lady gaga and bradley cooper flirting for 9 minutes straight

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what I filmed it's on my iPhone on the on the on the right on the piano do you still have a video sure do going down this road I can't imagine having the courage to do it without her I had a point of view about a love story that I want to tell through two musicians and but it really wasn't until I met Stephanie that it that I knew that okay now I'm ready to strap on the oxygen tank go hand in hand with her and let's go up the hill it's so wonderful to see all of you here tonight thank you so much for being here we appreciate it so much and you know truly any other answer would be a lie it's this guy this man sitting right next to me is the reason that I wanted to make this film from the moment that he came to my home and I opened the door and we locked eyes I felt an instant connection with him it was so powerful onset was how sacred the connection was and that you know we were always locked and we were always together and you know I got to watch him direct and act and work work with me and everyone and he just had just the the most pristine could control over every single motion and it was it was just magical it was because she was so present and kind and just disarmed me and and the greatest artist I've ever met in my life do that very same thing the confidence as a human being I'm not sure what it is but she made me feel so comfortable and and I knew going in that that if we don't sing together I'm just like an idiot or there's no chemistry it's not I wouldn't even want to ask her to go on this journey and you know we're both from the East Coast and we're both Italian so before I knew it I was heating up some leftovers you know we were eating together and then he said do you want to sing this song called Midnight Special and I quickly printed out the sheet music and I sat down at the piano with him and I was sight-reading and I was nervous and I didn't know the song all that well and I loved singing with him so much and and we did everything live so you know you know take after take it was fresh and new and I just I loved his voice and I loved the way our voices sounded together and you know we found love through music oh do you want a second cup yeah I'm feeling a little ashamed of my choice to share a coffee with watching him become a musician was so incredible and all I wanted was to keep any human being away from him that was gonna be like you should be like this so you should act like that or you should model your character after that I mean I just wanted just to see him be who I heard and that in my home that very first time and watching him in a studio working and then he would call me and say I wrote this song last night I mean it was just it was just so wonderful he began to sing and I said I just stopped playing instantly and I looked at him and I said Bradley your voice is incredible you have a real voice and he sees from his soul he sings from his gut there are people that can do many acrobatics with their voice but to tell a story is a completely different animal and I could hear it instantly he was telling a story sitting there right with me she's looking at me like I'm a musician you know so when she's looking at me and believing I'm musician well I must be a musician you know honestly and she doesn't lie when she's acting at all I mean it's like it's if it's not there she's not gonna pretend it's he filmed us singing together for the first time we were laughing and harmonizing and playing off one another I I love singing with him and the truth is I I made this film with Bradley because I believed in him as a filmmaker as an actor as a screenwriter as a musician all of it he has it all in spades and I just feel very privileged to be on this stage here with you tonight and this time it just it just really happened and it was it was wonderful the way he embraced me as an actress it just it made me feel so loved and so comfortable and I'm just honestly I'm just so grateful to be a part of it completely out of one's control most of which is at stake should we please come on join us while she's walking up what was why it's beautiful we have them together on stage wait till you guys see these two on screen it is it was him that had to convince other people to have him here in the movie not anyone trying to convince me I mean he really fought for me and you can have a hundred people in the room that are watching you and 99 don't believe in you and one does and that was him so you know oh my god [Applause] just fill in the blank love it and I will let Lady Gaga ask you to fill in the blank and then Bradley you feel into playing same question and you can answer for each other if you want and you feel free to skip questions if you want to do it okay nothing's bad skip going down this road I can't imagine having the courage to do it without her quite frankly she believed in me from the first day we met we made it we shook hands and we made a barter that she was gonna give all of herself to me and she was gonna become the actress that she dreamed of becoming and I was gonna give all myself to her and and have the courage to become the musician that Jackson demanded and that was a beautiful experience that stories and say bye-bye and thank you to everyone what do you want people take away from this phone what would you like them to have their gift to leave the cinema from this felt well we both love films and we both love music for anything I mean this person she knows everything about me every single thing so yeah yeah so the answer is listen I probably said this earlier but there can be a hundred people or a thousand people in the room and 9,000 or 999 don't believe in you and and one does and I would not be here without you and you've made a tremendous dream of mine come true and I want to act but I don't want to act if I don't have a director like this how old are you here Bradley shave the beard off of years off me I don't know I think I was my birthday I think maybe three or something because some of the music in this film in particular is just soul and Lucian incredible singer yes just believable enough he has an incredible voice and I'll tell you the moment that I heard him sing and then I saw the passion in his eyes and the kindness in his heart and his belief in me I mean it drew me so much to him and to his film in the to this entire cast and I feel so grateful and so very humbled to be standing here with him tonight when we're done here I would really like to eat [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Funny Actors
Views: 490,404
Rating: 4.919497 out of 5
Keywords: lady gaga bradley cooper, lady gaga a star is born, bradley cooper a star is born, lady gaga kissing bradley cooper, lady gaga bradley cooper sing, lady gaga bradley cooper a star is born song, a star is born bradley cooper lady gaga, bradley cooper lady gaga can't hide their affection, bradley cooper & lady gaga are crushing into each other, lady gaga and bradley cooper flirting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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