Connor's DISGUSTING Taste in Anime

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gentlemen here is my nine my my arguably arguably the strongest nine we've had today okay you want to go from top left to bottom uh hunter hunter golden time uh boccarano uh ping pong animation sakamoto kaiji mob cycle 100 banana fish and jojo i'll tell you what this is this is the guys i have good tasting anime bro these are good what are you like like like guys guys do you want to know what personality i have absolutely no [ __ ] personality this is that i'm sorry that i i don't like incest gone is that what you want to see on my list like where's the lack of incense this is the this is the i cite my sources in my video essay like levels of like anime taste you know what i mean what no these are legitimately if i had to use a name like the top nine shows that i have and like a little bit of variation genre this would be it no no no because i look at this list and i'm just like yeah i this is this is what what this is what my nine by nine would be if i literally went through my like modern mao and just pick the top highest rated anime yeah i'm trying i'm trying to take my [ __ ] taste in anime gone and this is my taste i don't know man i'm sorry that it's too normal this is no no no it's not even normie it's just it's try hard that's what it feels like legit this this is legit my my favorite nine shows okay well i mean obviously we don't have to talk about hunt hunters [ __ ] amazing we've talked about golden time golden time is like my favorite we talked about volcarano right i love ping pong ping pong right other than like mob okay that's also why i love them all for similar reasons okay like ping pong is like one of the only animes right you get all these [ __ ] stupid animes where the guys opie as [ __ ] like it no one [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] right like okay wow kirito is a giant dick again right cool we have another easter kai oh they're overpowered oh they have an ability that's unique to them you know what real life sucks man no one has a unique ability and i really liked there was a [ __ ] anime that was like bro life kind of sucks man sometimes people just gonna be better at things that you love even if they hate it that's what that was so real and it hurt man it hurt because i've been on both sides of the ping pong like animation like the characters i've been talented at something that i [ __ ] hated and i felt bad for people who really wanted to be good at that thing that i was good at and i've also tried my [ __ ] hardest at something and you speak japanese fluently at birth so you know i've been on both sides of the spectrum of pink on the animation so you know i'm kidding no but i mean really ping ping pong ping pong what what i call and what up what i call ping pong it's a life animal yeah it it it hurt because i was like [ __ ] you really had to like pull that out of me yeah like that that made me a little like god damn okay yeah wait okay then i'm curious have you seen uh mosh comes in like a lion no okay because i think if you loved ping pong you would love everyone has told me that yeah because mars comes in like a lion is the complete opposite mars comes in like a lion is about a genius who can't understand the idea of losing yeah right but that in itself is what's causing him to lose in real life yeah so it's literally the opposite of ping pong but that's just like that's just like the school when they're like you're a gifted child and they can't [ __ ] do anything later on right exactly i mean and obviously like uh i don't want to know why why is sakamoto there okay why why is that why is it wow why why is that a top night man that's so [ __ ] funny man i have to stand with my boy here talk about it is [ __ ] hilarious sakamoto is one of the funniest animals sakamoto is so good it's so funny it's so funny you can put that [ __ ] on it's like the mr bean of anime it's like the misdemean of anime if mr bean was like a [ __ ] like handsome millionaire [ __ ] so you really gotta diss me when you just like were like yeah pedophilia brotherly in love okay here's what i don't understand though what every three by three right as we've established so far and every three by three i've seen back when it was big has at least one show that's [ __ ] like universally right yeah yeah yeah that shows the [ __ ] i think all these shows are [ __ ] fantastic which is why i just don't like [ __ ] shows jerry what do you think i'm gonna put like my whole my ho demon or some [ __ ] in this no this thing was made as [ __ ] i don't know like you don't have like a do you have a guilty pleasure anime honestly no not really really i don't really watch anime ever [Music] wow the grand reveal i i frankly again i've revealed this before i never i never [ __ ] want to re-watch anime right so you wouldn't re-watch any of these no okay why would i be watching i've already watched because it's great because dude you don't want to re-experience it not really i'll be honest with you i'd rather experience something different so there's no show like you would never like have you never gotten to the