Goma At Home: Spicy Laing With Pork And Shrimps

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to gom at home today we're preparing tapos spicy snotted we have garlic onions ginger for salt and pepper and peanut important is coconut milk all right so we begin by cutting our pork burgundy will uh cut our pork into big pieces and brown nuts [Music] pure olive oil just so that the grande patna and magandane browning wow and then i'll wipe i'll wipe my chopping board dry but i can work on my other ingredients like onions and garlic and ginger so in garlic the drug nut in so take out the skin it's a garlic again for the durability the skin garlic so you won't have a hard time taking out the the skin then we'll do a rough chopping or another garlic and specialty from from bikula together with a big ol express and onions so we'll use use two medium sized onions for this onions put it inside on all sides then we'll start putting in our onions garlic and ginger okay let it brown okay next ginger then yeah by scraping it off just like that the ginger lemonade 100 uh skin and cut the ginger and the slices down for the ginger and then we'll just wait for our [Music] okay so now it's brown already we can add other ingredients like our onions and ginger and garlic there you go okay so we'll mix this paga translucent the onion snap in then we will put in the first batch of uh okay mix it well leave there for a few minutes until young onion snapping all right our onions uh halfway done we'll put in our first batch of coconut cream and then we let it boil for the second batch in fact just in case we need more so once more boiled the next step would be putting our dried gabby leaves okay let me just close this okay let's check wow beautiful let's mix this in a color and then from here on salt a little more then we'll put pepper good mix it and then [Music] coconut cream mix this mix it properly [Music] wrong like i noticed in normal they use fresh gabby leaves so and i find i know i find the taste uh better paga drying leaves okay so we'll let this boil for about 30 minutes let it simmer for 30 minutes and then bubblegum nut until and we'll add the rest of the ingredients the shrimps the sili and the spa danasili two kinds of silica meat nothing okay so after 30 minutes of uh simmering young gabi nathan we'll add our chili depends on how spicy you want your chili to be i like it spicy so i'll put in two four six six uh pieces of ceiling labujo okay let me look at this it's how beautiful it is yeah let's cut it there and we'll also add our green chile spada right here and then we'll mix it after this we'll add our shrimps and then we let it boil again let it simmer for a few more minutes and then ready to serve then i'll give it one more try parangandano let's give it a try cause i'm not chasing rainbows in the sky so ah joey albert let's try this nothing crap a little salt okay and at this point so once it's cooked and then uncool your needle serpent flavor okay let's mix it a little but at this point continental it's a few minutes and uh we're done with our lying let it simmer for a few more minutes and then you plate this close it you know lying is best served with white rice okay let's get this peanut meat on the side together some shrimps remember ladies and gentlemen [Music] let's give this a try okay we put in some dhonielena virgin olive oil this should be good in coconut milk coconut cream medium alabaster mandika so imagine the taste of that together with the donjelena extra virgin olive oil let's try this first wow really good i i want you to try this in your own home you know cook it with love cook it slowly take your time in doing it and then eat it with hot rice it's the best flying ever so thank you for watching gom at home subscribe like and leave a comment click on the notification bell para alam try this in your own home it's really good it's fantastic for your family thank you so much this is richard gomez and i'll see you soon right here in gomat home bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gomez
Views: 753,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goma At Home, GomaAtHome, Richard Gomez, Richard Goma Gomez, Mayor Richard Gomez, Doña Elena, Doña Elena extra virgin olive oil, Doña Elena Pure olive oil, Laing, Laing Recipe, How to cook Laing, Filipino recipe, DIY Laing Recipe, Pinoy Cooking show, Filipino Cooking show, Ormoc, Ormoc City, Mayor of Ormoc City, Spicy Laing with Pork and Shrimps, Laing with Pork and Shrimps, Home Cook, How To Cook, home cooking show
Id: YpFfGKyBaO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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