Brianne Dressen Discusses Vaccine Caused Neurological Injuries - First NIH Study (Vaccine Injury)

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all this is dr mobien sayeth from welcome to one more show my apologies i'm a little late today we are going to talk about a landmark study a first ever study of vaccine injuries neurological injuries and the study by nih or national or a sub department national institute of neurological disorders this is the first study of vaccine injury the preprint coming out of the official healthcare systems that's one second it's a small study 23 patients it seems like there may be some data revisions that are still needed because we have one of the participants with us here so brie dressen is with us brie welcome thanks for having me thank you very much for coming in for a on a short notice so brie has been participating in this study she is unfortunately vaccine injured and she is still even today if i don't if you don't mind can i see your arm yes so even today you had the ivig yes yes right so uh clearly there are patients who have not recovered contrary to the impression that the the document itself presents and again it is a pre-print so maybe that document still needs revisions and corrections and updates um what i'm going to do is this number one we're going to look at the study and number two we're going to talk with brie to see what her experience has been not only for her own symptoms but with nih as well so bree once again welcome tell us a little bit about you your current state and the study that you participated in so i was a previously healthy mother of two i was a preschool teacher i was healthy i hiked and climbed i was in prime physical condition and so i enlisted in the fight against covid by enrolling in a clinical trial for a covet vaccine astrazeneca here in the united states um within an hour of my shot i got tingling down my arm that later that night i had vision problems so vision became blurred and double and it sounded like i had seashells over both of my ears and that night i had a typical vaccine response i woke up in the next morning the you know the fever and malaise all that had resolved but the sensory issues were still there and they were getting worse and i got up to get ready for work my left leg was slumped and i was walking into the left doorway it's always to the left and that day i went to work and the little kids voices were really loud so you know uh by the end of the class period the sound was so uh extreme in my you know sensory was just off the charts and so i parked the kids in front of the tv and they had a learning channel going and i was hold up in the corners just waiting for their parents to come get them that was the last day that i taught and after that you know my symptoms cascaded from there over the next two and a half weeks i ended up with severe tachycardia uh temperature fluctuations i ended up with the strange tremors the adrenaline dumps uh the impending doom it's a it's a very bizarre thing you know um and i lost control of my legs i lost control of my bladder i had to retrain my legs i landed in the hospital two and a half weeks in and i had this horrific internal vibration sensation and that that still is the one thing that it's kind of like a it plagues me that's my least favorite thing at the tinnitus so it it just kind of fired off a whole cascade of issues and i still to this day i am better but you know i'm still totally dependent on my physicians and my medical teams to help me the very restricted diet and i have to go get ivig it's 3 500 every two weeks and that's just to stave things off so i can function and so i can try to have somewhat of a normal life i'm still not working um my body is still you know like glass and so but i am hopeful that things will improve you know we too and praying for you for complete recovery um can i have a little levity and say that at least from the studies point of view you have recovered right this is what it looks like so yeah so so this is what i wanted to see is so quick references this is dr here is a study that we are going to look at this is their pdf then there are certain links here which talk about the study and its further implications we have dr nath i believe dr nath and abri please correct me dr nath was the one who is the corresponding author for the study and helping with running the study is that correct yes yes he was the principal investigator on the study got it so you were in contact with him and his team yes he was the first one we made contact with in january of 2021 so that's what started this study got it and before going into the details of the study the audience here the cool beans here look they're saying that we have 23 patients so they had 23 patients 92 females median age 40 years and the important thing that was worth looking at is the following right off the bat i wanted to make sure that we see this if you see here they have uh grouped the these 23 patients in no treatment group or cortical steroid group long taper corticosteroid short taper and ivig i believe brie is part of the ivig plus you had steroids as well correct correct and here what they're saying is that ivig number was three full recovery after 12 weeks that is about three months they are saying all three have recovered now bree at least from this data that they are presenting to the world they are saying that you have recovered right but you have not recovered no no so tell me this this 12 weeks when was this so when did they start how did this come together that you had the vaccine unfortunately you got injured how did you contact nia how did they contact what happened can you tell me i want to understand they are declaring you recovered when was that how did this whole thing transpired so my husband's a phd chemist so right as soon as i got sick he started combing through research trying to figure out what was wrong with me because obviously my doctors had no clue and the drug company was not talking they actually the first time i ever heard directly from the drug company was three weeks ago so that's a long time to figure this out on our own so he reached out to scientists all over the world we reached out to germany i sent my blood to germany december so a month after my injury and we you know we we