm not too worried if I stay in the lines it's kind of like a guide I guess I'm gonna darken the top just a little bit more just because when you do that it'll help it'll help the white clouds stand out just a little bit better so I'll start up there like that and just drag some of this down something like that I'm just gonna wipe this off real quick I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna hit it real quick like this I'm not gonna I don't need to clean any brushes or anything like that I never do just smooth this out just a little bit all right all right so the first the very first way that I'm going to do I'm just going to use I'm going to continue with the one-inch brush here first I'm just going to wipe it out real quick and I'm gonna grab so I'm just using titanium white paint that's it just some white simple stuff simple stuff all right one inch brush I'm gonna pull get some white paint on here and this is just the first way you could just make a nice easy cloud you're right get some color on there see that and simply just start doing these little little circles just to get something going up here all right I'm gonna wipe this off real quick just to show you you get that color up there and then just boom from the bottom like this just give it a you know blend it into the blue in the sky you know just give it a little lift up and a little slide back and forth and then you have you know some form of a cloud up there okay I'm gonna wipe this off again just like this I want to make this easy I don't want to make this hard all right so I just wipe the brush off and I'm going to go right back into the same pile of white but I'm not going to pull through I'm just going to tap my brush into the pile I'm just going to tap it in the white paint you know so you get kind of like this on your on the end of your brush I'm just tapping it into there all right I'm gonna come this way now so another way that you could make super super easy clouds is by actually tapping you can tap like this and then when I go back down and get some more if you just tap this color and this whole easels moving and just kind of put you know put different little shapes and stuff in like this all right just make sure that it's not all one shape make sure there's little bumps and stuff in it like that all right now you wipe this off again I'm using the same brush and I'm going to do sort of the same thing just going to come in here and if you have a blender brush that'll probably work a little bit better but I'm just grinding the bottoms of these out here and once again just you know a little quick a little quick little lift and you could just keep doing this and the reason I tapped on it because it gives you like this cool little crispy top and if you use a two inch brush I'm using a one inch because I have this split into small little squares if you use a two inch the bristles are just a little bit softer and you get a little bit of a softer effect all right but you see nice and white and crispy on the top right there pretty cool pretty cool alright little space down here left so I'm going to continue I'm going to take the one inch and I'm just gonna get some paint on it just some white paint alright and then another way if you want to make a cloud there's no real like technique you just got to get the color in the sky alright so look up you can even hold like this and just just get the clip just crunch it in whatever and now I know the color is light down here so you're not gonna really be able to see it too good you know but see you just get the color on there just get it on the canvas same thing come in the bottom here real I know you're not gonna be able to see this because I started with a darker color up top the same thing blended the bottom out blend it out give it a little bit of a lift alright and work it back and forth like that and that just get the color up there get the color blend the bottom of it out give it a little lift in a little back and forth motion and you'll have textures now clouds are different in every every different way they're different clouds are different there's not one particular type of a cloud out there so all right let's see here I'm gonna have to switch brushes I'm not cleaning it I'm gonna go later here and somebody use grab this other brush I'm gonna use a yeah I'm gonna use like a burnt umber I'm just gonna take a tiny bit of this burnt huh or just didn't mix the colors up a little bit just so we're not using straight up blue so I'm gonna use burnt umber do the same thing and just kind of work down I might make this one a little bit darker because on the last one we couldn't really see what we were doing when we got down to the bottom and generally you want it to be lighter on the bottom and that helps you achieve distance in the painting alright so I'm just getting this color down just like this I'm using the 1 inches because it's easy to to get the color around you could use a 2 inch if you want but I'm using the one dark color here there okay wipe that off again real quick I'm just gonna go back and forth just to get those the lines and stuff out real quick okay all right now let me set this brush down and the next way is using a like a fan brush like a small number three fan brush so same thing let's grab some some white paint I'm making this simple you could use all different kinds of colors I'm just going to use white for the purpose of making it simple alright you can load some white paint on here and you can come in and do the same thing just take your fan brush and make little tiny little circles you can make little circles you can go up and down flip the brush if you need to up and down and just just think about different shapes that's all alright and you can get more paint