point right where you're just you just you're just tired of trying something new and because no no you're you're tired of trying something new why do you make it sound so sad i'm just tired of trying yeah i'm going to go back to work because because sometimes you try something new and you're just like man this just ain't doing it for me you just want something you want something that's it's comfort food yeah it's you know yeah i don't know for me that feels sad it feels like you're trying to capture something that's gone in your life you know what i mean i don't know i feel sad too i am in this photo and i don't like it like i don't know like you're chasing something that doesn't exist anymore in my mind why is melanie laughing at me because in my mind right i gotta i could i could easily i would watch like any of these yes would i willingly do it out of my own free world no no because like i to to bring it the other way like for me watching new shows is me chasing that high that that is me chasing that high that i felt with the shows i've already liked but the more anime you watch and just the older you [ __ ] get that just gets harder and harder i don't watch my channel anymore and that's that's the biggest like reveal of this video god doesn't watch anything no i do i watch anime yeah i mean look honestly like i i'm feeling sauce about this three by three just because again because all nine of these shows are like universally praised all right right is golden time universally praised yeah i i i like ordinary is trash i [ __ ] love golden no no golden time it was golden time took everything towards trash i liked it but it was trash golden time took everything toradora did and just perfected it yeah i i i would literally it's like if you like in my mind it's like my two favorite like romance or whatever like yeah toradora and golden time but golden time felt like the better time did it better golden time is my favorite romance of all time i would think and yeah i thought that you guys didn't like golden time okay okay i've met less people who say they didn't like golden time yeah really yeah because like the thing about golden time is that you know there are there were flaws because no who the [ __ ] liked bannery as a character let's be honest like i just okay like you talk talking about compressing your memory like i i've only just remembered that ghost binary was a thing and that was just something i've just like that was like a black spot in this like amazing series that i seem to remember golden time but like i think that's a golden time i just think this is this is how adult romance should be this is this took everything that was good as you said about toradora and just made it better perfected it put it in university didn't make it like just this high school romance had enough adult elements that didn't have an annoying ass [ __ ] lolli true that was that she was really [ __ ] awesome i love kaiju there get the gambler that was that's what she's [ __ ] amazing is great all my favorite shows and it's sad that no one gives a chance but also weird that it's only in 720p that's pretty [ __ ] weird but no 480p i think or something really yeah it was never released oh yeah yeah it it's in 480p and it's such a shame because like it's it's such a [ __ ] good show but it was either that or like one ounce i really [ __ ] like one hour but i mean i i don't know like there's i mean i guess it looks very basic from the outside looking no it's not basic it's not basically because it's it's not basic in the sense where you thought we were putting on nine favorite shows like oh like oh no we were but what we're saying is that like there isn't a single guilty pleasure anime here because obviously in my opinion the guilty pleasure is a show that you love no matter what even though you know it is [ __ ] yeah but okay but then i when i was making this nine by nine let's say dead man wonderland i love dead man wonderland but it never finished and it was you know it was kind of you know it was kind of mere because of it but like i don't think it's better than any of these shows for me personally because like i've i've talked to you and i know what your tastes are basically and i don't see that call me out i don't really see that represented here because i i know like you do my taste like you know me gone what do you mean i mean like you you literally hung out for a couple years i'm only like one of your favorites we only see each other every day yeah yeah like i i know you love like [ __ ] hardcore brutal shows like jojo bakki dance i love um i'm surprised that i thought becky was gonna i thought bucky was gonna be up there as well well i mean i love becky as like there's because there's a few episodes in backyard it's like mid but there was just so many [ __ ] funny moments there like it all stand with me forever here's the best way i can do this i know you like chad shows that's that's the best way to get like a chat that's the best way i can describe honestly okay like like it's it's like just it's just got chad characters isn't it you know what i mean chad characters yeah that's that that's why i really want