started getting the ball rolling on figuring out what was going on at this time we thought i was the only person that had this type of reaction so i thought it was an isolated incident so we reached out to the nih essentially to report this injury because we were kind of questioning what astrazeneca was doing with my data and dr nath responded within 24 hours they took it very seriously we had a telehealth within a couple of days and before we knew it we were sending you know samples across the country and they were considering trying to figure out when i could come out for further evaluation and unfortunately we all know what happened after that you know it turned into a cascade of patients tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands you know and so they got bombarded by people after me and so it just they had more than enough of a study group that they could pull from so they picked who they wanted to bring out and i was one of the very i feel i was very lucky to have been chosen to uh participate in this study and be able to go out in person for further evaluation and treatment and that happened in mid-june so i went in mid-june they did a full workout i was there for eight days and it ended with five days of ivig and then we did follow up for several weeks over telehealth and we tracked our data every week we sent them a new update on our condition what was working what wasn't and we were supposed to go back out in september and our follow-up appointments got cancelled and by december it was radio silence they simply cancelled it so yes so it is just baffling for me so maybe they internally said fine they these guys have recovered guys and gals have recovered we are done and no more need to follow up did they tell you that we're stopping the follow-up you're done but they just radius yeah it was just radio silence and then we learned through the the grapevine i got a email from naf in december he said we're not studying this stop sending people this way um [Music] but they knew they knew the exact state of everyone's condition because we had to precisely track what was happening in our bodies with this preset set of um you know conditions i i believe they drew that from the lung hauler scale that they use through the world health organization set up this symptom scale for long callers and that's what they used to track our progress so they knew that we were not 100 recovered they knew people were struggling um they knew that we were not back to work so this is so sad so let me tell you a few of my uh events in you know today and yesterday the study came out this study it became such a big buzz that hey nih and the uh national institute of neurological disorders ni nda this is their first study and they are talking about the vaccine injury for the first time ever somebody from the government organization is actually presenting a study and they are saying everybody recovered and we gave them corticosteroids some with the long taper some with the short and with ivig so that's it and here i'm sitting with a with the participant who is saying that number one you you got your treatment even today number two you're saying that even others have not felt better and number three i can tell you if somebody is vaccine injured just corticosteroids is not going to have them recover because corticosteroid is a temporary suppression of the immune system it does nothing else so i agree as much as i was excited and that's what i've experienced as well so yeah i was so i was excited that for the first time one there is a recognition and number two there is a solution that they are saying hey 12 weeks later we are good and here we are seeing that there is not the best update it bothers me so tell me this i'm gonna open this table once more they said that corticosteroid long taper corticosteroid short taper did you get a corticosteroid dose as well i did and i didn't get a taper and it was the biggest mistake of anything that i've tried so far so i did 1000 milligrams of iv sodium medrol for five days and i felt pretty good when i was on it i was i was surprised at how good i felt like that's a lot of medicine for my body but i made it you know but i crashed really hard after and my neuropathy actually got worse um when i came off just suddenly so yeah the steroids are concerning to me personally but so you were so was your course three days a short course was it a week mine was five days five days five days in a row iv cellular very interesting so it's very confusing looking at the data and that data is in opposition to what i'm hearing from you as well is it possible again we don't have the rest of the patients i think i'm going to request you if possible to figure out where are the rest of the patients and talk with them as well do you think that they are feeling better is it that you are an exception and you're not feeling better but others have what is your i know at least half of the participants in this study and none of them are better okay so that bothers me so i want to go to this page number nine that you asked me to look at so um i'm so sorry for the audience that instead of looking at the study itself i wanted to see various parts of it i wanted to highlight that as much as it is fun to look at this study from the point of view of there is a study landmark study from the government resources and it looks like data is not correct so i want to just see one more area here so this is page nine here they are saying treatment with corticosteroids or ivig had been clinically administered by patients treating neurologists or an nih neurologist consultant 12 patients 50 received oral corticosteroids seven of nine 75 patients who received standard prednisone dosing 0.75 to 1 milligram per kilogram for 7 days followed by weak weekly taper of 20 of the initial dose reported significant symptoms symptom improvement after two weeks then they say three patients who had persistent symptoms of small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia for five to nine months were treated with one cycle of ivig i believe bree is part of this group they're talking about three patients and they're talking about five to nine months later the patient still had the symptoms and they had small fiber neuropathy so they gave these patients 2 gram per kilogram