Kyle's vaccine injury journey

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it is not controversial not at all Carl there's a lot of interest in you personally um I know I know you're one of the most mod mod guys I know but uh you are you were basically a a champion mountain biker before this event and you you had the uh the second vaccine in June 2021 Ju Just can you give us just a brief timeline of what happened after that and sort of bring us up to date to to to the current place where you are now so how long after the June 2021 vaccine did you start to get symptoms and what were those symptoms yeah so it was interesting because I actually had my first dose I believe it was around May 14th somewhere around there of 2021 and for that month I wasn't having severe symptoms by any means but looking back on it I was struggling with fatigue a lot and so I was having some some sort of reaction where I was just really really tired couldn't get anything done I was just laying in bed um you know four 5 6 hours throughout the day and just extremely fatigued and I couldn't figure out what was happening um and I didn't obviously think about it being the vaccine I was just naive at that point and basically there is no reason to expect that it was um because of the messaging was like this is an innocuous thing that'll just help so anyways um when I got my second dose that ramped up so for that next month after that second dose that ramped up and I started to have kind of um heart palpitations or like almost this feeling of fluttering or my heart you know just skipping a Beat and that was happening for that next month and so I took it really easy again still dealing with a lot of fatigue and finally after about a month of that I decided to try to start just getting back into the groove of things and um riding mountain bikes again that was your early summer so all the resorts are starting to open up and yeah I went on a mountain bike ride it was around I believe July 16th um and that was when I had my first major cardiac issue and so had basically my heart rate go up to about 170 180 climbing up a hill which is like normally it would be around 130ish so it was elevated and I didn't feel very good but it wasn't something that's like oh this is so strange I'm climbing a hill why is my heart rate high but what was weird is that after getting down the hill and getting to the car my heart rate stayed at like 140 for about 45 minutes and I couldn't get it to come down and I was with an older guy um named Bill who had actually had two heart attacks in his life and so he was looking at me and I was really flushed and he's like dude you need to go like you need to go to the hospital this isn't good um so we ended up driving back to boy again my heart would not come down and so after I got home for just a second cuz it was like on the way we were in Sun Valley Idaho um got home changed for a second just to get ready for the hospital still heart rate like 130 140 having really bad kind of um pressure in my chest but it didn't feel like a sharp pain it was just like a fullness and yeah just went into the ER and that was the first experience I guess of um dealing with this and so I kind of told the doctor hey I don't know what's happening this is the only thing I can think of you know I've been fine my whole life I haven't had any cardiac issues um went for a mountain bike ride I'm having this issue you know recently I did read that there were some young men having issues after the vaccine I don't know if that's what this could be and that was a really big mistake because that immediately just you know turned off the guy um who was a nurse practitioner and he essentially was like this this guy's crazy I don't want to deal with this and so I was in the hospital for a long time in the waiting room for I think three hours finally got pulled back they did a EKG um and just looked at my heart they're like it seems pretty normal and then they did troponin levels and I had an elevated troponin which is a marker for heart inflammation but they were basically saying well if you Road your mountain bike it's possible that your opponent is elevated from that and so I'm not going to worry about it and so they gave me a big anti-inflammatory shot and essentially monitored me for a bit the TR opponents started to Trend downward a bit after the anti-inflammatory shot and then they're like all right you're free to go um and they didn't really set me up with much continuing care cuz again I think they thought it was just a massive anxiety attack back and then I was in bed rest for about 3 days after that finally kind of went out to go to the grocery store had another big cramp and chest pain and my heart ran away again went to the hospital a second time to a different hospital and they took me a lot more seriously and finally got me into a cardiologist where I was diagnosed with um pericarditis so inflammation of the liner of the heart and after that it was just this journey of you know basically resting for at least a month or two just trying to figure out what was going on on a lot of aspirins they told me they were worried about me throwing a clot potentially so they kept me on blood thinners and it was really scary for a while there I remember just each night going to bed and not really knowing what would happen and just kind of closing my eyes and then every time ID wake up I was like I made it you know was and it was it was pretty bad for a bit like I remember transferring money to a joint account and just not sure what was going to happen and I was just making sure my partner would be taken