Lake District Walks | Scafell Pike via the Corridor Route

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[Music] good morning it is the most glorious sunny day today here in the heart of the Lake District National Park you can see some mountains around me you can see that a vibrant blue sky above and then you see my rucksack here packed and ready to go today we're going to be tackling sky fell Pike at the highest mountain here in England I have never done this route before what I know it's insane but today I will change all of that we're gonna walk the longest road through into c-suite which is a tiny little hamlet and then we're gonna follow the bride away all the way up we've got two times today Pass one on the way up one on the way down I'm gonna really take my time I'm not going to push in here nice and early and just breathe and enjoy the space so that is the Lake District National Park so I'm really stoked to share this journey with you I'm just going to finalize getting ready and then we'll hit the trail if you've never done this walk before but you're planning to car parking as in many of the later Street here is also very challenging you want to get here nice and early try and find a space on the side of the road to make sure you're not blocking the road a for cars but also emergency vehicles and if there is no space you have to find somewhere else to park you the further up the road or do the walk from a different direction I definitely encourage you to get here nice and early if you're bringing a vehicle Seath wait is the wettest inhabited place in England and receives around 140 inches of rain per year it's not surprising that that it holds the record for the most amount of rain falling anywhere in the UK within 24 hours there are two main peaks I'd like to just point out to you this one up here is face brown and then we've got sour milk Gill which is a waterfall kind of coming down there love the name and then up here this is Guara mara which is another very popular walking route to do from here we saw the footpath going off to the left but we're gonna carry on along this right away and obvious easy-to-follow Wow this whole waterways dried up goes to show on the wettest places in the lakes and even here is a bit dry well considerably drier than normal we were having a heatwave in the UK whilst I headed out on this walk and grains Gill which ran down the valley on my right was one of the only waterways that I saw that day that actually hadn't dried out walking south along the valley I crossed over the Stockley bridge an ancient packhorse bridge built on the old route between Borradaile and the Cumbrian coast so just be winding our way up this sort of slabbed path help prevent erosion and we're gonna hit Taylor girl force which is headed a waterfall but it is not water or hopefully and then just keep on ascending no pasture woodlands coming up loving the backdrop we've left the main Valley behind left that river behind for now and we're just very steadily ascending just take it nice and slow it really is warm today sweating buckets until you see how I'm pacing myself Oh still though I'm looking back in ski to us still in the cloud I'm pretty confident it will burn off bit of Skittles in the cloud not sure how it will work over here you had some use sort of back over the valley through you get to the other stuff and look back you just take in the view and we can see some bags up here where they're still working on erosion control the Lake District National Park receives around 20 million visitors each year and the erosion and damage to footpaths due to heavy footfall is an ongoing worry Rangers and volunteer teams work together throughout the year to repair and preserve the roots often using stone pitching to form solid footballs I've just been wandering alone looking at the map and I realized actually you must have passed the Falls I saw these all this bit of water here and I was like oh I can't be it but it turns out the fools were actually there she in the forest bit I thought I could hear it but there's really not much water about sake it's not living up to its forceful name that's alright though we've got this little bit of water here we're gonna cross over so this officially referencing the map is sty head gill now that we're following all the way to stay hurt on Wow just rounded the corner and guess what's coming to you we're going up there people crossing over this kind of Boulder your landscape and uh actually to be honest this kind kind of in the riverbed here you can see where the rivers deposited all of these rocks when it's at full force and now I'm just kind of wandering along it I'm pretty soon I should cross over and then we're well on our way to the town Wow that is simply perfect goodness me this landscape is quite big that's pretty right do I have to say I'm just blown away at the immenseness of the mountains oh those that sheep we can't stand anymore me sty head Thanh is a picturesque spot and makes a great place to stop for a snack if fishing is your thing it's permissible to fish in the tank which contains wild brown trout that was very refreshing just sitting by the stillness of the time enjoying the vastness of this landscape had a banana have some electrolyte drink and now I'm pressing on I've got a feral Trek now onwards towards gopher pike and then the ascent to the top can pretty much see it the way that