divided over five days two had been previously treated with corticosteroids with no improvement so maybe bree you are one of these two right and then they say in all three symptoms improved dramatically within two weeks of ivig treatment with complete resolution in one and mild residual symptoms in the other two so did this happen did your symptoms actually dramatically improve and then this is what i'm trying to figure out because if you actually only looked at a snapshot of two weeks post ivig i felt quite a bit better at two weeks post-ivig when the ivig wore off i went back to being as sick as ever so that's very interesting yeah so if i was a researcher i observed you for two weeks after ivig and i said all good 100 i'm going to write it down 100 i should know as a medical doctor that ivig is only going to clean out what is in the in the body running around the other antibodies or antigens but ivig is going to wear off normally human antibodies wear off between three to six weeks so usually by three weeks you may start having the symptoms again but they have already noted it down within two weeks so from their point of view it seems like it is okay um then they say beyond two weeks so we know that they have the data for several weeks beyond two weeks well that's interesting so they actually followed you further and they only reported on the two weeks when you felt better right off the eleventh that's of the 11 patients that never received immunotherapy seven had partial recovery three have had no improvement and one had complete recovery by 12 weeks post onset as determined by subjective assessment and return to pre-moderate functional status the only question left in my head is what is the final status today out of 23 10 fully recovered or 15 or looking at the therapy corticosteroids and ivig i would suspect nobody has recovered it would appear that way i don't know anybody that went that's recovered okay so um let's do this let's go over the study together just so that we have looked at the study as well so 23 patients 92 female 100 reported sensory symptoms so these are neurological symptoms comprising severe face and or limb parasthesias paresthesias are abnormal sensations and 61 percent had orthostasis so when they are standing up they have the blood pressure abnormalities heat intolerance and palpitations tachycardia autonomic testing in 12 identified seven with reduced distal sweat production and six positional orthostatic tachycardia syndrome so distal sweat production is as the body's distance from the center let's say the center is the brain as the body's distance continues to increase the the further distant parts of the body are not producing the sweat as correctly and what is the reason for that of course there is an order from the autonomic nervous system to say produce the sweat so in the early parts it is producing sweat and in the later knot that means the neurological system the nerves are damaged or are under stress or are inflamed and so the the signals are not traveling far enough and so early part of the body are showing sweat in the later part are not and then they're saying that um where was that positional orthostatic tachycardia syndrome was present as well and that is when you stand up or where whenever there is a gravitational pull on the blood when you change your position tachycardia is occurring then they say among 16 with lower leg skin biopsies lower leg skin biopsies 31 had diagnostic sub threshold epidermal neurite densities so they had problems with the with the nerves 30 13 were borderline and 19 showed abnormal axonal swelling so ex exons and my apologies i was doing a discussion with bri beforehand we know that a nerve has a cell body or soma that cell body has a number of fibers bringing signals to it these are called dendrites dendrites and then there is this cell body and then there is an outflow there is a long fiber that goes to some part of the body distant this long fiber is the axon and axon has the myelin sheath on it and they are talking about this axon and they are saying this hexon is damaged or what are they saying exactly they're saying 19 showed abnormal axons swelling so it was inflamed it was swollen that means it was under attack by immune system why would it swell up there may be antibodies that are settling here or there may be immune complexes antibody and antigen complexes which antigen may be produced by the vaccine itself so those complexes when they settle on any tissue our immune system would attack that tissue and cause swelling and even destruction of it biopsies from randomly selected five patients that were evaluated for immune complexes showed deposition of complement c4d in endothelial cells so what happens is that so let's say vaccine is given and that has caused the inflammation right so local reaction and immune system become active we did this discussion yesterday human necrosis factor interleukin-1 interleukin-6 these things go and they work on the liver and the liver in turn will produce complement proteins complement proteins are then going to enter blood vascular system and they would try to go to the area where the inflammation is at the same time when the complement systems are activated there are so if this is a complement protein usually it gets broken down into two pieces we normally call them let's say if it is protein number three complement c3 stands for complement protein number three it might break down into c3 it will a and c3b a for the action part and b for the binding part similarly if you read here they're talking about c4 where was it c4d so abcd so c4 proteins c4d part was found in the blood vessels now when it was found there complexes showed deposition of c4d in endothelial cells so that means what they said was this c4d part was on the blood vessel cells deposited like dust here that will make the endothelial cells a target for the immune system and local inflammation would occur and blood vessels will be swollen inflamed blocked and even the clotting will be triggered because there are local toxic substances that can trigger clotting then they say electro diagnostic test results were normal in 94 together 52 percent of patients had objective evidence of small fiber peripheral neuropathy i haven't discussed that yet but because we're talking