care of if if something did happen um but luckily over the next month or two things started to get a bit better I got into the cardiologist and they gave me um some medicine called culine which is supposed to help with pericarditis and it definitely did help and then through the next few months it was this journey of talking to you going to Senate talking about these issues and um getting diagnosed with something called pots as well which is a postal postero orthostatic Tac cardio syndrome and then I was also diagnosed with something called Mass Cell Activation Syndrome and so that was basically just hyperactive immune system reacting to everything um and that's something that they're finding more with this now too is your eosinophils are affected in some way your monocytes are affected in some way IG seems to be affected and basically my whole body was just on red alert for everything and so yeah I guess then last couple years it's been a journey of trying to get my body to calm down um I still have essentially like recurrent autoimmune pericarditis and so what happens to me now is although the pots is gone for the most part and I don't really have those symptoms anymore um I do still have chest fullness and kind of chest pains after strenuous activity but what I found is that if I keep my heart rate below about 140 and so that kind of zone two threshold then I can be active without any issues but then if I were to do a Sprint or try to like you know do a race run on my mountain bike or something of that nature and get my heart rate above 150 then I'll have chest pain for a few days afterwards um and this past spring or I guess a year ago spring I did like a test race run and my heart got up to about 190 and it was a 4-minute race run and after that I had chest pain for 10 days so it's just like completely dependent on how hard I push is whatever I guess the amount of stress my heart gets put under and then it'll trigger um an autoimmune inflammation so I'm trying to figure out how to get that to be better if anyone has any issues or or sorry um if anyone has any advice that would be something I'd love to learn because I've had several people reach out who dealt with pericarditis and many of them said it took multiple years for it to resolve so I guess I'm almost at 3 years in now and I'm hoping that it will get better it seems to be trending in the right direction but I definitely haven't been able to you know do what I love which is go out on mountain bike rides without having issues and when I got into DC yeah I haven't been able to ride much I tried to join like a little gym and do I guess some like more CrossFit activity workouts and I made it about two weeks before having chest pains and um cramping in my sleep and things of that nature so it's just really frustrating to go from being an athlete to basically I can like walk and ride an electric bike and do things of that nature and then as soon as I push then I just have this recurrent um inflammation and I don't know exactly what the mechanism of action is but yeah it's frustrating but I mean it's it's it's evidenced the inflammation is evidenced by the pain you get for that period of time afterwards isn't it that's yeah and yeah one of the I mean one of the hardest things for a long time was with the mass Cell Activation Syndrome which is you know basically a severe allerg reaction to anything um there's one I forget exactly what it's called but I think it's like dermo you would probably know what it is dermograph graia or something it's where basically if you hit the skin or touch the skin then it'll start to raise up and hives and so I didn't have that but several people I know have developed that and what I had that was really frustrating is um like light sensitivity and so I would break out in hives if I was in the sun too much and being like an active mountain bike guy that was really frustrating but that's gotten a lot better over time and um I was on a medicine called Chromo and sodium for quite a while which is pretty expensive but it's a mass cell stabilizer and then I did a lot of um like you know breathing exercises and Ice baths and things of that nature to try to reset my nervous system and bring it down a bit and regulate it and so if I am really on top of it with that stuff then I feel pretty good and if I'm traveling a lot and not able to do those practices then I definitely have issues with um the mass cell still being a problem so just being really active to things yeah the pain you get after exercise it's not a sharp pain is it it's more like a heavy pain a feeling of fullness is more the sort of pain you get yeah I the way I explain it to people is it feels like you just have a balloon and if you were to inflate it and it just has a little bit of pressure and then the thing I noticed the most is if I let it go like if I'm not really good at catching it right away then it'll happen when I'm sleeping and really relaxed I'll have my heart kind of like cramp and that'll jolt me awake um and the other day like I was grabbing grocer trees and had them in my hand and then I had a really big cramp and dropped everything and was like holding my chest and so I don't know it's scary because I don't know if it's going to ever trigger something worse but from what I've talked to cardiologist it's very rare for like pericardia like pericarditis symptoms to manifest in a cardiac arrest um so I feel like pretty confident that I'll be okay with that but I definitely get nervous about that um especially you know staying alone and then having it happen at night sometimes if I'm trying to push or