The World Before Adam and Eve - Dr. Larry Ollison

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lift up the word and repeat after me I believe this is the word of God I believe What God Says because it is impossible for God to lie again what we are going to study today is something that I think will reveal the magnificence and the glory and the greatness of God sometimes we we think of God as or some people think of God as just an elderly gentleman's spirit with a white beard sitting on a throne up on a cloud someplace but God is so much more than what our Earthly Minds can even comprehend and when he put all of this together when he created the heavens and the Earth it wasn't his first creation it was his first creation here that we are involved in but there were many other things that happened before then and so what I'd like to do today is I'd like to take you on a journey of what the Bible has to say not theories but what the Bible has to say about the world before Adam and Eve now we may State this again but I want to make sure I get it stated now Adam was the first man mankind did not exist before Adam he was the first man created but there was a creation before Adam and the Bible clearly tells us this now I was looking up some Seminary commentaries yesterday and I discovered that almost every single major seminary in the world says that what I believe and what I teach is Pure Fantasy well that's encouraging but what I discovered is most of their arguments that I could find against what I'm going to teach you today was not based in the word but was based in just what they wanted to believe and so I think it's very important that when we approach the Bible we don't have preconceived beliefs and then we search through the scripture trying to find a scripture that we can twist and turn and make it say what we wanted to say and then ignore everything else but we need to take the sum of the scriptures and see what the word of God actually has to say about a subject now let's start with second Peter chapter 3 verses 5 and 6. it says for this they willingly forget that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the Earth standing out of water and in the Water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded by water now many people see this when it talks about a world that then existed being flooded with water that is talking about Noah's flood the flood of Noah but now think about this no that's the world that does exist that's the world we're living in Noah was your ancestor we are all we say we're descendants of Adam but we are all descendants of Mr and Mrs Noah because when they landed when the when the ark landed there were only eight people Noah his wife his three sons and their three wives so that's where our descendancy comes from but the Bible says that there was a world that then existed it's been said that when you go to a family reunion there's two things you should never talk about and that's politics and religion and the reason is is because both of them have hot buttons and most people have their beliefs already figured out and if you say something against what they are for you've stepped on a landmine you've stepped on a verbal landmine and there's an explosion that takes place and I've seen family split because of talking about religion and politics well let's uh just understand this what I'm going to talk about today in some circles is a landmine this is this is a hot button but I want you to take everything that you think you know about the past and put it aside and listen to what the scriptures actually have to say see when it comes to the Past in theological circles there are two basic beliefs one is New Earth New World creationist and when is Old World creationist and the new world creationists say that everything happened just like what the Bible says God created everything the heavens and the Earth and everything that existed in six 24-hour periods in six days old world creationists say that God created everything but and neither group believes in evolution but one group believes that God created everything in six 24-hour periods and the other group believes that God created everything but it was over a long period of time now I will tell you starting right off that I am an old world creationist and why am I an old world creationist because it is the only way that the scriptures in the Bible fit seamlessly together and the Bible talks about the world that then existed it's just that a lot of people don't read their Bible thank you for your applause and agreement on that just being a little bit there my Christian background is very conservative I was raised in a Baptist home my dad was a southern baptist Deacon my mother was a Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher I went got saved in a Southern Baptist Church got baptized into Southern Baptist Church went to a Southern Baptist University where I met a southern baptist girl studying to be a southern baptist missionary and I was studying to be a Southern Baptist pastor we got married in a Southern Baptist Church and had two Southern Baptist kids now needless to say I saw everything kind of from an angle but one thing that happened to me early on is my pastor Josie Porter from Spring Valley Baptist Church in Raytown Missouri he he told me he said Son he said when I was just a teenager he said if it's in the Bible you've got to believe what the Bible says you can't believe what other people tell you if it doesn't line up with the Bible and I began to discover that a lot of my theological training didn't line up and I made a lot of adjustments in those early years and I