Live Ocean Wave Painting Demo | Paintings By Justin

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[Music] if you asked me where i expected to be today three years ago i would have answered in the local cemetery or maybe even at the bottom of a lake life isn't always fair we can choose to gain power and knowledge from all the hard times or we can choose to feel sorry for ourselves your future is in your hands and your hands only it will be what you make it never let anybody tell you that you're incapable you can change the world if you put your mind to it in the grand scheme of things life is like a really long day you have to make the best out of that day because it's all we get so why not just live your life to the fullest push yourself accomplish the impossible and hell maybe even inspire a few people along the way [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yo hang on one second if you can hear me i'm trying to figure something out here real quick all right interesting that's all right i can deal with it my laptop's making some humming noise it's all right okay hope you guys are doing good tonight let me know if you can hear me please i'd appreciate it all right okay all right well it's going to hum the whole time as long as you can't hear human i guess we're good i'm going to do it do a little ocean real quick i'm dying to do something cool hey bram what's up dude good to see you pal good to see you bud last minute painting all right perfect timing start the stream somebody's having a concert in the parking lot i love it goodness i don't know if you guys can hear that or not but oh lord help me all right i gotta take this off i forgot um yeah so how do you guys like how do you like this this picture here i just did this just did this uh the other day so i did a um i did a little like a little class type thing on a um this ocean and i'm not gonna obviously do the same exact thing because it takes uh i spent we spent like i don't know four hours on it or something like that but um it was uh it was great but i figured i could just do a quick easy version of that and um yeah that's about it that's about it okay all right so obviously you see i didn't do anything to the canvas yet um yeah it zoomed right okay everything looks good right frame's good all that stuff lighting is good i'm gonna put um i think i'm just going to probably use liquid white i got a big 55-gallon drum of it sitting here all right i don't know if you can see this or not but i got a bunch of these uh stickers see that right there i don't know if you i don't know if you can see that or not i ordered like a thousand of these things oh man yeah you can really see that huh it's gonna be out of focus because i'll post a picture of it it says creation saves lives it's a logo that i'm going to be using for something here in the future so yeah um all right this is going to be uh probably quick and painless i always say that but i'm pretty sure it is this time all right all right so i'm going to um now she's a big brush probably all right you know what i'll put tape on this because uh the last time i did this i didn't put tape on it and people were asking if i could use tape next time so i'm gonna put a piece of tape on here and uh i normally don't because i feel like i'm somewhat accurate i think with it but this helps so if you're if you're new and you're starting out definitely you know use tape use a piece of tape it'll help you and even if it's not perfectly cooked perfectly crooked yeah that's where my mind's at even if it's not perfectly straight you can still fix it you can fix it for sure okay all right i got liquid white right here and uh there's no reason i'm using it it's just because it's right in front of me i just don't feel like mixing uh any any of that uh fluid stuff up from gambling or any clear gel or anything like that i'm just feeling lazy right now so i'm just gonna use liquid white now when i put this stuff on i just i like spinning around circles and things like that because a little bit of this stuff goes a long way and if you guys watch like if you guys watch bob it looks like he's just like dipping it and he's just going to town on it and uh maybe he is but this is like what i do like i'll grab like there's more here you can't see that obviously but i'll grab it from there and i'll just start like spinning it downward like this and then back up and down and i just keep doing that and it really does help a lot and however if you're doing x's that's that's good but you're gonna you can really spread this stuff a lot a lot further if you're doing circles so yeah and i mean i don't think i'm wrong on that but i you know it's just what it's what works for me you know what i mean i'm not a teacher i don't know technically i don't know what i'm doing but um where's that tape at well i got a little a little problem here hold on that didn't work i'm wearing these gloves because um that i was gonna put tape on it's real slick it's like real slippery i'm wearing gloves because um be careful when you use this stuff and paint thinner and all that because you can um you can ruin your skin and your hands and you can have a lot of things go wrong and i've i've had some trouble uh you know from using this stuff not you know not caring or whatever so be careful always be safe when you're using this stuff because it is uh you know it's chemical so make sure make sure you're in a good you know ventilated area you can't see it but i have a i have a little exhaust back over here that goes right up to the to the roof so real quiet fan it's just kind of taking the fumes out of here or make sure you have a window open you know or something like that because ah you know one of these days uh all of us will figure out that life is short i never used to think that i used to think life was long but it's pretty damn short so and the other thing i was going to say is like when you're doing this make sure you you know make sure it's not like thick here thin there get it on there you know get it on there like that all right move this stuff out of the way and i still even though i barely used any i'm still going to do this i'm still going to wipe it off because that's going to help is better less is better just like when i talk less is better so i have um i have i think two two videos in the bag that i have to edit and get out so those should be coming pretty soon and uh i made another one earlier so actually that'd be three all right i hope everybody's doing all right i hope everybody's healthy hope everybody's happy i've had a weird month i've had a weird ass month stay um obviously