Greek Roasted Potatoes

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[Music] hi guys i'm laura vitale and on this episode of laura in the kitchen i want to share with you my version of the greek style roast potato which just means that they are infused with lemon and garlic and oregano and they are glorious i made these a lot of shirt pictures on instagram they're just delicious and so before well i don't really think that you need to make these in the summer because i make these all year long but they do go really great with like any grilled fish grilled meat anything like that they're just fantastic let me show you what you'll need for now which is just potatoes now i'm using russets i like a russet potato when i roast but you can use really any potato that you want a you know a golden a red skin potato whatever your heart desires so what you'll do is you're going to first take a pot fill it with water we're not going to add our salt just yet but what you do to your potatoes i like to cut them into large chunks now these are going to be like that so there's a lot of surface to really soak up your delicious juice or you can do one of these okay you can do an irregular cut so you go like there's a half then you're gonna go on an angle and then on an angle again okay so there's even more surface for crispiness and absorbing all the goodness now these aren't going to be crispy like um like a crispy potato wedge it's just a it's a different kind of crispy which i'll talk to you about when we get there we are going to do an updated rosemary garlic potato here very very soon perfect for all of our fall and winter roast look at that these are going to soak up all the delicious juice but for now we're going to work on these and you're going to absolutely love them so what i'm going to do is i'm preheating the oven to 450 i'm going to add my potatoes to the water add a generous sprinkle of salt bring them to a boil and boil them until they're about a quarter of the way cooked through and then we'll drain and i'll show you what they look like when they're there potatoes cooked for just a few minutes once it came to a boil they're not even halfway cooked through yet which is exactly what we want and now we pretty much put the whole thing together what you will need of course your potatoes then you need some chicken stock which i just make a really intense one with some hot water and some of my better than bouillon powder you need good olive oil lots of lemon garlic that i've smashed but still left in their peels and then you'll need some hot pepper flakes some more salt and some good quality oregano you can do either greek oregano or italian oregano which is what i have over here and that's pretty much it these are insane like just to wait and see how delicious they are you're going to take your potatoes you're going to place them drain them pretty good place them in a big pan you want to make sure as best as you can that these are sort of in one even layer can you see all those bits that sort of break off when you cook the potatoes that is heavenly now this like i said isn't going too sure ensure the dry crisp potato but we will get to that in just a few weeks when it is potato stew roast season because it's going to rock your world so we have those and then we pretty much put everything together with the chicken stock you're going to add your good quality olive oil you're going to squeeze in your lemon i'm going to get all that lemon out of there and then i find it much easier to add my salt and my oregano to the wet mixture just because it mixes in easier lots of oregano we're talking like a good tablespoon or so maybe even a little bit more and then a pinch of hot pepper flakes for just a little bit of heat mix that in and you're gonna pour this all over your potatoes here we go it's gonna look there's a lot of liquid but you're gonna have to trust the process okay let's cut a lemon in little quarters here take your garlic i leave the peel i smash so that it releases flavor but i leave the peels on to keep the garlic from burning it sort of gives it a bit of a coat you know add that in but the flavor of the garlic will infuse into the brothy liquid and then i just take some lemon wedges and i just sort of shoved them in there well not wedges but they're kind of like chunks shove them in there and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to throw this in my oven at 450 and it's going to cook for a while um not too long but just until the the potatoes have really absorbed all the liquid and they start to sort of like almost caramelize around the edges i will show you what it looks like when we're there but you're gonna have to just trust the process and if what i'll do is i'll come in and give them a stir every now and again if i feel like they need it but for the most part there's a lot of liquid here so they will be good to go and i just like to arrange so that any larger cuts are faced down so there's maximum absorption of deliciousness i mean this is a flavorful bath that they're getting you know all right let's put them in are these glorious or what this is what i meant what i said you're not gonna get like super crispy potato but what you will get are all these nibbly bits on the edges that have caramelized and gotten creepy let's see that i mean that is just gorgeous and then the flavor is really absorbed into the spud it's they're phenomenal they are absolutely phenomenal and i think you're going to really enjoy them i might just say 425 not 450 by the way but you know the recipe will be written online the and you also have to just play around with the quantities depending on how much potato you have i had about two pounds of potatoes here so if you're going to use more potatoes you're going to need more liquid and just sort of adjust things as you go along but these are perfect love by all i'm gonna take a little bite i like to smoosh okay see that that's a good smoosh right there um this with some salmon for dinner is going to be phenomenal and i cannot wait and a salad it had a little bit of green you know what i mean always so hot mmm flavor explosion like the potato like soaked it up like a sponge [Music] incredible for the recipe i hope you enjoy spending time with me and i'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 228,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, crispy potatoes, easy potatoes, potato recipes, homemade potatoes, how to bake potatoes, thick french fries, roasted potatoes, potato, salt, spices
Id: l-pHBgkBZmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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