L. A. Marzulli (Session 2) August 19, 2023

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so thanks for coming really appreciate it yeah it should be a little better than it was last night hopefully um so I want to show you something here and once again it's a refresher how many people were not here last night anybody in the room okay so by way of review everything hinges on the seed work everything the the entire presentation is Genesis 3 15. this is where we are if we don't get Genesis 3 15 right in my opinion we miss the rest of the biblical prophetic narrative that sets the stage for everything the seat of a dragon The Offspring of the Dragon this is Jesus talking to the dragon in the garden I can't stress this enough and he out what he says is the entire biblical narrative and yet it's not for the most part taught most some of you have have gotten that but a lot of you don't get it and unless we understand the seed war that The Offspring of the Dragon will be at War at enmity with The Offspring of the women then we're clueless when we get to Genesis 6 when we get to Abraham and the five Kings we get the Sodom and gomor the conquest of the Canaan finally the the dragon's seed the Antichrist is the Son of Perdition it is Rosemary's Baby essentially he imitates it's exactly the way it is it's exactly what it is is he alive and walking on the planet excuse me sorry about that did LA just sneak a name in there no he would never well Obama so just saying never know so last night we talked about this and I just want to get into this real quickly about the genetic there's this is in my opinion you know academics will look at this well that's you know conjecturing airplanes so this is the normal skull look at the distance between the foramen magnum and the rear of the skull here this is what we believe is a Nephilim skull same over here this what happened you've got to be kidding me father in Jesus name please this thing goes it's like all the way in the back this is why we think it's a genetic anomaly and number six the DNA we've got we've got doctors we've got surges we've got all sorts of people we're having trouble again aren't we it's unbelievable because this thing has been on all morning without a glitch the moment I come up here glitch glitch glitch glitch father in Jesus name I lift this up to you I lay hands on it now and I ask that you stop the enemy from screwing around with us here Lord bless this in Jesus name amen so we've got doctors we've got surges we've got optometrists we've got archaeologists anthropologists at the beginning of that film this is genetic this is genetic this is genetic this is genetic they all say that right down the line it's genetic it's a genetic anomaly what we're looking at it's The Offspring hello the spring of the dragon and we know that the paracas people because of the DNA testing that we did and I'll get them out in just a second this is review I didn't get to this last night so I want to do it we know that that the DNA points to a middle eastern origin Which rewrites history as we know it but the academics don't like to rewrite history and change all the books they don't want to do that because it goes against their narrative it goes against their narrative well the amerindians all came down to the last ice age from the Bering Strait and this whole deal it's just yeah we get that some of them did but not all of them not all of them but they hold look and I don't want to get too far down a rabbit hole here but I'm already down the rabbit hole so keep digging L.A you'll never get out so the the bottom line is you go to a university and you sit there and you listen to some guy or some women talking out of a textbook and they are parroting what they learn and then you power it back to what they're telling you and so what it produces in a lot of people is a robotic intellectual Paradigm where all they're doing is spewing out what they've learned and this is what I mean I've I've dealt with these guys I've talked to them not all archaeologists are like this not all anthropologists are like that but many are they hold tenaciously to what they've been taught in school because that's how the game is played if you want to advance you parrot what you were taught you you parrot what is the party line when I'm down in sock save them on in Peru or other sites and you're sitting there with a docent you know these Peruvian guides the Inca Room Master Stone buildings and you sit there and go the Inca had nothing to do with it but all we're doing is parroting what they've learned you know you you look at you look at the stones in saksi woman 40 80 100 120 tons come on and and there's and they're put together with absolutely no seams and we're supposed to believe at the ink and we see above the stones the Inca slopped there's no chisels they just take indigenous stones and slap them up there and put them in Mortar but they'll sit there and they'll try to tell you this the Inca her master Stone Mason so this is from here this is when we were taking the DNA Mondo Gonzalez and myself the late Richard Shaw uh we were in the museum at Ikea ICA in Peru we had all the all the proper permits it took Mondo three years to get it that's how we turn and then at the end of this we find out that oh wait we can just go to a private Museum and take samples out of the private Museum without a permit well why didn't you tell us that three years ago and we wouldn't have had to go through all this nonsense because the skulls that they gave us at the Museum they were up in a room which was not air-conditioned no climate control they were brittle they were old and we got no DNA from them at all because they were all degraded but the fresh skulls and Senior Juan's baraka's Museum that's where we got the good stuff anyway we're there in the museum this is the elongated skull the chongo skull which is all over the Internet nobody were the first nobody has had access to the skull no and I went to I went to the guy because we knew about the foramen magnum and I said I want to see can we look at the skull can you take it out can we turn it over to see what the foramen magnum is there's nobody in the museum because we're doing DNA testing that day nobody in the museum so we walk in they turn on the lights everything's black you know pitch black and they turn on the lights and the lights flicker and it comes up and there's a display case and we walk over and they roll out the display case and they move the sliding doors back and she the woman takes the skull option they're going I can't believe this is happening but it is and then they take the skull and you'll see Armando Go in Spanish turn it over and so she turns it over watch where the foramen magnum is here we go this one is massive it really is [Music] oh my God it's right in the back look at that it's right in the back okay if it's any further back it's outside the skull do you realize that if it's if it's just that like a half an inch out it's outside the skull so this thing the foramen magnum is all the way there's the occipital plate right there I mean literally a half an inch and it's outside the skull that is a genetic anomaly it should be stop it it should be right in here that's where it should be it should be there but it's not it's not and so it's a Smoking Gun and yet when you see reports of um elongated skulls being found in Crimea or in Iran they never turn the skull over and it drives me nuts and this is the work of our Anthropologist on our team Rick Woodward Woodward went well let's see what were the for real night it was Rick Woodward's [Music] um expertise if I can use that word which led us to realize that the foramen magnum is the clue so if I have a skull you know and they say well it's elongated all I have all I really need to do is turn it over and see if the foramen Magnums in the center where it is right I'm not going to look at this thing anymore if it's if it's if it's here then it has it it's cradle headboarded it's human but if it's in the back you're looking at a genetic anomaly and again we've had medical doctors and surgeons and all sorts of different people multi-disciplined team look at this and basically State on the record on the record on film that this is what we're looking at so I'll get I guess you guys get the idea the DNA analysis mitochondrial DNA t2b we did this we took a sample from this guy look at the zygomatic Arch look at the the pronouncement of a lower jaw we don't have features like this folks and can you imagine what this thing looked like and again the forever man comes all the way in the back so this thing's got this elongated head I mean seriously it's not a giant it's not a giant they're different and the one I showed you last night on Catalina Island that that skeleton was nine feet tall and the skull was really big but it wasn't elongated like this is so we're seeing that the enemy and again remember last yesterday last night I said that there's different Nephilim tribes in the Levant in the promised land the zanzu name the imams the Rafael anakim anaki means long necks it seems like the enemy is creating you know messing around with the genome trying to get it right and that's why there's different hybrids it's look I get it it's bizarre but then you go back to Genesis 3 15 and it's not bizarre at all it's it's normal it's the status quo if we plug in Genesis 3 15 but if we don't know Genesis 3 15 when we get to the promise then we're going like who are these ever rights well you know why why are they killing them all why is there no grace and mercy see what I'm saying but the moment we plug in Genesis 3 15 and we know that The Offspring The Seed of the Dragon will be at War at amnesty with The Offspring The Seed of the woman bam it's everything and then as I said last night just a quick review because some people were not here that when when they go into the promised land it literally in my opinion you've got the seat of the dragon and all the tribes and you've got the seed of the woman what will become the city Messiah is not there but from the seed of of Abraham the 12 tribes are there so it's a total seed War there unbelievable and they're in the field and guess who's winning guess who's winning but that's what we see so the mitochondrial DNA t2b rewrites history look at this so these three skulls Mondo named this the pirate so we did all three of these here this is the little baby that we unwrapped and look where they come up to h2a and then finally we take the baby and we like I said last night we did it three to three different Labs three different Labs so there's three different samples hair teeth bone whatever and it comes up ute1 which is you know you know student Eastern Europe it'd be rights history but the academics don't like that because it goes against a prevailing Paradigm that no one came over here until 1492. we're saying nonsense they were over here well in advance of Chris and the crew I mean absolutely so that's just sort of a review um our mission statement is to expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and to Herald The Return of the King Jesus when I got into this I never when I became a Christian 43 years ago I was talking to Bob last week on the phone and Bob goes how did you ever get into this I said I have no idea if you had told me 43 years ago that I'd be doing this I would have run out of the room screaming are you kidding me I had no interest in this I had no idea that I was gifted and public speaking some of you go you're really not gifted in public speaking though I just quit patting yourself on the back here but I mean it's like I never would have thought that I'd be doing what I'm doing now I was a musician all I wanted to do was play Christian music 