The Lake District National Park | Catbells, Maiden Moor and High Spy - A Half Newlands

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[Music] good morning guys I am in the Lake District above me although you can't really see it because it's such a steep gradient is cat bells so I'm just on the road here it's pretty early it's half past eight let's not read that early but it's quite early it's a Monday morning it's nice and quiet on the roads and today I am going to tackle the Newlands Ridge so I'm gonna head back to that way and I'm gonna start my ascent up to cap bells and then up to meeting head and then onwards and hopefully I'll hit Dale head and Dale head Tarn and then that's where my decision point is gonna be whether I come back down that valley alongside the river there's lots of waterfalls absolutely stunning down there or whether I continue on along the ridge and I get some more peaks in it's pretty flexible today because my main concern is the fact that the cloud is actually really quite low it's nice and glorious down here but as soon as you reach any sort of height their cloud is kind of kissing the mountains so I'm trying to sort of play this by ear I wanted to get here early because I didn't know what car parking would be like but you know because there really isn't anywhere to park other than these little stretches along the road so I've got a space which is ideal and now I'm just kind of hoping that the clouds gonna burn off in a reasonable amount of time so that I can slot start my slow ascent up to cap bells and hopefully we'll get some views over Derwent water over Kazik over the whole sort of sceeto a landscape that way it should be pretty epic if the weather holds out for me all right cap bail summit one mile of uphill let the climbing begin cap bells sits at 451 meters of our sea level and is one of the most popular fells and the lakes Alford Wainwright aptly captures the character of the mountain saying it's one of the great favorites a family fell we're grandmothers and infants can climb the heights together a place beloved his popularity is deserved it's shapely topknot attracts that I offering a steep but obviously simple spell oh yay geez they were don't water looking pretty spectacular as the Sun breaks through so we've had all these are Asian signs the fal'cie they're very heavy football throughout the year with people climbing the mountains and therefore they're susceptible to corrosion and degradation so the National Trust in particular work really hard to help maintain footpath by for example being on cobbles or closing off certain pastured opening new ones so the landscape gets time to recover they kind of just big scars up the mountains but there are access routes and access points and they've got to be treated with care so if you are carrying mountains stick to the past don't wander onto the grassy verges otherwise it's going to get wider and just generally be respectful to the landscape that you're walking through it's been here for millions and millions of years it's very important we just don't come along and trash it basically the first section of the client takes walkers up on the scale guild bank a little rocky outcrop that towers above often with people stood triumphantly on top so you see behind me sceeto is very much stealing the cloud I did have that set on my mind today but through the forecast I thought it's best not to and say you're just going to tattle cat bells and I can see cat bells I Maidenhead in front of me at the moment they're both car three which is fantastic obviously it's gonna be quite hazy but who knows what the afternoon will bring as the Sun burns through I'm looking forward to the prospect for some clear news little bit of a rock to climb up here there's a marker which says Thomas Arthur Leonarda founder of cooperative and communal holidays all right cool oh no I'd like to have yourself a plaque up here I mean put a backdrop the little scramble of overscale guilt was great fun and certainly doable for most and the views on the other side towards the summit of Kapos give a superb sense of achievement all right every step these views just completely blow my mind I do there's something about trying to prepare yourself for the mountains but when you live in a landscape of hills to come here everything is just oversized it's actually insane it's just my heart quickens with every peak I see every ridge that scars the landscape and it could look intimidating and as I mentioned they have to be treated with respect but this is a cool playground I was certainly making slow progress as I couldn't stop looking back over the views which opened up further with every step despite the gray day the landscape filled me with an addictive sense of war this is my view and I'm actually caring for it beautiful Rock Q voiceover about a sweet rocks in the Lake District can be divided into six types but the area around Kazik is composed of two oldest known as skid or sleeps deposited around 500 million years ago the café's ridge itself is an example of an ala stirs drew a chaotic sedimentary deposit made up of mud stone silt stone and sandstone the rocky roads to produce loose scree and jagged edges such as the ones on this Ridge here's the CAD this is the top of cap bells and this awesome can that suggest to send via house gate to the lake which is a really nice tree that goes down there but we're going to continue on along the way and this is a really nice quote from alpha drain ray it says scenes of great beauty unfold on all sites and there seems in depth to a degree not unusual it's pretty decent they really are deep views feels good to be here it feels good to have my brain waking up it feels good to have got my heart rate up and it feels epic to take in these views sky lights out so it's a good sign it's gonna be sunny Hey look at this I just bent over on a steep spot and you can see green bilberries say Energon July that we write and we can eat them okay she danced it next up was the summit of all crack on top of Maidan that is pretty spectacular just there fifis all the way around it's just been growing better and better as we climb that this really is the pinnacle point oh