i'm not using all these colors i put them all out and i was like i had this big great painting in mind and i was like nah it's not happening um i'm just gonna use you know blue and black and and white and a little you know maybe red i don't know just all the i've been using these colors for four years really don't change much i'm a simple person um what am i going to use here think about this held it i'm just gonna use this one-inch brush here i'm gonna wipe it off real quick with these paper towels though not really looking at the comments um i just feel like painting this and going home so if um please don't think i'm rude because i'm not rude another thing i've been trying to hold the palette more lately on the the videos i just got done doing because i think it's a little bit better to do it that way so i'm going to take yeah blue and blue and a little bit of black i like this is like always a good color this is midnight black too because bob ross was a genius and uh he made a beautiful color i don't like ivory black i call it bob black so here's what i'm going to do i'm just going to be real you know messy and sloppy and almost appear like i uh don't care what i'm doing even though i sort of care what i'm doing sometimes um now i got to stand back and kind of visualize this i don't have the reference here in front of me which that shouldn't really make any much of a difference but i'm going to try i'm just trying to think of a design i don't want it to be exactly how i had the other one before so i think yeah all right here's what i'm going to do put some of this color around here a little bit around the edges maybe there or there something like this like that yeah it looks good start great start great start two inch brush where are you at come here there you are hiding all right so i'm gonna get some of that color working around here and i'm gonna do this let me just kind of set this in place real quick and spin it around and do circles and all these things and you got to work a little harder when you use less i got to put this pallet down before i drop it you got to work a little harder when you use less uh of the liquid white but uh it's okay i mean it's okay for me circles circles are the way to go i'm telling you if you haven't if you haven't tried it try it you'll probably notice i'll be halfway through this and my my my my personality will absolutely change 100 and i'll be like all boppity and jumpy and great and all this other stuff because because this makes a difference in my life and that's why every video that i make i beg people to do this not sure why still not sure why i do that still but one thing i know is that the one thing that i know is that i don't people when i talk about this i'm i'm like uh i'm pretty sincere because because this stuff is what it gets me you know through the days or the weeks and all that stuff so it's so important super super important i'm gonna get a fan brush here fan brush it looks pretty good i think okay and i'm gonna get some fan brush and some of this midnight black color here real quick and i'm going to just throw some of this stuff around maybe i'll have a little bit of blue in there i guess and i i just want to try to what do i want to do i'm not sure i'm just going to throw it around here and just see what happens so i'm just going to something like this maybe a little piece up here and there or this way in that way and whatever yeah what the hell just bring it all the way across strange you're probably like oh man i'm telling you this right here on a serious note when if you see me doing this right here it really i don't know what it looks like to you i know some people like panic and get winded and stuff like that because people have said that but um the reason i don't is because even if i don't know if i don't have something planned or whatever it can be taken care of it can be fixed it can be taken care of it's just super easy to do all right yep and that is no joke all right take my word and i won't let you down all right look i'm just whatever okay set that down let's go back to let's grab this two inch brush over here and uh do something like this wipe it off and then you know what let me try let me try this one-inch brush you have more control when you use a one-inch brush just say that five times fast you have more control with these little guys here and and it just works better so i'm doing this in steps or in stages i'll add some color as i need it i just wanted to make the sky a little bit different i wasn't sure where i was going with it so whenever that happens to me i just throw a ton of color up on the canvas and then i'm forced to figure out where it's going because it has to go somewhere um i still don't know where i'm going but uh as i blend this out i'll know i mean i think i think i don't know i'm just doing you see i'm just doing little circles and things like this like this drag some of that color down into here like that soften this up a little bit right there yeah feels good feels good already i just glanced down did somebody just say is this real um well let me answer that i don't know is this life real um because that's a legitimate question that i have is this life real this is real that was great thanks that was great all right another i'm gonna get another i was going to say a three inch brush that's not a three inch brush it's a fan brush um maybe i'll try the dirty one i'm gonna wipe it off and see how that works see how that works out just going to grab start off with i'm going to grab some white white paint maybe a little bit of you think about that that looking yeah what the hell a little bit of red maybe i don't know just get it in there a little bit more yeah that's too much they'll get more white see white paint on the fan brush lots of it good amount in there pretty good amount uh yeah let me just see here here we go come to life please just get more white paint i'm just using you know the corner you all know the corner right the corner of the brush getting some more red and white it looks pretty damn white to me you can't see any red so i just add a little bit more hopefully it'll show through seeing i'm just adding some things still don't know where i'm going but uh i'll figure that out in a second i'm just trying to go around the edges of these little dark areas that i put up here in the sky see if i can you know just kind of bring it together but something that i always seem to notice or yeah always seem to notice is that a lot of stuff looks really bad and you know sometimes in the process of doing it and it made me think about how many people get discouraged