kind of work out a lot so that happened quite a bit this past summer and then it just happened a few weeks ago and it was a little bit scary CU I think the hardest thing is mentally I'll start to feel like I'm back to normal and I'm trending in the right direction and building and building and I'll start to push myself a bit more to test and you know at the gym we basically ran for one of the workouts one day and just the running was what triggered it and then that night I had massive heart cramp and it's just so frustrating to go from um feeling like you're you're on the way back and then you know okay things are good and then just having this reminder of like NOP still have some issues got to figure this out and I'm really hopeful that I can figure out ways to mediate it and just get it better and I think the biggest thing so far has been the hyperbaric oxygen therapy that was like massively helpful for me when I did that in 2022 and so I did 70 sessions of that but it's really expensive it's around $200 a session and so that was obviously cost prohibitive and it's hard to find a clinic that does it and I think there's um one in Mexico that my friend Paul bass is really good friends with and they offered to basically have me come down and do some this fall so I think I'll do that and try to just do another course fit and see if I can kind of get one more bump up yeah and there's good reasons why that can be beneficial there's a lot of physiological reasons why that why that can work do the doctors think you've got any myocarditis as well kylo do they think it's limited I think yeah so I did a cardiac MRI um I also did like a CT angiogram which is like where they inject the radioactive fluid and and you know all those different tests and so it seemed like I avoided a lot of myocarditis so that was really great I don't have like major signs of scarring in my heart but just this autoimmune pericarditis that keeps happening is um what I'm dealing with the most so yeah it seems like my heart is relatively healthy aside from just this recurrent pericarditis which is frustrating and then also the mass cell and so Activation Syndrome yeah yeah and it's interesting because it at the end of the day like I said it basically just my body went onto like red alert and just hyperactive immune system and so anytime it thinks it's under stress or under attack then it just reacts and that's what a lot of people have very similar symptoms where they're basically just elevated to the Max and it's kind of interesting that so many young healthier men that are affected have very similar um symptoms and I mean I'm sure you've gotten messages where people basically they tell you the story and it sounds like I'm telling you my story like verbatim it's like the same symptomology the same time timeline I have people messaging me saying hey I'm fine and then every time I work out too hard then I have this chest pain and so it's like there's some mechanism of action that needs to be investigated and I don't know it's hard cuz like I went the other day to uh sign up for this big thing in DC called the world vaccine Congress which is this big event where they bring in thousands of scientists and doctors to study and talk about like the latest technology in vaccines and I was signed up for over a month and just really wanted to go in and talk to people and just say hey like if you're doing studies you know I volunteer i' would love to just be a guinea pig and try to help people get an understanding of this and about a week before the event I got an email saying hey you're you know you've been cancelled and your registration is refunded and the note said um we only allow people who are in alignment with our goals at this event and I was like what you know so I don't know I'd signed up as myself basically going representing myself as media um and it was interesting to see that note like we only allow people that are in alignment our goals and that first I was just like do you even know what my goals are cuz my goal is to try to understand this and help injured Americans and if you guys are not in alignment with that then it seems a little bit at odds with science right like but yeah that was quite the that's just what we're dealing with right now is like people don't want to have an honest conversation because there's I think there's too much money to be made by ignoring this issue is your Fitness slightly better now because I remember talking earlier on early 2022 and basically you couldn't ride your bike at all then yeah it's a bit better than then is it yeah it's gotten so much better like everything has been trending in the right direction it's gotten so much better and there is a point where you know like just even getting into the shower in the morning was was difficult like I would have runaway heart rate 130 140 doing that and now you know I can go on walks or kind of like light jog on a treadmill or I can ride my electric mountain bike um without any issues and like I said it's not till I really get that Zone 3 Zone 4 where whatever is happening hor medically it triggers like a stress response and then my my body thinks oh no like his heart's under attack let's go and send like this um inflammatory response there so it's gotten much much better and if I wasn't an athlete in a past life I would say that my quality of life is pretty much great like you know it's it's really good aside from I just have to be cognizant of what I eat and just make sure I don't have any of these kind of immune or mass cell reactions like I still have a hyperactive immune system but other than that if I just