we're gonna be going which is awesome where you can take your nice and steady the whole time and enjoy the journey okay I'm really glad those some backpackers over there because I've just realized rather than following this big braid away I want to go that way I'm gonna go that way and then cut across along so I'm just trying to work it out yeah that's what I need to do so I need to cut parallel with the time and then join the main corridor route from there use down over the town and pretty epic good okay I'm happy I was just really want to make sure I'm always aware of my pretty much exact location and now I can see this here is the corridor route this is very well I want to say obvious but it's not that obvious band of path that goes all the way up all the way up all the way up all the way up and then it cuts up to Scarfo Pike so it's gonna be good we got some climbing we're just going to enjoy this epic scenery around us and the peace and quiet when I actually stop talking see the other Valley over there looking beautiful I really am on my own now there are a few other people on the brighter way back there but they've decided to carry on along whatever rate they're doing and now there is no one within sight or sound in this whole vast landscape good old away so oh man this is where I belong this is my place absolute freedom to go wherever I want to go and I'm completely self-reliant my body is my engine and everything I need is on my back this is where I really come alive this is supposed to be skew Gill but again this run dry no water in there from the top all the way down to the bottom and we got a bit of a rocky scramble just to get continued along and pass at least the fact that it's jagged means it's really quite grippy so you can ascend quite quickly on this stuff turns out I'm not on my own I think I see some backpackers up ahead didn't realize they came this way it's quite cool there there they show that I'm actually on a path I'm not imagining [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're really starting to feel like we're in the mountains now and then I seems like I'm stating the obvious but when you kind of so obviously below them you don't really feel the part of them and you just kind of set for it in their world the higher you climb and the closer you come to the piece and start to feel eternity in with the landscape you feel that sort of sense of belonging you say we've spent long enough climbing you become one with the mountains [Music] that's why you go for micro lightweight today yeah you guys however onwards pockets even off areas check this out we're gonna get over this summer easy just watch out for the polished rocks basically they're the slippy ones don't look down [Music] I was like climbing I'm finding it really hard to share what I'm experiencing I mean the landscape is just huge and from every step the anguish changes and so the view changes I'm just absolutely adore this and trying to share that it's really a struggle things of you go pray that I'm filming on his right angle sick you can see a little bit more but the only way to experience the air and the sound and the height is to actually be here and this for so many people can seem incredibly daunting or virtually impossible but with the right training using map and compass training for your physical health and your mental health to build that resilience I do believe anyone can do this you just gotta wait bad enough oh boy you know you don't even need to reach the top for the roof the reward to share it yourself first of all I'm getting trained photos they love you insane I'm so honored to be here and humbled and I'll never take it for granted I've just stopped for literally five minutes I'm on a timer and I'm broken out a legendary candle making this stuff is just pure mint sugar and that's it and it's fueled exhibitions all around the world and I absolutely love it but of course only half it will never actually need it and today it seems like a very appropriate time to break out the kind of meat cake so I'm enjoying this moment enjoying the views and in probably like three minutes time we'll be on the go again now just up ahead at some point I think it's duty a little bit complicated in the sense that there's various paths and climbers have different paths to get to crags and how'd it don't want us to stop it a crag I want to get to the top say I'm gonna try and say vigilant with my navigation and keep moving onwards Oh feel like I probably should've stopped they my legs have gone what are you doing yeah apparently where legs talk like that hmm ah oh yeah so there's one puff up there there's another one this way get the map out you get let's go for a pike beautifully circled say I don't want to carry on up the gill I want to go this way crossing over and then what we do is we'll carve around this crag here and then make our way to the summit with scar fell which is behind this crag and we got Scafell over there dominating the landscape the whole way up really quite excited now I feel like we've made some really good progress the time is not even half past eleven yet and they left the car about quarters at 9:00 so feeling fresh over then my legs but they warm up nice and quickly I'm just gonna keep pressing on and I'm just absolutely completely in love with this landscape all right we're rounding the corner we got Pierce Gil here this is a really great