43 years ago I was a worship leader for 25 years and the Lord kept going no no no no no that's okay but this is what I've really created you for over here yeah so here we are anyway that's our mission statement and that's what we do we expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and we Herald The Return of the King Jesus so again we're going to this is where we're going to go I just want to show you his clip this is where we're going to go this afternoon Mr Carlson just a few weeks ago the Navy admitted for the first time that several UFO videos were real meaning they show actual area phenomenon but so far the Pentagon cannot explain now UFO investigations group says they have found materials that could potentially be physical evidence of UFOs Luis Elizondo so I'm just going to leave it there physical evidence of UFOs we're so far beyond that that's like 2018. that's 2018 that's like the second rung on the ladder of disclosure the Lord has redirected my steps once again I am I'm in the process of writing a book which I have to get out before the end of the year it's the ladder of disclosure so I'm already on chapter four and I work on it every single day now I have with my coffee in the morning so I'm like going on all eight cylinders this book really needs to come out by the way you'll see this afternoon we're on run number 16. so this is only the second rung of a disclosure ladder that we've got metal from Cross UFOs that we're analyzing now look folks they're rolling it out they're rolling it out but we're going to go back over 100 years to 1917. we're where something happened and the reason why I'm so look this is the way it happened okay it's 2017 and I'm I'm in the bedroom getting ready for church I'm I'm pretty much ready pegs in the bathroom she's getting ready for church and I'm just just minding my own business and the Holy Spirit tasked me on the shoulder and gives me one word usually when he speaks I get one word it's not like a whole sentence or like don't go things like that this is very short very succinct it's not this long-winded and they'll saith the Lord It's just like one word and he goes Holy Spirit goes Fatima kind of go find Fatima oh my gosh it's 2017. oh my gosh it's the 100 year anniversary oh my gosh and and I run into the bathroom and I go we're going to Fatima Portugal and Peggy looks at me like what you know what are you smoking not that I'm smoking anything except my monthly cigar so anyway True Confessions I love that monthly cigar it's amazing La smoke cigars I'm going to leave right now what would Jesus say so sorry so that's how we got the Fatima and and the Lord somebody that we didn't even know stop it I think if I bang the podium I think it's something this HDMI cable is not very happy at all it is very very very very low to stay there Jim so anyway um out of the blue we got this very sizable donation never met these people before and they just said the Lord told us to do this it basically paid for the entire trip and there was a Skype of a neighbor Miguel who used to email me two or three times a day from Portugal and so I said Miguel we're coming to Portugal we want to do an expose on Fatima the Fatima apparitions Miguel set us up with everybody at the top of the chain I mean Francisco Carrera who became our guide and then Francisco who's a PR who actually has the producer set us up with everybody else for the for the interviews I mean it was just it was the hand of the Lord all we did was walk through the thing so what happened we call the first film Miracle of the sun harbinger of deception why why is it doing this unbelievable it's just unbelievable it's got to be the HDMI cable because now it's not working at all wow like what miracle was on harbinger of deception so here's the deal it's 1917 and this is a shot of the sanctuary at Fatima and are I'm gonna change it out hold on let's give Jim a hand folks yay Jim [Applause] that's so bizarre so um it's just unbelievable it really is so it's 1917 World War one is Raging and before I even get into this we're not here to bag on people's belief if you're a Catholic and you believe in Fatima and you believe it's the Virgin Mary more power to you in fact in the film that's what we say we say we're not here to disparage anyone's belief you know millions of people come to Fatima every single year millions of people go there every single year and they believe it was Mary of the Bible that appeared to the kids we don't believe that but if people want to believe that that's that's their right to believe that and in the beginning of the film I say people have the right to believe what they want to believe you know millions of Muslims encircle the Kaaba Stone every single year millions of Hindus worship you know their Pantheon of God millions of Buddhists celebrate their worship at at temples we're not here to disparage what people believe people have the right to believe what they want to believe but I also have the right to say and to and to rail against that or to at least speak against it as to why I think it is a harbinger of deception which is what I think it is when you go to Fatima it's first of all it's big business there are Jesus junk stores Mary junk stores all along the street to actually get the Fatima it is totally dialed in there's hidden speakers so as you move into the area you hear this very soft music or some you know like Angelic choirs I mean it's really dialed in there's this Causeway which goes from the top of the hill down into this huge Plaza huge Plaza and you'll see pilgrims on their knees walking on the marble but on their knees walking on the marble saying the rosary I mean it's like really a bizarre as an Evangelical you kind of go oh boy I guess Jesus's blood on the cross just wasn't quite enough and and that's that's it's there's a lot of problems as an Evangelical when I look at this I mean I just sit there and go oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me but um you know we're still having trouble I'm not sure what's going on but anyway so in in 1917 World War one is Raging at the same time aging you've got the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia so the the entire place is like the entire planet is is in upheaval you've got the Bolshevik Revolution and frankly everyone in Europe is going oh my gosh is communism gonna come over here so there's and then World War one is Raging and they're in the trenches and people were dying and and no one really knows what's going on and the Advent of the airplane by the way in Portugal in 1917 there might have been one airplane in in Lisbon maybe maybe but there's most people had never seen anything in the air at all no airplanes no blimps no door nothing like that 1917. so all this is very charged it's a very charged atmosphere Plus in 1917 you get the Bound for declaration saying that you know carve out a piece of land for Israel for the Jews so this is a really a Charged moment of time the enemy knows what's going on the enemy knows all of this he's looking and he's wondering hmm is this now but the Jews are being they're not called back yet they're not that's 1948 but it's it's starting in motion so the enemy raises up one of his uh Primo Antichrist of all times I digress Adolf Hitler and what does Hitler do why does he go after the Jews because if he can kill all the Jews and he kills six million of them if he if he had never was deposed and taken out he would have killed every last one which means that the Jews are not going to come back into their Homeland which means prophecy will never happen God's a liar it's not Checkmate Checkmate happen on the cross but follow me and he's completely upset the apple crop and of course that's not what happens because God is in control and what was written look on the past what was foretold is unfolding and what was foretold that I will gather you from the four corners of the earth and we establish you in your ancient Homeland that happened in 1948 never in the history of the world has anything like that ever happened before because it's the hand of God it's the hand of God Gathering his chosen people back into their land Never by the way to be removed again from that place and I truly believe that so the the the following one is positioning himself thank you very much thank you uh the position he's positioning himself for what the Bible calls lying signs and wonders remember we're told that in the in the last day Satan will come with all signs and lying wonders so we get may 1917. I have been to the not to this place where it happened but these these psychics have a building in Portugal which you can go to today and we were there we filmed there we actually saw the original handwritten piece of paper from the mediums so this is what they do this group of Psychics get together and they do something they're in a seance and through the the occult technique of automatic writing which God will never use in a million years the technique of automatic writing which is goes from right till after writing like Leo DaVinci they're writing it backwards you get this message you get this message they publish the message in the paper Okay so there's automatic writing this is we're forbidden to do this uh by the way the mother of the new age Madame blavatsky she would lock herself in a room for three or four days and she would come out with 600 Pages it was just like this constantly because they're not completely possessed but they are partially possessed for a moment in time where the demon comes in and just goes and guess what automatic writing and this type of nonsense is still going on there's a guy his name is Bash he channels The Entity by share I've tried to get him on my show even for a half an hour I say I'll give you 200 just come on the show and then they go well you know that that that why because I'll hold the guy's feet to the fire how do you know this entity that you're channeling through you is benevolent or malevolent and the fact that he's channeling through you Torah says don't do this don't have a medium don't associate with someone who has a meme so we're told this is why I call the Bible the guidebook of a supernatural because that's what it is and it tells us in the guidebook of a supernatural I.E the Bible don't go there don't don't engage with the medium don't engage with the soothsayer why because they are channeling something from the pit of Hell they are channeling the Demonic they are channeling Fallen Angel information so the automatic writing first of all that's a huge flag on the Fatima deal huge flag on the Fatima deal where's coming from after that why should we believe anything after that we shouldn't we shouldn't so through the technique of automatic writing this is what they get most likely Leonardo da Vinci did from right to left and this is the actual we actually took this Photograph um at their Museum this is the actual automatic writing and it basically says something wonderful will happen in Portugal on on May 13th 1917. and it's signed Stella matutina the morning the Bright Morning Star who's that it's not the word Stella matatina strike one automatic writing something wonderful will happen on May 13th well guess what happens on May 13th something does happen and they published this in in several papers throughout Portugal they publish this Proclamation that something wonderful will happen on May 13th in several papers through the through the uh through Portugal so May 13th through October 13 1917 an entity appears to the children no and this is you guys need to understand something that we took all of our source material from the handwritten records from father Fiera that's where we took all of our information from not from Lucio who's 10 years later when