in the process because things look bad and i think i think that's where me always saying like hang in there and don't worry about don't worry about what it looks like just enjoy the process that's where i think that's where that comes from so because if you don't worry about what it looks like and you just enjoy what you're doing you know that's when things tend to come out good and work and all those things all right and uh once again i'm not you know i don't really know nothing i say i guess nothing's factual it's just uh it's my opinion so if you want to like learn uh the real ins and outs of painting you know you got to find like a i don't know maybe a certified teacher or somebody in art school if you would like to attempt to you know help your life out and your attitude and possibly even save your life then head over you know head over and talk to me or watch me because you know seems uh seems that that works fine for what i'm doing i'm going to set that down and grab this two inch guy over here again and wipe it off and you can use a blender for this stuff too they work great i'm just too lazy to go in the back and grab one so i'm using the two inch brush and i guess i'm just using sort of the corner of it i'm not using much pressure though i'm just kind of just gliding it you know yep and it just kind of you know it's softening it and it just kind of sets it down or something i don't know what it does it does something though and i keep wiping it off that's kind of like a key thing wipe it off keeps you know it keeps a lot of paint off of it and it just makes it makes it a little easier to work with so you're not having this big sloppy mess of uh stuff you know um all right blend this out a little bit and then we'll see where we are i think i have to do this needs something up in here to break it up so i'm going to drag some of this paint up through here for a minute okay not bad not bad coming along i'm going to take this fan brush though and try something here i just want to try to get the tiniest bit of pink or whatever maybe like reddish pink whatever um see here i just want to add a little something i don't know what i'm doing i have no clue i don't know what i'm doing i'm just just the feeling i had you know what i mean just i was like oh i feel that this needs a little of this whatever this is don't know blend that out real quick oh slippery don't ruin your hands and you don't have to wear these gloves yeah paint thinner can be nasty all right good that that kind of softened that up a little bit and did exactly what i was hoping just added a different you know different color in there just something to look at i guess i don't know something like that just gonna drag it up a little bit here blend it in with the cloud above a little bit more there we go now i'm going to go like this oh jesus i'm going to lift it i love this this is like my favorite part when you make some clouds you lift them up because this i don't know what this does either it does something it really like sets them in place it doesn't just lift the clouds i mean this lifts your spirits for crying out loud i mean tell me if you agree when you do this look at that beautiful all right let's get one of these guys here another one of those okay yeah looks like a little rain shower is passing through okay um okay now we could probably uh almost peel the tape off here in a second okay that don't look too too bad left a little bright spot there somewhere in the center and this here will hopefully eventually look like atmospheric you know um once we put a little wave going in there it'll look like a little atmosphere like you know i don't even know that's not the right word you know what i'm talking about it'll look uh hazy cloudy yeah like the freaking atmosphere right i'm there see him um i gotta get myself a little credit i'm not that dumb i mean i knew that word atmospheric atmospheric pressure i need a little white now that don't look right hold on get some white up in there let me just get a little white there i want to be i want it to be a little brighter so here's what i'm going to do because i want it to be bright here this is where we can you can just look practice putting your uh like grass in see if this was like a grassy little mountain look i do this all the time look it's a little practice see those nice little blades of hill grass there all right i'm just kidding that's not stand by the way i'm sure you knew that but i'm going to blend this in though turn it into a you know misty looking cloud see okay that helped that sure helped um all right here's what we're going to do here is what we're going to do which way do i want to go with this should i go or should i do one of these waves now that way this way all right well i gotta think about this for a minute i'm just trying to figure out if i want the um which way i want to crash the wave down so here's what i'll do i'll sketch it in for you this is the best way to um this is uh if you sketch stuff in it'll it'll help you a lot just by doing a basic sketch so that's what we'll do right now so i'll take uh just like some blue and black i guess blue and black that red bull's gonna kill me that's right that's right it is and uh red bull's the least of my worries many other things kill me all right blue and some black now you don't need much i'm just trying to think if i should take uh the tape off now or no or maybe or who cares now i'll leave it so i think i'm gonna just make a crash and wave this yeah so i'm gonna just sketch this in real quick i wanted to go over i want to be a big you know nice he's going like this there is pretty much no background okay he's like going around like this way see i'll take the tape off i'll connect the line and then roll like that yep there he is nice and then he just goes rolling like this way and then this part goes something i don't know something like that this way i mean it's go a little lower i'm talking to myself you can't hear me and then i'm thinking about like let's see so that's going to go yeah sure i got you got to make the i mean you seriously have to make noises if you don't make noises you're going to be having you know some trouble so yeah that'll crash down like this and i actually want just to get an idea i want to go room this way a little maybe not that much something like this you know just so it's not a just straight across and then you know your wave will be like railroad this way and this way bigger and flatter here as it goes this way and then something like that and then we'll pull some light down here and make this look like sand yeah okay we're on track