The Blessings You Know Not Of | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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and don't think it cannot come to America it's already coming even in such time here Jeremiah's in prison for his faith and yet God says now I have something good for you a little while back I was coming off of a plane uh in Nashville Tennessee uh to Newark Airport when I got out of the bridge onto the into the gate into into the airport a man was standing waiting to speak to me and he said you probably don't recognize me then he tells me his name he was the man the first Pastor I had as a young man in that first church I hadn't seen him in ages I knew him when he was a younger Pastor in fact in fact he was the one when I've told you that I went to Washington once years ago and there was a gathering of Believers from all over the country which literally I saw Changed History he was the one who organized that he was now an old man I hadn't seen him again in decades since I first came to the Lord and I had always wanted to I always wanted to to come back to see him now he knew what happened with me the congregation the books everything that happened in fact he was on the plane cuz he was at the event where I was speaking and he was trying to get to me but he couldn't get to me and I I I found out it's like the Lord I found out since then he went to be with the Lord but the lord gave us the chance to meet before that before that and I thought about how it was back then when I first came to the Lord I'm first in this church and and and I was a new believer having no idea I could never have imagine what God would do I could not imagine it in high school I had to be the least likely person to be standing here if you had a vote in high school who's the least likely person to follow God had to be me and and only but I was an atheist at one point only by the grace of God did I come to know him and even after I believ that the Lord was real but I knew he was real I fought him I fought his call for six years cuz I didn't want to come to him I didn't want to give up what I was doing I didn't want to give up the rock band I didn't want to give up the way I was living I didn't want to give it up I thought when you give it up you give up the good things you give up the bad things he gives you the good things but I didn't know that and the only reason I did come is as you many of you know is because I was hit by a train and came within inches of being killed and after that even after that I never imagined I'd ever be teaching the word of God and how that happened wasn't cuz I planned it in my first year of coming to the Lord I became part of a Bible study of young people led by a pastor and after a number of weeks the Pastor said I can't do it anymore we'll have to end this and the people of the Bible study came to me and said we will you lead it cuz if if you don't we got to stop it will you lead it that's how I said all right so that's how it started another thing I never could have imagined and one day um during that time I was kind of I had come to the Lord but I didn't know where he was what what was was going to happen I went into a little church in the middle of the week and they had this special guest person there it was a uh it was a former prostitute uh she was a Madam actually and she got saved and she had a gift of the spirit of knowledge and in the middle of the service or at the end she points to me the in the C and calls me up and I was you know you know I was uh again I'm in college now I don't know where it's going I'm going to be graduating college soon and so I had to decide what to do and she starts speaking over me and saying things that have come true now back then well I graduated college and I didn't know what okay Lord I know I'm called for Ministry what Ministry I went down I talked with Jews for Jesus they put me on the streets immediately handing out tracks I got hit a guy hit me with that I said I don't think so I don't think this is it I checked out another Ministry chosen people but you know all good Ministries I felt that's not the thing finally I prayed Lord just give me a job that you would do he ended up giving me a job working with disabled children and that is what he would do he said as you've done it to these you've done it to me it was one of my major preparations for Ministry God said you got to be humble and you got to be a servant and you got to serve people's needs and you got to be patient and that's what he would taught me there I continued leading the Bible study during that time not knowing what the ministry would be I ministered to the city there are homeless people all over New York City at that time still are but there were a lot then we started ministering giving them Bibles giving them food um now now when I came to the Lord in college I was working as a security guard at night night Watchman I do my homework at at the security desk you know and the company decided to put me in a factory in backwood Suburban Country Road in New York state and it was while working there that I came to the Lord and then and next door to the factory in the middle of nowhere was this other building an office building in which there was a Ministry and every day I'd come and go I see the sign and the sign said a American Board of missions to the Jews and here I am a Jewish person coming to the Lord I never bothered to even go next door they would later change the name of their Ministry to chosen people Ministries it was one of the the two largest Ministries specifically giving the gospel to the Jewish people in the entire world and they just decid they actually birthed Jews for Jesus and they decided just for that period of time they moved their world headquarters right next door