she's in the convent not doing that not gonna go there and be prudent so we don't we don't go there everything our source materials from the handwritten record by father Fiera something is happening in Fatima Portugal but what is it is it really Mary or the Bible or is it something else is it is it some sort of a Heavenly Revelation that we're all supposed to valve in thee and adhere to or is it something else is it a harbinger of deception in my opinion it is so these are the children you've got Francisco on the right Lucy is in the middle she's San Francisco's nine and jacinta who's kind of like that she's seven years old these are illiterate children they are they are peasants they are Shepherds shepherdists this is what they do they are illiterate they cannot read they cannot write they are not educated at all they're out tending sheep so meanwhile there's another shot of it I have been when we were in Portugal at Fatima we went to the exact place where this picture was taken that wall was still there and we took I actually did a little Peggy click the on button and we we filmed there so it's kind of cool you look at look at jacinta she's kind of ticked off they're they're caught up in something and they don't know what's going on so once again ten nine and seven there's another shot of them so The Apparition does appear on on May 13th okay so this is May by June there's maybe a thousand people there by July the crowds have swollen um and it goes into August where the children are incarcerated because the the parish priests the magistrate the mayor everybody's freaked out what is this the priest father Fiera thinks that it's demonic but they bring in some Heavy Hitters Cardinals Bishops whatever but not so fast Citizen and they're looking at this going like well maybe not maybe this is like you know something is going on so they incarcerate the children in August so when The Apparition comes right there's nobody there the children saw this this woman she was small about three feet tall she communicated with them telepathically she was wearing a short dress which came right below her knee women in 1917 were dresses all the way down to the tops of their shoes to think that Mary of the Bible would show up in a mini skirt is just just absurd and then when they asked her where do you come from she said from the sky she never says from Heaven who are you she never says that all this is is a construct later when Lucia was the only one of the three seers who survives into adulthood is at 18 years old moved over to a Convent given a vow of silence and the Jesuits and that's where she starts to write all this stuff about consecrating Russia's heart here's something else to think about last year what did the Pope do he consecrated Russia to the Sacred Heart of Mary which was allegedly one of the one of the commands at the entity the Virgin told Lucia and the kids but that's not in the handwritten documents if it was so important why didn't they tell Father Figure in 1917 it's not there I can't stress this enough how do we know this because Fina di Ramada this is how we know Fina de Armada was doing a paper for college and she and and the assignment was Portuguese women who were influential in in the 20th century okay so she goes well I want to go to Fatima I want to see what Lucia she wants to write a paper on Lucia she's grown up her entire life to believe in the story that most people believe with Fatima that Mary of the Bible appeared to the kids over a period of six seven months from May to October the miracle of a son happened and this was you know this was from this was Mary of the Bible so she goes there and she begins to look at the handwritten documents from uh father Fiera and she realizes oh my gosh this is a Fatima that no one knows about and she's reading and and she was not allowed to photograph anything so she took a tape recorder she was allowed to read out loud and record in the tape recorder what she was reading so she would just read as fast as she possibly could turn the page read again because these are all father favor his handwritten notes why it's happening in 1917. it's not 10 years later so this is verbatim so what happened what did you see what did the what did The Entity say and father Fiera again believed it was demonic so she's uh Phoenix looking at all this and going this is another discipline I had no idea this was going on it's not jiving with the official narrative at all so she hooks up with Joaquin Fernandez they write several books they're ostracized by the by the church all this blowback but she argues it's like here it is the handwritten notes so who's who's telling the truth and who's creating some sort of a construct so in September the kids the kids go back and by the way when when the entity appears to the children she's floating above a tree and she's communicating with them telepathically but she gives them something to eat and drink and Lucia and jacinta the girls eat and drink but Francisco doesn't he only eats he doesn't drink so for instance all three kids could see the entity but only Lucia and jacinta could could hear her also Francisco couldn't hear her so they would the entity would appear they would drop to their knees and and the entity would begin to talk and thousands of people they're not saying anything but there's all sorts of weird stuff that's going on there's weird atmospheric flying hats that are seen in the sky gee what's a flying hat what does that sound like to you I looked up and saw a flying hat hmm remember in 1917 the terms UFO flying saucer are not in the vernacular anywhere so people were looking at aerial phenomena and trying to figure out what's this why is this happening they're seeing all sorts of weird stuff by the way in August the same thing weird atmospheric stuff's going on flying hats lights in the sky all sorts of weird stuff how do we know this father Fiera handwritten documents so the the magistrates the the priests the Bishops the Cardinals everybody who's there they go to the kids and go go back to Milady and say we need to see a sign if this is real we need to see a sign so the kids go and they talk to The Apparition hey we need to see a sign and The Apparition tells them on October 13th there will be a sign so this the word goes out right the word goes there's no social media there's no there's no iPhones there's nothing like that right but the word goes out there's upwards of 70 000 people that are gathered in in the field that day there's a photographer who was the king of Portugal's photographer Joshua bonolio Joshua benolio remember the Republic now they've there's a revolution in Portugal so the the monarchy has been overthrown now it's a republic but the king's photographer is still the king photographer Joshua benoyo was out on the field he takes 12 pictures those pictures were never looked at until we'll get to this in part two it's just just unbelievable they're hidden away in the archives for almost 100 years no one no one thinks why don't we look at the pictures from Joshua benellio and so but I'm getting way ahead of myself but you'll see what happens in part two mind-boggling right how these things disappear but the bottom line is Joshua benolio is taking pictures but these are the glass plates in a wooden box like this these are the old-fashioned cameras this isn't the iPhone click click click click click this is a glass plate wait wait for it quick and then you've got to take that glass plate put it in the Box take a fresh glass plate put that in there so he only takes 12 pictures I am a student of body language thank you so when you how did LA do that that was magic Wow holy spirit's all over him right now just incredible maybe he'll levitate soon okay so if you look if you look at the faces here let's walk through it she's in ecstasy she's an ecstasy what she's looking at she's like elated this woman is confused not sure what she's looking at and I'm not I'm not trying to despair I'm a student in the body language so I'm looking at this Photograph and I'm picking it apart because you'll see the different reactions of different people so she's kind of come on now stop it come on thank you [Applause] I saw an angel standing next to L.A so this guy's like he's perplexed and he's trying to figure out what he's looking at same thing with this little boy but he's couching in immediately look at the hands folded he's immediately thinking I'm seeing something that is miraculous she on the other hand is kind of like what what am I looking at same thing with this guy back here he's bewilderman she's like still trying to suss it out something's going on there something is going on we're not disputing that at all but what was it what happened at Fatima it's a messenger a harbinger of deception do not be deceived even the elect would be deceived if that were possible the reason why I'm I'm so into this is because it sets up a precedent to believe in this stuff and millions of people go to Fatima every year and they think that this is what happened we have another side of the story which of course oh you're just bugging on conflicts no I'm just revealing what we believe is the truth not bagging on anybody you can believe whatever you want to believe I've already stated that take that off the table let's look at the facts let's look at what happened so we've got one picture picture number one then we've got again picture number two there's no doubt and by the way it's been raining all night it's black and white sea of umbrellas everywhere all of a sudden it stops raining the Sun comes out the Sun comes out and everybody goes yay and then this Cloud moves in front of the Sun and out of the cloud comes a spinning object and you'll get it to that in just a second so here gives you a shot of the 70 000 people packed together waiting for something to happen and something does happen and it is the miracle of a son so the problem with this picture here the Vatican publishes a picture of the so-called Miracle of the sun this was published in uh 1922 which is five years after the event so it has nothing to do with what happened in Fatima so we have the only picture there's a shot of it we have the only picture taken by Joshua benolio so what they say is the miracle of the Sun that the sun came left this position in the sky this is the official narrative the sun left this position in the sky and came down over the people at Fatima if that's true we wouldn't be here today we'd all be burned up number one number two it was a local phenomenon people in France didn't see anything people in America didn't see anything so what are we looking at here again there was a cloud if the Sun is as big as a watermelon right there in planet Earth is like this I mean give me a break we wouldn't be here so what we do see is this the cloud parks and this object this this this disk like object how do we know it's a dislike object because in the handwritten um handwritten testimonies from father Fiera lawyers medical professionals eyewitnesses said I looked up and saw a dull silver disc I looked up and saw a dull silver disc this is repeated by numerous Witnesses so who who what are you going to believe we either go from the witness testimonies which happens within 24 hours of the event where father Fiera gets some of the doctors and lawyers or men of letters at the time and go what did you see I looked up and saw a dull silver disc so this is why we go to the 1917 records so here we've got the clouds moving in front of the Sun and then this object comes out of the cloud and begins to spin like this and then it falls like a leaf like this and then it flies over the crowd we call that the flyby when when the object flies over the crowd remember everyone sopping wet the