about inflammation in a couple of days we will we are kind of ready to understand what this is so we'll talk about it 58 of patients treated with oral corticosteroids had complete or near complete improvement after two weeks as compared to nine percent of patients who did not receive immunotherapy having full recovery at 12 weeks so the steroids we have done this discussion many times are going to suppress the immune system now is it possible that you suppress the immune system and the immune system just falls in place meaning all the abnormal cells go away the problem is that if we have a immune system dysregulation then it is not necessary that steroids would just correct the dysregulation they might suppress it patient might feel better because there is not much inflammation but as soon as the steroids effect is removed then the inflammation would resume at five to nine months post symptom onset three non-recovering patients breeze one of them received intravenous aminoglobulin with symptoms resolution within two weeks and may i add this intense symptoms reappearance after that right so then they said conclusion this observational study suggests that a variety of neuropathic symptoms may manifest after sask of two vaccinations and in some patients might be an immune mediated process that's not a rocket science conclusion but still that is the conclusion they have i was hoping considering the data the patients they would have given us some more um did they probably also say that more studies are required yeah i think on page five they they said that further studies are needed and they encouraged you know more investigation i'm pretty sure it's great it's five yeah yes at the top yeah so further investigation is required um here further investigation is required to explore underlying mechanisms and targeted therapies for those neurological disorders okay so of course i hope that this sentence helps us understand that they do not believe that cortical steroids or ivig would just solve it here we report clinical evaluation of patients with new onset paresthesias with or without autonomic symptoms incidents incident to susceptible vaccination and response to immunotherapy with corticosteroids or intravenous ivig yeah got it so um what have you learned so this started happening in before june of last year right yes so by the time i physic was physically at the nih i had been suffering with this for seven months so i was obviously you know my theory is there's an acute phase you know and then there's the chronic phase and hopefully we can all get to the healing phase and so at that point you know i was firmly in what i felt was the chronic phase the acute phase was over within two three weeks so it it it does make me wonder and in previous conversations i had had with dr nat bree your network connection may have become stressed sorry so we lost you for a few seconds bree yeah i know this so dr nath did talk about early intervention being key in this and that was last july that we had those discussions but of course as we all know none of that information made it to the public until now and in this manuscript i was i was looking for something about the early intervention um suggestion and of course that didn't make it into the manuscript so i'm not sure but i am encouraged i mean these are these are the minds you know the leading minds in this in this country in neurology that are discussing this they didn't rule out that neurological issues could come from the vaccines they didn't you know but i i am concerned that it was minimized um but at the same time you know i think that they were they were pretty honest with the symptoms that they evaluated the autonomic dysfunction is something that we see constant you know uh sean barkavage i know that you know him he's with us at and we're we're tracking this with these patients because this data was not being disclosed to the public so we realized we needed to start you know evaluating this on our own so this is actually to see this this is actually an important point they were studying this since last year's beginning somewhere january january and they are publishing it now or at least it's sending it to preprint now why is such a long delay this is this version posted may 17 2022 we are made may 20th so 12 plus 5 17 months later do you uh did did they discuss i i do not know if they discuss with the participants what their plan is to to publish it or not to publish it did did you have an expectation from them yes multiple people had been reassured that they would publish last summer at the latest those promises began as early as last march so march of 2021 and i'm unsure what the hang up was they weren't specific with that but we were we grew more and more concerned especially after our follow-up visits were canceled and so then at that point we were like what what's going on with our data we have people's lives depending on this information coming out from reputable sources you know we were all we had our eggs in this basket waiting for this to you know and it was just about you yeah and it was just not you it was possibly many other yes so that's that's disturbing i'm using the the word disturbing a lot today that is disturbing that one they knew that this was happening from january of last year beginning of the vaccination almost right december is when the vaccinations started then they were working with the patients they were seeing neurological issues they were seeing that these were refractory they were not fixing and they had the data they did not give any heads up did they now did they do it because they thought it's just too rare we only have these 23 patients and that's about it or were they the data was not there or were they lazy was it deliberate do you have any um conjunctions these are all really good questions i know that once we realized that they were one of the only research institutions in the world that we knew of that was looking into this we flooded them with patients i myself referred hundreds to them so they had their pick of the litter they they chose who they wanted and there were several more that they worked with remotely with their home physicians and you know as some people were enrolled in this study but the vast majority of who they worked with and discussed with they were