monitor it and I'm really good then I have a great quality of life compared to what it was 2 years ago for sure but it's hard work you've got to keep working at it haven't you and it's really weird that you've got this kind of threshold that just triggers this this renewed episodes of inflammation is it worse if if you do a particular amount of exercise that involves bouncing up and down so you you're physically the heart's physically moving inside the pericardium does that make it worse compared to say cycling on a smooth surface you know I don't know I'll try to keep um I guess track of that and see if that makes a difference but it seems like it it doesn't really matter from what I've experienced cuz I could be either jogging or cycling or just anything if I get my heart rate above basically 150 160 for a sustained amount of time then I'll I'll have chest pain afterwards um and I don't know if it could be just when it's beating at such a high frequency that the friction is there or there's some issue where it's causing like a irritation or response but I don't know I've talked to several different doctors about it and some of them think that there's things called tight junctions that the lipid nanop particle could have basically opened up or caused to stay open and there might be issues there there could be Spike present which is causing inflammation so no one really knows exactly what is going on um but I'm hoping we can try to figure it out and monitor it so do you know if you are still producing Spike protein if they tested for that either for the antigen or for the antibodies to the spike protein yeah it's been a while since I did a test for that um in 2022 I had Dr Patterson's group do a test where they did spectroscopy and look to see if I had spike in my blood and they did not find any so that was was the antigen the actual Spike protein itself yeah exactly yeah so they did not find any but what's really interesting and maybe you could do a video on this but there's some evidence that um endurance athletes Express more ace2 receptors on their heart tissue and so I don't know if maybe I have like bound in my heart tissue where basically if it bound to the A2 receptor and then I have fragments of it there that's causing irritation yeah so I don't know and like I said I think that's why I want to just go talk to these doctors and scientists and be studied like I would love to be studied and i' would love to help other people figure out what's going on with them as well cuz I get messages from people especially um like military guys that were active and they basically tell me you know I I feel pretty good most of the time but then when I try to do training or try to get fit and like basically how I used to be then I start to experience heart pain and yeah there's something we're getting we're getting we're getting this story from all around the world this is definitely you know this is definitely a recognized syndrome now MH yeah well what what would be interesting to me is if they could do antibody tests so if you've got immunoglobulin type M's that means you've got ongoing Spike protein now immunoglobulin type G yeah do imunoglobulin type G you'd expect to have that's kind of a longer term thing if you've got imunoglobulin Type M that would indicate that you're still making Spike protein yeah and it's interesting too with people that are I don't know if you've I mean you've probably done a lot more research onto this part but with the reverse transcription into like liver DNA and the potential of maybe your body continually producing Spike well past the vaccine um is that something that you've looked at data on that seems plausible um it is completely plausible and there's certainly inv vitro evidence for it and I've talked to many people who are quite convinced that they still have that but again this immunoglobulin type m test would be really useful in in in diagnosing that I would have thought um we need a we need a global sort of research project on that to see if this is is in fact occurring and and whether any Spike protein that is still around is produced as a result of uh reverse transcriptase into DNA mhm need answers to that question one of the people in our group um a husband and wife their son passed away a 30-year-old son passed away from an an aortic dissection which is basically like his heart swelled and the aorta ripped and um he ended up passing away in his sleep and so when they did the autopsy they found myocarditis pericarditis and spike in the aorta and so that was you know very very telling that it was a vaccine injury he also had madna I believe which was um three times the dose of the fizer vaccine which a lot of people don't realize so I think that's that's been eye openening too when you tell people like yeah madna was 90 micrograms of RNA and then fiser was 30 then you're like oh wow you know it's three times the dose of this RNA and I don't know it's just interesting to see how little was talked about at the time cuz yeah a lot of people don't realize that there was they're kind of testing different dosages on people with these different shots it's like why is fiser 30 why is madna 90 why you know is a childhood one so much less and it wasn't really well talked about or well you didn't have any informed consent of what you were taking cuz I it seems like madna was the most cardioactive and then fiser was slightly less cardioactive and you know if you're getting three times the dose that's a good potentially reason why yeah and this poor guy that sadly died um how long do you know how long after his last vaccine that was when