ground is sopping wet the ground gets dry people's clothes dry some people say they saw people in the object no one in that field the best of my knowledge had seen any type of aerial phenomena at all remember I said 1917 there might have been one plane in Lisbon but for the most part no one had ever seen an airplane or a blimp or anything like that it's kind of hard for us to believe but that's the way it was in 1917 in Portugal so moving right along this is what we call the flyby I looked up and saw a Dell silver disc so this is what's amazing they actually traced the path of the flyby and they were able to get and talk to some of the witnesses who were still alive which was incredible who were they it's um Joaquin Fernandez and a host of other researchers I mean these people have spent a lot a lot of time going into the records finding the witnesses talking to the witnesses and that's how we know not only from father fiera's paper which talks about um looking up and seeing a silver disc but the witnesses who were alive said the same thing we looked up when we saw adults over this what are we looking at what's the truth is it was it Mary of the Bible was it Mary of the Bible if it's not Mary in the Bible then what the heck is it and we'll get into that so this is a a shot of what father fiera's handwritten documents look like and this is our source material this is our source material because it's as close to the event as you can possibly get ten years later you know Lucy is being handled you know consecrate Russia to my sacred heart that's that's not in the handwritten records if someone can show me that I'll retract everything that's not there it's not there and please don't Forge it so there's father Fiera by the way which is really interesting if I had the money if I had the money Fiera takes let me go back father Fiera takes all the handwritten documents and he presents them to his Bishop in Lisbon and then he vanishes it just completely vanishes and what I would want to do would be to hire a private detective to go in and find out whose family was and is if there's any relatives that are still alive this is hard hardcore research but this is what needs to be done because if there are relatives maybe they have something maybe they know something that Fiera we need to get where I'm going with this but I mean this was again this whole event was dressed up and in Catholic clothes I remember talking to Francisco Carrera who his family before the the Republic was made in Portugal they were they were royalty they were Barons they were royalty so we were hanging out with a baron to be not that that matters because I don't believe in royalty but that's that's who they were so Francisco has has connections let's put it that way that um that you know a normal guide wouldn't have he can open doors because of his family's history they've been there forever like a thousand years or something it goes back so Francisco told us that the people made Fatima the people Embrace Fatima the people said oh this is Mary this is what it is but that's not that's not what father Fiera wrote if I'm wrong then okay I'll retract everything but then you have the eyewitness's testimony I look up and saw a dull silver disc dull silver disc why is this important harbinger of deception so what happened to the three children we know that Lucia dies before she reaches her teenage years we know that Francisco succumbs to the flu also and he passes away so we have one person from the event Lucia who's at 18 she's carted away given a vowel silence and then handled by the Jesuits and that's when at 18 years old and later that's when we start hearing about Mary and consecrating Russia you go back into the 1917 handwritten documents there's nothing about Russia at all not a word it's a construct in my opinion so it's it's everything is you know and then you get the third secrets of Fatima which is you know covered up can't be revealed until whatever and then Pope John Paul allegedly revealed the secret but some people said no it's really not the secret does God have secrets when we open our Bible there are any secrets in there are there any secrets does anyone know of a secret in the guidebook of a supernatural eye in the Bible the Bible he spells out everything very clear granted some of the stuff we have to study in order to get it to get the meat right it's not just going to fall out of the page and go oh yeah there you go we have to study to show ourselves approved because the word is deep and it's complex but it's all integrated as Chuck Missler used to say it's an integrated message system so the secrets of Fatima there are no secrets in the biblical prophetic narrative but shhh the Catholic church has got the secret thing about it it's about Rush and so this is constantly when I was a kid just a little kid before like 11 or 12 years old I was raised Catholic and you know we used to go in the CNN relics and then all the Italians let them Italian Marzulli right Newark New Jersey and they would have this huge possession in the street with the candles and everything in the Saint Anne relics on a pillow my mom everybody's sweeping these people are crazy what are they doing even as an 11 year old that was like this is like voodoo we went to sell our house we wanted to sell our house and the Lord corrected us so we my mother God bless her soul she's passed away she calls you know she calls me up and she goes well all you need to do is take a statue of Saint Joseph and dig a hole and bury it upside down your house will sell in 24 hours I go I go Mom that's voodoo hello I mean seriously Saint Joseph and Barry in the backyard it's like she's on her deathbed she never got up she's on her deathbed and she went to a coma probably five days after I led her to the Lord and I walk in and I go mom I'm your son I love you but right now I got my pastor hat on and I go have you ever accepted Jesus as your lord and savior she thinks about it for maybe a half a second she goes no I'll go would you like to do that and I let her on the longest sinner prayer in human history revenge is mine no just kidding but but she came across the line at her at her it wasn't a funeral it was a memorial so the priest did his whole thing with the mass and you know you know I was respectful that I'm not buying it for a second and then I got up to speak and I was kind of I don't want to use the word harsh but I I made no no mistake about it how can a woman at 94 years old go through her entire life go to mass save a novenas talk to the priest and never ever ever be told what salvation is had no idea of what it is how can you possibly do that to people come out of her my people it's a false narrative and most Catholics have no idea what being born my cousins who are still alive they go what's this Born Again stuff they have no clue no clue but they know you know they stand up they sit they genuflect they do the whole ritual but they don't know Jesus and Mary has supplanted Jesus and that's what I take on bridge with that's what I really really gets under my skin the Sacred Heart of Mary Our Lady of Sorrows Our Lady of the Snows Our Lady of Perpetual Motion and I mean it just goes on and on and on sorry I'm in trouble now hmm it'll be an auto defeat in the parking lot at two o'clock this afternoon what's an auto defeat I've never heard that brand of automobile so anyway that's when they burn you at the stake we won't go there the secrets of Fatima not revealed until 1928. so it's it's like years later it's like 11 years later what are we looking at what's going on here this is Fatima II Miracle of the Sun what if what happened in Fatima 101 years ago it was much more complex than any of us could have imagined what if there was a fourth witness hidden away for decades through the detective work of researcher Fina diramada this witness was discovered and interviewed in that interview the fourth witness described seeing a being with blonde hair floating in midair above the same tree that The Apparition would later appear over one of the so-called angel hair that fell over the crowd is also reported by Witnesses who have had close encounters with UFOs today then there was the dull silver disc which Flew Over the 80 000 people gathered at Fatima which seemed to create chaos as car windshields exploded puts flew open and gasoline spontaneously combusted what if there was a picture taken 101 years ago that Leon discovered in the Fatima archives until one man Jose muchado had access to it what he found may be a Smoking Gun then there have been numerous reports of apparitions and so-called Sun Miracles what are these really dangerous of deception this is Fatima two strange phenomenon okay so we're in Portugal we're filming we're filming and we've we've been to Fatima and now we're we're interviewing historians philosophers Joachim Fernandez who was Fina diamata's co-author and they published three books together which which are just incredible because they deal with what the phenomena really is from the handwritten records so now we're in Porto which is the northern part of Portugal and this has only happened twice in my life and I just tell the story because it's it's unnerving so we're in Portugal it's like two or three o'clock in the morning I am awakened but not by the spirit of living in God I'm awakened by I can only assume it's a principality it has to have been a principality and this thing is coming at me I'm not seeing anything but boy am I getting oppressed and my brain is like a freight train of horrible images and I can't stop it I cannot stop it I'm doing everything I have in my quiver I'm praying of the Lord I'm praying out loud I'm rebuking in the name of Jesus I'm doing everything and this singing ain't going away so I thought and I go I go to the Lord I go I'm out of here in the morning I can't do this this is too much be on my pay grade I didn't sign up for this I'm doing everything that you've taught me to do nothing is working I'm leaving in the morning the holy spirit says trust the process it's like you got to be kidding me is there anybody else up there and um so I got back to sleep so the next morning I wake up and I'm like punch drunk I'm like really wobbly and we get to our our first interview this guy's a philosopher he's a historian I stopped the cameras and I go hey what was here before the Christian era before the Greeks and the Romans came in it goes oh the goddess worship of Mora the mother goddess she's never been deposed what Maura and he begins to explain what moral was so she would appear as this beautiful woman and she would seduce the men by the way that's um well Aphrodite for one that's the Greeks but she would or Diana the huntress and she would appear as as a beautiful woman and she would have seduced the men and then after she had her way with the men she would turn into this huge Serpent and kill them and eat them that's according of a legend then he pretes to tell me that there were still still serpent Cults active in Northern Portugal and I'm sitting there going like you've got to be kidding me it was it was a revelation because see we there are territory or just because a little cyber there are territorial Spirits where blood has been shed in a ritualistic way that opens up a Gateway it opens up a portal um give you one example of that just one example so I'm the music director the worship leader at the Malibu Vineyard all right and there were like 3 000 people that went to that church they all didn't show up at the same time we usually had two services so I would get there really early in the morning because I had to open up the building open up the doors turn on the air conditioner or the heater get the sound board working make sure the music gets the