Kwik Brain Episode 101: 4 Keys to Changing Your Behavior & Habits

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welcome back quick brain so the topic and the subject the question that was in our private facebook group which many of you are part of tens of thousands of people and so many people like this question so somebody haven't addressed it today is the big one how do you create change that lasts how do you if you want a new result in your life you have to do a new behaviors you got to change that behavior in order to change a behavior you need a set of capacities or capabilities or beliefs how do you go about changing that because if you want something you've never had then you've got to do something you've never done let me say it again if you if you want something brand new something you've never had you have to do something you've never done before but most people can't get out of their own way isn't that true they say the average person has about 6070 thousand thoughts a day the problem is 90 to 95 percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts they had yesterday and the day before that and the day before that in other words if you want something brand new you have to stop doing something old one must do something new in order to see something new and the best thing you could do for yourself in this kind of situation is stop saying I wish this would change or I hope this would change because hope as we've talked about is not a strategy you got to take I wish and turn it into I will and their secrets making this happen really is neurogenesis and neuroplasticity I talk a lot about it in this show because the goal is to create new brain cells neurogenesis the birth new neurons the goal is to create new plasticity like your brain is plastic and you can create new connections but the goal is really to make sure you have these connections because that's really a big part of what intelligence is is making a connection between something you don't know to something that you know and reinforcing it now the key to neurogenesis neuroplasticity the essence of change is this novelty novelty and actually nutrition which is why we cover nutrition so much in past episodes but the novelty is really what's key so here's the thing no matter your age your brain is like a muscle it grows through use through neurogenesis neuroplasticity which we talked about through novelty and nutrition so try something new every single day that's why it's important if you want to create change you have to try something brand new every single day after all we're giving this life right we're giving this in precious life we have one life to figure it out and it doesn't last forever besides life could be extremely extremely boring if we just stay within the lines if we just stay within the limits of what we already know so if you feel inspired to be able to jumpstart your habits your change I invite you to look at three things I invite you to actually approach this with like try something new and most people they don't want to try something new because it's outside of their script right it takes effort and energy to try something new but if you train yourself to do this so I recommend you do three tries number one try something once to get over the fear of it you know so many people they want to learn how to salsa they want to learn how to be able to juggle they want to learn how to be able to take a cold shower or whatever the things they want to do because again first you create your habits and then what your habits create to you right back so I say number one try it once just get over the fear of it because then you've done it and then I would say number two try it twice to begin to learn it you begin to learn and you begin to ingrain it and finally I would say try it a third time and a third time is to see if you like it or if you love it or not you know usually after trying something a few times you get now it doesn't have to be one two three it could be try it once and or twice to get over the fear of it try it the third time a four time a fifth time just to kind of learn it and then try it a six seven time to be able to see if you like it or if you loved it or not does that does that make sense you know I feel like so you don't have to know every single day but the goal is to understand the process of doing this now the real key to making change think about a change you want to create it maybe it's in your career maybe it happens to be in your relationship maybe it happens to be in your health maybe it has to do with your learning right think about one specifically and I want to talk about really three keys to change three keys to making lasting fast lasting change you will now the first see I would say is consistency does that make sense when you were talking about habits and we've talked about habits in the past we've talked about it you know with James clear talking about atomic habit so we talked about in a past episode which I recommend with dr. BJ Fogg from Stanford University talking about how to create new habits how to break old limiting habits so that's very important but the consistency is key whether it takes 21 days or 30 days or 66 days or 10,000 hours whatever it is the power comes from repetition so consistency remember if you're persistent you could attain it but if you're consistent you get to keep it so the consistency is the first key because you can't go to the gym and then all of a sudden you're just healthy and you're fit and strong for the rest of your life consistency right that's the first C to change the second C to change happens to be capability capability meaning it's the actual strategy you use the skill if you will on how to be able to do something because what you're looking to be consistent about is your capability the skill set that you're gonna get and where does that usually come from it usually comes from the third C which is challenge you get better and more capable at something the more you challenge yourself isn't that true because with challenge comes what which challenge comes change through your struggles you develop your strengths through when you lift a weight it's very difficult there's adversity and difficulty there but when you do the hard things life gets easier when you just do the easy things in life life gets hard right we've said this before but if you do the easy things procrastinate put things off then life gets hard but if you do the difficult things in life like that's your routines getting yourself to meditate each day getting