i'm still gonna not peel the tape off just for a second because i'm gonna take some some blue and more that black and i'm gonna this is i don't have nothing going on down here by the way there's no medium obviously if you watched i just want to put some of this color in real quick or black and don't forget what i said when i started i'm not you know not trying to do uh some great uh you know great picture i'm just trying to be uh generous and turn the camera on you know what i mean for anybody that may want to watch that's all yeah still going to need some stuff there you know but uh i really hope that if you got if anybody you know is painting or whatever try to be like like kind of like loose about it you know try to i'm not telling you what to do but try to be you know loosen up a little bit that's all because it'll it'll help you anything i ever anything that i ever say the intention is to help okay it's not to uh try to you know change what you're doing now well technically it is but it's with good intention so see i'm just throwing color down right it's dark bunch of dark color looks like a bunch of what that mess you know but uh you can see it's not gonna doesn't matter it's not a bunch of mess it's you gotta just work it you know what i mean all right i'm gonna peel this tape off it's getting my nerves at this point so mm-hmm where'd you get all right there you are okay and now we're left with a little mountain in the background in the distance that we got to fix what's vibrating who is that and then we can just kind of straighten up what we were doing here let me get a little bit more of that color going here what was i doing i was running along this way like it went up like this wrong just like that yeah all right fair enough i'm gonna take the fan brush still and i'm gonna do um i don't even know what i'm doing i've lost my train of thought i'll be uh putting in some blue and white in the background here so i'm going to take uh yeah just some blue set it there for a minute so light blue still too bright hold on it's too dark i mean i got a bunch of dirt on this fan brush so i'm wiping it off there we go okay i just want to let's start with the light color here and uh oh man see i went over the horizon it's all right because i'll show you what to do with that just one second oops uh okay do the same thing here i'll draw a line like this and then i'm going to do one thing here get the color in a little white on top of that yep like this and then i'm gonna take what's this a one inch brush i'm gonna let me see how this looks let me see how this feels i am going to just blend the horizon line into the sky and i have done that once before it works it just kind of gives it a cool little look not sure exactly but it looks uh it's subtle you know i just don't want to you know go too high with it and ruin the uh the nice little atmospheric cloud i have there okay and then i'll do the same thing here something like this because i'm going to have foam going over the top of that wave so i don't have to do i don't have to be too crazy about getting it right up to the wave and i'm just going to swat this back and forth maybe give it one more of these and i think we should be good it just kind of like it just i don't know i just feel like it looks better don't look below in the little white area yet because i got to fill that in still but just feel like it looks better it's all time we got here okay doing good not too bad and then i'm gonna get the fan brush again i'm gonna take a little bit of darker color now a little blue and black and then i'm gonna come in right underneath and just do that and a little bit there too because i've got to put a foam in all right so i just wiped the fan brush off you saw i put the light color there and then i'm just going to try to see how this works i'm going to do these little circles here i need more straight blue a little vibrancy you know got to have some color it's a damn ocean okay i just grabbed a little bit of white and i'm going to just try to work them two colors together real quick if i can maybe i'll try doing circles again i don't know and sometimes this stuff you know when you're doing this you just got to kind of work with it and just take your time and you may not get it you know right the first time and it's all right i keep wiping it off because blue is a really strong color i'm just trying to distort this line i don't even think you can see that but maybe it's a rough ocean back there i have no idea same thing here all right cool and then i'll start putting some dark color so i'm just going to go back to that blue and black color and then uh just gonna yeah just gonna go like this i'm gonna well first i'm gonna do this like that yep get it in there get some nice blue in there pretty and then uh wave goes like this and comes up and then he goes runs right up like that around that way and then the point of it comes here and he goes comes right down like that so we're going to have some guys right here look at it use dark color and do like a test run you got to have dark in order to see the light isn't that right so look here we go do a test run here's our wave coming down this gives you lots of practice see go all the way across i guess if you want well maybe the weight goes back up i don't know just keep putting dark color now he goes actually yeah maybe give him a little shape and form right so he goes he starts off here he comes up right like this goes like this and right here is the crash here he goes there's gonna be there's gonna be a big one it's gonna be a big wave it's gonna be a big old wave okay all right so now we've got some of that dark color in there it's always a good thing if you now if you tried to do this without putting that dark in there it it would just be kind of like it would be a little tough something like that all right now is when i have to kind of really look and see do this figure out where like for perspective purposes go this way and then like you know towards the end we'll have another little little little water line that goes this way you see like that i can always shorten that wave it's a big wave okay it's a big one maybe bring him up a little bit fix his backbone yeah happening back here right i'm telling you somebody will that'll look like a wave to somebody i'm telling you it took three seconds it looked like little you know crashers or something in the background i don't know okay so i think what we need to do real quick is uh i don't know i'll just grab any brush i have a filbert right in front of me here and uh i guess i'll make a little bit of a little yellow let