not and it appears you know the responses that people got responses that physicians got from them because we sent a lot of people we said hey have your doctor call this research team at the nih i know what's going on and they can help you know guide your physician in your care or at least say yes neurological issues are happening we're not entirely sure why but you need to take care of your patient and they did do that for a long time but something shifted and those conversations became more and more cryptic as the end of 2021 progressed and then it was radio silence by the end of the year very interesting so 17 months later they at least send out a preprint which has lots of inaccuracies at least in my opinion from speaking with you um i was actually very excited about it that they are recognizing enough people would have a way to go and anyways i'm repeating myself um so as a patient then you have tried corticosteroids ivig what else monoclonal antibodies i just barely started with the iv vitamin c and the nac we've tried the naughty horse pace you know um when you're that sick you're willing to try to get your life back yeah i mean you've already lost everything so yeah what else do you have to lose yeah so we lost your voice uh bri am i there can you hear me i can't kill you so now we can hear you can you hear me now yeah yes so we lost you for a few seconds so tell me this when you were so if i go point by point corticosteroids helped temporarily then not right brie bree you there so either my network is okay sorry i just want to say i have never had this problem with an interview before it may be in my eye it may be stream yards so not you so you tried corticosteroids that work temporarily then go back to the same way how about monoclonal antibodies so i actually was one of the lucky ones to have a positive experience with monoclonals and i even picked that data up on my walking heart rate data on my apple watch it resolved my pots it didn't touch my neuropathy but it was amazing to finally feel like i could be vertical and not feel like you know there was a 10 pound weight on my head and my shoulders all the time so but it was temporary you know and we've had a lot of people that went back and got monoclonals after the effects were off and the second run didn't have the same effect as the first got it um how about nse the nac i'm still trying to figure that out because i had a weird reaction that i haven't had with anything else my chest tightened up really tight for about 30 minutes and then after it went away then i felt great so i got to figure out what that initial reaction is though that's concerning for me got it how about vitamin c the vitamin c i think is going well so i'm gonna keep that one up got it and you just had another ivig and how is ivig working the ivig is it stopped my neuropathy from progressing my neuropathy was progressing up my arms and up my legs and the ivig stopped it and now it's starting to reverse i did get covered two or i want to say about a month and a half ago and my symptoms came raging back the internal vibrations came back the tinnitus was really bad again and the pots was bad my neuropathy was raging again and so as soon as i came negative i went back in for ivig and it helped tamp all that down so it feels like i kind of hit a reset button on my recovery it set me back quite a few months from getting coveted um so i'm hopeful i don't have to get covered again but it does kind of yeah it does make me suspect that you know you know the um the ideology that's going on you know would i have had the same reaction from you know the wild spike as i did from you know the vaccine spike maybe maybe yeah denise says uh what about iv nad i haven't tried that one yet d3 or vitamin ds i did vitamin d and it it actually i didn't notice a big improvement with it i still take a thousand vitamin d every day but i did do a high dose for quite a while lotus naltrexone i did do lotus natural zone is something i do every day okay so you are on the maintenance dose with this i'm actually um just like very many other vaccine injured people i have to take very small doses of medication so i'm sitting at one so one milligram and it helps every night and so if i've i've tried to go up to two and it just knocks me out so i stick with one interesting jim says does she know what her vitamin d3 levels are my vitamin d3 levels are healthy and they're actually a little bit on the high range i see i'm just looking at the questions uh augie says any other therapeutics that helped yes um tamping down inflammation he gave me a significant uh jump in my recovery so low histamine diet very clean eating which i was not that person before this i ate whatever i wanted but i've been very strict no gluten no dairy fresh food fresh meats no corn corn sets me off pretty bad and that's one of the things that really helped you know resolve my brain fog and my disassociation that i suffered with for six months straight so once i cleaned up my eating within a week and a half my brain clicked back into place and my personality came back so that was a big one got it thank you very much for this for that okay to let go says does iv mean how the med is administered yes so for example in ivij intravenous immunoglobulins so yes um equine says killing me with the abbreviations apologies we will try to expand on those ldn is low dose naltrexone iv ig is intravenous immunoglobulins vitamin c is vitamin c d3 is d3 vitamin d3 nse is an acetylcysteine and hopefully that clears up some of these this is interesting one jade says have you tried intermittent fasting and or carnivore diet i have heard good things about both i'm currently underweight so i'm a little nervous about the intermittent fasting i'm gonna have to be you know be under some really good supervision to to try that one but i've heard good things about both of those got it um so there's a question is she doing the flcc protocol for long covet there is actually a protocol coming out for vaccines have you tried anything i mean many of these ldn type things are from the long covered i'm just starting to implement the flccc protocol for their vaccines now to see how it goes um i'm encouraged by what i've seen so far so we'll see how it goes i am sure that it will be better than the steroids only or