Lady C Opens up About Her Narcissistic Mother and Feels Everyone Should Have Therapy | Loose Women

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when I read your child I can't believe that you're sitting here everything that you've gone looking out but also you have gone through a childhood like you did but also having as you say yourself about a truly narcissistic mother well that had on you do you think I think what was worse for me looking back on my life now was of course my childhood was particularly painful but it was so extraordinary that once everything was resolved you could leave it in its own box and more or less leave it in its own box don't know that just just briefly oh train what well that was my thought of as a boy even though I wasn't warned and because I came from a well-known family my father refused to allow you to be under because he was afraid of the scandal but any it was all sorted out and I mean it was painful but it was so extraordinary that you could sort of accommodate it and also once it had been resolved it could have calmed it because it was so unusual the fact that people didn't respond well to you you understand that did respond very well to it's funny I mean well they've just written somebody's just written biography which was interesting for me to read it's called the land as Unleashed I think and he he makes the point in it that all the people how they were observing what was going on strangers and people who didn't know me and I found that very interesting because of course I didn't see how did your mother treat my mother was became a big problem she was okay while this was going on because my mother was a complete narcissist and she had trained me up she actually thought it was the best thing since sliced bread because I would be her on paid companion for the rest of her life and so she was gonna use me to be a pair of heirs is what I used to say and when of course I broke free then my mother's narcissistic malice came out and that was really much more difficult to cope with into adulthood and so ultimately I went into therapy and I think everybody who has an unbearable burden of pain yeah should go into therapy because you thirty one thirty two and you so it's it's not a case of you have to go in at seventeen eighteen you can go in anytime no I think once you realize that you have that you're carrying around a load of pain that is counterproductive and it's affecting your life I think going to therapy so that you release yourself from the burden of the pain and you don't want to do it to friends or relations because they're not professionals and they can tell you the wrong thing and also you don't want to be a problem beau you don't want to be poor me and God there she comes again we get her problem you know so go to somebody who's competent to relieve the load in a positive way yeah yeah I think did you take anything because you you would call yourself a survivor of what oh yes do you feel that you took anything from your mother oh it's a very good things from that mother my mother like many narcissists was absolutely fabulous at first I mean if you everybody here would have thought she was wonderful lunch oh but you said for the first 20 minutes for the first 20 no but I she certainly gave my brother my sisters and me great social skills and you know so a lot of the packaging was very good also quite formidable yes and also she gave me she she was what we would call a witch with a bee [Laughter] marry therapists because I used to feel slightly guilty about when I was when I my lioness rolled up and he said no no no every woman needs to get in touch with her inner W with a B okay for more loose women action click here and I'd subscribe if I were you it's totally free and it means you'll be kept up to date with new videos and exclusive YouTube content you
Channel: Loose Women
Views: 413,529
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Keywords: loose women, itv, loose women itv, loose women show, loose women interview, Coleen Nolan, Lady C, Lady Colin Campbell, mother, childhood, trauma, therapy
Id: kR44tjrjHcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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