LAING (Kamayan sa Garden)

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So today, let's prepare one of my most favorite comfort There's really the term comfort, right? Filipino dishes, this is Laing and this is just easy to make. So this dish actually originated from the Bicol Region. So as usual, I ask my mother on what are the ways of cooking it and today I'm sharing to you. Right? Very simple. I heated my pan already so I'm just going to put some oil. A bit of oil, this is just vegetable oil but you can also use coconut oil, no problem. So we are gonna sauté, okay? Very important. You have here garlic, onions and ginger. A lot of ginger. So that it would really taste. So on the recipe, there are just 2 tbsp of garlic but I'm putting 4 tbsp. because we have a farm of garlic, just kidding. Okay? So 4 tablespoons or even more of garlic and then, I would also be putting the onions and also the ginger. So this is my sauté. A little bit more oil. Right? So basically you're just gonna sauté this until aromatic and of course, you season it with salt and some soy sauce for added Umami. You don't need to brown this because you're going to simmer, you're going to braise this dish. So I can already put my, this is the hebi. Dried shrimps. Make sure that your hebi or hevi. What is this? I'm already confused. Wash it properly, okay? To remove the off smell before using it and then I have here, alamang guisado, very important. So you just sauté all of that to bring out all the nice flavors. This is the main base. Oh my! If you can just smell this, it smells so good. You probably should cook a lot of rice. At this early stage, okay? I'm going to season it with some sugar, I'm just gonna put it a bit of sugar. Just to balance the saltiness and the flavors. Okay? And this is our main ingredient. You're going to put coconut milk. So you will notice that I'm putting a lot, this is approximately 3 liters or more. Right? I'm using Jolly Coconut Milk in can, very accessible. Just pour it there but I wouldn't put it all. I will left some. Just left about 1-2 cups. So you just mix it. And then after this, I would already put my taro leaves. So this is the number 1 question, okay? "Why is that itchy on the hands?" When you're chopping it and sometimes, when you taste it while cooking. It's itchy on the hands, on the mouth or on the tongue. Because your taro leaves contain oxalic acid Right? So that's what makes it itchy. "How can we remove that?" Through sundrying that's why this one here is already the dried one. When you sundry that, the oxalic acid reduces and of course, when you cook it, right? Through cooking it. So we're gonna cook that already. You put that in your coconut milk. It seems like there's a lot of coconut milk but to be honest because you're using the dried ones it would really absorb the coconut milk, right? So this is very accessible, one pack is 100 grams so I'm using two packs. You may also buy the dried taro leaves that can be bought from supermarket. There's no problem for that one or when we make it before, we buy from the supermarket those that still aren't really dried and we just hang it on our clothesline. There, just put it like that. and together with that, I'll also put our green chilies for sauté. As you can see, we would still put a lot of chilies later. Because this dish is really, you know that, perfect pair with rice. So super spicy. But if you don't like it to be that too spicy, then stop with this chilies already, don't put it with more chillies. As you can see, I'm still not eating chilies yet I sweat already. It's because it's sunny afternoon now since I would catch this for our lunch. So there, you just mix it now. Just mix it like that so that it will properly absorb the coconut milk. Don't taste it now first because if you taste it now, it would still be itchy on the mouth, right? When it already boil after simmering it for few minutes Then the itchiness is already remove there. So I remember when I was studying in the US, this is one of the dishes I really miss and unfortunately, on the place where I live there isn't any place to buy dried taro leaves with, right? So what I am using is Frozen Spinach and actually, it's also delicious. Although it's really not like this but what I always say, right? Let's be happy on what is on our front or perhaps on who is on your front, right? You should be happy. So I'm using Frozen Spinach leaves and surprisingly it's also delicious, same blend. It just has more broth and you won't get that you know when you are eating Laing, that there's tensile, that there's texture, there isn't really but the flavor is there and it's also delicious with rice. So now, you will see that it has fully immersed. Our dried taro leaves is already soaked with coconut milk. It's leaves would absorb the coconut milk more, as we cook it. So I will cover it and we're going to simmer it. If you really want it to have spice then you may put half of your chilies already. It's really nice to capture, right? Cooking Laing in the garden. Okay, I'm going to cover that. I'm going to simmer it for around 10-15 minutes until the taro leaves are almost tender but you don't want it to be too soggy, for it to be too soft. You want to retain the texture and then after that, I'm going to taste it after simmering and adjust the seasoning. So after around 10 