ivig and there is a reason for that uh even plasmaphrases so if coal means we are already about 40 minutes in if you give me a few more minutes and brief you have some time as well if i can explain why these things are only temporarily helping i actually was doing this drawing with you before as well so i'm gonna try to use the same drawing again so so audience cool means if you can give me your attention for a few minutes imagine that this is a vaccine generated antigen this may be spike protein or some other antigen but here in our context this is by protein's piece what we do is our b cells in response to the antigen make antibodies this red one that can bind with this antigen so let's say there is a binding site and then this is the binding site so this binding part is called epitope so first message that when we got to vaccine or any antigen even if the virus arrived our b cells will make antibodies that can bind with that antigen so far so good what will happen is if it is a vaccine we have trained our b cells to make these antibodies so that when the actual virus arrives in our body that virus is also going to have the same kind of antigen and that would allow these antibodies to quickly bind with the virus and kind of neutralize it and clear it out and wipe it out and so on however our body has a need to go back to normal state we try to do that all the time with the temperature with everything we want to do homeostasis homeostasis is we want to go back to our normal state so body wants to do two things now it wants to get rid of these b cells and it wants to get rid of these antibodies because the this is an abnormality in the system if you will because this is inflammation this is more cells produce more antibodies produce we don't want to produce them forever so for the homeostasis there are many mechanisms for example there is a mechanism of t regulatory system which will come and become active and start reducing the activity of these cells there would be a message to these cells to kill themselves as well so there are many mechanisms that would allow these cells to calm down or to go away leaving some memory cells in the system and these antibodies to go away now one of the system one of the mechanism is called network hypothesis and that is it was proposed by neil jenkins i believe in 1960s and recently you have met dr bill murphy dr william murphy here on this channel who then did a study on the sarso of two patients and observed the the activity of the network hypothesis i'm going to explain that and by the way dr bill murphy will be with with me on this monday so the network hypothesis says that for our body to bring us back to the normal state what the body does is it activates another set of b cells that make another set of antibodies these antibodies are against these antibodies so now these two kind of clump up together and clear out each other this is a way for body to reach homeostasis fast but the problem in this one is that this new set of antibodies that is able to bind here with the older set of antibodies is antibodies this new set is called anti-idiot type antibodies these antibodies have to look like the original which made these antibodies happen so that these two guys can connect so i hope you see the problem then that when we make these antibodies these are going to be ntas2 antibodies or other such antibodies that are going to attach to various ace receptors that these antibodies are going to attach with these antibodies making the complexes these antibodies can attach with other parts for cells and the end result is if this process is not successful and it does not ramp down then we have a problem we have these anti-idiotypical antibodies that are going to act like sort of spike proteins and now they are behaving by they are misbehaving by stimulating ac2 this is where that what was that german company sell trends and i have no relationship to them no in financial or other things attached cell trends does some auto antibody panels where they can tell you if you have auto antibodies let's say nts2 and so on now the problem when we give ivigs the function of the ivig what is an ivig we take antibodies from 10 000 people in a community we take the blood from their blood we take the antibodies we put those antibodies in a while while we give it to the patient for example grey hair and we are hoping that this vial of antibodies has some antibodies that are against this and against this and maybe against virus and when these antibodies are administered these would stay in the body for three to six weeks and they would mop up any other offending antibodies present in this patient's blood or plasma if that happens the patient would feel better for a few weeks but these two guys the b cells are not dead ivigs do not go and kill the b cells that are producing these antibodies never my wife has some vaccine symptoms as well so this morning i was explaining it to her i was saying look imagine we have we have two cats and these cats go and use the litter and they they poop there imagine the cat's poop is the antibody and the cats are the b cells so when we clean their litter we are getting rid of rid of those that poop those antibodies and will feel better and the area is clean and there is no smell and all that but the cats are still there they will still continue to make more poop and as a result these antibodies would start reappearing in the blood after a few weeks and the patient would start feeling the same way again this is the same thing with plasma electrophoresis as well that electrophoresis would take care of some of these antibodies maybe even some of those b cells or t cells that are circulating in the blood but mostly the antibodies and then the plasma would start having these issues again the solution is going to come from how do we take care of these cells how do we quiet them how do we stop them for example intermittent fasting would help to stop them for example when we give these steroids at least temporarily these are stopped that is going to be the basic mission for all of us to figure out how do we get rid of these cells my apologies i took some time to explain this but brie i hope uh that explained a bit of this situation yeah that was great thank you so uh with this let's see if we have any questions