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So hello mom, you say hi to the netizens. - Hi You look at here in the center, so you are really used with it already. - Good day to all of you again, to those netizens, to the followers who loves Chef RV. So you are the star right now because we are skeletal work force. I am here in the camera and since our lunch a while ago is Lechon, someone gave us to cook as 'dinuguan'. So you are going to teach today how to cook your famous Dinuguan. So let us start it, how would it be though? - This is not famous though. So fine, let's not make it famous but just going to be a famous soon. So how to cook your soon to be famous Dinuguan? What are the ingredients that they are gonna need? - Just simple ingredients though. - Garlic, sliced onions, as well as tomatoes, chili then the meat ingredients for Dinuguan. What are those that are there in Dinuguan? - Internal organs of pig, it is mix. - There's the heart, intestines, lungs. So heart, intestines, and lungs, it's assorted - Yes. Okay then of course, the blood. - Yes, the blood is here. So we have strained that blood back then, right? - Yes To remove all the impurities and solid particles. So there, your casserole is hot already. what is the first step? - We are going to saute the garlic. - Then onions after. - Tomatoes. So garlic, onions, tomatoes - Yes - Have you tenderized the pig's internal organs though? - Not yet So not yet? - It was just boiled for it to be sliced. So this is boiled already, our internal organs is boiled already when it is given to you but it's not tenderized so you are going to continue tenderizing it here in the saute - Yes - I just sliced it on the same sizes. - Then after I washed it properly, I also wash it with vinegar. So you'll wash it with water, you'll wash it with vinegar - Yes To remove the stench. - Yes So there - Then you'll put it. Then water, you will put it water? - It's because there is also no caldo. You'll put it water? - Yes - But you need to tenderize this first. About how long you are going to tenderize that? - Well, it actually depends, you'll look if it's tenderized already. - You are to cover it with the lid for it to become tenderized. So you are not going to put salt on it? - Later if it's nearly cooked already. Then in here, you have the vinegar that you boiled already? So there, so this is boiled vinegar, just white vinegar that is boiled for the taste to be not raw, just about 2 cups only. So there, so it's like you saute the internal organs. You're not putting water? - There's still water on it. - When it is nearly dried already. It will take a bit long for it to become tenderized. About how long? - About 5 minutes maybe. So you are just going to tenderized it for 5 minutes? - Yes Well it makes sense since internal organs will just quickly tenderized, right? So for example me, I just only want intestines, it can be, right? - Yes, it can be. - Pig's head, and back then, what I cooked is Pig's head then the intestines. - I make the intestines 'chicharon' first for the fat inside to melt. Because you don't really like it to be fatty, right? - And also for the smell of the intestines, for it's stench odor to get eliminated. So 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you'll put the blood? - Yes So there, you are going to prick it with fork to know it's tenderized already. - It's still hard. Okay, so it is still hard, so let's tenderized it again. And then some water. Do you put coconut milk since other put some? - Yes, In Bicol, Dinuguan has coconut milk. But you put it right now? - No. Why? Oh it's because you're not in Bicol, right? Because if you are tenderizing it, you'll set your flame on weakest. So there, it has been tenderized already. After about, so we just reach 20 to 30 minutes. So now that it's tenderized already, what are you going to put next? - Ground black pepper. So there, so ground black pepper. - Then you'll mix it. - Then you're gonna put the blood. Okay then the blood after. So to repeat, that blood is strained. - You need to keep on mixing it while you are putting the blood. Why is that though? Because if you don't keep mixing it, the blood is gonna curdle. So 'makukurta' is going to curdle, it is going to form solid particles. - Yes. So let us repeat that tip, while putting the blood, you need to keep on mixing - Yes So there, it's like you're exercising - Nonstop mixing. - That is the technique if this Dinuguan. Nonstop mixing. Yes, do not stop on keeping on mixing it because if you stop on mixing it, the blood is gonna thicken and it will be like 'Batchoy'. So Batchoy is also different, right? - It's because Batchoy is the one where the blood thickens. - So the Dinuguan is smooth? - Yes. Okay, so there, do an exercise. Can you handle that though? - This is just tiring in hands when you are cooking this. - So you can handle on having your hands tired? - No So Lyka, change. - That's why I felt tired on cooking this already because... So there is it. So there's Lyka, she can handle that. It must be consistent, okay? - Yes, so there. Be careful as the blood might throw off as long as you mix it nonstop. So for example, you stop mixing, it's Batchoy already? - Yes, it will look like Batchoy already. - When the blood boils already, that's the time you stop mixing. Then how long you are to cook it when it's boiled already? - If it keeps on boiling, it is cooked already. - Let us put the chilies already, so there. - So that while the blood is boiling, the chili is being cooked as well. So while it is starting to boil, it's like starting to be gooey as well? - But while it's hot, it will not be gooey, when it's cold already, that's when it will be gooey. - So can you still do it? - Your armpits later will hurt later. That's just okay, it's okay that your armpits will hurt as long as you have Dinuguan. Then we'll put the vinegar at last? - Yes So while it's boiling, you'll mix it a lot quicker, it is like that? - No, it should