have changed my theological views many many times over the years because as I find something in the Bible I believe the Bible or isn't that what we're supposed to do we believe that this is the wholly inspired word of God all right now I discovered that most people in the church thought that there were there was a battle going on it was and it was between the Bible and science and science was that evil enemy out there that fought against the Bible but I began to discover that true science and true Bible actually fit together seamlessly now before we dig deep into the subject we we still need to underline this don't get into arguments about this this is something that will inspire you and and give you a greater awareness of the glory of God of how great he is he's not just limited to this little solar system that we're in he is magnificent let's take a look at the scriptures Genesis 1 1 and 1 2. in the beginning God created the heavens plural and the Earth even if your Bible says heaven and some Bibles do some versions it in the correct translation from the Hebrew it's plural in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth the Earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters now there are two words here In this passage it says that the Earth was without form and void these two words are Hebrew words and they are tohu vaboo who and these words mean it became formless and void now there are those who say well no God just created it and it was formless and void and then he had to come in later and straighten it all out no no no that's not true first of all everything that God creates he creates perfect and Isaiah 45 18 specifically says God did not create the Earth tohu he did not create it chaotic now these words tohu babo who could be best described I like the way Billy brim describes it she says it's like when a a mother a Jewish mother goes into a room and she straightens up her child's room and it's perfect and then the kid goes in there and messes it up and later the mother comes in and she sees the room and it's in other words it was perfect and now you messed it up so in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth perfect he did not Isaiah tells us he did not create them tohu he did not create them chaotic they were not created formless and void but in verse 2 it says and the Earth became formless and void now that Hebrew word tells us it became formless and void so if it became formless and void what happened between verse 1 and verse 2. A lot happened now let me say this most scientific groups say that the that the Universe was created 13.8 billion years ago I don't necessarily like this term Big Bang it's the Big Bang Theory not the television show but it's it's they they think that there was a singularity smaller than an atom and in a nanosecond of time for some unexplained reason there was a great explosion and matter started moving faster than the speed of light because light did not exist and even all the scientists agree they agree that light didn't exist for hundreds of millions of years now that's a lot to take in you know how old is all of this that we see you know when when you send your kids to college when you send them to University as they say in Britain when you send them to UNI they hear all of the evidence of civilizations that existed twenty thousand fifty thousand a hundred thousand years ago they see fossils they see they they're they're taught about things that happened way back in the day and then they come home and they hear well Adam was kicked out of the garden six thousand years ago which according to the Bible from right now if it's been six thousand years since Adam was kicked out of the garden if Adam was kicked out of the garden six thousand years ago how in the world could there have been civilizations 100 000 years ago how could this be well and then see and that's where you get into the conflict people start thinking well the Bible and science don't line up so science must be wrong or the Bible's wrong but the reality is is the Bible doesn't say that there was no no creation before Adam in fact it says quite the opposite now we're going to look at some scriptures here but we want to establish this and some of this I've already shared with you but we know that science tells us and we know this to be a reality because with with the Hubble telescope and the newer telescopes that they have out there they can see far into space and they they can see so far into space and face space is so vast that they have to measure the distance in light years and one light year one light year is 299 million 792 458 meters per second that's how fast light travels now here's the thing the telescopes can see this direction and this direction and if you add that distance together it's 94 billion light years across and that's just what we can see and that's what the Bible calls the expanse we call the universe the Bible calls it heaven now how can this be how can this exist well let's take a look at the word of God and see what it has to say now we know that in Titus 1 2 it says in Hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie promised now look at this next phrase promised Before Time began he promised Before Time began now if time if he did something before time began that means the time has a beginning and that means it was created God created time he created time so that mankind could live in a framework of this universe and in this world that now exists see God existed in the Ageless past if it is true that there was a singularity in in the universe in 13.8 billion years ago the universe started into existence if that's