otherwise we'll break so there is a question from tina difference between sub q versus iv iv iv ibig any studies as to which is better so it depends upon the patient there are some patients who respond better to subcutaneous and some who respond better to the iv normally if a patient does not respond better to iv then they try to and they still need it then they try to do subcutaneous vinod says could cardiac issues reported post-covert vaccination be actually rooted in neological damage rather than myocardial damage i think it is both so here in this study that is coming out of nih they are saying that there is a tachycardia and there is cardiovascular outcomes and these are neurological so neurological is possible plus a direct attack on the heart or the inflammatory molecules going into the heart and causing inflammation antibodies going to the heart and doing it those complexes of antigen and antibody depositing on the blood vessels and heart so there are many mechanisms that can involve heart skyfrog says what was your reaction to previous standard vaccines that's an interesting one did you have this kind of a reaction to other vaccines nope lifetime vaccine taker no problems augie says did you experience cycling symptoms so do you go into emissions and relapses yes it ebbs and flows so you know like i said before my body feels like glass so i have to pace if you look up on dysautonomia international they have a whole theory on spoon fear theory and it's it's all about pacing make sure that you don't overdo it that you're eating the right things that you're giving your body the very best chance it can to you know repair itself and uh augie this monday this is the exact question i wanted to ask dr bill murphy he's a phd in immunology he runs a bsl he heads a bsl3 lab where there is research going on on immune system plus on cancers so he would be an excellent guest so there were two questions i requested him to discuss with us number one is your question cyclical relapses and remissions and number two what is the way to take care of these b cells these cats that are just sitting there now pooping or making antibodies so these are the two questions we're going to ask on monday so some some praise for me bob's channel says very good explanation thanks you're very welcome um john 653 says where can this wonderful lady go to share her experience scary to think that there are many people like her that we do not know about praying for you so how have you have you been vocal about what's happening and educating others and helping others sorry it happened again okay so uh how about your activity around this have you been helping others yes yes we've been we've been trying to actively get the word out of course you know as well as i do that in the political climate the political climate that we're in it's extremely challenging uh to get these stories out and it does make me wonder had we actually taken an approach to this like we have for previous diseases because this is medical this is not this is not political this is a disease you know had we addressed this appropriately with objective findings and evaluation i really do suspect that we would be in a different situation this far into the vaccine rollout so we launched we have physicians networks that we're building mental health resources there webinars that are not nearly as good as dr beans but we're trying and we're also trying to increase awareness we're trying to get the word out uh we had an article in science magazine a recent one in newsweek so we're just gonna keep you know plugging forward to see if we can make a difference in people's perception people's understanding as to this new illness thank you very much for doing doing this and i believe sean is also part of react 19. he he's our research director yes awesome good to know uh meanwhile in america says bri did you ever find out what dosage they gave you in the study was it the standard vaccine dose yes so there was a subset of people that got half of the dose i got the full dose adam says has brie improved at all in general or has she stayed at a certain level for a while so before i got covered i was starting to slowly get back on my spin bike so i was i was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and then kovid set me back quite a bit so we'll see if it takes as long for me to get there because it was well over a year before i got to where i could you know start using my body how i used to so it's going to be all about those cells that are persisting and to eliminate them the faster we can eliminate so what is happening is the time factor here is the factor where the cells would become eliminated by themselves and some of them would sit down as memory cells and they would live forever or for a longer time so maybe there would be therapies that would help to accelerate the process of becoming quieter or apoptosis or dying augie says brain fog cleared completely via diet question mark i would say at least 75 i was in rough shape like i get up every day and i would say um my brain is altered permanently i thought i was i thought it was altered but for people that are in that state i want you to know it can go away you just need to hang on clean up your diet and if if it's not the diet it'll be something else there's lots of things that you can try it's really frustrating um it's it's horrible to have to endure that but the key is to hang on and and it will it that part will get better it may take months but it will get better and so tell us once again in the context i know you talked about the diet a few minutes ago but if you can add that back here as well for the completion of this question what is clean diet at least for you so i i'm on the low inflammation diet and or low histamine diet and if you look it up online there's quite a few resources that are available no dairy no gluten which i know hearing you can't eat that stuff sounds really sad but if it means that you're going to get your life back you know it's worth it and so i don't miss those foods because they make me feel really really sick so you know it's it's oh no alcohol no drinking no coffee very fresh vegetables very fresh fruits i still can eat beef some people can't eat beef i eat fresh pork so and eggs i can eat eggs most people can't but it's fresh