Labor Day Cook With Me (In my real kitchen, real casual.)

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hi guys happy labor day today really is labor day and um the kitchen may look a little different you are standing in my actual everyday home kitchen if you follow me on instagram that you know that delorean kitchen studio the lot in the kitchen kitchen you see often is our studio kitchen and this is my everyday kitchen uh joey and i had this idea today to sort of share our labor day simple easy dinner with you because i'm sure that not just us but a lot of you are having a very low key labor day today it's definitely different than the years past no parties for us no big gatherings it's just joe myself and mia and i just wanted to make a couple things that all three of us absolutely love and then i already sort of had the things on hand for we're gonna make a spaghetti with a really simple summer marinara sauce this is just the canned tomatoes that i canned last week um i do this about every year so i'm just gonna use one of those and then i'm just gonna make some cutlets i've got some potatoes roasting we've got nana's eggplants here coming to room temp we're going to eat that with some bread a little bit of arugula like i said potatoes are roasting and we're going to make cutlets it's all things that we love it's things that you've seen me make before if you see a fly welcome to the real life summers in jersey um we were in the pool this is my apron this is not a dress this is my pool shirt i still have my bathing suit underneath and i thought i want to share this with my friends i want them to see what we're going to be doing for dinner how we're going to cook in our you know kitchen mia is gonna jump in she's gonna help me make cutlets the whole thing so let's start we're gonna make the sauce very simple very easy when you're working with fresh canned tomatoes like i am you really just don't need a whole lot you want those tomatoes to shine so all i do is exactly what nono does you take some garlic you smash you don't chop because sometimes most of the time italians really do take out the garlic once it's infused the sauce they don't actually like big pieces of garlic in their mouth so you know i leave it in chunks and then i can just remove it and also it gives you a much more like subtle garlic flavor because it infuses in the olive oil and it's fabulous my darling i want to know from you guys how you're spending how you spent your labor day weekend we just did it home like i said and it was absolutely lovely it was low-key we spent a lot of time outside just trying to soak up every bit that's heavy of the last summer days cold pan this this is my extra virgin olive oil this is what holds my extra virgin olive oil and that bottle over there holds my regular olive oil and this is usually what i do what i use if i want a very strong olive oil flavor or as a dressing or things like that so you see the color the color is really deep that is what you're looking for and all i'm going to do is i'm going to just throw this not not literally going to throw it i'm just going to place it here if you follow me on my instagram and if you followed our live sessions you know i break things i break these off of the burner every time don't ask me why i'm i'm rough when i clean and that's just what i do so once that comes to a sizzle we're gonna add our jar of tomatoes this is pure tomatoes and basil that's all it's in here nicely sealed pop it open this is about like a pint and a half smells like summer summertime local jersey tomatoes and now i'm going to do as i wait for that to come to a sizzle i'm going to slice up a little bit of onion i'm actually not going to add the onion into the oil i know what you're thinking but listen this is nana's way you add just a tiny bit of thinly sliced onion to the sauce once you add the tomatoes in and what happens is the onion practically starts melting in the sauce and it infuses with a little bit of flavor but it's not overpowering so that's all i'm going to do i'm probably just going to use half of this anyway because that's what nana would use so slice it thinly and just have it ready [Music] do [Music] so all right sous chef is in the house you want a whisk okay so i'm making cutlets you watch me make cutlets a million and one times i'm sure you need chicken breast thinly sliced chicken breast egg salt parmesan dijon freshly grated bread crumbs i like to buy the italian seasoned ones extra cheese add it in should we add more cheese baby yeah okay hold on um we'll do this okay we got sous chef in the house put the kids to work they love it they feel so grown up and like they've accomplished something so great and then they end up eating the final product so there you go a little bit more cheese in the breadcrumbs right can you show our friends how you do it hold this top here we'll do it like this ready hold it put your hand on top of mommy's put your hand on the cheese yes and now watch mama okay good job yay perfect perfect and if you see the fly i apologize but hey life's short mix that around and then you just do your slow down bubbles you just do your typical breading i don't do flour i used to many many moons ago no no doesn't go in there but i don't do it anymore simply because i felt like it was helping the breading come off and it doesn't need it the parmigiano in the egg mixture kind of helps everything adhere so we're just going to dip it in the egg and we're going to coat it in the breadcrumbs ready set want to smoosh it around and you flip it yay you're just going to continue and here's another great thing i'm going to do all six of them and then the other three that we're not going to eat tonight they're going to go into the freezer raw and then anytime you want a quick chicken cutlet it defrosts in no time at all and you already have it ready so there's that all right we're just going to continue [Music] so [Music] [Music] this is done look at that and put that right in this dish technically this is a pie plate but you know nobody cares and obviously this would be lots of leftovers which is great because we love leftovers we are one of those households that i like to make more so that i can have leftovers rather than not enough and just have a perfect amount to eat for dinner i like to be able to know that if i get hungry at 11 o'clock at night i've got a bowl of spaghetti in the fridge that's just how i roll pour the sauce on top my chicken cutlets the other two are almost done i've got my eggplant my roasted potatoes but you're going to see a whole video on those those are my greek roasted potatoes they are so fantastic probably my favorite potatoes of the moment just beyond delicious those are done crank that up a tiny bit on the cutlets and then you just need a little bit more cheese because obviously a few bits of fresh basil and i mean this is you've seen me make all of these things a million times right but this is proper home food these are things that the ingredients are most likely always in my fridge and pantry these are things that i know my family loves whether it's just my husband my daughter and myself or my siblings come over my dad comes over my best friends come over like i know that these are things that they love and they're just prepared right and that's really all that matters um for dessert we're just gonna give her a little vanilla cupcake and we are done for the day this was our beautiful little labor day as a family of three we're probably gonna eat this outside enjoy the sunset and just soak up the last days of summer so thank you for watching i hope this was fun i hope you enjoyed it and let me know down below what your thoughts were and we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 357,479
Rating: 4.9519701 out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, home cooking, easy recipes, delicious recipes, pasta, chicken cutlets, dinner, delicious, simple, food
Id: ALUhiu-cGKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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