he was still expressing Spike protein in the aorta I don't want to misrepresent it but I know it was within a month right okay so it was fairly acute yeah yeah yeah yeah um a lot of people are interested in your you're actually for the amount of insult that your body has suffered from this vaccine I mean you you have actually optimized your health as well as you can a lot of people are interested in that just tell us a little bit about your diet Kyle if you don't mind what helps what makes it worse well it was it was way worse in 2022 when I was doing a lot of the testing and um diagnosed the mass Cell Activation Syndrome and so what we ended up doing then was like this big skin prick test and I can find you the photo of it but you know my whole back is just lit up and so then they were saying all right well the fact you're allergic to everything means that it's probably an immune reaction not necessarily that you're actually allergic to those foods and so they had me write down like foods that I was consuming most often and then we did um IG blood tests for those foods to try to see it Bas I don't know why I did a little thumbs up so um but yeah we did the blood test for those and they were just able to help me diagnose all right these are the ones that you're reactive to these are the ones you're less reactive to and essentially I was just on the sodium chromin and then trying to be very um limited with my food to make sure I just wasn't triggering reaction but over time that's gotten to the point where I can eat a much more varied diet like I said if I essentially am consuming things that I'm reactive to and I possibly had a a light allergy to them before and then it just basically got worse with my immune system being so hyperactive you were aware of any allergies before the vaccine injury no none that I was aware of so it wasn't anything that I'd ever dealt with to the point of like oh I need to take allergy meds or need to be careful of this or that um it was just a thing of I guess maybe there are some underlying sensitivities that I wasn't aware of that got worsened and so I don't know but you weren't aware you weren't aware of them if they were no no but yeah seems like just very basic ones that a lot of people struggle with which is um you know eating a lot of like wheat or rice or quinoa things of that nature that are maybe heavy in um certain pesticides then that can cause me to break out in hives um a lot of oils I have to be careful what oils I consume like rice brand oil especially makes me break out really bad so I'll have like bumps all over and um break out in hives and just little things like that that I've just done through trial and error trying to figure out what makes me feel good but when I'm at home and I can be consistent I just have a very basic diet and just you know air fryer chicken and eggs and you know whatever like just very very basic simple Foods yeah yeah and a lot of people that are dealing with this and in the support groups they have a similar experience where they just find what works for them and then they just stick to it but there is some issues with that as well where when you have like a very um unvaried diet then that can cause long-term issues and complications so you have to just be mindful of that as well of course um have you tried what's your experience with Iva mectin Kyle well so that was interesting um because I had actually taken it before the whole Joe Rogan debacle where you know he mentioned that he took it and then it just became this massively vilified substance but when I took it early on people basically told me if you're having a reaction to the vaccine try taking this see if it may kind of arrest the reaction a little bit and so I did and I felt like it did help me from getting worse I felt like it basically I was having issues I was starting to spiral downhill um with the cardiac issues and just feeling so sick and then after taking that for basically the week course I feel like either just the timing of it or the medicine itself helped me kind of plateau and I stopped getting worse and so I feel like it did help me in some capacity but at the time I took it I did not know that it was controversial substance to be taking I didn't realize that it was going to get vilified in the way that it did um and it caused a lot of drama later on when people were like oh you took the horse medicine like all this stuff and it was so frustrating but I haven't taken it many times I haven't you know I wasn't like a DI hard on it so I don't have a ton of experience to to talk about it with but yeah I just I don't know it was it was so interesting to watch that happen where I remember the day that the Joe Rogan thing happened and then one of the older videos I had done started just getting comments like just coming through and I was like how crazy is this that you know I guess the programming of um stream media is really really powerful and it's I mean I'm sure you've seen it but it's wild to watch it in effect you're just like what the hell yeah but yeah some people swear by it and I don't know how much you've looked into the long-term complications of like what it does to your gut biome or things of that nature um so I I think that would be the thing I'd be the most curious about is understanding what the effects of taking it for a long period of time are cuz there are some people that got on it and basically just take it proactively all the time and it it be interesting to see what that does to people's bodies um versus kind of like a five or sday course treatment which a lot of people do when they know that