reference point and also get caching feature I need to make sure I'm on the right line I know you can see the kind of very gentle fools there that could have beat something but because it's so dry again it's just a trickle really but this is it now we're working up to our final ascent which is going to take us up to the top of Scialfa pike to the highest point in England cannot express our stokes our gonna try and contain it save it for the top let's get this done how amazing is it the water can scope the landscape so much this almost Canyon like feature in the landscape is obviously being carved away by millions and millions of years of forceful water coming down from the mountains working their way down to the base of the valley it's pretty incredible just fight a few people off ahead of you see this is a kind of conjunction point where lots of different paths from all the different valleys come up and then everyone can head off and scale Scafell pike you can see people dotted all the way up now suddenly it's gone from remote - well not Ramon the path has suddenly changed from slabs to this kind of scree which is a lot slower go I'm gonna kind of navigate around the boulders I mean look at it he said that's a path this alright cuz again renting erosion and protect the mountain from heavy football Oh flip that of you can't stop wowing at the scenery behind me cause literally most impressive thing I've seen this year oh just like if it's like this here born earth is you're gonna be like here the top the trail climb up and up and I made sure to pace myself and take the time to look back over the zigzagging path that goes up Scafell the sister peak - scarf fell pike literally on the final ascent now to the summit of Skaro pike and I've just been thinking about how truly humbled I am to be able to be here today in this glorious weather in a mountain there - so many is intimidating but here I am with used to the summit that have just appeared feeling literally on top of the world nevermind England and it's just amazing how so many people are afraid to do things like this they have a genuine belief that they can but as soon as you speak that sofa that over yourself you can't you're not wrong those who say they can and those who say they can't have both usually right so this is what you want to do you've got to train for it physically mentally and in a toes of equipment being the skill is game and knowledge to move safely in the mountains and then come here and try it try lower Peaks first if you really want to build your confidence well then do it check the weather forecast there is a day like today you really can't go wrong if you're prepared and you're willing to give it a shot and I really want to encourage you to do that don't speak can't over yourself speak cans you can come here and you can stand on this point that I'm about to move on to let me show you what's going on boom 978 meters above sea level Scarfo high highest point in England how a few days the atmosphere at the top was absolutely buzzing and I was amazed by the number of people there it felt good to be surrounded by individuals who equally treasure the views and surrounding land people that push themselves physically to reach the top the 360 degree views were simply breathtaking and I couldn't find the worst to summarize the elation and deep sense of freedom I was experiencing I could only stand and stare unable to stop smiling alright say goodbye to stuff now we're gonna head on to brill crack and great end we've got this bit of cloud coming in but it's nothing too much it actually adds a bit of AX atmosphere and it really does make you feel high in the sky this rock on the foot is really quite treacherous you've got to definitely watch where you put your feet this is such potential to twist or break an ankle and if you hold on it it's pretty hard and jagged so just got a really take your time ascending undies anything as we are now and there aren't really any kind of clear paths I mean there are because the shale kind of looks more upturned and you can see it kind of takes on this paler color but it's just jagged rocks the whole way cuz I'm actually really glad I came up the side that I did this is bad enough going down but coming up this is proper speed and proper Shaylee the people coming down and trying not to cause ruffles for the people coming up it's very easy to unsettle the Roxy and they just tumbled down with two other people who are climbing say real amount of caution has to be taken navigating this stuff oh there's the bathroom steady don't let it go there we go you mean it climb back up so you see what I mean about broad crag so they're literally a pile of boulders or so someone's gone and they were accumulated in that area I think I'm just gonna continue skating around on the path which I'm not even sure I'm on now aside from this can but how are they looking back over the rear of the scarf well you know I'm so glad I haven't come this way and then it's faced with that scree slope all the way up to the top daddy at least it's like granite stuff so it's quite grippy this is slippy stone Whovian nightmare and the cairn to line the way one over there and behind it this is all right great that's broad crag officially almost free of the boulder hell there's some more just to come for then we need you there on this career path which is really interesting actually though that's