me get some white here some white i'm going to take the tiniest bit of yellow and see what that does it's going to have a yellow tint to it and then it'll hit some of the blue and you know all that so i always think about when i'm doing this transparent part i think about think about if you drew a line of the you see the water behind it it lifts it up if you drew a line like this right through there transparency would be excuse me somewhere in here that's just my analysis you know so i'm just going to pop some of that color right in here right there maybe some there like this you know and it's also not a bad idea i mean you can get rid of it easily but i would say put some down here it's a wave it's an ocean you know sprinkle it around put it here there you know maybe there's a little piece there i don't know um okay all right hmm dark color some other fan brush we're going to put the blue in now little blue a little black [Music] sounds good i need more blue on this guy here we go too vibrant grayed up with some black there we go more black what the hell i'm gonna put some damn green in there i don't care hell with it yeah there we go now it's an ocean because rye live the water is green for real well it's i mean it's not it's beautiful green okay put some there see like this um bring it right up like this i'm gonna bring it right close to that yellow all right and then yep okay here we go so i'm going to get me uh i'm trying to think i'm going to just get me a clue what am i i don't even know what i'm saying i'm going to get a nice little blender here but i don't so maybe i'll try a fan brush it's my favorite part doing this stuff here's a clean fan brush i'm just going to do this i'm going to bring this this way little circles got me a hair in here already hold on that's good okay do this now i can't go back upward i don't think because you know it's going to mess it up unless i get some color on the brush then we're in business there we go so i'm just going to kind of get this going like this yeah that's the ticket get some of that color on here and just get it in there i'm just gonna go down like down like this and just i'm just doing circles just getting the color on you know on where it needs to be and then just work with it okay now i think let me do this bad idea more white touch of yellow a little bit more right there all right so that one of the better things to do would be probably grab a different brush just put a little bit more light color in there before i do that okay i'm going to get a do i have one here what do i got here anything anything that i can use i have no blender bruh i have a synthetic three quarter or half inch brush so that's nice and clean i'm gonna work this color like this now i mean you don't want that i don't want the transparent part to be like just like eye an eyesore you know like a little bit of transparency is great i can already tell you this is way too much so if you're watching this video later and maybe you're following along you might want to stop what you're doing right now and just um let me figure out what i'm doing here so i'm going to take some dark color and i'm going to work it upwards now right down to the dark depths of this ocean see bring it up bring it up like this nice okay okay not too bad i'm going to grab i got this one-inch brush right now and i'm going to excuse me try to go make a little bit softer this if i can make it look more you know like it's blended all right and then i'm going to do this so i'm thinking here i'm going to start i'm going to pull it down a little bit i need dark i need a fan brush for that a little dark color in there blue and black again a little green why not and i want to pull some dark into here right so i'm going to go room pull it in the shape of the wave think about the wave it's going to go right something like that so you put some dark in here see like this that's a hell of a lot of green okay hold on get some blue and black back up in here and then i'll try to just maybe leave a few little transparencies or something you know just a couple of the little things in there gonna make my wave go up and down it can't all be the same one straight line okay and then okay i'm just pulling this color back whatever's on here pulling it back and now let me just take a quick look at this okay that's pretty blue um i need to change that a little bit get some black in there it's too uh it's like too vibrant or something i don't know not that you know that's a good thing but it just looks like weird just tone it down a little bit okay all right before we move on to to too far too fast um it's got to go this line has to be raised up like that okay that has to be raised and then this has to go get some white on here so i can see what i'm doing i'm making my little baseline here this goes like this shorten this up a little bit okay something like that maybe okay hold on foam time let me get some foam up in here so for that i'm just gonna get some dirty white and mix some black in it and touch it blue and black pretty much just like a gray color sort of just some dirt it's fine long as it's lighter than the darkest part here a little more black all right let's see what this does this is like i want to make a little foam how many times i say that okay so hmm let's see how this looks yeah a little more light well i might not even have to really highlight this if i go a little bit lighter right let's just see so if it goes up it's going to go like that a little foam there need some down here for sure right oh he's gotta go more white you know it's gonna crash something i don't know it's gotta go up up up down down down you don't have to go all the way down either so when you get a little foam on there you know and um i guess real quick let me just get this wiped off and i'll put the little uh crasher thingy in right again running out of white quick okay here we go got some white on the fan brush and uh this is do this watch hello and now i'm going to take some more on the fan brush and i'm thinking here like this highlight there a little bit there maybe a little there you know just putting a little highlight on this thing using a lot of paint and no pressure okay that's how you get this stuff to like go on that's how i get it to go on i should say see a little there maybe a little there there there and what the hell i guess i'll put a little down here too look you can push up too see you could do that with the fan brush that's a little cool thing to do make a little foam it's like upside down grass see all right okay wipe that off real quick oh man yeah scotty you got to make noises