true you got to understand this God was here before that God wasn't created on that day God was never created God has always existed in fact in his name you would have Ave is the implication of I am which means he was he is and he will be he is timeless you could never write a book about the history of God it's impossible because no matter how far back you go in his history you're no closer to the beginning because there is none and your Earthly brain cannot comprehend the reality that God has no beginning now there's a beginning of what we need to know because our Bible starts out in the beginning that's the beginning of what we need to know but God has no beginning his greatness is so far beyond anything we can comprehend when we ask him for something in prayer sometimes I've heard people say well I don't want to bother god with that he's got so many other things to take care of let me tell you something you're not even beginning to touch a grain of sand on the seashore of California the amount of power that God has there is no limit to his abilities God all things are possible With God all things are possible that sickness that has come upon you is it possible that you can be healed yes why all things are possible with God Jesus said if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes is it possible that God can get you out of your debt oh come on now is it possible that God can heal your broken heart yes my son passed away on New Year's Day Loretta and I had broken hearts but I'll tell you what and we but we have the assurance of knowing that our God is so great that what he promised he will fulfill and there will be a day when we can be a family again and you say well that's impossible your brain's too small nothing is impossible with God and he will fulfill every promise in his word and what he says happened now listen before the Earth became formless and void let me tell you something it I've heard this thought if God created something perfect well then nobody can mess it up oh yes they can because God has this thing that you find in creation where he gives everything everyone a choice we have choices to make the Bible says Lucifer was perfect on the day he was created that little granddaughter over there that's how old are you now 23. she's not sure but at any rate when she was just a little tight she asked me she said why did God create the devil well the answer is God didn't create the devil he created Lucifer and the Bible says he was perfect on the day he was created but he chose to do wrong well what happened the the heavens and the Earth were created and they were perfect on the day they were created but something happened well we know this that their was a time before Man was created now think about this though just get let me give you something to think about I've heard this talk so many times well on day one God created the heavens and the Earth no he didn't in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth became formless and void and water was on the face of the Earth we haven't even got to day one yet we haven't got today one yet so what happened there what caused what caused everything to become formless and void and who existed at that time well let me read a scripture to you before the six days of creation it says in the living Bible Job 38 verse 4 it says where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth and then it goes down to verse seven it ends up with saying and all the Angels shouted for joy where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth and all the Angels shouted for Joy now that just sounds like a nice little line but let me let me give you something in there the Angels existed at the creation of the Earth how do I know the Bible tells me so right there and if that's if that's not true you got to scratch that passage out so if the Angels were created was Lucifer he was a cherub that is a category that that's that's a group of angels He was a cherub and the word of God says you were the anointed this is in Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 14 to 16. it says you were the anointed cherub he was even anointed who covers I established you you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery Stones you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in You by the abundance now follow me on this from by the abundance of your Trading you became filled with violence from within and you sinned therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the Mountain of God and I destroyed you o covering cherub from the midst of the fiery Stones Now isn't that interesting that it says part of the problem that Lucifer had was in the abundance of his Trading Trading who was he trading with hmm well let's see what the scripture has to say Isaiah 14 12. how you have fallen from Heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how you have cut been cut down to the ground you who weakened the Nations so in other words when he was cast down he was cast down before the creation that we know that we have he was cast down before the Garden of Eden he was cast down back in the day and when he was cast down it says here he weakened the Nations oh my goodness Nations well I thought I thought there weren't any men before Adam and Eve there weren't there were not mankind was not here before Adam and Eve but there was a civilization of some type of beings that evidently Lucifer had Commerce with wow hmm let's take a look at Jeremiah chapter 4. it says I beheld the Earth and indeed it was without form and void now what is this telling us that this is this is back verse 2 here I beheld the Earth and indeed