Gigi Hadid's Viral Pasta Dish

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gigi hadid's pasta is it worthy of being viral it is saucy it's creamy it's cheesy it's absolutely delicious and i cannot wait to share with you my take on it um i think it's a pretty standard vodka sauce perhaps just a little different by using tomato paste instead of regular chopped or tomato puree but nonetheless it's delicious let's get to cooking like most pasta sauces we're going to start with some olive oil and some aromatics i'm using shallots and garlic her recipe calls for one shallot and one clove of garlic we all know that mama just needs a little bit more than that and i did feel like it could use a bit more so i'm going with three shallots and a few cloves of garlic and i'm actually going to using i'll be using less olive oil because the original recipe calls for a quarter cup of olive oil for this amount of sauce and when i tried it that way because i always try to do something like exactly how it's written and then just make my own changes i felt like it was just a little too much oil uh because there's not a lot of tomato sauce right so it's mainly just gonna be some cream and some tomato puree and i just felt like i could feel the film of olive oil and it's just not my favorite so i'm just chopping up some shallots you could absolutely use an onion as well um i tend to always keep shallots on hand so it's not something that i have to run out to get which is nice and i have a pot coming up to a boil with some water for my pasta essentially this is a vodka sauce except the recipe calls for one tablespoon of vodka which once you let it evaporate you got nothing left so why bother to begin with so i'm just not adding the vodka at all and we're doing a blush sauce with lots of parmesan cheese and we're going to finish it with a dab of butter to make it really luxurious and rich and so good you're going to love it so adding the shallots to my oil and in the meantime i'm just going to go ahead and crush my garlic and then just give it a nice chop and add it right in add the garlic let everything saute for just a couple minutes i'm having having adding a heavy pinch of hot pepper flakes by the way if you don't follow me on instagram please do that's where i did the pull of what other viral recipes you want me to recreate and share with you and this i think was like the number two most frequent no this was number one most requested and then it was japanese pancakes baked oats and then the tortilla hack which we will be getting to all of those so nofea at this point you're gonna add some tomato paste about four tablespoons or so and you're gonna cook this until it kind of starts to sort of sort of caramelize around the edges but not really because you don't i mean it's not really going to caramelize but you want this to cook with the shallots and the oil for just a couple of minutes and then we'll move on to our next step now we're going to add the cream you need about a half a cup add that in and now you're just going to let this just sort of simmer on really low for the same amount of time it takes to cook your pasta so i'm just going to go ahead and knock this back i'm going to add a small pinch of salt to this because i'm going to also heavily salt my pasta water so now that this is sort of sitting here doing its thing delicious delightful we love it um i'm just gonna wait for my pasta water to come to a boil once it comes to a boil i'll add my pasta and once it's cooked to nice and al dente i'll meet you back here to pull the whole thing together and then all i'm going to do in the meantime is grate a lot of parm is that a word lada parm it should be sauce is just simmering here on well my pasta is just about done i went ahead and used campanelle which look like this when they're raw i love that i believe she used shells um you can use any pasta that you like but i like a shell or something like this to really hold on to that sauce and make it so good i'm going to crank this up a little bit i'm going to go ahead and add some basil it definitely needs it now if you didn't want to keep this vegetarian i would highly suggest you add a little prosciutto to this because i think the saltiness would go really really well with the creaminess and you know that richness you know what i mean a little balance of that would be good a dab of butter which i wouldn't normally do with a red sauce but i like it um if you are a fan of cookbooks or you're a fan of classic culinary creators and chefs you are very familiar with marcela hazan she is amazing she's an incredible cookbook author she does amazing italian food and she's pretty much famous i'm gonna add my pasta right in she's pretty much famous for her marinara sauce which is so simple because it's literally just san marzano tomatoes and butter right and you're thinking to yourself like that's wow like i've never because i've never made a marinara sauce with all butter right but the contrast between the two is incredible because what that does is the butter you need some of that starchy cooking water the butter cuts the acidity of the tomato and it gives you the most luscious sauce it's incredible so i feel like the butter here it's kind of doing the same thing all i'm gonna do right now is let all this cook together for like a minute um i take the pasta out of the boiling water like a minute or two shy of being al dente because i like it to cook with the sauce and then i'm going to add a lot of parm and i'm just going to keep stirring and cooking turning that off i'm just going to go ahead and plate because it is so beautiful and it's so i mean it's definitely saucy and it's a rich it's phenomenal it really is delicious it's worthy of having all the hype that it's got like i said essentially is a vodka sauce without the vodka so we're just going to call it a delicious blush sauce that's really rich believe it or not that tiny bit of butter really does make such a big difference and we love that we love learning something new and we love learning from everybody you know i'm just gonna go ahead grab a fork and that way we can dig in beautiful an extra little grating of palm but of course it's just beautiful a little bit more of vasini gold a little bit more basil you can chop it if you want to you can slice it whatever your heart desires i never really cut my basil and then an extra little pinch of hot pepper flakes because we like things spicy and that is gorgeous gorgeous and i on purpose left a few nibbles in the skillet for me it is delicious delicious prosciutto would be great if you wanted to add a little sweetness a little more sweetness you could add a handful of frozen peas into the boiling water when you're boiling the pasta that will give you a burst of sweetness top it with some burrata top it with a little bit of mozzarella that would be phenomenal it's very versatile but i wanted to recreate the recipe in a way that i felt like did justice to who created it but also that kind of made it fit how i like cooking and it's perfect it's really perfect i'll have the recipe on hope you enjoy spending time with me and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 252,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, homemade pasta, recipes, cooking shows, cooking videos
Id: YLkbXDwBkjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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