in the middle of nowhere next to the factory where I was working now I still never went there there I had no intention of going there but God had a different intention at one you know at one point the factory even rented part of that building and I'm patrolling that building I never even checked it out so one day I go to a church service which is about 30 minutes away it was the Church of the Nazarene with Charlie Rizzo in New Jersey and after the service they had Fellowship a woman came in just from somewhere else she's a visitor she's oh you're Jewish she said they're starting something up called a Messianic congregation uh let me give you the phone number I just happen to have the phone number of the guy what are the odds of that she and so I called the guy he says come on down he gives me directions the next Friday night I set out I'm not a year old in the Lord yet it's going to be the first time I'm setting foot in a Messianic Ministry I'm following his directions Direction takes me to the building that's next door where I work every day he gave me a different route so I didn't realize till I got there I said it's like I had to go 30 minutes to New Jersey in order to go next door you know I go into a room my first m in a congregation had about eight people and and yet it was God's appointed plan and purpose because there was someone else one of the eight was someone who he stood out right away you could not hide this man stood out no matter where he was but he had just gotten saved a little while back and he was going there to be discipled and to help with Ministry his name was Gary Selman he played guitar LED worship there and he said oh will you play guitar bring it so here we're playing we're playing all that together it was God's plan cuz later on one day he would say help me start another congregation called Beth Israel and it was he was the one who would ask me to go into Ministry but he was God had us next door for a year and then had to bring us it was all there in fact it was not only all there it's like right you know something the answers in our life often they're right there we don't see them but not only that when I realized when I got saved I got saved on a mountain top I gave my life to the Lord on a Mountaintop and I looked at and you could look down and you can see where it was over the over the village of Gary selet he already had everything planned out for my life and so I said okay you know so so you know when he asked well actually but when he so I said I'll help you but the Lord called me into Ministry and so I'll help you with this ministry but one day I'm going to have to leave when the Lord calls me to full-time Ministry so I helped out you know I wasn't I was like one of the three leaders there they had about at the peak maybe 30 people I helped for a few years while I was doing the Bible study while I was doing the ministry of the city while I was doing all and one day the leader of the congregation left and so now Gary suon calls me to a diner in New Jersey and says okay I'm asking you to lead Beth Israel and I said Gary I said I I said I'd help you for a little bit uh this is the meantime it's the you know the Lord called me for a Ministry when you asked me this he said maybe it is the ministry I said I don't know he said if you don't say yes we have to close it down so I said all right Lord I said I don't know about this cuz that wasn't my plan if you want me to say yes I know I'm you got to make it real clear I know I'm not supposed to they tell me you're not supposed to give a fleece to the Lord I don't actually the Bible doesn't say you can't do that but the point is I said but I'm I'm going to give you six fleeces and you have to do them all by the end of the month if you want me to say yes by the end of the month every single one he did one of them was we we were in meeting in this church we had no place I said Lord there's a building in the back there's a little building in the back of the church I said have them offer us that building so we can have a place of our own so right after that after years they decide they offer us the building I said all right Lord and when I said yes to the calling they withdrew the offer I said Lord you tricked me and I got for the spirit saying well you you said have them offer it you didn't say you're going to get it you say to have them offer I said Lord you got me on a technicality see he's been in the business a lot longer than I have so I reluctantly said yes I went into full-time Ministry not cuz I planned it that way but the same way I came to the Lord you not planning but every step was that way every step I didn't plan I didn't imagine I didn't fathom and it's not that we don't plan things but the ultimate course of our life has got to be his plan not yours it's better and and we started when we started the congregation we had to reopen it had been closed down we reopened it and was on a Friday night and it was a blizzard we had to cancel the service then another blizzard and another blizzard I said Lord what are you what you I said yes what's going on here' and that's when the lord gave me a word way back then and and when we had just a few people and I shared that word I believe it was the third service that I ever shared a word as the leader and I preached this and the word would sum up everything that in my life what he had done but what he was going to do and it's a word that I got again last night for you and it's this Jeremiah 33 verse three call to me and I will answer you and I will show you Great and Mighty things you know not of yes everything that the that God did was that and everything he was going to do from a little group of people when I shared that word to them little before everything he did with us before the books before