be just a bit quicker only because if not, the blood will curdle. So there dear, it should be quicker. Can I see since I think I want to experience it mixing that but I'm not wearing apron. - Then fine. But isn't it true that if the one who mix it has an evil plan, the one he/she is mixing will curdle? - No, it's really on mixing, just keep on mixing it because if you stop it, the blood will form. So for example, you're going through something... - You should mix it quicker like that. Those people going through something shouldn't be doing this because if you're going through something, you'll stop. That's why you.... It's like you're on a sauna here, it is so hot. - That's how you mix it. Because it might throw off on me but there, it's like being gooey already and it's like it's going to boil. - When it starts to boil, that's where you stop mixing it. - Then how long do you still need to cook it? As long as it boil, then that's it. When it boils, it's cooked already. - So you mix it also. - The mixing is like that, okay? So it should be that you have many assistants. Yes, as it should. I give up on cooking that one already. At least you only give up on cooking Dinuguan, right? That's why you keep on mixing it Lyka since it's nearly cooked already. How long is that? About 1 hour more. As long as you wait for it to boil. Back then, when I cook that, Mandy is the one who mixes the blood. For now, you have someone to mix the blood, Lyka. And also not as few as that, 1 full casserole that are big. It's because what you're cooking back then is for Fiesta while now is for snack only, right? So there, look at it, it is starting to boil. - Yes, there it is, it's starting to boil. So what's next, so if it boiled already? I will guess that you are going to pour vinegar on it already. You'll flavor it up. You're gonna pour all the vinegar you boiled? - No Where it is though? - There it is. - You need to taste it first because it may be sour. Salt. So salt. When you find the blood too gooey, you put a bit of water on it. - Yes. So there are pigs that has gooey blood, is it like that? - No, if there's just too much blood. - If the blood is just too much. If you don't want it gooey, you only want it thin, you add a bit of water. Just like this one, it's actually thick. Then after that, you will do the seasoning already? - Yes But me, I want it gooey. When it cools down, it will be more gooey. I am still not satisfied with the black pepper. But sugar? I feel like a bit more salt and sugar. So you don't put soy sauce on this? - No, it's not 'adobo' though. Then after, you still need to boil it? So there, it's boiling already. It's like it needs more vinegar, right? If it become sour, it's also not delicious. No Soy sauce, you don't put soy sauce on it? Vinegar is actually good already. Oyster sauce? - No Oh! such a waste since a Soy Sauce and Oysters Sauce wants to sponsor you. Why don't you put Oysters Sauce and Soy Sauce on it though? You don't put Oysters Sauce on it though. Even though a soy sauce company wants to sponsor you, you're still not gonna put some? It's sour already. So okay, you won't put some, let's just have salt to sponsor you. Then you put a bit of Soy Sauce if you want, that is not gonna react at all. It's like when it cools, it's going to be gooey? - Yes So there, so it's cooked already? - Yes So there it is, someone felt that you're gonna cook Dinuguan, that's why someone bring Puto, do you partner that with Puto or rice? - Anything as it wouldn't react though. You dip the Puto for you to taste it. It's already fine. For me, it's fine already. - It's okay already. So you still need to boil it then you're gonna turn off the flame? - Yes, because I added it a bit of water. So there. - So.... - Where's the garlic? Garlic? There it is. - Just for later. So you'll put toasted garlic on top for garnish. So about how long do you still need to boil that? Just until it becomes gooey already, right? So you taste what you have cooked for the netizens to see it. I have tasted it already. You taste it again with Puto,. You taste it, they might say... - You still need to put this.... They might say that you're not tasting what you're cooking. Okay so there, you turn off the flame, then you put toasted garlic on it. You're so thrifty on garlic. You add more garlic. You're so thrifty on garlic, no one might sponsor with you on it. I'm putting it on spread. It may sound garlic already if it is not spread. You taste it, so there it is. Do you want a bowl, she's gonna give you a bowl. - It is too big though. That's okay already. So the small one. - It's not tasting anymore with this. Tasting is just small only. So there. You taste it, I will taste it again since the smell seems to change when the garlic is added. You put some Puto. Did you find what you cooked delicious? You taste it with the Puto. Have them taste it. So what? Are you gonna convince the netizens to cook that one? If they want it. But of course, they want to. It's just easy. So you tell them what are you waiting for? Have them cook it. So netizens, cook this already. If their armpits get tired, they will blame it on you. You will have a swollen lymph node on mixing Dinuguan. - You are dead on them because of mixing. So what are you waiting for? So you cook Dinuguan already, you partner it up with Puto. If you don't like cooking Puto, you buy from store-bought. Here in Biñan, our Puto is very famous like this. Puto Biñan So you say bye to the netizens already. - Bye, thank you. - See you soon. - Thanks to all of you. - So you do a heart sign. So heart sign, flying heart like this. Quickly. Another one, flying heart. I am fooling you already. Another flying heart. Bye :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 347,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lODJmwPtdBo
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Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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