brother come on man you got to make noises i don't think i'm embarrassed to make noises i already tell people i'm weird as it is i don't give a hell make all the noises they help that's that's why i do it it helps trust me it's my whole secret my whole secret make noises uh it's probably too big hmm you think what should i use oh hell let's just see hold on let me see if this works i just want to blend this up a little bit just kind of tie these guys together let's see here how's this look don't wanna do too much here just enough to get myself in trouble yeah yep yep yep and then let me take this uh guy here the one inch brush and i'm just going to real quickly um make a few little choose see now there's stuff happening watch sounds like a lame war sweet okay cool thanks for cooperating all right let's just let me wrap this up here oh okay i'm gonna just fan brush again i'm gonna grab the fan brush and some yep brown some brown in there a little black also right there on the edge okay like this i'm just you know you see what i'm doing right no description needed right and i think i'm going to stop right about there and then i'm going to have a look yeah it's a painting that's for sure okay hmm secret little touches here all right yeah i uh i know i see you know scott's in the chat and i don't know who else is in there but um he was in the uh we did a little class sort of remember that scotty on the uh like you know the private thing that we did and um lots of little details going on in that class like that for sure there was so many details on like little things i'm doing i actually explained them it was just the right time and place to do that so maybe i'll do one again i don't know maybe i won't we'll see i'm just making little wave crashing you gotta envision the crash okay you gotta envision it if you envision it'll work if you don't envision it just it's game over you know what i mean i need to get what's this do okay a little too yellow but we'll turn that hopefully into something here real quick green spot dark give me some blue some black to go right back here you see if you uh there's something that don't feel right you just look go right over top of it super easy contrast is such a good thing to have okay all right i gotta get i'm just gonna grab this filberts right in front of me so why not i just wanna put a few little things here real quick because i knocked them out earlier so i just want to get them back here add something right here maybe right something like that little thing here just a little crashing foam thing something there okay all right let me grab i'm gonna grab this one inch brush here real quick and then this is how you can just kind of you know quickly just kind of smooth your life out real quick by dragging it all right and then i'll come in here and just kind of softly just pull some of this down maybe take the shape of the wave me just try to soften that a little bit oh yeah she's spinning now okay so we're on the straight side there like that let's go just going to spread some of this through there like that and we'll bring the dirt and the water sort of together and then we'll figure out what's up so for that this is what i like to do here i like to just let's grab a filbert brush right about now [Music] eric uh no uh i think it was late 2016. i um i saw bob ross on tv it was actually believe it or not it was the worst day of all the years that i've been alive it was the worst day of my life i saw him on tv i just gotten home from a really bad experience and um horrible experience and uh he was he was on tv that day that's when i saw him and now did not paint before that never had no interest you know there's none of those things wasn't no kind of art person or whatever i was actually just uh you know just like a clumsy uh you know woods guy you know which i still am you know so but yeah that was it i saw him and i was like damn bob i think you're on to something buddy and uh yeah here we are now right i don't even know what i'm doing here what am i doing here all right okay back up to this canvas here i'm gonna wipe this brush off you saw what i just did i just put white in there why did i do that i i don't know but this is what i'm going to do let me start down here so let me do this okay i'm just going to do that little circles first right that's just to kind of bring it together okay the white and the uh whatever else you just saw there and then watch this do this first second not first see there's a lot of paint right there let me just scooch that off gotta make a noise to do that too and then this is when i'm going to try to see if i can bring this together and you know kind of give it a you know a certain type of a feel and if it doesn't seem like i want it to seem then guess what i'll fix it okay let me see okay all right so what i got to do is i got this fan brush here we have some some blue and some black on it and i put a little green in there okay blue black green and i want to just do this drag a little bit of that little color like this right across there right across the light okay just like that now we go back to this guy right here and then do this again and then let's see here let me just fix this guy as a problem here back to the brush again the fan brush i need some black and blue again i got to have a little bit wouldn't be so light right here i don't think so you see that's what it is if you got to think about like common sense perspective stuff like that where it's not supposed to be light don't put the light make it dark see watch nice and deep and dark right here watch us see maybe it's the rest of the crashing thing right there okay [Music] um let's see see i'm just like you know doing whatever and then if you want to if you want to get technical we could go ahead and you know take the filbert and just kind of like you know did i explain that right it's the rest of that guy there and then she's little foams and stuff here says little just make little things little marks whatever soften them with this brush time we got oh yeah we gotta wrap up we gotta wrap up our life okay all right so let me do this here's how you bring it together okay if you didn't watch the whole thing here's where i would watch here's my knife right let me get some stuff here some nice color on the knife okay and then i got to think about he's going to start here he's going to go like that i need more than that hold on just ran the whole glove through the paint okay okay so i want to go over here like this and then he's gonna like that and then give him some lines here like this more white damn i keep doing that and then it