Lady Colin Campbell Shocks Ranvir on Comments About Professional Hugging | Good Morning Britain

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been talking so much haven't we about me too and inappropriate base using is there someone who can answer all this though is Lindsay Meadows cuddling therapist an advocate who says it's a good thing to do and of course we've got lady Khanna gamble and you're not a big hugger are you you don't think it's right in the workplace absolutely not okay well let's find out then first of all why should it be hugger more importantly what is the correct way to hug your colleague well I'm hugging relieves stress and depression boost the immune system there's all sorts of benefits that you get from hugging because it produces oxytocin so in tone dopamine all those could feel-good chemicals yeah and yeah any type of hug it's really important that you ask the person would you like everyone likes a hug and that's fine and I think it comes down to if they grew up with touch or not if you're a professional hugger them yeah it sort of feels to me like it might defeat the point of the hug because if Ramba chemists want to give me a massive hug I've had one of those week that's gone wrong yes give me a big hug and I thought that's lovely but if I thought she got thirty quid for that yeah it might not have felt the same way but you know it's it's really interesting because when a client turns up it's always a bit awkward at first hmm and you're strangers but then once you start to cuddle again it releases oxytocin which makes you feel safe and trusting and you actually have a genuine connection so they do kind temple who do you like hugging well I like hugging who I like to hug and I won't be hugged by who I won't be hugged but you know professional hugging skates very close to prostitution because the fact of the matter is that affection has got to be sincere spontaneous natural to be desirable if it's paid it is if it's professional you're getting very close to not only moral problems but psychological problems I mean if people have a problem and need to be held they can have their own arrangements with their colleagues I'm sorry I think it's very dangerous not everyone does have the option to get a hug and to get that kind of physical content they don't they shouldn't be getting it darling from the workplace they should be getting it from Racing sense of loneliness don't we in size we talk about loneliness on this program a lot and actually people live on their own they live in flats or they live in different places you don't see your neighbors you possibly don't and work may be the one place in which you feel yourself you feel valued and actually if you're free it's not my best friends are people I've met through work and that will start it with warmth and a hug and I'm sharing that's all good but that's not oka straited when you have been paid for that when you have orchestrated paid for affection it's it's regulating something that should be already to do it would it be the individual or is it a corporate thing like Duke companies pay once one come in and hug people it's not it's normally individual one-on-one sessions that I do really and is it part of a of a process of making people feel supported absolutely yeah it builds confidence and the thing is it's a way to give compassion to people and touch is actually the best way to communicate the challenges are though Megan has said I can see the Q for workplace harassment compensation lines now this is the world are in isn't it and Gemma says not the ones I work with a miserable grumpy and I wouldn't have any of them has it changed the work you do because of all the things that have come out to do with me too and inappropriate you know behavior and touching well there's a real focus on boundaries and what people are comfortable with and one of the things that I do in a session has helped that person raise awareness of does this feel okay is this alright because let's do like a cuddled ain't Yin oh absolutely I have nothing against affection and I suppose if it's a one-on-one and people and you are you're actually giving therapy if you're giving therapy in the workplace and it's not psychological therapies like you're actually like a massage artists that's one thing but if it's if it becomes your unleashed on every couple this morning Oh resulting from the both of you yes you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 148,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, Ranvir Singh, lady colin campbell, lady colin campbell interview, lady colin campbell i'm a celeb, lady c shocks, lady colin campbell shock, lindsay meadows, cuddling expert, cuddling, cuddling stress
Id: M9YxouYEXaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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