Kyoushi to Seito to: The BEST Teacher-Student Doujin

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you know what i had this down as gaunt actually okay i'm perfect again like i'm i'm shocked i got some of these wrongs i thought i got them yeah i'm shocked you got it wrong i thought it would have been fairly obvious uh i thought it was fairly obvious it was just because you know what it was because we got a conversation the other day where god mentioned the word showter and i'm like this gotta be gone like a week ago it must be gone he's trying to [ __ ] inception my ass um yeah i mean what is this this one was weird because i thought the premise was really quite attractive you know i thought it was quite hot and then suddenly things just started happening where i'm like oh i don't know i don't know about this really because let me explain the premise yeah so a teacher who works at the school is broke i guess very broken very broke but she has a very broken full-time full-time you know teacher obviously yeah obviously some pain the dog seems like everyone else is managing fine so her genius solution is to ask one of the kids whose dad owns an apartment complex he's a religious kid to just stay in his house and uh you know so he says no because he's a very responsible chad child he says no he says no to this woman no no you're my teacher you can't stay in my [ __ ] apartment yeah why the [ __ ] would you so she turns up at his door naturally as you do when you've been rejected just [ __ ] turn up at that door this is already extremely wildly inappropriate for hr standards yeah uh and just invite yourself in uh and then she just starts living with him and mad props to the kid pushes her away and says no like 10 times that has to be that has to be rewarded perhaps you could only last so long yeah but the fact that he said no a bunch of times i respect that right expecting you know he's respecting the hr standards of the workplace yeah frankly for a kid very professional yeah i noticed uh i'm calling hr how did this woman get this job that's what i did write down um because she's essentially just trying to [ __ ] this guy constantly and i'm just wondering like how does she get this job what's going on here what's what's going on here corey did a sneaky uh hand job under the table guy from what i remember she definitely did did she yeah she literally grabbed his dick out and started sucking oh yeah no no that was the first time that was the first time before that even before she even came to his house she's like do you want to touch my boobs i'll let you do it if i get to stay in your house no but she said like joking yeah because she's like supposed to be like a [ __ ] teacher she can't say that [ __ ] jokey leave this student it's a dog wait can i have a can i have a beer actually can you give me a beer as well from the fridge and the beer for this [ __ ] yeah i can't i can't talk i'll talk about this [ __ ] without a drink you can run out of wine all right so so to explain why i guess to give context to why i chose this um this is one of my favorite doujin artists um it's an artist called fuga and i don't think yeah i didn't know how well known he was but this man is to me the king of vanilla yeah like this man's like his art is like i would say like about average maybe a bit above average average it's about average but like why i love his work so much is that his like stories and characters are so [ __ ] good where there are some points where i feel like i'm not even reading a dozen i'm just i'm just reading uh romance manga with sex scenes i wanna i wanna agree with you so bad i want it but there was so many moments where i'm like nah bro this ain't it is it the ancestor the incest side story right let me explain the story first and i'll build up to you're probably wondering why is that incest in this story this doesn't no connor didn't even mention it says why is there interest in this story great question i'll answer why that's interesting this story so in this story like i said you know she moves into his apartment for some reason he doesn't kick her out or try to get like his dad to kick her out but he lets her live in there and you know they both explain to each other they're frustrated because they haven't been able to jack off because they're both always around each other yeah and so her her solution is well great i'll just make you not yeah as any good teacher yeah apparently so they start [ __ ] and then it becomes a thing and you know it's very honestly like i will admit it's quite attractive up to this point yeah it's done very tastefully considering the fact that it would be very illegal yeah and very concerning in real life in dojin form very tasteful i thought it was done really well i was on board i would say the reason for that is because like there's a good like 40 to 50 pages before there's this first section true and like it's done well it's like you hear this premise and you think okay i've seen dojos like this before they [ __ ] with like the third fourth page or something no they there is like it was tasteful there is 44 pages of characterization and that's the thing that that's why i love this gaussian artist is because he gives a [ __ ] about characterization i i'll i'll say that there was he definitely took the time and again like i'm saying like you know obviously in real life the [ __ ] [ __ ] is [ __ ] weird yeah yeah yeah but it starts you know you set the kind of