has to for perspective purposes you have to go like that ah yeah that's nice nope not nice at all that's horrible hold on it actually has to go yeah maybe maybe look like this darken it there okay so just making the little water effect thingy with jamie's it's got to go i'm gonna fix the perspective on this side real quick let me just do it's got to come up here and go like this and then it's got to go this way just a tiny bit the secondary line there just makes me feel better for some reason i don't know why and then and then it's an awful big wave huh geez or we can always fix it to make we could make it a smaller wave hold on let me see something real quick um think about this let me try there see what that does make it a little smaller yeah okay something hmm hold on where is the white paint the white paint where are you at bob where are you at dude there you go i found you seem a little bit more white real quick a little bit more white right about there all right thank you bob thank you much sir clear spot because every time i get white paint i ruin it i get it dirty with another color because uh right now my palette see that right there my palette looks uh that's a description of the inside of my brain as well okay so now i need to attract a little light here because i do want to i told you to shrink this weight okay more white okay something there like that okay and then all right so now uh let me do this real quick let me just get this two inch brush i think real quickly i just want to try to i left some of this here i want to make a little dirt just to you know not like too much just a little bit it's all right i can fix that so we'll pull some of this down real quick um wipe that off now i can fix that line it's no big deal just swat this back and forth now see all right something like that right there you know you could make it more pronounced you could you know really pull it like this and it'll it'll distort it much better if you just actually take your time and we'll just give it a quick a quick something like that real quick and then now something that i just might as well do real quick let me go ahead and just um yeah i'll just use the damn fan or the the knife here um i just want to have a own thing right there like this okay i want to be darker in the corner pulling from the bottom up real quick like that and then i'll come in here and just kind of and i'll zip some of this back down like this okay all right there's that one and then let me grab this knife here real quick um fix the wine do that real quick this is easy look you just go see nice and bright watch this help it kind of stand out see all right some more pain in there see there's our line he's kind of fixed get some paint here make some actual water here something like that and then i'm going to make a quick old i'm going to do a secondary line right quick let me just do that because i got to go i gots to go i'm gonna go ready to boat ready to boat anybody from canada have a boat i love i love the way canadians talk i wish i was a canadian okay watch this and he's going this way and damage the colors watch okay now all right hold on a minute because i jacked up the right side i wasn't even paying attention excuse me so let me just zip that off real quick zip it zip it shhh okay and i just put that back in like this like that see i mean it's really not much effort let me just fix this real quick just swat it oh jesus all right hold on throwing stuff ah these gloves are slick um let me think okay now wiped i'm gonna wipe this fan brush off out of white again may need it i may not need it i have no idea no idea so i'm gonna go like this or i'm gonna pull some of this color back watch define where in the hell the water goes where does it go you know the direction something like this arrow goes down soften it bring it up i need to get this other fan brush because i need dark color real quick because i got a contrast here or blue see got to have contrast you gotta you can have all light you know and when i see that i do it like that if i have too much light just fix it real quick you know just soften it in all right so we got a little bit of that color there right black in it this time and then maybe just in there let's get that in there real quick take a look [Music] a little bit of white just a tiny bit ruin it ruining it with this darn fan brush here i also just use uh use this synthetic brush here and see what the heck this does let me see oh need some white to do something watch look oh yeah there we go we're in business i think watch nice little look see that cool little movements or something i don't know see that and then okay got that there now i got to do this give that a quick wipe i do want to just go like this look i'm going to pull some of this back see and like think about the make sure it's like pretty straight you know if you can help it this way it goes this way see this you can even pull these ones back too if you want a little bit like this um and then let me just do this real quick wipe this brush off real quick i am going to grab just black right here you can use a liner brush i'm going to grab black on this little flat brush real quick and i want to try to put in a little like a watch shadow or something like okay put some here a little help with something and while i got that up here i'm going to just do this dropping a little shadow over here too and sometimes it'll make it look like uh you know the what make it look like the water you know the little shadow that you'll see sometimes under the water you see what i mean i don't know if you can see that or not maybe you can or you can't maybe i don't know but that was the purpose of that right there and then you just drag it right back like this oops that ended up being light i need dark dark dark dark dark right here especially on the edge there we go okay and then i guess with this thing here it would be nice to maybe have a little bit of this uh color here and there right just a tiny bit maybe because it is like a cool color i'm gonna have a little shadow here for our foam then i think while i'm at it i might as well just do this real quick take some dark color and then i just want to put a little thing right there like this a little bit of dark just so you know there's like something i don't even know what that was for something it's for something so we blend it up a little bit like this you know no clue no clue and then um let me just do that real quick jesus nobody nobody watches on facebook there's like one and a half people watching my facebook it's my facebook is dying for me i guess guys so um i don't