connor to watch or read fist than all stuff yeah yeah i know you would [ __ ] love that yeah i like the right amount of chat if there's just too much chat sometimes a little too much you know sometimes what do you mean you like jojo that's like 100 that's a different that's a different kind of chat that's like that jojo is like the built different anime like that's in its own league as far as i can say like i think jody shouldn't even be treated as anime it's a lifestyle yeah it's an artwork but like i don't know like in first of the north star when i see that i don't really find it appealing because they're like they're just like too macho i want a bit of weakness to the character right i mean if you read it you'll know every character is weak as [ __ ] really okay okay fine fine i think you should read it you'll love it yeah but yeah it pisses me off when i'm watching an anime and the main character is like a wimp beyond com comprehension and just causes so many problems for himself because he's a wimp and i'm like yeah listen all you had to do was just say no and you wouldn't have been dragged off to a culture are you talking about deku i don't know something else there's a lot of shows where i'm just like this literally could have been avoided if you just like slapped yourself for about two seconds like this whole problem you know i don't know what are you i'm not satisfied i'm not satisfied how do you want me what do you want from me huh just some [ __ ] i mean like you're expecting me to have [ __ ] this is like this is like this is like too polished i i i i i have good taste what can i say i can i can make a better nine uh three by three go on again make my three by three for me okay it would be like i was like i said i'll see if it's fantastic it'll be jojo yeah but like i love baki but it's not in my top nine shows but you talk about it so often yeah but it like i love it but it's i wouldn't put it higher than any of these for enjoyment in my mind but like it's it's okay because shows that i love and show that i want to talk about are like different i guess but it's okay like this this is like getting this we should have defined the rules more appropriately right like connor give me the nine shows that you think about keep you up at night yeah yeah yeah because that's what i did i i did why didn't sorry they used to put your nine favorite shows that represent you well well like what i don't understand is you say that like the shows i talk about and the shows i like are not the same why would you talk about a show if it's not your favorite there's some shows where it's like well ping pong right right it's all of it is encapsulated in the show there's nothing more to adam like just [ __ ] watch it but like it's like amazing i love it i can't i can't improve it nobody's talking about it that's that's the exact point right because sometimes you see a good show and you're like [ __ ] me that was a good show like i i like love i need to talk about it yeah yeah but sometimes you watch a show and you're like man this is this is sticking with me you know what i mean this is i i i'm punk stuck with me huh yeah no no i'm not saying ping pong shouldn't be on this but like what shouldn't be on this hunter hunter bro fight dude honda hunter prove that [ __ ] that [ __ ] moved me man i don't know man i hear you talking more about bucky than hunter yeah that's because okay let's be like [Music] i talk about one punch man more than i talk about mob psycho right in one punch because i think mob psych is a better show than one punch man well then why wouldn't you talk about mob psycho if it's a better shot well again because it's a bad show and i feel like there's not much to say it's [ __ ] amazing like just go watch it like but it's like like my favorite show i love becky right where i have to sit there and be like listen get to the part where he [ __ ] someone and becomes extra powerful like i love having that conversation again if you haven't seen becky there is a scene where he has only one scene yeah honestly and that one scene is enough to be like anime of the year in my mind just like give it a reward that's that's exactly what i'm [ __ ] talking about that's exactly what you've seen that's a scene that's stuck with you and you can bring up and you want to bring up so why would that not be in your number three it's like the way that i see it is that like let's say god wants to take me to like an event and he's like he has to specifically tell me like connor don't bring up the backy sex scene to like my friends that's the level of like i just want to talk about it like that it's not like it defines my taste for some reason i just want to talk about that scene and how [ __ ] weird because because like i like kind of kind of talking to you i know what what kind of shows you would like you know you you look at someone's three over three and you can like recommend some shows that they would like for example like i knew for example that you would love a show like daughterhead you know what i mean because that that that that is crimey it's grimy it's a chad anime you know what i mean it's just corner it just you