disbelief apart and it and it was done really well i'd say up to this point it's done really well i got what you're saying no i was just going to say i [ __ ] loved this one again i was i was honestly i was so into this i was like this reminds me of like an early 90s shonen jump wrong call yeah it does like with like the art and like how it's pacing like the characterization i'm like i [ __ ] love this i'm not just here to hate you know i i agree it was hot right yeah up until this point i was like they're hitting every mark you know yeah they've done this about as tastefully as you can a little was it chapter three it might have been chapter two so first first of all right we get this whole like i mean the whole reason why they [ __ ] is because uh there's a rumor going around the school that she's dating a teacher yeah and the teacher's like like the vice principal vice principal yeah and the vice principal was like yeah we're dating kid get over it yeah but he doesn't know they're [ __ ] yeah and she's like no no no he tried to take me to hotel and he tried to come on me we didn't [ __ ] yeah yeah all right respect respect i get it yeah and then out of nowhere like like [ __ ] randy orton slithering in his sister comes into the play and is like by the way i love him i'm gonna [ __ ] him now and then they start [ __ ] and i'm like what is going on where did this come from why why why it's like it's like this this incest was just like allow me to introduce myself like why did this why no it wasn't allow me to introduce myself it came in like the kool-aid man yeah yeah yeah out of nowhere they just start [ __ ] his sister and then she leaves and it's never brought up again why why not right too justified to me no no no i'm not i'm not justifying so much what the [ __ ] i [ __ ] hated the incest in this one okay god what the [ __ ] was that the reason i [ __ ] love this one teacher student relationship done [ __ ] tastefully as [ __ ] yeah um like this like okay chapter three he like she doesn't [ __ ] the main guy for some reason like there is just this like one of his classmates comes in and is just like i've run away from home and that's right he was weird too this my sister is harassing me yeah to correct what connor said it's the sister doesn't [ __ ] the main guy it's just these two side characters who just ran who is the brother sister who just randomly [ __ ] for no [ __ ] reason i don't know why he's the main character it's the main character but let's chat yeah yeah it's like the main character's friends shows up and he says i've run away from home and then he finds out [ __ ] me yeah yeah my sister's been harassing me and then heath and then so this is even more concerning because it has absolutely nothing to do with the main story right that's what i'm saying his friend finds out that the teacher and student are living together and he's like oh okay that's fine whatever and then the sister comes along and was like the sister comes to the teacher and is like do you know where my little brother is i heard he went to your place or something along those lines and so the sister comes in and she's like this is this is mine he's mine yeah and then she and then i don't even know who he is then the little brother starts like and then she starts [ __ ] sucking his dick or something in front of the teacher and the teacher's just there being like all right you guys this is why i was like i was like what the [ __ ] was that like i was literally into this headset meme i learned what is this like why do they do this like every time you get into it a random side story comes up there's absolutely [ __ ] nothing to do with the story and it's [ __ ] i thought that side story was [ __ ] hilarious it takes you out of it it was funny the wrong way was [ __ ] i mean i mean i it was i it was so out of place for like the rest of the dojo because there's only one chapter it's only one chapter it's a side story that i don't know why this side story is in here put it at the end because it literally it literally had no effect on the story and the character they don't call back to the characters like i don't know why this side story's in here but the point is like the reason this is one of my favorites is that the relationship the relationship between the student and the teacher is like so well and it's just like you you don't you can never read a booga dojin and just not come out just like with a warm fuzzy feeling i agree with what i agree what is what are you laughing at corner why why are you laughing connor because there's there's a few there's a god i gotta stop you right there i will stop you right again there is one moment where i was like oh i don't know about that one chief well she's like she's like guys i have an announcement to the school i've been [ __ ] one of the students and i'm like i thought that's a good idea i really don't think this is okay well like it's completely in character though isn't it like they've built her up as just someone who just doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah but i'm thinking i'm sitting here like all right all right i did it for love i respect it i respect i do yeah i do but i think about your career a little bit no she doesn't know she's just yeah you're not employed you've literally just admitted to a criminal offense i i'm pretty sure like in front of everyone no dude she was just like i love this guy so much yeah i'm willing to say my job your honor