they're exposed to co but at the end of the day like I've said many times before I'm definitely not a doctor and the only reason I'm in this is just because I'm trying to fight for compensation reforms and trying to fight for people that are injured and just stand up for them because a lot of people can't come and advocate for themselves because they are sick like it's a very it's a very convenient class of people to um injure and to deal with as a company because so many of them are so sick and they are so burdened with medical cost that they can't actually get out and advocate for themselves and that's one thing that we've seen is like when we do come here with 15 or 20 people walk in the halls and a lot of them are in wheelchairs or Walkers or dealing with neurological disabilities it's like it's so sad to watch how beat down they get by the end of the trip many of them get sick um last time one of the guy Andre his wheelchair broke and we're like dragging him through the halls trying to make it to meetings on time with a broken wheelchair and so it's like for If I Was A fizer or madna executive watching these people just struggle to get through the hallways I would feel pretty safe knowing that it's going to be hard for them to make a big impact and so I guess that's kind of where for me being as healthy as I am and having the ability to kind of stand up and fight and having a little bit of a platform and a little bit of past credibility in history then I'm happy to do this even though it's like been complete um I don't know annihilation of the life I knew before but there's a lot of people that are so much worse off than me and I would hope that through this journey I can help some of them and hopefully help people in the future from having this happen to them as well Ian I mean what you've just said there is consistent again with reports from around the world the the sort of uh the autoimmune immunological sensitization Mass Cell Activation Syndrome the cardiac postural tachicardia type things and then the neurological type features people with anything from mild disability to Virtual complete paralysis these seem to be the category of adverse reactions that we are that we are seeing from around the world I mean so you b basically let's move on to to to what you're doing now your activism this is immensely um impressive that you're doing this you've basically changed your lifestyle entirely you've moved to Washington DC and you're essentially a fulltime Advocate and just before we go on you were talking about advocating for people that are are very poorly but of course there's people that can't advocate for themselves at all because they're no longer with us and you're advocating for them as well um um which is um yeah it's quite quite an emotional thought really that that you're doing that yeah I feel the weight of it like definitely walking through the halls I feel the weight of them and the other day like yeah the other day I had a pretty hard meeting where I had reached out to an office um the health aid decided to meet with me and I was you know really grateful because it was a a Democrat office we were trying to get in with and then you know I basically walk in and um she's like oh we'll just sit down in the front reception area and there's people coming and going and are sitting on a bench and there's probably like four or five different groups of people walking past and door slamming and phones ringing and I just look at her and like I was kind of emotional and I was like this is the problem is that you guys don't even care enough to give us a room to talk about this issue like you're saying oh yeah I care let's talk about this and then we get to sit on the bench in front of everybody with all the distractions and you're getting pulled into all these different things while I'm trying to tell you about these people that lost their lives because of what you guys pushed on them it's it's insulting absolutely yeah it it frustrates me to no end and I think that's what's been difficult is there has been a lot of people that have tried to come and advocate on their own behalf on the hill on this issue and a lot of times they get very emotional and there'll be yelling or crying or screaming and what that's done is it's caused a lot of offices to completely shut their doors to this issue because they're saying I don't want to meet with anybody who's vaccine affected and it's been interesting I finally got into one of the offices that's the most important to us and she basically told me like thank you so much for doing this because it makes me feel like we can actually talk about this in a way where where we can make progress cuz she has been you know death threats and yelled at and screamed at and told she's a horrible person and she's just trying to help um but again there are offices that just don't give it the respect and time and attention it deserves and I feel the way to that and it's definitely not lost on me um I've had some for sure emotional moments here but like I said I I don't know I don't know how else to go about doing this and you know like the choice to change everything and and come here it doesn't feel like a choice really it just feels like what needs to happen to make some impact and there's actually a woman who's done something very similar but in the past her name is Barbara L Fisher and in the 1980s she was the one that came and lobbied with uh dissatisfied parents about the DPT vaccine and she was the one that got the vaccine injury Compensation Program created with rean and when that program was created it was actually a good