stuff that a worship leader music director does and I would do all that get everything up and running check the microphones check the music blah blah blah so there was a portico so he parked the car and then there's this covered like like walkway which goes to the door of the church so I get out of my car and I'm walking towards the door and I see something on the ground I'm going what am I looking at and I I run up to the thing I get closer there's a circle it's about four feet in diameter and the circle is a pentagram in the pentagram the center of the pentagram is a slaughtered dove that's been decapitated and the blood has sprinkled and there are candles which are still burning that was a ritual that was done on the steps of that church guess what happened three months later that church underwent one of the worst splits I have ever seen and it's split that building was worth 20 million dollars they lost the building the pastor was dead in two years the head Elder died of a massive heart attack and three thousand people were dispersed what was my counseling on Monday because we cleaned it up and I said there was a ritual done here now I didn't know then this is 2003 or something what I know now and I was laughed at oh we we're fine we have the spirit of the Lord what should have happened is we should have warned against that there's an active Coven in Malibu there's an active Coven in Malibu there are covens all over the United States they they engage in blood sacrifice and blood rituals so what we see the point I'm trying to make is these some of these ancient gods and goddesses have never been deposed they've never been deposed they're still active and they're still there they just seek to be worshiped in different ways so is the whole idea of marry this goddess worship because that's what's going on in Fatima has has the name just been changed is it the same entity is it the same principality in my opinion it is I digress so there's a fourth witness Fina the Armada that's a picture right before she passed away in 2014. so we know from again the only reason why Fina de Armada knew this is because she's in the sanctuary of Fatima looking at the hand written Letters by or the documents by father figure and she realizes that there's a fourth witness and she goes and she seeks her out her name is Carolyn and she sees this woman that's a picture the only picture that we have of her this is the fourth witness and the fourth Witness is out tending sheep she's a shepherdist she's a year older than Lucia and she's out tending sheep and she sees this androgynous being with blonde hair shoulder length hair and a white Smock well people in Portugal there are no blondes in Portugal everybody's got black hair for the most part okay and this this little boy or whatever it was as androgynous being is singing and laughing under the same tree that the entity appears to Lucia Francisco and jacinta so she um eventually this this is this slide is out of out of sequence so let me back up I apologize for I have to correct that this is what the children saw Lucia Francisco and jacinta this is what they saw according to the handwritten documents it was this being holding something in its hand there's the the dress or the skirt that goes right below the knees so the fourth witness is out in the field and she's looking at this child and she looks at her sheep and the Sheep are paralyzed they're not moving then she looks up to the child and the child is now floating above the tree so there's definitely High strangers and by the way this tree is the same tree that this Apparition here appears over it's the same same exact place same exact tree that Lucia Francisco and Jacinto would later see The Apparition above the tree great CGI by Wesley thank you Wesley so that's what she sees so ancient serpent Cults worship of the Sacred feminine this is what's happening the goddess Mora the seductress appears and then turns into a serpent and devours the men the flyby when the entity when there were 70 000 people are there they're looking up the miracle of a son this thing is spinning like this the witnesses some witnesses go I look up and saw a dull silver disc now in Conyers Georgia you'll see a clip of that there was an apparition so-called Apparition in Conyers Georgia here in the United States not too long ago several decades ago a woman emailed me she said I was standing next to my fiancee who's now my husband shoulder to shoulder like this we're in Conyers Georgia I look up I see a religious figure he looks up and sees a UFO how is it possible how is it possible that two people are standing right next to each other and they see different things and that's that's amazing to me because the enemy it's all about deception it's all about harbingers of deception it's all about strange phenomena that even the elect would be deceived the reason why I'm telling you this and I'll go on on a on a quick little a little sidebar so my wife and I are driving up Pacific Coast Highway one night we just finished a nice Italian meal with spruzzos Peggy's favorite Italian restaurant not and um we're driving up the highway um she's driving and I'm in the passenger seat and I go oh my gosh what's that and she goes oh it's probably an airplane coming in we're looking at its headlights I'm going no it's too low I saw an airplane and we're looking at this thing and it's brighter and brighter and brighter and it's but it's not moving it's just like just standing there and all of a sudden so here's the light all of a sudden right above it bam there's another light that appears that solely descends into the larger light and then the larger light disappears in concentric rings I'm going oh my gosh we pull the car over the side of the road bam there it is again and it does we watch this thing manifest three different times so then we finally go home and two or three o'clock in the morning the Lord wakes me up and he goes uh I'm basically in the Woodshed and he goes you know what what why didn't you what did you do why you embraced it you were hypnotized by it you didn't you didn't pray against it and that's where the phrase rebuke first asked questions later that's where it originated from rebuke first asked questions later so what I've learned to do we see anything like this at all we rebuke first ask questions later fast forward years later we're in Oklahoma the fire has completely burnt our house we're driving down the Kilpatrick freeway yeah we're driving down there Kilpatrick freeway we just had a wonderful dinner with Bob and Chrissy and we're going home to our little Abode or humble abode in Edmond thank you and we're driving on the Kilpatrick freeway and at Kilpatrick freeway you're kind of the city is kind of all around you of Edmond and Oklahoma's in the distance and stuff and then it just kind of everything disappears and you're in a wooded area for miles and it's just all Woods there might be a house or two way over here but it's not next to the road so Peggy I'm driving Peggy's next to me and she goes oh my gosh what's that look over and there's this light which is which is pacing us right over the Treetops and this is what UFO brain fog is and I go oh it's probably one of the little searchlights from a car dealership you know when they want to bring people and it's like no no no no that's that but it is because we're down in a valley and the cars are way over here there's no way that this has anything to do with a car dealership and we're looking at this thing and it's a light you know lighting up the trees and pacing with our car like this and of course the spiritual giant of the family that I am I don't say anything but Peggy goes we need to pray and I go oh okay so we we pray and the moment we start mentioning the name of Jesus just like that it's gone just like that it's just like I'm gone so you know look we don't go looking for this stuff trust me I don't want to see anything I have no desire to say anything I don't go out and Skywatch for you I don't do any of that not into it if the Lord wants me to see something you bring it to me but I'm not I'm not looking for anything so now we get in the strange phenomena and again look at the faces here let's do some body language oh come on now look at the body language here he's looking obviously it's very bright they're shielding their eyes something is going on they're not sure what it is he's kind of like okay this guy's perplexed over here this guy look at the woman there's ecstasy so you see the the entire range of human emotions on the faces of the people that are saying this so here's what happens when the flyby happens and we know this because the the researchers went out and talked to the people when you're in the proximity of a UFO remember how many people saw Close Encounters the movie remember Richard Dreyfus sticks his head out of the car like of the truck like this and he's right underneath the saucer next morning he wakes up and half his half his head is sunburned right that's what happens so the people with Fatima have reported um burns on their skin burns on their faces and they wrote father for you or wrote all this doubt it's in the handwritten documents so we know that people have radiation burns from from UFOs and interestingly enough too that uh you'll see this this afternoon Tucker Carlson Had Gary Nolan on who talked about that people who are in the proximity of UFOs for a prolonged period wind up with certain brand anomalies including tumors and all sorts of crazy stuff like that and that's just the way it works so there's another shot of someone who has been burned by close encounters with a UFO radiation Burns and so what we see in Fatima and see none of this is reported none of you never hear a thing about everything we've talked about you'd never hear one word about the psychics who get together and talk about something wondrous is going to happen you never hear anything about what the actual entity looked like and from Lucy and the kids description that artist that little picture I saw showed you that's this cloak material that she's got that looks like a quilt that's in the handwritten records you never hear about the fact that car windshields exploded does that sound like a wonderful benevolent thing no it's not something really very troubling is happening and the sky is over Portugal that day so car wind chills explode just explode cars begin to well people hear a buzzing noise and this is associated with UFOs people are in proximity of UFOs will often hear a buzzing type noise people in the field of Fatima heard a buzzing noise so we're getting strange phenomena we're getting a connectivity between what happened 100 over 100 years ago and what's happening right now with the modern day UFO phenomena close in the ground became instantly dry there's some sort of microwave-like energy I use microwave because it's the closest thing but we may have to it I don't know what it is but people who were drenched when that flyby happened in Portugal in 1917 their their clothes are wet because it's been raining all day the ground dries up they get radiation burns the next day but their clothes are dry some sort of microwave energy you never hear anything about that but it's in the handwritten records from father Fiera from 1917. we also know that this weird weird filament like substance fell people who have Close Encounters of the of the Third Kind where the where the craft is very close will often report what with like rose petals or angel hair they call it angel hair something falls from the sky they reported it at Fatima but we know from modern day ufology this is called angel hair it seems like when when the craft comes down it interrupts something and these filaments fall but they evaporate