minutes okay? This would look like this already. So remove the cover and you want to reduce it. When you say reduce, as you can see that it's boiling already, you may mix it occasionally, okay? It's like you're letting the coconut milk oil itself. High flame. Medium high to high flame. I'm already confuse on the oiling since I'm also oiling here on the outside but it's okay since our setup today is really Instagrammable. You're reducing the coconut milk. And I would taste it now already so I have enough time to season. Can I have rice upon tasting it? It's very delicious. But I'm going to season it with more sugar and a little bit more soy sauce. And the taro leaves is almost tender. Actually, you may stop this now already if you want your Laing to be a bit wet but if you want the broth to be gooey or thick, you may boil it for a bit. By the way I forgot, you may put it pork. Put it together with the sauté before you put the Alamang. Put it pork, okay? It's more delicious if liempo (pork belly) It seems like it's not taste already since my spoon is really filled. There is no itchiness anymore. It's very smooth. It's very delicious. Maybe a little bit more salt and just a bit more of sugar. And of course, I would put this. I would just left 5 pcs for garnish, right? There is it if you can see it on the sides that the coconut milk is already getting gooey. Right? Oh. 5 more minutes like this. You reduce it for 5 more minutes and we're ready to put our prawns, I have here prawns. I would pile it on the top so that your Laing would really be grandeur Laing and as you can see, I haven't use all of the coconut milk. Right? You can reserve this, maybe you can put this as topping on top later. Alright, so you don't want this to be very dry, right? Especially when you gift this or you give this to your neighbor. Maybe when it reaches to them, the Laing is already very dry. So now, I'm going to put the prawns. You may put this grandly when you'll capture it. It doesn't need to be prawns, it's just that prawns is what I bought by chance. It can be small crabs. It can be crabs. Right? On what's available in front of you or you can also have none, right? No problem. And this next step is very important, It's usually forgotten, you need to season it with a bit of salt because otherwise, the topping you put would be tasteless and then you just leave it like that or when you cover it, cover it ajar only, okay? because you're still continuing the reduction and covering it like this ajar will help cook the prawns or whatever shellfish you will put on the top evenly. You may also flip that. There it is, right? Okay, I'm just pushing it to the bottom because the bottom part of my Laing would may get seared. Okay, see. Basically, our prawns have already been cooked. When it turns orange then it's cook already and I'm going to turn off the flame in a bit. I'm just checking if there are parts that aren't cook properly. Just look at that, right? Even though you're sweating because you want to have a nice background, It's just very quick and we're on real time. We're on real time, right? It's not cut, it's very quick to make. Literally Easy Laing that you made high class because with prawns and you're even cooking on the garden. So there, I'm going to turn off the flame and in preparation for the tasting. I would just wipe a bit of my sweat and I would put rice here already. The rice you cook is just very little. Very little. The casserole is deep yet the rice is just very shallow, right? How can we have a mukbang on that, right? Okay. So I'll just wash my hands quickly because we are going to eat Laing. Okay, so there. So get a prawn. I really left it with a bit broth because when it cools, it absorbs the broth. There it is, right? Is it hot? I may get burn. Let's blow it like for a while. I will get a spoon first. I said spoon yet I get fork, My God! Because I really want to eat it with my bare hands but it's hot. Oh Hello Bambi! You want some? Of course, let's eat prawns. They may say that we use this for pictures only. But it's really hot. Oh! So let's use a fork and knife so that it's like we're eating Laing in the restaurant. It needs to be high class. There it is, right? Fork and knife then when it cools already, you're still even gonna use your hands. It's so good and honestly, eating Laing is very nice when it cools already, right? So you can quickly. And if you're not satisfied with the spice, you just get additional chili. I want to have more prawn. It's really better if you're not faking it, right? When you just use your hands, to be honest. When you peel the prawn using your bare hands, it's so much easier and you can really feel that what you're eating is a prawn. So what are you all waiting for? I know that you also crave here on the Laing because it's really really good even just on it's own. You may also have mussels as one of the ingredients. The good thing about it: it's shelf life is long. You can even freeze it and then when ever you crave, you just microwave it. I didn't bite a chili, it's just really hot. So happy cooking, take care and I'm going to see you real soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 1,202,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: piqJdlrWxU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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