solution for a bit and then basically Congress amended it into hell um in the early '90s and then it's what it is today where it's just completely broken and people are sitting in those cases for years but I don't know she is a model that I look to and I'm inspired by every day to look at what she was able to do as a mother and you know she wrote a book she did a national media press tour got a lot of mainstream attention and was able to actually make a difference in t you know thousands of people's of lives um but sadly that program has been really twisted and broken and you know a lot of people are afraid that by us advocating on the hill for the covid vaccine injuries that we're going to inadvertently break the program for all the other vaccine injuries um just because it's going to be such a burden on that program and it is not going to be able to be funded appropriately without big Congressional change so there's a lot of nuance here and that's also not lost on me like when I'm talking in the halls and having these conversations I'm not only thinking about the covid vaccine injured but all of the other people that have dealt with this and like the mothers that have children that are affected or potentially passed away from adverse reactions and one of the things that will tell people that are you know hesitant it's like even if you were to tell everyone in America that they need to take a scoop of peanut butter you're going to inadvertently kill thousands of people who have peanut butter allergies so it's like it's not that every product is a terrible product or that this is all evil people trying to do this it's that people have genetic predispositions to these products and I think the MRNA products in particular were not tested enough and they were not um ready to be put on the market but just in general there's going to be people that have adverse reactions and what do you do for them how do you make this how do you make them yeah the iron is you at essentially no risk at all anyway yeah from covid so so you personally have gone from cruising around the Mountains of Montana on your bike to walking around the corridors of power in Washington DC I mean how are you surviving you you You' got got accommodation in Washington or yeah we so I'm working with a group called react um and they've been really great and so there was a woman who helped donate um basically some money to take care of the housing for the few months that I'm here and so that was amazing and then we have a page um react Washington and we've raised a little bit more money to basically just cover my time here which has been awesome and of course we'll we'll paste that link if anyone does want to yeah that would be amazing and anything that basically goes over our goal will just go into a general Lobby fund where when we do fly people out to do these testimonies or to um basically speak about their injuries and they'll actually have some help in doing that but it's been all L of I don't think going over your goal is an immediate risk Kyle is yeah um an immediate problem yeah how do you see the future then you you plan to be in DC for what a few months or I don't know it's it's hard I think that U so there's a summer recess period where basically everyone kind of stops and then also with the election this year things are going to be a bit crazy yeah of course the bill that we're supporting it has a potential chance to move at the end of this year um and so that's what we're trying to focus on is targeting like the end of this year to see if it can get put into a budget Appropriations package and like basically get put into this giant Omnibus spending Bill and be like a quiet part of the bill and hopefully get through but that's going to be very difficult again unless we can get someone like a Mike Johnson or whoever speaker of the house to really take this on and be like I'm going to advocate for you guys and do what's right um and so yeah sadly there's just so much corporate interest here and that's one thing that I've learned like all the movies that you've seen about Washington DC it's like it is very similar to that when you're here there's a lot of weird politics there's a lot of weird back room discussions there's um you know people unwilling to do things just because of the Optics of it and so that's yeah it's frustrating I find it intolerable that's kind of how I feel I I mean if if you if you can stay in that world for a few months even you have my admiration card I just I just couldn't stand it I don't think yeah well I talked to a guy who was pretty deeply involved with the Department of Justice for a long time and he told me the great thing about America is that it's designed so that no one man can make a massive change good or bad you know it B it basically takes consensus and public awareness to make these changes happen and the hard thing about is that we as a vaccine injured haven't really been given a fair shot at raising that public awareness just because of the censorship and the way that it's been stigmatized where you know like I had the New York Times reach out to me to do an article and the title of the article was how the vaccine injured are fueling the antia movement and that was what they wanted to call the story and I after talking to him for a bit he basically was like okay I need to rethink this and I sent him an alternative title that night and I said why fair and Equitable compensation is the only way to reduce vaccine hesitancy in America like if you do think that these products do work and you do really want to push them on people then you have to widen the safety