every day i have to make sure that i cook it every day um three meals a day which that that's a hassle but yeah yeah well at least it's helping um kelly is saying has she met other vaccine injured people who have developed eosinophilic ears esophagitis we've heard a little a few people that have had that um a lot of people to be honest we have a bigger group that it's just massive gut dysregulation and so it's coming up into the esophagus um and you know there's some theories i'm sure that you've heard about that that you know covet itself will is one of the very few viruses that can actually change the microbiome in your gut and so it does make me suspect if this is you know rooted in some kind of issue with the spike protein there is the potential that the vaccine could do the same and so that is a big part of of getting well is making sure that the guts taken care of and you know got it so i am aware of the time thank you very much for your generous time and discussing your situation in the context of this study i am disappointed at this study a couple of more questions jim says have you tried heat shock treatments i have not yet yeah and quick clarity that i'm i'm disappointed at the study i'm very very happy that the studies done by nih and ni neurodegeneratives neurodisorders neurological disorders the disappointment is that data does not look like correct and it is too late it is it seems like not accurate data the therapies don't seem like something that they should propagate to say these are good therapies they should actually caveat them heavily and it's just there are lots of weaknesses in that study which i would not have expected from a study coming out of nih or ni the nind so that's what is my frustration one more question um john miller says what vitamin d scale is she using aim for 50 to 60 nanogram per milliliter or higher okay i'll look into that okay um so this is the so one more question skyfrog says probiotics have you ever important yes and bifida bifida has been big and not just for me but for others it has to be a specific kind because it can set off a a reaction that's similar to mcas but a lot of us aren't diagnosed with it but those protocols still work so it's got to be you know there's different probiotics out there that work and some that don't so if you get a probiotic and it's setting your symptoms off or if it's making them worse try a different brand there's dr hazen has recommended just using activity activia i know merrick recommends a different kind that's that's dairy-free so that's one of those things to experiment with to see which one you can tolerate got it uh john says thank you for continuing to advocate for the injured bree so and thank you yes from all of us denise says have you used h-bot hydra hyperbaric oxygen chamber that's on my to-do list it's uh pricey so you gotta say that you know like a teenager they save up for a car that's what we're doing for hbot right now got it the if they would have recognized these situations earlier at least insurance systems would have been able to start covering them but they just let the whole thing happen without recognizing them while they knew it apparently it seems like they knew and they were actually talking with the patients and they were not making progress with the patients and then they just dropped the studies and now they're 17 months later they're coming in and saying hey look we did some studies too anyways that that makes me sound angry but and it's no it's i totally get it it's it's a hard situation and and being in this living this you know through the last 17 months waiting for the study to come out it's been it's been hard um because i because what i knew they were doing what i knew what they knew and what they could do by just talking about it how many lives they could save how many people they could prevent from getting ex you know worse from people you know what would have happened had america been afforded the potential for early intervention when these patients were landing in ers for the first time during the acute phase absolutely and yep and i believe that these patients actually need quicker immediate interventions and the faster they are receiving therapies the better outcomes so trying to at least this is my my feeling that they try to keep it hidden so that others don't become nervous and not refuse to have vaccines i think that's to me that seems like the reasoning but of course i'm trying to read tea leaves maybe not but if they were recognizing it before many people's misery even if we just know that this is something that is acknowledged this is a side effect that is recognized people will feel much better than just not even having a recognition and just figuring it out by themselves so with this brie thank you very much for being here thank you for discussing thank you for presenting your situation thank you for discussing all the therapies that you've tried again for the listeners these are not medical advices please talk with your doctors figure that out with them everybody is different every drug behaves differently with people then the interactions are different your foods are different your body habitus is different so please please please do not experiment on yourself this is more of an informational video take it to your doctor my request is this is where i would request you please like subscribe and share don't like and subscribe that's just my habit of saying share it with others let people hear this out because i know there's going to be a lot of excitement about the study that came out but there is some important data that is missing and there is some more color that needs to be happening and i think that is what we have here so with this audience thank you very much for being here bri thank you very much for being here i'm hoping i can have you and more participants from this study with us over here and continue to have these discussions that would be great thanks for having me thank you very much bye-bye for now
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 842,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9XGpe6MTaFg
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Length: 66min 30sec (3990 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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