know if i i'm just going to say if i didn't see this three by three and you told me no no and if you ask me recommend me an anime ping pong is the last one i would bring up for me for you why it again it just doesn't seem like a show you would like what i love that that's actually like top three foundation the biggest the biggest one for me is like mob psycho and hunter hunter hunter is my favorite show sorry hunt hunter is my favorite showing of all time what about jojo i don't really count that as a shonen it is a show but it is a show because it has to be categorized but there's no there's no jojo category but there should be as far as i'm concerned you know okay that's what what is the jojo category then because jojo is like it's own beast right like i can't i there's nothing you can compare jojo to no i i i agree with him a lot i i disagree i i compare jordan to something right now do it bucky [ __ ] off no no no no it's not it's not exactly the same it's not exactly i'm not saying they're both the same thing right but they give off the same kind of feeling you know what i mean where it's just like there are some ridiculous [ __ ] things happening and you're just happy good times yes i'm not saying that they're on like the same level or anything but they give off the same vibe is what i'm talking about but i've always said that they're just both [ __ ] insane but the thing is that a bunch of 80s and 90s shown in back then had this kind of feel to it yeah like fist the nostalgia also has scenes where it's just like what the [ __ ] did i just read and you just recommended that to him because he said no that's yeah that's what that's exactly what i'm saying like halfway through is like right let's just be gay now like that that's that's like i love that no trust me there's a lot of gay parts in this is that really oh yeah i just thought it was like the manliest manly anime in existence like no i guess that's pretty gay and that is pretty good that's pretty good there's a thing called i don't know if you're aware of that i was going to say the ymca the ymca music video is pretty manly yeah but like banana fish is one of my favorite shows as well [ __ ] love better yeah but fish is great blonde fish isn't good but but i'm but i was expecting that because you've talked about it right you've even made a whole video on bananafish so i expected that but so you're complaining that i picked good shows is that yes because everybody's three by three has to have at least one show where it's like hold on honestly let's see if i can put a bad show that i like in my three by three there's got to be at least one you'll see the money there's gonna be what i'm saying is every three by three has to have at least one shitty show that you know is shitty no you just don't like it look look honestly what is it the world got in the nose that's a [ __ ] show would you put that on yet honestly yeah i probably would but you see when i'm making this right we had like what like an hour to make this i'm thinking like boom i'm putting my favorites on there they're classics okay okay okay here's here's a better working word i understood more about you as a person from your hentai taste than i did from this yeah but that's okay i mean that's very okay i feel like anyone could hear my hentai taste and figure out hmm connor recommends mother knows breasts i wonder what he's into yeah that is true i look at this and i'm like this could be anyone's three this this was a this was a randomly generated image made by this like it's like this this was made by an ai learning program from like the a randomly generated sample from people's top like i i i put in the ai but this is an offensive three by three this is what came out there's a lot of them in like in good faith i couldn't put on there because i'm like i honestly don't [ __ ] remember much from the show so like i don't know what to put on there like so this is a these are like the nine shows right if you like name name nine shows that you love right away these are the first nine that come together okay i'll be honest with you honestly i i me maybe it does make sense because rem do you think rem is your [ __ ] wife yeah that's just that's just what i'm trying to say is i like good shows too connor i'm sorry that you like haruhi suzumiya evangelion and uh black lagoon the most two thousands like of anime in existence and the fact is that that's good the fact is the fact is that you got something about what my [ __ ] taste again i look at this this could be any one of our fans well this could be this could be our fans have great taste this could be any one of our fans who was like trying to impress us being like yes my favorite youtuber i also have good anime taste i have good taste what are you gonna do about it have [ __ ] taste jokes that you want from yeah i was expecting listen i'm built differently if i wanted anyone to have a [ __ ] taste it was you no no
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 784,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: KIRfvYlAv_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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