net and you have to talk about it and have informed consent and that's what barbar L Fisher and all these people pushed for so hard in the 80s and they got it in the 80s but then it got amended um to what it is today so we just need more transparency what a appalling pejorative attitude that was just yeah yeah well it was funny cuz uh he actually told me he said it seems like you guys keep going on all these farri media outlets and you know he said you in particular like you've gone on Megan Kelly and I was like if Megan Kelly is your definition of farri media Outlet like I don't know her but uh but yeah I mean even if you are which you're not um and you know far rights a very convenient insult to throw out to anyone you disagree with of course you know um why isn't that people from across the political Spectrum aren't opening their arms to you and saying come and tell us what this problem is you know if you are talking to selective people maybe they're the only ones that are prepared to listen to you yeah exactly well and it's been it's been really interesting the last few months with um Robert F Kennedy Jr running for president here in America because he's been able he hasn't really talked about this issue completely on like the CNN's and these bigger MSNBC interviews and whatnot but I think as it gets closer to the election if he can really stay in and have a real shot at at making a difference difference then I think this conversation will be elevated um and his vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan has been also doing a great job at just raising awareness of the issue and she also got madna and had myocarditis from madna so it's interesting that you know she has a personal experience with it as well so I'm hoping that that can open some doors for the injured to basically get some air um cuz yeah right now like we are the oxygen and we're just trying to you know basically get involved and and shine as much truth on this as we can but I think RFK has made commitments to investigate this should he become president yeah absolutely 100% And I think like I said the best thing that he can do for us really is just like talk about it on a debate stage and that that would open up a lot of people's eyes because in 2021 I was able to ask a few people like in Senate I said what do we need to do to get this to change like how do we how do we get this you know how do we get help and they basically said what you need is you need the administration to change over so that the new Administration can point the finger at the old one and say look at how bad they did and it doesn't matter if it's democrat or republican but they said that's how politics works is once they can point the finger and make the other person look bad then you guys will be basically a pawn that they can use to further their narrative but what's really sad is that for 2024 um you know Biden and Trump are both complicit in this issue and so neither one of them are willing to point the finger and say this is a problem because you know Trump did project warp speed and got them developed at that rapid pace and then like kind of the vaccine was his project in a lot of ways and then um Biden was really complicit with the Osan mandates and kind of just making people feel like they needed to get it and so neither Administration wants to talk about it so it could be another four years or potentially longer until we get a chance to actually um air this issue which is really sad certainly is car but let's hope it's not K thank you so much um firstly for sharing your personal suffering but for uh what you're doing now is just really quite amazing you're just uh serving those who can't serve themselves and that's a noble thing to do and um thank you for doing that any links of course you want to put below this video will put them and of course anytime you want to come on and talk about anything you're automatically you know welcome with open arms here and and with our viewers um yeah thank you so much John I really appreciate you and yeah it's straight on yeah it's uh it's not fun like I was thinking the other night about you know just the life before all this of traveling around the world getting paid to ride mountain bikes and having you know basically not being plugged into the political world at all um they always say ignorance is bliss and that's definitely true and so it's hard to just keep digging and digging and digging and finding more information and then the more you find the more frustrated you get but there is hope like there really truly is hope that this can change and that we can make a difference it's just we need more people to know about it and at the end of the day the way you do that is by talking and doing it a way where it's it allows people who are on the fence to listen and not be attacked and so I just want to try to help and yeah I appreciate you for what you've done no thank you and uh everything you've said there is completely reasonable if you think Kyle or mous have said anything unreasonable do let us know in the comments um because it seems a completely uh rational consistent picture to me and um again thank you for what you're doing Kyle and anytime you want to talk just let me know and we we'll be straight back but for now thank you for your time and everything you're doing thank you John and thanks to everyone for watching absolutely thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 110,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: OPpR7kIbdhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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