very very quickly we also know that that cars spontaneously combusted Fatima they just burst in the Flames so this is in some wonderful benevolent thing appearance of Mary that we hear about when you really delve into the handwritten record we see a completely different Fatima than what the official narrative is enter Jose Machado Jose Machado is a professor of semiotics he studies film this is what he does he studies film so he gets access to the Fatima archives and he wants to see the photographs taken by Joshua benoglio the king's official photographer so he goes in I'm not making this up it's all on film he goes up and he has permission to see it so he gets to the sanctuary goes in and okay I'm here to see the glass plates nobody knows where they are this is exactly like it is of a lost ark at the end of the film when they take the ark and you see you know pop schlep and he makes a left-hand turn and it just disappears nobody knows where the glass plates are they search according to Jose and it's not Jose and Portuguese it's Jose so Jose Machado was there for three hours they search finally am I making this up in his shoe box on the top shelf of a closet they find the original glass plates seriously these things should be in a controlled environment they're not and this is the way think but you can look at them but we're just going to throw them away in the closet so Jose there he is with the gloves and he's handling the original glass plates from Fatima so he's you know again he's a professor of symbionics he studies photographs he knows what to look for we grill him like crazy in the film and you'll see that if if you check it out so here is one of one of the you can see the entire crowd 70 000 people Joshua benolio's way over here on a hill The Apparition site is right there if you look carefully it's better over there you'll see Smoke on the ground smoke Rises and then it makes a 90 degree turn right there see that very very faint we see a disc like object in the field a disc like object now remember he's a long way away long way away so we grill them on this are you sure it's not a chemical burn he says no are you sure it's not a scratch on the glass plate he says no he says whatever this is It's intrinsic it's in the glass plate itself all we did all we did was clean up the artifacts around it that's what it looks like so if you and I are standing in that field in 1917 and you look up and you see that that's not the miracle of the Sun that is a UFO and that's why we made the film that's why we call it harbinger of deception millions of people believe and I say this with all due respect a lie they believe a lie a narrative which is a construct which has been handled by certain people to create a conclusion which has nothing to do with the truth nothing could do with the truth and that picture we're the only people we published this book and they all burn the fire we should be published that it was a small little booklet but it showed the pictures and we he gave us permission so I'll tell you something else Fina di hermano when she was alive met with Jose Machado about this photograph from the archives come on now from the archives and they did this this film and I'm not going to mention the name of the company but you guys would all know it and they filmed it and they were going to release it in Portugal and the powers that be guess who put the kibosh on it and it was never released just never really too controversial Never released and so once again you know the truth is obfuscated from the peoples of the world because he's got the photograph so if this if this isn't a UFO I don't know what is I mean you can you can go on the net I I just got a a film from someone recently yesterday which is very similar to this there's just a disc like object and that's what we see a disc like object so what is happening in modernity you say well GLA you know that's 100 years ago so why should I care it's not happening now really check this out what happened it found him oh in the far distant past go events occurred which are still the subject of debate today however there have been numerous Apparition sites since 1917. this segment will explore more of a strange phenomenon that is occurring in modernity presented real footage of so-called apparitions and ask you to determine what it is you are looking at stink images of light are you be the judge [Music] foreign [Music] Watch What Happens [Music] now it looks like a woman doesn't it it looks like that's Mary of the Bible no it's a blob of light listen to the Hysteria [Applause] oh [Music] watch dead center [Music] foreign nobody is they're just embracing what they see this is Conyers Georgia this was done by I think ABC [Music] and they're all freaked out because something happens and they know something happens [Music] thank you [Music] so that's supposed to be Mary holding the baby Jesus that might be Joseph that might be an angel but is it Mary no it's a blob away is that the baby Jesus Jesus it wasn't safe other people so say in the periods of all signs of lying wonders this came in from Larry as a former Roman Catholic and three years seminarian for the priesthood I want to thank you for your expose on Fatima I frequently watch EWTN which is a Catholic Channel which carries many discussions and presentations on Fatima I actually began preaching about the deception of Fatima about five or six years ago as I continue to hear confusing accounts about what happened in Portugal in 1917 your video is a classic I am looking forward to sharing with many of my Christian and Catholic friends thanks for your diligence on this product I'm looking forward to part two so the bottom line folks the reason why I'm doing this is because you can see from 1917 into modernity how easy it is for people to be deceived someone looks up they see something it's a miracle not so fast innocent you know who's behind this thing what are we really looking at just like we saw in zytune it looks like a woman that's that's floating above where the Basilica is it's a blob of light just like we saw at the very last one where it looks like Mary because it's this long blue like Veil thing and there's the baby Jesus and there's Joseph and there's maybe an angel or something it's they're just Blobs of light no one's challenging anything in fact if you Google that and you look at the people they're all like they're selling falafels for crying out loud they're all clapping their hands Muslims are pushing together that's what it is they're partying they're looking at this thing the phenomenon went on for weeks two or three weeks there at that at that Coptic Church in Egypt we were going to fly there alerts that don't go so we didn't I probably wouldn't be standing here today if we went there but the mayor turned off all the lights all the electricity in in the town to make sure no one was hoax in the sick it pops in and pops out and when it pops in everybody's partying they're dancing in the street they're worshiping this thing let no one deceive you right even the elect would be deceived Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders that's sort of a primer to where we're going to go this afternoon because what's happening now is in my opinion they're rolling this thing out they're rolling it out and when they show up if the church is still here and frankly we don't know how much we're going to see before we go up my prayer is we don't see a whole lot more but but what if what if we see Miley craft in the sky what are you going to believe what what are we as a church as people what are we going to believe this is the great deception this is the coming the strong delusion that God sends them because it does not believe the truth what is the truth the truth is that in the beginning was the word of the world with God and the Word was God he was with God at the beginning all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made end of story we either believe that or we believe the lie of evolution oh yeah just over billions of years this whole thing just happened by accident yeah yeah there's no God there's no Miracle said no no we were seated here by extraterrestrials that's what they'll say something is coming and the whole purpose of Fatima is to show us how easy it is for people who are experiencing something to be deceived the 70 000 people you saw their faces some are bewildered I'll get that other people are ecstatic they're in some sort of Supernatural spiritual Euphoria you know rebuke first ask questions later rebuke first ask questions later so I'm sure that some of you have questions can we open it up for questions or how do you want to do that I will not be deceived I want you to I want you guys to before we do the questions I want at the count of three I want you to verbally state that because when we say something with our mouth we confess something like that it has power we're working we're proclaiming something that we will not be this age on the count of three I want you to say I will not be deceived one two three wonderful I love it okay we'll open it up for questions no questions good let's go to lunch director okay um in I when I was in 17 I went over to medjugori and I had seen the miracle of the sun there um there were two women behind me one had seen it and one had not and I was just wondering what your thoughts would be on that so you saw it but the people behind you didn't see it uh one person saw it her friend did not say and this is what happens this is why I mentioned that the couple the woman and her fiancee are shoulder to shoulder she looks up she sees a religious figure he looks up he sees a UFO how is it possible and I I don't have a complete answer for that um some people or have opened themselves up to it and allowed it other people are perhaps more guarded and saying am I buying it or whatever so it's sort of a mixed bag I don't understand the mechanics of it but I do know that you can be right next to someone and you can look up and one person can see a UFO and the other person could see an angel or Mary or the Bible or something like that the bottom line is rebuke first ask questions later when we call upon the Lord or when we rebuke something in the name of Jesus we have power as a Believer we have power not our power it comes from the spirit of a living God that's in us so when we we say Lord in the name of Jesus send your angels and clear of his Darkness out of here he it'll happen you know we'll do that especially if we're involved and it's in our proximity when you're looking at a UFO craft that's five miles away probably won't work because we're it's outside of our but if it's close and close in like it was when Peggy and I are driving in the car we begin to pray damn just like that it's out of here we rebuke the thing and it left it has to leave when it's five miles away it might not do that because it's out of of you know your immediate vicinity I hope that helps anything else last night you talked about the Western diaspora of the Giants there is also a ton of giants that show up in the east as well do you think that they would have scattered everywhere is that possible yeah the paracas people show up on the shores of paracas so that would mean to me that they maybe went out the Red Sea and across the Pacific and Island topped to finally they settle at Caracas but that's conjecture we don't know we don't know for sure we just know that between three thousand and thirty five hundred years ago they show up these these red-haired elongated skull people and by the way which is really interesting the paracas people lived Underground they lived underground we went to the archaeologists we went out to this place called The Reserve it's the most desolate place