a line of red maybe the rocks and the geology change because it was all pale back there anyway then it's on to great end and then from there we'll start the ground descents down to the next town and I'm kind of not looking forward to that actually feeling it in my legs just slightly with the downhill so it's gonna take quite a while I think but you know what I've got all day it's 13 minutes past 1:00 in the afternoon so not quite all day but certainly half a day which is grand I'm just loving walking into this view you've got a great end over there there's a few people stood on top I don't really have any intention of climbing back up to great end I'm just gonna continue along the path that goes down but we've got great Gable here just dominating the landscape to my left it's just a massive rocking scree I love that mountain though it's so impressive in fact every single peak here I love the fact that it's named and it's got a character and the people that live here understand how these mountains work in the respect that they need in order to function around them and we've got both fell over there oh this view you can definitely tell it's one of the highest points all right we've begun descending that's the way up to great end to a wave hello hello great end we are going to go down here to this Junction to pass and then we're going to keep curving around until we walk parallel with the town that we are going to pass the winds picking up which is quite refreshing this giant rock face in front of us is esque biking and over here is the atom cracks and you see our path now we're going to dip down through this valley easy Derwent water in the distance there and we're just gonna start to drop down now a nice healthy descent first view service sprinkling pond just tucked around there now only scope lectures go like an island [Music] just approaching a junction here if I went straight on that would take me back to the pathologic area what I'm going to do is now I'm going to branch off right sending the states to the right of sprinkling time crosses in effect and then just keep on descending it's quite tough going [Music] [Music] that bit of water there is overflow from the town which is right up there and still coming down joining this mean gully where it's heading all the way down down the valley and actually we can see seethe right now in the distance near those trees and the main brighter way path which we're going to join that we followed earlier I've just stopped for a little bit because I'm thinking and we all know that thinking and walking for me usually is quite a disasterous combination there's the water here to my right which I'm just listening to and just also enjoying this vast landscape because I'm so nearly back at the car it's just a few hundred metres left and um you know I was I was thinking about that summit moment how I didn't subject you to kind of some inspiration of speech about the metaphors of life and how you've got to keep climbing your own personal mountains don't give up help each other as we climb our peaks and then when we get to the top there's usually some downhill you just got to embrace it all but no you got none of that it's just kind of me golfing at the landscape but you know I have no shame in that I could not take in the vastness of what I was seeing how 3d and immense it was and it was just it was quite an emotional moment actually and I did make a video call and a cool when I was on the top and it was so nice to be able to share that moment with with a few people because you know I do most of this genuine on my own and usually that's absolutely fine but it is such a pleasure to be able to share the highlights and come out here and be like look guys look who I am not because I want to be your boastful but because I want to bring them along with me I carried them in here and then it's great when I can make a video call and show them as well so that was awesome but it also got me thinking about why I make these videos themselves and you know it is to motivate you guys to be like look at this amazing amazing world now get your boots on and get outside spend more time in the wild whether it's for physical health because you know you're training yourself being out here or whether it's mental health having to focus on absolutely every single step to make sure you're not going to trip or twist an ankle knowing where you're on the map listening to the water listening to the sheep the wind it's just being completely at one with this landscape as you journey through it you're forced to do that and it's a great thing so you know I just want to say thank you so much for following my journey today it's such an honor and a blessing to be able to show you this amazing landscape to come out here and I'll never ever take it for granted that I physically or mentally can and the fact that I can share this journey as well so as I say thank you for following enjoy your adventures guys and until the next time stay well [Music] you
Channel: Abbie Barnes | Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 177,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie, Barnes, Song, Thrush, Productions, Adventure, Tips, hiking, walking, national, park, Outdoor, gear, trails, Gear, Reviews, Wildlife, Expedition, Backpacking
Id: F2C-z9BeSyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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