if you want just come in and put more in do whatever you know do all kinds of things just make sure that your shapes it's not one straight line so I'm gonna wipe this off real quick real quickly set this down I'm gonna grab I'm just gonna take that one inch that we use to put the background color in and same thing so the cup my point here color is in the sky right we got it in there and come in here and just just kind of grind the bottom down a little bit see grind it grind it just I'm not touching the top feeding that color in there like that and then just give it a little just a little lift lift you could change the shapes as you go I mean there's like so much stuff you could do alright there's a little little cloud there you know then we can take you can take the fan brush at that point and while we're at it put another little one right here in front so leave a little darker between the two say and make like a layer say just like that but the point is is just getting the color up here doesn't really matter seeing how you get it up just get it let's get it going say back to this little one-inch guy here all right the same thing just kind of lift it up and just make sure a little bit of that dark color shows in between and it'll look like a different layer [Music] I'm just gonna grab a little bit more of this white here you know you can also hold the brush sideways like that you get some more get some paint on here and just kind of just move wiggle wiggle it around like that sink put some shapes in same thing come in work the bottom of it just make it look nice and smooth lift it up all right you have another little shake there now this is all just standard stuff basic stuff the only reason I'm making this video is because I'm just trying to show you that you don't have to put all these you know big impossible shapes in for clouds you just you don't have to do it at all all right okay now let me just you take the one-inch brush wipe it off a little bit we have a little bit of that brown color on there and just just for the sake of having fun let's see here some of that car I'm gonna take a little bit of I'm gonna take some yellow ochre this time little yellow ochre and do this in the kulluk I said you can use all different kinds of colors I'm just mixing this up so yellow ocher is just the base color and boy I hope this audio sounds ok because this is a new microphone and I'm trying all this new stuff lately because I want to start making some super super serious videos but I want to make sure everything works good so drop me a comment and let me know how the audio sounds right a little bit more that color we're using the same principle here across the board it doesn't matter what you use to get the color down as long as you get it down you just have to get it down and then and then work with it work with it after it's down alright let me set that down I'm gonna grab a yeah I'm gonna get a filbert a filbert brush alright yellow ocher got that now I'm actually going to use Brown for the base color of the cloud this time so I'm gonna pull some Brown on to the filbert alright I've got some brown on there and then same thing let's do let's just gets them yeah just some cool shapes well this one really shows up I like I should've did it darker from the beginning see that good in there just cool little shapes all right you see that took about how many seconds five seconds back to this one-inch I didn't even wipe it off a little bit of smooth the bottom of this out see that nice and easy nice and you've dragged it down get it down make it it'll make it look like it's a part of the sky see that work it there now you could do two things you could be done with it and you know lift it up and just kind of go back and forth or or you could answer your phone in the middle of a video which I generally don't do so all right let me wipe this off now let me grab I'm gonna get some just for the sake of having fun white and yellow ocher just a nice light color I'm going to take this filbert so I just have a white and yellow ocher and I'm going to just throw some color some different color up here on the cloud so you just like that okay back to this guy here come back up here and just mix it up a little bit it'll just show like a variation in this particular cloud okay that we just put up and you could add much more than this you can lift it go back and forth like this you tell until it looks good you see that right there alright let's add let's add another another layer all right so we got some Brown nice brown color and let's do let's do these kind of let's do this let's do something differently scrub I'm gonna scrub sideways like this little scrubby circles down and then maybe the lights coming this way this time see this is just scrubbing scrubbing the color in with the filbert's I'm kind of like blending it into the sky as I go leaving some light spots see that working and just you know clouds start to float away and stuff like that Zig alright you've wiped that off real quick back to the one-inch and I think softening these things into the sky really just like sets just set them in place and it just makes them look so good when you do it like this they'll blend over here a little bit these little soft areas on the top and they hit them real nicely saying just work in that color around like that now we can come back like we did earlier with this Phil Berger we can take color you know some yellow ochre like we had and some white you know we could just kind of come in here and you know look put some color in through this cloud alright just think about light or whatever you know where you want your light to hit you can hold the hold it sideways like this if you want say put some light color down here and this helps give