Painting With Magic ® SE 5: EP 12 Mountains in the west

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[Music] hey it's me it's me it's Brandi here with a pea smashed into Dale and get monkey-faced on it and let's do another fun penny project right now I'm going to use in two primary colors today plus y and so let's color go across the screen for you just like I have my life palette so we're gonna have here is a sixteen by twenty canvas that I normally use and I have put amazing right on there and amazing what is my signature white oil-based medium that you can find a brand Thomas our supply and the brush so I'll be using are my signature brushes you can get also at Bert Thomas Reisch high comm links will be in the description too on my pending supplies so if you want to support us and if you won't get some painting supplies and get monkey-faced on it you can join it with us alright so let's get started let's take some blue this is Prussian blue there we go it's a little bit okay let's go right up here and we'll use the extra okay okay any orders eugenic stroke today just a little extra alright let's put a little bit of water in the sky and a little bit of water as well on the painting please don't matter guys don't matter just get something going anyways getting here okay I'm gonna take another 2 inch brush clean and dry and just wanna go and get up a brand new brush dude let's start from the top and blend it down ok let's take a 1 inch brush yes ok let's go into some titanium why with a 1 inch landscape brush ok there we go just a little dog paw on it let's go up here now let's go up here and just put a cloud in the sky these are so easy to do but he don't want your brushes beautiful beautiful clouds there we go just get them on simple easy way to do it a little bit more now we'll blend out the base we're going to soft soft strong and softly blend it up okay very gently blend it up okay then I'll put another little cloud in here using the same warning landscape brush yeah we'll just tap in on him just like right there okay I get a lot of questions from a lot of beginner it's about painting clouds and this is one of the simpler ways to do it that's how I teach some of my students to do it in classes when I just have it just a little bit of trouble with it you see I picked up a little blue but I can blend it right back in line with it and soften it down and then blend it a little bit okay yeah soften up already I think when you do it a bit on the mountain today so you got a palette knife or quick there's a little mountain mixture here I'm gonna take a little bit of Prussian blue and some red and it's a little bit of yellow [Music] a little bit more red okay I'll take a little bit of wanton as a c1 I got and that's a good tip mixture okay we'll put a little bitty roll paint round the old edge of that enough now I want us paws I'm mounting in right up here okay I'm using a really good amount of pressure on here you're not gonna hurt the canvas really push it in there I got a question on painting mountain to mountain painting it takes you time to learn how to do it you learn how to use this knife so first thing you need to get you a good palette knife one that you can really cut the work without having to worry too much about it this year pounding off your shape is one that's been around for a long time and so what I'm doing that he designed this metal it's in this why didn't he's on the shape of it but I've read these on the metal so it's a little more flexible and the handles a little more bounce okay and it's gonna scrape it out so you really want a good knife though to be able to do things you nuts when it's a little flexible I'm gonna question all the time where to get these knobs that you can give them on my website at the Brianna Thomas art supply calm alright so once you get that far well take a one-inch landscape brush and we're going to grab it and you start pulling it out like that it's nothing pulling it up now you gotta make sure you're designing your mountain that you don't make it come down too too far okay so right here as far as I wanted to go on in never want to wipe off a pound off every time we going to do highlights or anything with the knife you really want to use a clean knife for this so just wipe it off so it's like a pletely clean but it's wiped off with no heavy paint on there so I'm gonna take some titanium wire we're going to our basic snow mountain all right you want to point out really flat and then cut across get it wrong there's no way you do it you take it like this lay it flat and then scrape it in I've been teaching this method for a little while for last mouth start teaching I started teaching this method of stripping on the side because a lot of my beginner shirts will have a hard time loading the paint this way if you do it this way you can load as much as you want so if you've seen a little bit you just load up a little bit let's clip your nylon our mountain and you want to use no pressure okay no pressure to highlight these mountains okay and you need a decent paint you don't want something that's completely dried out if you use something that that is completely dried out you're gonna be hurting because there's nothing be able to blend that easily off the knife so I'm going to come up the knife smoothly so you want something that's kind of creamy but not really soft so they kind of pasty kind of like you know more peanut butter kind of texture peanut butters creamy and smooth it's not dried out and chalking next thing you need is a decent you need a good medium for your for your background so if you're using a very oily medium for your backgrounds a lot of means out there it's very oily it's gonna be hard for you to get these to break for pigment meeting it was right now you use amazing lot okay so we get this highlighting just oils breaks in there okay all good breaks [Music] then must whomp the knife off on my paper towel and let's we could here grab it and pull it back to you okay this is gonna help with the shadows and at this point you nearly have to add the shadow color to it if you don't want to there's a farm either way there to do it you've gotten a little peak rafter I think you just take it just point down this will give you that same effect as if you've added in a shadow color okay then we'll take a clean dry well it's a little dirty but the drive to inch brushing fun tap it in constantly miss effect might even take a little titanium want with that and crunching a few listen mist okay so let's do another little peek on here it's putting on a little mount peek in there go back this dark color we mixed up will go there's another little member up there so mix it up a little bit more I painted some black are some Prussian blue some redness is Napa saw red and a little bit of yellow with that and what we're doing here is these two will make a purple and when you put the yellow but here it Gray's the purple okay and it makes more a black tone