it was without form and void it was tohu babo Who and the heavens and they had no light I beheld the mountains and indeed they trembled and all the hills moved back and forth I beheld and indeed there was no man mankind had did not exist there was no man and all the birds of the heavens flying creatures had fled and I beheld and indeed the fruitful land was a Wilderness and all of its cities you see that all of its cities this is before man there was no man but all the cities well how could there be cities if there was no man there was another civilization of somebody else and all the cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord by his Fierce anger something very astonishing to us he tells us that when Satan was cast down to the Earth the Earth became formless and void and there was no light the mountains in the Hills trembled back and forth and all this happened before there was a man did you catch that when looser was Lucifer was cast down man did not exist but cities did interesting further in Ezekiel chapter 28 the Lord said that he cast Lucifer Out of Heaven as a profane thing out of the Mountain of God and then he makes this astonishing statement he says your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your Splendor I cast you to the ground I laid you before Kings oh boy here you go things you got to be kidding so when Lucifer was cast down he was cast down before Kings there were cities evidently if you have Kings you have kingdoms and if you have kingdoms you have Trading and Lucifer was involved according to the other scripture in the trading in the Commerce and he was a cheat and a thief go figure you know Jesus said in John 10 10 the thief the thief comes to steal kill and destroy wow amazing isn't it amazing what you find in the Bible when you read it yeah by the way First Corinthians 1545 tells us that Adam was the first man [Music] Ezekiel 28 12 says you were the Seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in Beauty you were in Eden the Garden of God now see the Paradise in the garden of God was in heaven at this time every precious stone was your covering and it goes through all the stones it says the workmanship of your temporals and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created Angels were created but they were created eons of time before man Lucifer oh I know that this is an oxymoron that he's he was he's a good liar you know you know what I mean he's he's proficient at it so proficient was he that he convinced one-third of the Heavenly Host to follow him you know in this day and age We Must Be watchful that we don't get deceived because the deceiver is really oxymoron he's really a good Deceiver he's had a lot of practice at it and the weird thing is is people who are deceived don't think they are that's why they call it deception it's it's really very difficult to minister to somebody who is deceived because no matter what you say they think they're right why because they're deceived oh well praise the Lord so sometimes you just got to cast The Devil out so what was it that um the devil did well this is kind of difficult to explain in some ways but follow me on this when God creates things he creates them to if they're something that reproduces he they're to reproduce after their own kind and in other words if he creates you for a purpose you're to stay in that purpose Lucifer and the Angels were created the Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews they were created God had a plan and they were created before man for two purposes one the Bible says they were created to worship God and they were created to minister for those who will inherit salvation that's us so they had a purpose now God created us to be like him he created us to be in His image in his likeness and Ephesians 5 1 tells us that as the church for us we are to be imitators of God in other words what God does we're supposed to do if God calls those things that be not as though they are we're supposed to call those things that be not as though they are he gave us Authority whose authority he gave us his authority over all the power of the enemy why because we were created in his likeness and His Image to be like him for all eternity that's what he wanted Lucifer was a cherubim he was an angel he was not created to be like God he was created to worship God and in a distant that hadn't happened yet he was created to minister for those who will inherit salvation Minister for the church we have Angels We Have Angels today ministering for us that's what they were created for but Lucifer got out of his Lane and he didn't he 'd say I'm going to overthrow God he didn't say I'm going to be God he said I'm going to be like God I'm going to exalt my Throne on the sides of the north I will Ascend into the sights of the north and I will be just like him he got out of his Lane and uh that didn't work out too well for him in fact in Isaiah 14 14 he said I will be like the god most high well you know it's it's kind of interesting to note that at the end of the millennium the church the ones who were who were created to be like him the Bible says we're going to judge the angels who got out of their Lane and wanted to be like him I think it's kind of ironic in a way you know it's a it's interesting that on day one God said we know the phrase let there be light but actually in the Hebrew it's more like be light is light is and I think it's interesting that on day one I don't believe that God created anything on day one he just showed up because the Bible says God is light and in him is no Darkness at all and we find in the temple uh after the millennium's