the clouds a little the depth so you like that let's down real quick and then back to the one-inch I'm just going to soften up some of this color here just carefully soften it up and you can repeat this process over and over again and get it much lighter or you know have a sock or whatever that you think it just it's a formation formation this was the best one so far just because I'm sure you can see it this was a little light a little darker on the right track here all right all right now I'm going to let's see here I'm gonna get me some yellow CAD yellow yeah make it fun right oh god yellow keep it mixed up still using that dirty one and didn't even clean it then you not only think I've wiped it all for a good alright just putting some color in here for the last set of clouds that we're going to make right then you get a little bit of the yellow ochre and a little bit of red will develop okra treads just to give it a look you know and I would suggest that you experiment with color experiment just you know do different things and learn about color I don't mean to sit and read about it but just experiment with it and see what see what works for you see what you like doing cool little background I suppose I'm gonna take actually just a little bit of brown cuz that color was working so good I'm darken up these corners here a little bit you don't have to do all this alright okay now good looking sky going right there I'm gonna use a night now to put some clouds up here so I'm gonna use I'm gonna use just a mixture of brown and red I'm not sure why mixing those two together brown and red as the base alright now I got some paint on here on on the knife I just scooped it up no particular way when you put clouds in with a knife be free and just kind of do whatever you're feeling just look get the color down don't be afraid when you get the color down but when you get it down use little circles use the point of the knife different things and just kind of work it in work it little circles I would recommend little circles and you can turn the knife and get use the top of the blade to get these cool little things you can use the bottom tube like this or you can come back with the brush blended which will do that too all right me get just get some more color here a little bit more red and brown all right or in there like this alright and then you could do you could do little side weird sideways things just like this now look I'm just getting the color and looks like crap let me show you let me show you okay alright let me set that down real quick I'm gonna grab the 1 inch the 1 inch brush alright just give it a quick quick white bump real quick now we'll get to this in a second super easy you can come in here nice and carefully leave some of them light spots in there too because that will really help alright leave light areas all right how can we break down here you can drag this if you want but I am a guy who likes doing circles I love circles and look I'm just coming I'm hitting the bottoms of these and then you could just kind of work slowly up to the top if you want drag it up like this dark and light you can work this back and forth give this a little bit of a lift like this all right and you wipe that off now I'm gonna grab the 9th give that a quick wipe off real quick and then I'm gonna take me some white paint and you know what let me just get a little red in there I don't know why I'm gonna put a little bit of red in the white just just so it looks different but that's very red all right this isn't a color lesson this is just something fun all right now let's do this let's do this I'm just gonna drop in some nice little colors in here saying scoop some more up think about the edges of these little clouds work that color and like this you can pick up some paint turn it scrape it off you can do so many things with a knife it's amazing what you can do with a knife all right and roll it in like this now let me come down here do sort of the same thing make some move lines side to side see different directions and stuff like this see that little highlight color there maybe right a little bit more and this is just a demonstration you can seriously mess around with this now you two options you can totally just leave it it's a way it is if you're looking for a lot of texture or you can come in with a blender or very little pressure on a one inch brush and I mean like super super light pressure and just kind of work this color in carefully carefully carefully see that leave the light areas to leave them lightly dark same thing here whenever you can drag these side-to-side if you want but me personally I like I like doing circles something like this like that now I'm going to wipe this off real quick it's just carefully lift up on this super careful because there is a lot of team because we used a knife and just give it will wrap like this this life is real quick right drives of that red down to there make it look like one big cloud all right well don't forget to don't forget to Like share subscribe turn the bell on do all the things I hope you guys enjoyed this short brief demonstration I hope it's something that just gets you putting some paints in color on a canvas I will see you in the very next video take care and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Paintings by Justin
Views: 169,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howto, howtopaintclouds, 4easywaystopaintclouds, cloudtutorial, stepbysteppainting, learn, oilpainting, oilpaint, clouds, cloudsinoil, createclouds, paintcloudsin4easysteps, instructionalvideo, bobross, canvas, canvaspainting, paintingdemo, cloudpaintdemo
Id: mWYiKFrhsZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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