instead of just straight-up purple that's why that's not completely purple hmm and so by mixing and using primary colors there's a lot easier than you think it is okay so we're doing a little program to where I am using the primary colors and this is a penny project in this program and so what I'll have on the website is this painting video and then I have a color chart with this so far so good huh so you just learnt a little tip there with the primary colors is that blue and you got your red which we on the middle make a purple but the yellow comes in and it graze it down alright so the reason that is is because it's a complementary color to the purple alright so a complementary color will gray down the color so we need a great deal in your blue you want to use orange all right to do that to you gray down green you want to use a red or to greg down the red when these are green so you look at the different colors in your color wheel and the opposite color across from the color the complementary color and it will write it down alright so let's put on another peak in there and so with a color chart you'd be able to see the mixtures that I used but I recommend you get a color color we have a video coming out it's going to go over more into in depth with this program I want to go over the color wheel it's going to go over the mixtures and stuff like that the different mixtures and different mixing techniques formulations to get started colors okay now we're going to take and wipe off this knife again we're gonna come in here and pull down just a little bit and what its gonna do it's gonna kind of mix some of that color in with the white and we're getting a shadow color see there you go that easy super easy eight and then we'll just come back in here again with its old brush just putting another may be wondering why I'm wearing a pink pants today what we're doing is every pink ant that I sell on Brad times our supply we're donating a hundred cent profit to breast cancer research and all that information is on another video about these pink pants and stuff okay just want to help out try to get the good donation for them help out all right so let's go back in here and let's mix up a color for some some stuff to go online back here right so we're gonna take a big chunk of yellow and mix it right into that mountain color everyone get a nice dark green good dark red I only have this a little bit of red to that you know dark and brown a little bit just a little bit of blue and I'll take a one inch landscape brush just tap into the color it's a little bit and right here we got a little foot heel coming in put a little slit feel then just give it a little pull up you want to pull it straight up if you give it an angle the trees gonna look a little weird so this is gonna put the little tree tips in little Tufts the trees got a million little trees of maker billions and billions little trees and so we'll just kind of take its brush this one too much brush it's not crush down here and they're just going to help us soften it and trail a bit more of a mist and then we'll just take its own knife get a little white bread once a little baby want with that they're just a little bitty thing on water lines going on you know we'll just go across just to soften them down okay want some more there so I'm gonna take a little more blue and red and mix it into that color I wanna make a little darker [Music] here's how you make black to make black you need brown and blue all right so Brown blue makes black or to make a very very dark gray usually burnt umber and Prussian blue is the best mixture the Blessed color formulation for that so what you do is you would take your your blue but down here okay right and we don't how to make brown you know so it's like some red and some yellow okay and then little blue so they gotta make green right the blue will mix with the yellow was a kureta green and then the red will mix with the green and create that brown all of a sudden we got a brown mixture mother look you got a brown going on then I mixed this blue with that and we started getting a nice dark color okay I'm also a black you see that color were mixed in there with it beautiful gray beautiful color so he knows what color you got out there okay primary colors are super fun to do it really is fun let's put a know little seal or something living in here just like that and we can just you know put this into the water let's say you hear what I wanna do next [Music] like to take some of our new medium this is gonna amazing yellow medium already shaked up there's a little video on this all right I'm gonna grab a little bit of that medium I'm gonna tamp it off over here on this part of the pallet night palette okay we'll use that to make some grass over there it's easy this makes it so that many many beginners out there mix mud very easily and so with this it kind of lumen eights that because of color and the mediums kind of already there for nice in paint so I'm gonna add a little more yellow regular yellow paint to that you can see it made it brighter there's nothing there diluting it down making it less pigmented you see there's more Brown one more yellow I'll grab a little more yellow medium what's he added yellow paint and it's made it brighter now that's beautiful grass look II just know some of this into the water okay vodka I'm gonna take some classic clear medium right here I'm gonna need to thin down my colors now whenever you get this and when it shits with you there's a little poppet that shifts with those I don't have any right now with me but I'm gonna send in this dark color with the liner brush yeah I want to put a little tree in here just kind of throwing something in here and I snipped it in her one time and so what I'll do now is take some color on the launch landscape brush on the corner and now I'll just put in a tree laughter all right go see that easy you can put a little bit it's a few things living back here I'm gonna grab a little amazing one cuz I want to change the color dramatically to give it another kind of see there's not a tree I could even grab some miss dirty color put a shadow back here with it I think pens how you want to do it the easy way to do it after then back to some amazing yellow that's so amazing walk together yeah it's creating a little highlight yeah he's in one little edge of this brush then I'll mix up gray I just taking us brush right into this color putting a few little highlights to the trunk - dude they come back and just now you want to kind of have a shadow more of those so let's get some dark color gonna make a little more realistic right and then you want that tree into the water you see some color there and [Music] some luck man like that anyways go cross it yeah just kind of throws it into the water you will need a little water line underneath them that's how you want though we got some really awesome paintings coming in our now for the 2017 art contest the contest is about to be