Lands That Will FLOOD in Our Lifetime
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Channel: Atlas Pro
Views: 1,939,690
Rating: 4.628624 out of 5
Keywords: education, geography, science, atlaspro, Flood, Climate, Change, Global, Warming, Ocean, Places, Hurricane, Sink, Florida, Elevation, Map, Earth, al, gore, tidal, storm, australia, china, africa, mediterranean, peninsula, beach, future, estimate, increase, bangladesh, india, bengal, delta, united, states, america
Id: CurmnLKikyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
2100?! How young do you think I am?
In the beginning he lays out that by 2100 if trend continue/accelerate the sea level will rise 38cm.
He shows an animation of the Delmarva peninsula completely submerging. Most of the peninsula is at 35ft above sea level (much of it even higher). I donβt see how a 38cm rise and storm surges will wipe away well over 35ft.
Seems dishonest. These over the top animations are why people become suspicious of climate change. And climate change is very real and must be addressed but not by lying.
The Florida prediction also seems like an extreme exaggeration but I donβt know enough about Florida geography to dispute it.
I donβt want the sea level to rise at all but these over the top videos only hurt the issue.
We must make a giant space funnel and funnel 10% of Earths water to Mars. This will help terraform Mars for humans and also create more land mass on Earth. Youre welcome
How will this effect Floridaβs electoral votes?
Where the fuck was Canada
We can only hope
Build a 1 foot sea wall around FL. Ya welcome
People would say 2020 was gonna be like this