over that there's in in the New Jerusalem there is no Temple because the Sun s you the sun s-o-n is the son s-u-n he is the light God is light so the Earth became formless and void in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth but Elohim God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth became formless and void and then God showed up and said I'm light here I am it's almost like he came in he said I'm going to reformat this thing I don't know how many of you are familiar with computers but back in the day you had to reformat your hard drives that took all the corruption if her hard drive got corrupted you reformatted it that took all the corruption off and you had you had something new to start with God shows up and says here I am light is I'm here wow you know and you think well no wait that doesn't line up with my Sunday school story that I was taught well don't don't get all bent out of shape it's okay it's not salvation critical this is just good information for you to know right now on day two he said let the firmament in the midst of the waters let there be a firmament let there be a an air a space a heaven in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters okay let me ask you something on day two did he create the waters no why not they were already there before day one the waters covered the face of the Earth all he did on day two was divide what was already there so what did he create on day two nothing oh I'm sure glad they kept those tomatoes in the kitchen but see we create on day two you know we've always heard he did this on day one he did this on day no he showed up on day one and on day two he divided what was already there oh my now we could go through all of the days but let me let me just share something else with you later God said let the Earth bring forth grass and herb that yields seed and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind whose seed is in itself on the Earth did he create the seed for all the plants no it was already here now all the plant life was destroyed in the previous flood the flood of Lucifer which we can talk about that in a moment if we have time but everything was destroyed but the water covered the earth and the seed was in the Earth and so the seed that was already here he said let that seed come forth let the seed grow according to His Kind that's already here on the Earth wow isn't that exciting yeah kind of gives your brain cramps a little bit but um well you say seed can't last that long you know there's a group of Israelis and I love I love the people of Israel I mean I just when I meet an Israeli they can be a bad person and I just for some reason I like them I just I just love Israelis and uh but you know there's a group of Israelis that were down in Egypt and they found a canister that had seed in it that was back from the time of the pyramids it was over 4 000 years old and it had wheat seed in this canister and they took it back to Israel of course everything grows in Israel but they took it back to Israel and they they have a field in Israel now of wheat from seed that they found that's over 4 000 years old now let me tell you something seed can last a while and so you know somebody says well seed can't last that long if the Earth was destroyed no scripture tells us in one version of the Bible says and that seed was already in the ground but it couldn't come forth until God Called It forth isn't that amazing all right wow I think I've shared this with you a few weeks ago but there's a crater down it's out west and there's also one down in Mexico and that's hundreds of miles wide I mean they couldn't even see this crater until they we had satellites and things like that and they wanted to find the meteorite that created this crater and they found it and this Stone from space that created the cree the crater was only a little bit larger than a bowling ball and somebody says how can something that small make a crater this big and the answer is it's not the size necessarily of the object it's the velocity it's the speed here's now this is just something I believe this is not scriptural partially it is but Jesus said I saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning wow so he saw Jesus saw he saw Satan fall from Heaven at 186 000 miles per second 299 million meters per second just imagine This Magnificent cherub that God had created being slammed into the Earth at that speed now this is what is just me I believe that that was the event that washed all of the oceans out of their basins and flooded the entire world and caused the world to become tohu vabohu caused the world to become formless and void that's what I believe also we know and we mentioned this before you know we have pilots in the room but if you're flying a plane there's a difference between true north and magnetic north they're not the same why is that because the Earth is just a little bit off of its axis and scientists tell us that there had to be some catastrophic event that took place millions and millions of years ago where the Earth was hit by something at a tremendous speed now this is just once again this is just me don't don't go out on the internet and saying Pastor Larry said no but my my personal belief is if I had to if I had to make a choice I would say that I believe that when Satan was cast out of heaven and slammed to the Earth that it created such a problem that this being that had been dealing with Commerce on the earth and been dealing with and it may have been Angels may have been Angels on the earth I don't know but we we do know this we do know this that oil that comes from thousands of