everything God it did all these things he said I'm going to show you great amount of things you know not of and on Friday night this Friday night I ended as I was speaking of Paul on Mars Hill speaking of the unknown God the altar of the unknown God I spoke of that thing the unknown the the the importance of what we don't know what we don't know is bigger than what we do know yes and so he says he says the unknown God be open he says the unknown God I'm going to make that's what it says on Mars Hill and then and now here he says I will show you what you don't know what you what you know not now you've heard this scripture before but you may never have had it opened up and I want I'm led to because I believe this is God now you for you to open it up even the context the context well let me put it this way here's how it starts it says this then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the second time while he was still confined in the court of the Guard saying now first thing is he's in prison Jeremiah is in prison because the king and the government and the culture are all against him and he's preaching the word of God they don't want to hear it they don't want to hear the truth you know he's the opposite of Jonah because Jonah is the is the most successful evangelist in world history everybody got saved and he was miserable because he didn't want to do it Jeremiah is faithful doing the work of the Lord he doesn't see anybody get save yet he was faithful it's not about the results it's about faithfulness to God you do what God Said amen very much you know they don't want to hear the word of God they put them in prison it's very much like what's happening today and where it's going just in very recent times we've been witnessing a new phenomenon in the West in Europe in in Canada in the west where Believers Christians are being put in prison in those Nations for preaching the word people in in Britain have been arrested on the street for preaching the word of God Britain England a woman in last year was because she posted a scripture on her site like Facebook she was put to trial for the C for the on on the punishment of two years in prison this is a middle-aged woman Member of Parliament Christian put a scripture like 10 years before and she was put on trial just this past week it came out in Europe Malta a Christian man was interviewed on television gave his testimony he said he was saved from a same-sex Lifestyle by the power of Jesus he is now on trial for saying that and facing imprisonment and don't think it cannot come to America it's already coming even in such time here Jeremiah's in prison for his faith and yet God says now I have something good for you even in troubles and persecution or problems in your life doesn't change at any way in any form the promises of God Jeremiah could have been real discouraged probably was you know nobody's listening nobody got saved now I'm in prison I could be killed and God says Jeremiah I've got a word for you in prison you don't have to be in the temple you don't have to be I can speak to you this is just as holy in your prison wherever you are it doesn't matter don't focus on where you are focus on who's with you God speaks to people in prison God spoke to Paul in prison spoke to Peter in prison does great things in prison and so how much more no matter what you're going through he will speak to you and his promises don't lessen at all because you're going through something get into the new and the unknown what you don't what I mean is this when you first came to the Lord I'm sure most of you you were an open book you were an open slave you are open Lord I don't know this all this thing is new to me like teach me this show me this wow this this this and a lot of times you prayed and like that God answered you know you you were newborn you know when you're newborn you don't want to keep your baby waiting for a long time when they need something you're older you think I don't get that all time it's okay God you're older God wants to teach you something things too about faith but you had an open there's something about being open that opens the door for those things that you knew that you knew that when you came to God you knew that you didn't know you most of it you didn't know you know and now we think okay well most of it I know no because how big is God God is infinite so even if you've known him for 40 years years you still most of it is what you don't know that hasn't changed know that there's more to God why I I've said this why do you think why do we have eternity why is heaven Eternal why is it forever because forever is the exact length of time it takes to know God Amen forever so if you want the life comes by by KN like Lord more I want it I want it you want seek if you want to live a Heavenly life seek the new Lord seek seek the Lord I need to know more of you that's all I want get into it Lord I want that I want new intimacy with you new revelation in you new joy in you I want I want that's okay that's a good one and lastly open your heart and your life and your and your schedule and your routine for change amen if you're going to be open to what is new you want better you want then you have to be open to what you don't have you have to be open to what you don't know what is new then you also have to be open to change because newness produces change if God's going to show you when you first found salvation what did it do it changed your life when you know something new every new thing you know it is produce change it has to produce change if it's from God so if you want God to show you something great you have to say Lord I am willing to be changed I am will change me I am willing to grow I'm willing to get out of my but I'm comfortable with cuz that's I want