over with people are still getting their paintings in paintings the last day you can put your pendant for the contest is October 17th so if you're interested to know that you got very little time left so make sure you get your penny into that if you want to get into this contest then they will just take some dark paint on the filbert brush yeah what I'll see you a little might even grab a little medium with that just one of they're all fuel stoned and whatnots in there rocks well if you're interested in doing the contest it's really fun to do you win a good pot they win a medal from the video on the YouTube channel about the contest there's a few little dot softer back [Music] some people like to add a bunch of little water lines and stuff under their rocks I kind of just smudged a little bit underneath in her to the knife you don't want too many morons in here okay and I wanted to do something to block this in on this side honey paint so I'll take the rest this blue chuckle red touch the yellow I'm gonna grab a little bit more blue this penny here is almost finished I think it's pretty wonderful little picture anybody who's kind of been following along with this should be able to paint this pain pretty easily if you have any questions about it or need any help at all let me know I'm always here to help you guys if I started this channel too to give you full painting lessons okay I'm here to teach you how I've done it kind of talk with you throughout the process with it instead of doing clips and cut ups and they're like they're trying to say you need me everything like that you know and uh you know over these years man I've been attacked left and right by people because I'm showing you full paintings showing you mixing the colors trying my best to teach you guys so I go through it every single day for you I did it every day but I'm here for you guys I'm not gonna stop doing that for anybody because I'm here to help you and know people up there like watching the videos so we got over right now twenty two thousand subscribers I cannot believe that we've reached that almost hit two million views on the channel and it's because of you gotta share the videos locking the videos you know without you guys there would not be any paying with magic show alrighty so I want to thank you for all your support all the lots and comments we get to subscribers people sharing the shows and the rest of you liking this sharing them if you want more of them and I'm happy to get any more and also my facebook social media pages you can always try to get ahold of is there sometimes I'm on there sometimes I have someone else on there if I'm real busy but most time I get back people through email and Facebook so if you're one like us on Facebook I have links in the description so you can get home anytime you need help doing stuff like this I'm always here for you so you can get Monkeyface with it at home alrighty so let's do it it's still a tree it's a big old tree Monkeyface tree you know because a big number 6 fan brush and I got some dark paint Hansy well put him right there I tell you want this old trees had a hard hard life you should date one of them trees over there and then another one popped up he took his woman from him but you know one I think today he's gonna get a new girlfriend hope I'm a little girlfriend in there make them all they're jealous yeah that's what we'll do he had a move away boys right there you just sit right there but you know got my divorce Danny move away I'm strong either working out or blue or red touching yellows and dark I am I save his one give him a little girlfriend a round mm-hmm I'll put her up there I'm running so now you stop fooling around grab a brush yeah grab a brush all right there we go let's see here this take a brush and let's get some yellow and scrap some yellow tube okay and before we do that we need to put my little truck in here and personal they're these little details like that really helps okay then we'll take this yellow down here yes and crunch it in there we'll grab a little amazing yellow and a crunch brush allows us to get a little more detail all right now it's not so bright for the reason so and I could add another layer of highlights twos branches and here comes her some branches remember a few little highlights num1 grab a little amazing want and with that to make it brighter the amazing yellow will keep it the same and give it that body mist that creamy bugginess that amazing white normally gives maybe a little bit more light we need to be brighter some more amazing wines okay miss mixing up a little bit we're at her collar okay not sure if you can see all this stuff or not but they're there in a little brighter and then we'll put some grass in here these brush makes them super soft grass I'll take some less yellow medium pick up some stuff see I'm not taking tip of that bra through the medium I'm just turning it to the paint you seem miss and just to show you what yes you can do this medium barely touching you can throw on a few little things like that and few little things like this okay and then I let's wash out my brush I got some that yellow medium and I can just kind of throw in some flowers okay don't have all the time here to do a bunch because I try to make these as possible but better kind of give you the idea and show you a little bit to what you can do it's all these things we have available and Brad Thomas Hart and it shows you the whole tips and things okay I hope you enjoyed this little video I'm gonna playing sign this one to you Franco I think I want to do one more thing a rock please Raptor with a little what a little hot okay and then we just set them into the paint looks better okay I'll find a painting oh you some red I'm not used this in a while kind of red mixed up some blue there it's kind of a rose tone already guys I hope you enjoyed watching this little video hope you learned what you can do with some primary colors you'll have to have every color known to man you just need the basics this will help you out too because painting is expensive especially oil painting here actually any painting at all it's an expensive hobby and I try to make everything we possibly can as affordable as possible so you can get into this okay and with the few simple paints even without the amazing yellow we just use yellow okay okay there we go think that's a pretty fantastic little pain that we did today kind of showed you a few different little techniques some of the same thing but kind of put a different idea so hope you enjoyed this one this is ready for the art gallery so is yours and I'll see you guys real soon
Channel: The Painting With Magic Show
Views: 334,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Ross, wet on wet oil painting, Art supplies, The Joy Of Painting, Oil Painting, Free painting lesson, Bill Alexander
Id: GIDosnmzlEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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