know i may have to leave the platform i may have to leave facebook i don't know so i'm just going to take some uh it's like a light gray blue and black color real quick and then um i wasn't going to do this but what the heck i'll just do it to um nope it's not light enough okay let's try this color i just wanted a lighter color real quick to show you like you know to have the worst freaking liner brush on the planet because i don't use it it's all like rock hard okay try again take three with the liner brush well maybe if the company that i ordered them from 19 months ago would send them i would have new liner brushes but they didn't so look see little lines and such little things like watch you know just don't go overboard you know what i mean but like look see just show the direction of the wave you could use you know like darker ones light whatever i'm just going to put a few of these thingies in real quick and then sometimes it's just nice to you know run out here on the beach like look maybe there's this little something left over see from the water like that who knows what am i doing bill new i don't know [Music] this color here real quick so ah yeah yeah yeah good enough good enough right maybe is it maybe it isn't maybe i don't care [Music] anyhow yeah hopefully you enjoyed it hopefully you enjoyed hopefully enjoy my videos because uh hey you never know never know this could be my last video you never know i don't know but um at least tell me what you think do you like it is it garbage is it good i um i would say you can you know if anybody wants to buy it but i'm not selling any of my stuff ever again keeping it keeping it all so if you have one that's great um but i'm not i was i really thought about this for the last probably month or two i just i i just not even i feel weird uh when i try to when that you know like sells paintings and stuff it's just like a weird feeling so i like talked it over and uh you know just not going to sell them so given quite a bit away to people that has came in here i saw people get attached to something and i just give it to them so yeah right well well hell that was great right it was great nice little you know time painting that yeah can't wait to get out of here go home go to sleep and um oh wait a minute let i'm up to trouble here let me do something real quick i have an idea this is bad hold on little paint thinner on there hold on i got an idea this is so bad so bad okay little dude little guy right about there and then we gotta have his mom she is right there she goes this way like this big shoulders there's uh see there's a mother and her little son or you know maybe it's dad who knows but there they are let me just give them a little sharpening here too much yeah like that i don't want this way to look broken you know it's not a liner brush i'm using either coach oh there we go he's slick looking now there you go two birds two uh they're geese actually that's what those are okay so yeah i'm done i mean you guys if you want you can click off the video at this point i'm just cleaning these brushes you know you know no more uh nothing interesting here just gonna clean this brush off and i hope you guys are doing well hope everybody's happy and safe and i hope you you know your families are good and all that stuff um i've had the probably the most shittiest month of my life but uh i'm you know i'm getting through it you see i'm here making a video i'm painting and um i get through everything so and it's because of this stuff and i really believe that's why i'm still doing this um because there's something to say about that you know there really is something to say about that because uh i probably i wouldn't at least i wouldn't be doing this you know what i mean i would be hiding out and just not doing anything but i'm even if i don't make videos i'm making paintings often so but i still um care enough to put my aside to try to you know make a video and hopefully that you know maybe even one person will see this and maybe they'll want to make something you know and maybe it'll fix a problem you know in their life for them because that's what i care about i like hearing stuff like that too i like seeing if uh certain things helped people you know because uh that's that's like the payment that's my payment for what i'm doing i've narrowed that down and i'm fine with that i'm happy with that at least it's you know it's something that i consider it's almost priceless if you think about it um so what do you think i'll look at the comments here in a few minutes when i end the video because i gotta i'm gonna head out quickly so get late one second here i want to do something here real quickly i i uh but i i do i sincerely appreciate you guys for you know for uh for always being here you know it's always it's the same group of people and uh hey steve hey i saw your uh i saw your text right before i started this video buddy um looks like you're up so i'll shoot you a text here so let's see here all right now i appreciate you guys um what am i doing let me turn on some music here right quick what am i doing where's the music where's my uh where's that one hold on all right guys all right all right let me see here yeah all right i think that's that's probably good so i'd like to thank you guys for watching uh don't forget to like share subscribe do all the stuff that i always ask you to if you don't mind because believe it or not hey if you just hit the like button it helps the video it really does so if you care if you give two cents about me or you care about anything i do at least hit the like button okay all right i'm gonna go i am i'm really tired and i'm out of focus and i'm sweating because uh the air must have i programmed it yeah i programmed it to shut back to 78 at 10 pm it's 11 18. all right enjoy your night i'm gonna turn this uh turn this song up and i will uh i'll see y'all later take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] boys [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm
Channel: Paintings by Justin
Views: 23,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oilpainting, tutorial, howto, howtopaint, bobross, canvas, canvaspainting, painting, create, howtopaintclouds, wetonwet, alliprima, gamblin, learntopaint, landscapepainting, landscape, teach, stepbystep, paintingsbyjustin, Bobross, Livestream, happypaintings, learn, instructionalpainting, freelesson, christmas, snow, holiday, winter, seascape
Id: wSQXz5Gb2-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 6sec (6546 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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