more faith leads to action to change that's change fath New Faith leads to new change and new action greater Faith leads to Greater change be open to change Lord I I'm willing to give this up I'm willing to take this on I'm willing to change my schedule I'm willing to change I'm to the way I think I'm willing to change change me Lord into your image the vessel that will receive from God Great and Mighty things is the vessel that is open to God to be open to God means Lord whatever I'm going God has done great and mighty things we have known not I still remember I still remember preaching that word again to 30 people snow days blizzards and we have we had no reason except God just gave that God has done it beyond what I could have ever imagined and God is giving a promise now to you a word to you here now there there is a condition on it though he didn't just say I'm going to do it he said if you call to me if you seek me if you search me if you take this seriously take it to heart take them up on it CU everything you need comes from God and everything that that is better is going to be new to you take it you know you can stay with what you know and what and and what will he show you nothing but if you go with what you don't know what will he show you Great and Mighty things you know not now do not be limited by what you know don't be limited by what you have known don't be limited by your record or your past how you've been in the Lord don't be limited that's not God if you've been limited because you didn't do well that's not God God isn't what you don't know God is unlimited become unlimited Lord I'm I believe what exactly does he have for us in the days ahead what is exactly does he have for me I don't know but that's the cool thing thing cuz that's all I need I need I don't know when I get I don't know I'm open I don't know that means I'm open to find them because what's inside of I don't know Great and Mighty things he said you know not Great and Mighty things you know not so the I don't know that's got you got Great and Mighty things that's where it's going to be so Lord I don't know but I'm open I don't know what you have I know it's good I know I know I that's what I have to but see not knowing is very powerful you can go real far in the Lord if you don't know what you're doing as long as you're open to him who does cuz that's where it is it says we who have been saved been saved to what walk in the newness of life God your God is the god of surprises really really that's what he does because if it's you're not surprised then it's the old thing he's not the old thing he's the new thing he's everything that's not what you've seen he's Beyond everything he loves to surprise that's that's what he does and that's where you know CS Lewis wrote a his his his autobiography was called surprised by Joy God surprised me how many people were surprised I mean I'll put it the other way how many people plan to be saved you didn't plan how many people PL that you'd ever think you'd be here you're you're here cuz God surprised you Moses 80y old guy his life is pretty much over as you think about it he's getting ready to go to retirement moved to Miami but no he's out in the middle of the Wilderness and he hears somebody say Moses he looks up it's a bush talking to him surprise he could have had a heart attack with that but he didn't God knew it the Hebrews are hungry we want this we want this they say look up dinner coming down surprise from Heaven Mary has never known a man you know Joseph surprise she's pregnant they run to a tomb and the tomb is empty he got up surprise the holy spirit of God comes on them and they start speaking in tongues they never did this has never happened before surprise from God God is the god of surprises he surprises his people that's what he does you know and and that's why we got saved because he surprised us he's not you're not supposed to have that end he's not supposed to stop surprising you God is always surprising you know you know that's when that's when those churches grow dead when they stop there's nothing to surprise them anymore they got it all down they have everything in a box yeah it's not going to be God you stop being surprised you stop knowing god how do you know God by being surprised God wants to surprise you this year he wants to surprise us he wants to surprise you he wants to show you what you don't know what you didn't expect open up your life prepare the way it says prepare the way for the Lord make his path straight prepare the way for the Lord open the gates open the door open the windows of your life of your heart enlarge the place of your heart enlarge the place of your life Let It Go open to have what God has he's got something new for you is it possible that behind the events Transforming Our Nation and your life New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life what does the future hold the Josiah Manifesto the ancient mystery and guide for the end times the book you can't afford not to read available in wherever books are sold
Channel: Jonathan Cahn Official
Views: 154,248
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Keywords: jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn 2024, jonathan cahn you know not of, jonathan cahn you know not, how do you know god is calling you, holy spirit, jesus, jesus calling, know, you know not, jonathan cahn footsteps, jonathan cahn god is ordering your footsteps, how to know your calling, calling, not like us, keys to your rising, jonathan cahn warning, beyond, jonathan cahn the blessings you know not of, bible, god, jonathan cahn you know not the calling, r5j2c, cjr52, c5j2r, j5c2r, rcj52, cahn
Id: g3zTVdDDaMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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