I've ever been to there's nothing green for miles it gets no rain and yet the ocean is there it's just beautiful but 3000 years ago it was very Lush and he took us to the remnants of what was the paracas people's dwelling and there's this like little little chimney deal in the sand and down it goes it's all filled in with sand but down it goes they lived underground interestingly enough we're doing some research on this we're trying to see if there's a connection there's we will be going there in October there's a tribe of Nephilim called the horiz they were not Giants they were cave dwellers and we know from archaeological digs at tell desert that they lived underground is there a connection and this is a similarity because I've looked at telgasr and what the archaeologists discovered in the 20s there's definitely a similarity I didn't look at the skeletons but I saw the dwelling in the way they work it's very similar to what we see at barakas could the elongated skulls that we see in paracas Peru could they be the horrorites we don't know all we know is the DNA points back to the Middle East so there's definitely a connection somewhere the hands are going up we'll never get out of here Quest question about the miracle of the sun deal is it in the same place as where the sun is in the sky or is the sun over here and then there's a bright ordeal in the sky or how is that what what people I think I got your question what people see is the Sun appears because it's been raining all day at Fatima the Sun appears and then a cloud moves in front of the Sun and then out of a cloud comes the spinning disc which then floats down and goes over the crowd and everybody calls it the miracle of a sun what we see the pulsing and stuff I think this is conjecture the craft is moved in front of the Sun and you remember when you're in those crafts there is no up or down there's no gravity because they're manipulating space time matter and energy this is conjecture but there is no gravity because the ship is propelled by a gravity wave it's pulled along like this here's the gravity wave here's the ship it's pulled like this so that's why there's no there's no rotor washer or anything else that's why it can make 90 degree turns because there's a gravity wave that's bending space time as we know it so this thing the ship comes in front of the Sun and and just and just pulses like that and Miracle of the sun Miracle of the sun rebuke first ask questions later end the story um Ellie I have a question about have you heard about the sheep in China that were circling around for some what is your take on that I don't know like I said I'm not Mr know at all I don't have all the answers very strange very very weird makes me wonder but I don't know I did the first time that you and Peg were the saw the light and then you didn't know what happened until two o'clock in the morning after you went to the Italian restaurant and you didn't rebuke do you know what happened to you during that time when you don't remember I mean when the Lord woke me up and instructed me to rebuke first ask questions later yes how many people have spent time in the Woodshed of the Lord raise your hand okay it was it was a rebuke it was like you know here you are talking about the stuff and you see something and you don't rebuke it first you know you're you're giving into it you're going wow look at that Peggy wow there it is again oh my gosh what are we looking at oh well no no rebuke first ask questions later but then then I got a reprieve when I'm when I'm driving and she's in the car and I'm looking over at the sink what is that and she goes we need to pray oh yeah that's what we're supposed to do it's like thanks honey so there you go [Music] what from when I when the Lord woke me up I just I said I'm sorry Lord I I've learned my lesson I went back to sleep yeah I mean it's not like it's you know no it was probably less than than five minutes you know he knows I need to sleep [Music] in fact I argued with him last night like crazy because he gets me up every night I said I'm not doing this I'm not doing this I'm not doing this tonight sorry I gotta get up I need my sleep not doing it so guess who won hi Elaine hello oh hello hi Bob in the front row um uh I have a question about I can't remember his name but the priest that took the notes right yeah father Fiera yes he said that he went to see the pope and then he disappeared see the way things are twist Ed well that's what you heard and that's perfectly okay he went to see I think either a bishop yeah his Bishop is what he went to see and he presented he presented the handwritten documents to the bishop okay and then you said he disappeared yeah right no one knows okay well then where did the notes come from that the woman was furiously reading you know and and and taping those are the Bishops the bishop took the handwritten documents and deposited them back at the Fatima Sanctuary okay so everything was then collected see in 19 in 1917 1920 there was a small little chapel there now it's like it's a whole different deal it's like this huge I mean when we were there we walk in on July 12th July 13th this is one of the days of The Apparition so you know it's like Elmer Fudd in Portugal and I'm Elmer Fudd right so you know okay thank you and there's like there's like a couple of thousand people and they've got this huge step statue of Mary about this big on this pallbearers are holding it so it's on their shoulders and she's on a pillow with fake roses and they're parading this thing from the the major Church where jacinta and Francisco are buried okay and canonized as Saints they're parading this thing the place goes ballistic all these people have white handkerchiefs they're following this thing around people are Weeping they're willing they're singing it's like an opinion aren't just sitting there with our Jaws on the ground you know where am I another planet or something and that's when I turned her and I said we take Mary off the table we don't talk about Mary we don't bag on Catholics people have the right to believe what they want to believe and these people I mean this is when we refer my people this is what I think it means now that's conjecture but this is what I think it means come out of her my people you've been you're lied to your being misled it's you know that's the idea of Mary is kodemptrix is absolutely blasphemy absolute blasphemy you know and like my mother is a perfect example 94 years and she doesn't know Salvation no one's ever told her that so you know what I'm saying my question is um what about the Bible Code you you said that the Bible is always clear the Bible Code oh the Bible Code um we've got to be careful with stuff like that the Bible code is really cool we actually my my late business partner Richard Shaw did a whole thing on on the Bible codes he went and interviewed the people who actually saw it this is what I know about it okay that when you take the the first five books the Torah of the Bible and only the Torah there is definitely an encoded message in that which is not a coincidink it's not a coincidence it's their it's deliberate and it's it's so precise that it just blows your mind but then some people take that and they use it to prognosticate future events and I'm not buying that at all hope that helps a lot of a lot of questions we went from no questions to many questions thank you hi uh I have actually three different things number one knowing that red hair is a genetic recessive trait and I have Irish and German Roots it kind of bothers me uh you know with the the skulls and the red Hair Etc kind of bothers me um number two when we were driving here I was thinking about King Saul was Head and Shoulders above everyone else that was another thing and number three in 2021 I saw something and I emailed Larry and that that buzz that you're talking about it was like a hum like an electric motorhome yeah that's what it sounds like like that and okay so first of all with the red hair remember Nephilim are the progeny of fallen angels and Earthly women so the red hair Gene comes from the women in my opinion not from but you remember that he's he's experimenting he's trying different things which is why you get all these different tribes and in my opinion this is conjecture but it's based also on the biblical narrative and by the way Gary Wayne's got a book coming out very shortly he's done a deep dive he's been studying this for like two or three years I mean he's the only person I know that's done the kind of dive like this it's unbelievable I spent like an hour with him on the phone just blown away by his research so it seems like the enemy is is messing well in my opinion the enemy is messing with the genome trying to create man in his own image which is why but we'll get to this this afternoon with the whole hybrid thing the hybrids that are walking amongst us they can pass as human often times when you look in their eyes the eyes the eyes will go like this the eyes will be Serpentine and you said to her and you go oh my gosh I had an email this morning from someone where this married to this man and he shape-shifted right in front of her so and we hear this you know I'm hearing more and more of this as time goes on and again I I have no desire to see any of this so um I think that answers your questions I hope I have a comment about Fatima I was receiving emails that were saying America needs Fatima well I was rebuking that because I know they're trying to work that around one more time if in a stronger way and another thing um do you have a comment to make about the portal that was over the Capitol in DC this um I think it was last year or else early this early this year yeah they are see this is what I hear my heart but we need the church needs to in my opinion begin to war against some of what the other side is doing that and in our little church that we we've been going to for about six months we've only been there maybe six times so it's really not our home church it's a long story it won't bother bore you with it but the bottom line is and the late rest is there I used to bag on this so in a room On Any Sunday in any church in America you know you can have between 100 or a thousand people and we spend 30 seconds in prayer where we should be warring against the stuff that's going on you know that's all I say that with love in my heart not it's not a rebuke it's just that maybe we need to shift things a little and and get more on a war footing that's all I'm saying I believe last night that you had said that you believed that we were replacements for the Fallen Angels could you elaborate on that yeah you've got a third of the host of Heaven remember I started by saying that God God doesn't like with snowflakes every snowflake's different you know where's the economy in that you know it's like a gazillion billion trillion you know innumerable number they're all different so the point I'm trying to make is he doesn't do the same thing twice I know in my own life when he's shown up and he's done something or a miracle has happened I don't look for the same thing again that was for that particular time that particular incident so he's got a third of the host of Heaven that's Fallen and and so he creates us and we love him the Bible says the guidebook of a supernatural we love him whom we've never seen now I've seen him not in the flesh I've seen him just just once and it was a really low point in my life my my daughter had leukemia she's alive and well now but she had leukemia we were like you know just just the family was torn apart and I'm driving in my van to my cabinet shop this is a year decades ago to my cabinet shop and I'm driving in the car and I'm bawling I'm crying because