feet in the ground used to be organic matter and how did it get there I mean we know that that's a common common knowledge thing we also know that there are artifacts that get uncovered on the earth that are twenty thirty thousand years old or or older obviously it was before Adam and Eve how do you explain all this you explain all of this by saying that there was a time when God created the heavens and the Earth and like it says in James 1 17 every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the father I believe that when the Earth was created just I believe it because the Bible says so in Isaiah the Earth was not created in tohu it was not created chaotic it was created perfect but then in verse 2 it became formless and void and something had to happen and in between there had to be civilizations if these civilizations existed it takes time to develop civilizations it takes time they don't just happen in a day and so all this time went by and Lucifer was the anointed cherub in the garden of God in Paradise in heaven and iniquity was found in him and he caused a rebellion he took one third of the Heavenly Creatures who may have been some of them on the earth we don't know but we do know this one-third of them went in this rebellion and God cast them all down now what does this tell us well you know Loretta found a scripture last night I thought it was kind of interesting it's a in Proverbs talking about wisdom the spirit of wisdom and you know there is the spirit of wisdom that God can give us and we as Christians should walk and wisdom but listen to what the word of God says and this is through Solomon through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Proverbs 8 22 he says in the beginning I was there now I is referring to wisdom wisdom is talking here in the beginning I was there for God possessed me even before he created the universe isn't that amazing from eternity past I was set in place before the world began I was anointed from the beginning before the ocean depths were poured out and before there were any glorious fountains overflowing with water I was there dancing even before one mountain had been sculpted or one Hill raised up I was already there dancing when he created the Earth and it goes on wisdom was there wisdom is here now you know much of the world thinks that Christians are stupid and I really truly believe that all knowledge and the answer to every question is in the word of God you want to know about the ancient Pastor you want to know about the future it's in the word of God tells us about the past and there's there's more scriptures in fact if somebody would like my complete notes on this uh send me an email at l-o-m that stands for Larry Ellison Ministries at org and I'll send you my complete notes with all the scriptures but we need to you know there used to be a a television show and a radio show called back to the Bible I think as Christians we need to get back to the Bible I think we need to start looking to the word of God and not believing something just because it's in a children's church storybook you know check everything out I don't check me out check every preacher you listen to you know there's there's a lot of places you can hear the word of God on on YouTube and in various places take every sermon you hear and check it out with the word of God now not everybody's going to be perfect on every single thing but the thing is we have got to have the attitude that if the word of God says it I believe it and what I taught today look I believe but I believe that the word of God teaches that ninety percent of the church thinks what I taught today is heresy but we got to go to the word and see what the word has to say and believe the word because remember what we say at the beginning of every message I believe this is the word of God I believe what God says because it's impossible for God to lie you want to know about creation check the word commentaries are okay sermons are okay but check the word you want to know about your future all right future sermons and future stories are okay but check the word the word is going to tell you the truth praise God hallelujah I'm done all right now [Applause] here's the thing I debated even talking about this today you have no idea how much I debated this because I want to talk about healing and I want to talk about forgiveness in fact I had a real great message on forgiveness and I had to forgive myself for not preaching it there's so many things we need but I think there's a point where we need to understand the magnificence and the greatness of God that God is just not confined to this planet to this solar system this galaxy to this to this universe you know we talk about this universe there may be other universes there may be billions of other universes the magnificence and greatness of God is so far out there you know when science talks about the big bang and people say well maybe that's when God started no there if if the Big Bang is true there may have been a billion bangs before this one and we have all eternity to explore if we truly believe what God's word says we have all eternity to explore all of this stuff oh it's great father in the name of Jesus we give you all the glory we give you all the praise father take your word sorted out within us give us revelation we receive it thank you Father in the name of Jesus Amen
Channel: Larry Ollison - Bible Lessons
Views: 175,701
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Keywords: The world before Adam and Eve
Id: RqtUtcTutdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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