it was love yeah i was like you've been sentenced to 10 years that's why it's hosting as [ __ ] she she sacrificed her career yeah to declare her love and i'm just like exactly i'm just like this is a dozen i don't care you know i don't care about the legal ramifications she obviously didn't get any the point is that like it was building up to a point like what what listen i i will admit the ending was somewhat sweet i will admit yeah a part of me was just like did you really have to announce it to the school this is really nice because you know that's the dramatic scene yeah it's not like this [ __ ] wedding you don't have to be like lord farquaad you cannot marry her because i'm going to marry you don't need that you know it really doesn't add anything you could have just been like you know what i'll see you after school graduate we'll [ __ ] you know that could have been but that's boring yeah i mean i mean it was it was dramatic yeah it was it was it was like you need the job you need the job you need the spice [ __ ] that's the pog moment where you're like oh i can't believe she just said that like when he confessed to her and she just went i know i'm just like oh [ __ ] son she did not just say that what i mean she's literally been [ __ ] riding this boy's dick for 10 months of course she likes her that's that's how this [ __ ] goes but that's what i loved about this dungeon is that it reads like a 90s rom-com because there's so many moments like that in 90s rom-coms that i've read where i'm just like i mean of course like like of course i was i was so [ __ ] invested in these characters in this character's relationship more so than like any other dojin i've read apart from his other works like the i mean the only reason i really chose this was of course gant teacher student relationship of course i'm gonna [ __ ] love that i mean you know it's taboo as it is in real life it's very attractive yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fictional works i don't think about the legal ramifications whenever we do sometimes i do i'm sitting there and i'm like [ __ ] dude like how many years am i getting for this yeah like this this isn't even his like most highly rated works there's there's like one which i would say is like the children of hentai if you remember the children it's like an anime that focuses on different couples kind of like and getting together and it's wholesome as [ __ ] and his work is basically like that but just with the [ __ ] included right you get the same kind of character development you can get the same kind of care in the characterization as you would in any other [ __ ] monk i would say there was big props to you know making me actually give a [ __ ] about the story yeah uh despite the weird side story again i really want to know what the thought process was i'd love to be here i thought in the board meeting i wish i was there actually yeah i thought it was [ __ ] hilarious it was but i was like halfway through reading this chapter i was like i know this is gonna happen no ramifications on the story but it's just hilarious to read i was just like because i knew when i recommended this that it was it was that scene that was going to get brought up and then of course how could i not i knew it was just i knew it was just going to be the moment where it's just like go on this your man i'm just like this this this is not my man literally this is not my mom get your man i'll get you man what i'm saying right is that two out of three have incest gone what's up with that what's up with that you know whatever he's just he likes it man don't leave the man i like it because i get to be the judge during an executioner here and i don't have to i don't have to share my taste he didn't have to show your taste i don't have any taste oh we roasted you enough time come on stand by my words but yeah i mean out of ten what do i give it out of 10 let's look at what i gave it ah seven out of ten oh not bad i thought the good moments were very very good the story was pretty damn good yeah a few moments where i thought ah yeah all right whatever yeah and a few moments where i'm like all right a little too much keenness from this lady in the start i'm like there's no why are you into this kid is there any extra any reason why is it purely i don't think i don't i don't even think she was into the kid at first really right because she's just joshing around yeah she'll because i can't we'll get a woman josh he gotta [ __ ] around live in your apartment bruh she's like she's like early twenties like she doesn't get [ __ ] like the reason that like there was like she used they used the cat analogy so much was because she would just basically was a stray cat yeah that was like the analogy right when i'm just like she she doesn't give a [ __ ] a good story though it was the first time where i read a dozen and i looked at like a character and i was like you're not even hot you're just cute as [ __ ] yeah honestly the reason the reason this is my favorite of his works is because i [ __ ] like you at the cutest [ __ ] [ __ ] thing the teacher's like i love the [ __ ] teacher yeah i think she's cute as [ __ ] yeah she's cute [ __ ] fangirls the fangs like that's for me
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 91,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: VtfVcxuTFLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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