Landing page - Kingmaker & WotR

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I posted this video on Reddit and a lot of people were interested on how to actually create it here's my landing page tutorial what do we need to make it work it's only one simple mod monk active tile triggers be advised this is not a full-fledged tutorial on Mon active tole triggers it's only a tutorial on how to create a landing page this module does much much more the module has been created by Iron monk with the version 11 26 make sure you install let's go back to the game due to licensing agreements I'm not able to provide you any of the fs however if you have any of these games I will be able to provide you a tutorial on on how exactly you can make them let's begin with the extraction it's quite a bit of a tedious process however right now I'm gathering information mainly the main menu layout I'm writing down each of their location as you can see currently I'm also thinking what the layout should be on two pages secondly I'm going to try to locate the localization for both games localization is in a very similar spot which is on screen right now I'm trying to do so since most games do have localization settings and all of the menus buttons and text is usually in the localization F I am writing down the keys of each one as in future future if I want to edit that I simply can go back and simply edit that specific part of the text if you want n in text you simply add a space between the quotation marks after firing the game make a screenshot has it actually be used as our landing page you can see me here editing the overall text from the right here I'm recording at the same time so I can actually create this as an intro mainly the reason I'm not skipping any of the logos I made myself also a note to remember that I did inde record now I'm actually trying to create the second page that contains the players I realized a little bit later the position was incorrect but I decided to go with it this was the moment when I realized the positioning was incorrect but I decided to go with it because it doesn't really matter when you have player names I went ahead and did the exact same with Pathfinder rat of the righteous now let's hop back in Foundry and import the two pictures we toen of the main menu as two new scenes firstly make sure that Mon's active tile trigger is activate and as a first thing on our menu is trying to have the players when double clicked to move to our second landing page we taken from the game you can add the initial view position from here and copy the numbers on both scenes just in case you don't want the zoom in and out but for the time being this is outside the purpose of the tutorial we're going to be setting up a tile roughly the same size as the player text on this picture we're going to go into the modules we're going to locate monks active tiles we're going to go to images and we're going to select the one one it is a transparent PNG after that we're going to go on triggers I'm going to take this one step at a time is the tile active in this case yes restriction only player tokens or only GM we are not interested in tokens is it controlled by player or GM do we allow this when the game is paused for the sake of the tutorial yes over over pointer as you can see when I'm scrolling up and down above the tile the pointer does not change and I want to make it clear to me and also the players this is clickable token must have side to trigger no I do not want any tokens on this map when does this happen not on enter since we do not want any tokens I'm going to select double click by default click is recommended my players do have a tendency to click around the scene and we do not want any unwanted behavior for them swapping them map randomly and creating restoration I'm going to set it up as double at this moment we have a set up so whenever we double click something will happen we're going to go to actions we're going to hit add and this sets up the behavior that needs to happen when the tile is double I know I'm looking for an open an actor sheet going to my actor page I'm going to select the party sheet however I just realized I made an error but this style is correct and I also have a part let's create the tile as you can see it's clickable but I'm not interested in this one just a small mention this is not locked to any system you can use this on any system you would like the error is that the party tab should be here let's fine tune it a small tip if you want not snap to grid hold shift what I initially wanted for the players lead me to the players page once again we're creating a token select the transparent layer go to figures double click actions add this situation my player list is on a different scene this time I'm interested in change scene going to scene Tab and simply going to select the correct scene for the triggering player set up just make sure allow and pause over over pointer and token must have side to Ender let's double check if it works let's double check now for the back we're literally going to do exactly the same you can make each tab its individual scene this for map I'm using the test map as just an example you can use any world map you would like as well as doesn't have to be text you can actually use the map itself now let's set up map same process this time I'm going to select the test Map update once again fine tuning remember all shift I am not going to do quests as story so far will do exactly the same thing this will lead to a journal page Quest can to a different journal page also be advised you can actually link this with modules now at actions we're going to be be looking at open Journal I only have one journal entry I'm going to select create a tile Let's test last one let's say you need an outside link for most Pathfinder players do know what archives of net this is is basically a repository of everything Pathfinder related once again create a tile and you have open you L here you can place whatever link you like last but not least let's link a character sheet this time instead of open a journal we're going to open an actor she if it's set to everyone they will have access to the same information based on configure ownership now player one in my situation is pc1 update you can copy and paste this one for each player and simply at this step hit the it select player two player three player four so far and so forth now you actually see me test all of the links to see if they're working as intended and to see if any further setting up is required this situation it's not needed everything went smooth the next part is me trying to extract the 14 seconds video of the book showing in Pathfinder King maker right now you see me import the file that had all of the video and I am trying to narrow down the 14 seconds needed took a while to figure out the exact length of the video as you can see here I'm trying to F tune it as much as I can this can be done in denture resolve also I'm setting it to Med encoder so I can extract it I'm selecting web and me and I made sure that export audio is not selected file size 4 megabytes now I'm going to try to import it in Foundry as a tile made the tile the exact size as the video make sure it's sent to back as well as it's locked please do consider subscribing this took more than I actually expected roughly to I would say 15 hours or so probably someone with more experience would had done it faster if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them I'm going to try to answer everybody and if you have any advice or what else you want to see do leave me me a comment below I'll be more than happy to help have a great day happy Hunting
Channel: RolePlaying Kris
Views: 386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OyLPajKTjeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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