man feeling good I've just actually stopped for a minute just to rest up my shoulder tends to get quite sauteing a pack for a while so I'm just making the most of checking out views licking the map it turns out Dale's head is definitely higher than high spy but it's about a mile high spy which is fab and I use this opportunity to open up the Kendal mint cake this stuff is literally life it's been around for like hundreds of years he's been taking all over the world North Pole South Pole and I only ever eat it really when I'm on long trails or in the Lake District I'm in the Lake District so I'm eating kind of mint cake no shame love this stuff can't have chocolate for me because I'm allergic to cocoa well no allergic I'm intolerant it makes me sick so I always just have the plain sugar which is mint flavored guys if you've never tried this try it but I solemnly suggest it only eats it on very active days because it's very there well it's just pure sugar basically can you tell I'm kind of buzzing I think I might have just eaten some anyway I'll rest here for another minute and a half apparently and then I'm gonna press on the onward root over maiden war was flat and made for easy walking the name maiden is actually usually given to prehistoric hill force but there's no evidence of a fort actually existing in this area it may therefore refer to a place where games and rituals were played perhaps with maidens taking part hi spy here we come see it straight line all the way to the top can definitely do this I'm really looking forward to the end to see Dan over Dale town as well I have such a love affair four times and just bodies of water that I just tucked away in secret places very exciting always so the sugar is kicked in but it is very exciting it's taking a very slight diversion up to the top of booty crag there's a nice little cane on top just off be good to check that out before the final push to high spy hop whoo yes that was off the climb oh boy check that out knees all the way down along the length of Darwin water oh my goodness that is pretty spectacular well worth the elevated heart rate whoo yes goodbye blue crag onwards to high spy I can actually see the can thing at the top which is quite cool it's pretty level walking slight undulation and then once we're there were to send down to date on which I keep blabbering on about can you tell I'm excited and then from there that's where the decision point is gonna be as I mentioned earlier I had to route choices I can either climb up to dalehead and follow the ridge over towards hinder scarf an 11 mile walk often known as the Newland round all once that Dale had tan I could descend down the blissful Newlands valley pass waterfalls and mines it was a tough decision to make thankfully though the mountains local residents distracted me right now is 10 to 12 and this is the time that the amount and weather information system said was going to be the best part of the day and it really is up here in this sort of dip it's really still and tranquil and beautiful and I'm just loving enjoying the surroundings and making progress along this Ridge I'm really deliberating what to do whether to drop down I'll stay high just cannot decide this is my greatest dilemma rock today this is high spy really hoping he'll be able to see downtown on the other side maybe not because it's flat hey guys here the hips are a winner good touch the top can't reach Maddie I spy boom hi spy reaches a height of 653 meters above sea level and in the past has been known as scored L fell and lob stone fell these names are still used on maps to label other parts of the fair today so just rounded the corner and there is the tire it doesn't really look too inviting to be honest because it's just kind of stuck in the shadow of Dale head but you can also see from up here it's just such a great viewpoint the whole sort of landscape around it and you can see I want to call them moraines I don't really think they are but basically there's also sort of smaller lumps all around the and they're often formed by glaciers which scraping along as they move they scrape along the sediment which kind of accumulates in certain areas and is deposited there and there we call moraines such as kind of an undulating landscape with lots of big deposits of rocky stuff it's really nice spending of it as I'm looking at the map and actually learning the names of the different like cracks that we've got around us this is red crack you got miners crack here we've got this little pool of water that we can also see on the map and then just down there is the time which we're just gonna still wind our way down to and all the way the past just like peppered with these cans can it's a guide the way but the trouble is so many areas in the Lake District to just having people build cans and they're not so much like way markers as they used to be so what the idea is thought when the mist is down if you kind of follow the line of cans along the main paths that are up in the mountains and it supposed to sort of help you out a bit but you know in truth if you're up there you should certainly know how to read a map and definitely use a compass because the cloud does descend very quickly and that is why I have stuff in my pack so the range we've got waterproof for a top and bottom I've got insulation layers if it gets cold I've got gloves I've got hats got food and spare food I've got water I never see a map and compass I think that's pretty much everything Angelle suncream first aid kit first aid kit very important but it's really really nice as I'm walking along not just to learn the names of the cracks but check out the different wildlife is around we've got various very species that are kind of singing a song from skylight to Kestrel and sort of Warblers up here and then oh so we've got all the plants I mean we've looked at the bilbrey already today but we've got Thurman teal which is a yellow flower which is growing all around her some term until really vibrant yellow we've got like cotton grass which is just over here look at this the wrong one is there cotton grass is this really like Qasimi grass basically it just looks like cotton and then here at this