I'm just broken just totally broken as I'm driving it's only happened once in 43 years so it's not like L.A sees the stuff all the time I don't but I'm driving and he appears in the windshield so I'm looking at his eyes and his face and seeing the road at the same time how is that possible it's not and I wrote I wrote a worship song Holy Love because his eyes Revelation 19 his eyes are like flaming fire that's what I saw Holy Love holy love so he loves us we love him and we've never seen we're the replacement parts for the goofballs who fell and we and we love him and we've never seen we love them I mean I can't wait I mean I then put our hand hands on the plow right I'm not I'm not some you know people it's so funny the anti-rapture crowd you know pre-tribulation Rapture crowd you know are you guys just a bunch of escapists no we're not I'm work I'm working my rear end off here I'm 72 years old I should be playing shuffleboard in Miami but I'm not I mean my hands on the plow and I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing No Escape but what's my heart I can't wait are you kidding me because you know what you can't fix this anymore you can't fix this it's the time of the as the time of the Fallen one and we it's just getting worser and worser and worser Ellie that's horrible English and worser so there you go anything else yeah uh La I'm wondering if you have any information or if you're going to be talking about the Giants of Kandahar and the Giants that were um thought to be in the mountain range that we bombed uh recently in Afghanistan we broke the story on that in Afghanistan the Kandahar giant we broke the story it's in it's in watches watches 10 it's in Watchers 10. thanks back 20s 27 films or whatever it is it's like where where are we so it's in Watchers 10. we broke the story that was a shooter who came to Richard and then I interviewed this guy three times before we finally brought him out and um got him on the record and the story is a platoon goes missing into Kandahar Province they missed their rally points so the next day another platoon is dispatched to their drop-off point they begin to follow a trail so they follow a trail they're coming down this single like path and then it opens up into this broad cliff-like area and above the cliff as a cave so they start to see broken pieces of radio pieces of Flesh on the ground it's like getting really weird blood and as they as they get on this Landing field from out of the cave Comes This 12-foot giant flaming red hair of six fingers brandishing a spear a pike a long Pike this thing moves with such agility they're all Frozen who wouldn't be they're like 12 feet high that's twice me and when you go up you go out so it's not a bean pole things like this and Dan who's running this giant moves of such agility it catches them all by surprise he moves at superhuman speed he impales Dan raises him up and he's like ah peeling and somebody goes straight him in the head shoot him in the head and they all open fire and basically decapitate them giant Falls dance Dad they get the helicopter in helicopter comes takes the giant out another helicopter comes kicks them out they write the reports they're told to change their reports the next day I spoke recently this year was it yeah was it this year this year Yuba this year so so we're up in Yuba City and the pastor had this guy who came in from one of the agencies and wanted to confess it was like three hours of confession to kind of clear his mind and his heart from some of the things he had done so they hooked the pastor hooked us up and were sitting next to each other at lunch and we just talk shop about candahart and that's all I'll say we just oh yeah yeah you got this yeah I got that too oh yeah you guys did this oh you went into the cave it's just like bing bing bing bing I was approached by a guy from a deep state in 2015. 16 thank you Peg in 2016. and I was approached by a guy from a deep state and he threatened me three different ways because of our work on the Kandahar Giant deep State being a guy he showed me his badge and he was from one of the agencies and he threatened me three different ways he said you know do you have a cell phone and go yeah I have an iPhone he goes it's in crypto I said no well when they come in a rescue they'll find Kitty porn on it should I say this publicly often he'll find Kitty porn on it oh really well that just like I don't even know this guy and he's threatening me do you have a car yeah I have a 1991 Mercedes SL500 which I restored I bought for like you know eight thousand dollars and it's a go-kart I love that car it burned in the fire but I digress it goes does it have a computer I go yeah and he goes well we can mess with the computer so you'll have a fatal accident okay do you have any children yeah I have two daughters well one of them can go missing and you will never find her again I'm sitting there going like you know huh that's enough to scare anybody and then the Holy Spirit came over me and I just looked at him I said yep you have all the cards and you can do all that and more but you can't do anything unless the Lord allows it and he he went like this he literally stunned him if he'd never heard that before and that's what I believe so the end of a story is I'm driving the go-kart up one of the Canyons near our house and I'm going kind of fast in it [Music] and there's this turn like this left-hand turn the Mountain's been cut away left-hand turn over here there's like a little turn off maybe 20 feet and then after that it's down the mountain you go so I hear and all of a sudden there's no steering and I jam on the brakes and I slide into the thing and stop hyperventilating get out of the car pop the hood and the timing belt is off so when the tow truck comes to pick me up and and take me you know take the car and everything I show the timing belt to the driver and I go hey look at this what do you what do you think look look at the timing belt he goes do you have any enemies it was cut in three different places that's how the game is played then of course Trump gets in it all goes away just like the IRS was weaponized against Christians they said we owed an enormous amount of money we know we didn't they get this the the CPA that we're working with right we're in that we're in the begin we're in the middle of an audit and he's been our tax accountant for a number of years he seems like a real straight shooter he calls me up I go down to the office he goes I can no longer represent you and hands me the file I go was there anyone else in the office who can represent us no it's just like and we have like a week before the audit it's like what and then we found our current accountant who's a bulldog and he basically got the I'm not going to tell you the figures but it was some astrical astronomical amount of money that we allegedly owed all went away Trump gets elected all goes away just like YouTube you can't say there is no freedom of speech anymore we we completely disengaged from politics prophecy and the supernatural we don't even go there what's the point all they're going to do is de-platform you so what have I accomplished nothing so we do you know five shows a week still Supernatural confrontations where people like you come on a zoom Channel and tell me Tell the audience what you've experienced Angelic demonic encounters with the Lord whatever and it's fascinating because we get it's a platform for for the folks and we get to hear you know really cool stories and then Tuesday is on the trail of a Nephilim where we talk about the Giants and Nephilim architecture Supernatural technology Wednesday is UFO update and Frankie with all the stuff that's going on sometimes we do two UFO updates Thursday is questions with LA which is one of my favorites because Mr Know It All gets something and I get the blab and try to answer the questions and Friday is another Supernatural confrontation so we're not we're not dinged by YouTube anymore because we're not talking anything political because you can't there's there's a narrative we have no free speech in this country anymore that's not there so it's 11 46. we'll wrap it up at what time another five minutes or something another five minutes okay La did I correctly understand that the entity that appears that has the like a quilted outfit on was three feet tall wait did I understand that correctly The Entity that yeah the entity The Entity was about three feet tall and she had some kind of like Globe inner hand type of thing and she was wearing this quilted it looked like a quilted um dress that went down to like here and then a quilted cloak it has nothing to do with Mary of the Bible and it communicated with them telepathically is there is there a description of the the other entities that appear being different sizes or do we know how big those were that appeared to the children which I might say that again uh didn't other entities or or one entity continue to appear to the children well is it small as well or was it yeah it was always the same the lady you know and but but the children say this is why father Fiera says where does it where do you come from I come from the sky she never said Heaven you know never said her name but it's all it's all in the handwritten records that's why that's why it's a construct I've heard recently that um the Giants are coming out of Stacy's that they are coming back and that our military here has already ran into them and they've already had some problems yeah let me just just tell you guys something and I said this at prophecy watches the last last time we had a conference there by the way if you haven't signed up for the prophecy Watchers Conference in October there's still room I think and you'll want to go there because a list of speakers are incredible definitely want to check that out it's a great way to spend the weekend and you know what's really cool it's a gathering of our tribe so we're with people of like-mindedness which is just invaluable it's unbelievable Sasquatch sightings Bigfoot sightings are through the roof through the roof and you'll see some of this what we met many of them have elongated skulls in my opinion these are Nephilim and it says in Revelation that the beasts of the Earth are loosed upon the population therion is the word in Greek what is that what are the beasts of the earth as the late bus desert used to say jokingly we're not talking hamsters and giraffes you see we have we the church has this truncated oh Bigfoot nonsense that conspiracy theory stuff they're drinking too much nobody's drinking anything the research and you find out that these entities stop you in your tracks stop you in your tracks that's what they can do these are Nephilim and they are growing exponentially I believe could be wrong but I'm the same knucklehead that for 30 years I've been talking about the coming great deception and UFOs are real bursting and not going away and now our government has stated that we have biologics so who's the knucklehead um in my opinion Bigfoot Sasquatch it's real and this is these are the beasts of the earth and when they're Unleashed All hell's going to break loose and the return of the Giants
Channel: WOW Faith Church
Views: 8,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Osage Beach, Word of Faith, A Place Called Heaven, Southwest Baptist University, Billye Brim Ministries, 3BI Bible Institute, Rhema Bible Training College, Southern Baptist Convention, Taking the Word to the World, Eagle Mountain International Church, The Lighthouse Bookstore
Id: Yq-_nvPfHUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 29sec (6329 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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