pool of water oh look dragonfly wow it's so exciting just to really get in the flow the mountains pick up its pace and enjoy everything that's going on because even though they can look so desolate there's so much life here the last stretch the Dell hectares took me over Newlands back a waterway that begins just a little higher up the valley there we go there's the tar dalehead tar is a small but pretty town and makes for a great respite whether continuing on to dalehead or descending via the Newlands valley as i'd finally decided i would do well we made suit on the path up to do head goes that way that's quite a serious ascent and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sit here I'm gonna eat some food and then we'll head down through the valley gosh the water is really clear you see what are the rocks in it like that amazing and yeah it is so peaceful up here aside from the wind carrying a few voices and the wind itself there's nothing I embrace the silence but as I sat there i couldn't help but feel at the same time the landscape was loud shouting in its beauty and magnificent scale as I took my eyes off the fells for just a moment movement caught my eye in the town there was a new trimming lazily about and I couldn't believe my luck it was a real walk highlight in quite full hey banana and various bits of fruit it's so nice just sit by the ton actually and just as I was leaving to see that new and they're like dragonfly larvae in its shell that's very exciting so what I'm doing right now then is I'm just retracing my steps feeling the warmth of the Sun and hopefully down by here when I get back to the river I should be able to pick up the path headed down I'm feeling really pleased in my decision now to descend because firstly I've spoken to a few people that have said yep around 4 o'clock is supposed to get quite stormy and it's just gone quarter past 1:00 now and then secondly I've already planned the route I want to do to get to dalehead so it's from little town if you go over hindered scarf dalehead you go around the other side to get in Robinson or whatever that Peaks called and then ascend back down so it's a whole other walk it means at no point do I need to repeat anything and I'm just so excited to have something to look forward to there's so many routes when you just open up the map and you actually just sit and look it's like I can go there and there and there and combine that and that and this is just aa just unleash the potential of the Lake District it's fantastic the bet cut deeply into the land and supported a number of pioneer species such as Rowan and Hawthorn the trees growing precariously on the edge of the skull they picked up this little path and this is it now we're just gonna wind out way down all the way down to little town and then from there who's still got it a few miles is we got to work our way back around to where I'm parked my car the route down the valley was just magical with the trail stretching out to the chorus of running water I know these aren't the actual water for us but it's still quite nice just to see the water plummeting through the rocks finding its course you can see these massive boulders that have just spread about the place pulling down for the mountainsides look at that sort of Canyon the waters just cascading down the top and through the middle and you got these little pools of very clear mountain water and they were ever just continues to work its way down there it is Wow well it's definitely trying to make something out nothing with the other Falls because this this was worth coming this way for check it out that's a real fool obviously it's not as powerful as it could be just because it's been so dry recently but it starts up there and it goes all the way down cascading down the rock the fools were just something else and I was completely captivated by their ceaseless flow and inspired by the presence and color that they brought to the landscape how glorious is that look I just come down to this pool crystal clear I'm making terrible progress today everything is just insanely amazing it really felt to me that the mansions were once again boasting in their scale they're empowering nature certainly left me feeling insignificant yet at the same time comforted and welcomed as an old friend it was a really strange mix but I loved it just passing through a sheepfold these are nearly always marks from the map and are a great way to pinpoint your location they're often a bit rubbery but can be good places of shelter as well oh you're gorgeous this area walking through now is full of evidence of mining from the past we have these big heaps of slate that have been dug up and just left here and you know they're great evidence of shafts that have been created and this is the out spill of rock that's had to be put somewhere so the other trail then it just comes down there the works is way past those like mine remains and joint down here so it would have followed this Ridge of all the way along all the way along all the way along over the way along it's a pretty major walk today's been out to see threading I feel really piece of the decisions that I had to make and have made very glad to have settled on descending when I did so we're just going to cross over this little Beck now and I'm just gonna kind of amble back to the car and folks thank you for following my journey today between a pleasure to share some lakeland mountains to get some climbs in and share the adventure until next time enjoy your own personal adventures and stay wild the final stretch was mostly flat walking alongside more abandoned mining works until I hit this little road which I then followed all the way back to my car [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abbie Barnes / Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 25,139
Rating: 4.9802632 out of 5
Keywords: Abbie, Barnes, Song, Thrush, Productions, Adventure, Tips, hiking, walking, national, park, Outdoor, gear, trails, Gear, Reviews, Wildlife, Expedition, Backpacking, lake district, national park, mountains
Id: 92rKBo-0Kgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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