yourself to eat well getting yourself to move every single day and things we talked about in the quick brain and all these episodes then life becomes easier because you're better it's not like life got better you got better that's the key but in order to do it you need to be consistent you need the capability and you need to be able to challenge yourself because just like lifting weights life gives you challenges and all sudden maybe you get to the other side of that challenge and you're stronger because of it I mean don't you have a reference for this in your personal life that you went through a time that was extremely difficult you want wish that time upon anybody but there's a light there was a light that came from it you found a strength you found a mission you found a purpose and you develop us again strength and I'm talking about strength a lot but that's how you develop fortitude that's how you develop grit that's how you develop cognitive strength mental fitness and fortitude is through challenge so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna invite you because the 1/4 C if you will consistency capability and challenge what that brings all those three things together is having a coach and I'm honored to be your brain coach because I'm going to hear to help you become consistent to give you the capabilities and also to challenge you because a coach gets you to do one more lap around the track they get you to do one more set or one more repetition they challenge you because they a coach knows that when they push you that you're gonna grow stronger because of it so what we're doing right now with a quick brain is we're creating a quick challenge a quick brain challenge if you will and these are for people who want to level up and there's no cost there's no there's no fee to get involved but I want to really talk to the people right now who ready to make a real change that maybe you've heard past episodes before from past guests or maybe it's myself and I say hey is now it's time to make a new change is to journal or to do a meditative process or maybe it's to move and workout because as your body moves your brain grows or maybe make a brain power smoothie or a brain tea or to be able to read 30 minutes a day well we're gonna do every single week is I'm gonna give you a brand new challenge 10 plus challenges and each one is going to help to develop this habit of creating brand new habits and I'm gonna challenge you to be consistent I'm gonna give you that capability because we've done a lot of episodes on these habits in the past and I'm going to challenge you to take things to the next level now this isn't for everybody this is really for people who want to take now and turn into power because we talked about knowledge is not power it's only potential power it only becomes power when what when you utilize it when you apply it because all the books all the audios all the coaching programs all the online programs all the podcasts none of it works until you work so this is my challenge to you and we have people listening from all around the world in 180 plus countries you know that you know in social media people are engaged in our podcasts on our YouTube and and Facebook and Instagram all around the world but together we can make big changes and but it starts by making little changes because consistency compounds consistency compounds little by little a little becomes a whole lot and so what we're doing is if you go to quick challenge calm K wik challenge calm you could go there and what you're gonna get there is every single week I'm gonna give you a brand new challenge I'm gonna talk about something that's gonna enhance your mental cognitive function to help you become a stronger and lete mental performer to help you become more productive to have you help you to have more peace of mind and positivity and your mindset if you will little things that you could practice and I'm gonna challenge you to do that one thing for that week and so if you want to join us on this movement if you will this movement of challenge go to quick challenge calm it's absolutely free and what I'll do is every single week give you a brand new challenge and not only that I'll give you a little bit of motivation also as well because that's what a coach does you know they cheer lead for you they encourage you they have do the best they can to inspire you but you have to do the work right I'm gonna give you a hundred percent but I have to ask also that you give yourself a hundred percent but here's the good news I'm gonna make it very simple for you you know everything we're to talk about things we've talked about previous episodes about brushing your teeth with the opposite hand and remembering somebody's name and learning how to juggle these things and we go through a little bit about the science to show you the why you want to stick with this challenge and then I'm gonna give you some motivation and some messages along the way to keep you consistent and on track is that fair so again go to quick challenge kwk challenge calm and then go enter that and then you'll be reminded every single week a new challenge and motivation to keep you on track again and what I want you to do as part of your accountability is two things I want the proof because here's the thing it's not about saying it tell the people it's about showing them it's not about promising people it's about proving it and how you're gonna prove and be accountable is you're gonna take a screen shot during this challenge every single week so if I if I ask you for example to write your gratitude or I asked you to read 30 minutes a day you're gonna take a picture of the thing that I'm asking you to do and post it and then the hashtag remember is quick challenge kaida bike a challenge and yes there'll be some fun unannounced prizes and gifts and contests along the way many of you know we do these challenges with our our hashtag one book a week where we gave out Amazon gift cards every week and my favorite books that I'm reading so we're gonna do all that but basically we're internists in a community effort because the good news is you're not alone and change doesn't have to be difficult it's the little things again that add up to big things little things don't consistently become big things in the long run because again consistency compounds so the first thing I want you to do after you enter go to quick challenge calm and be part of this and get the the future challenges and the motivation the second thing again is taking a screenshot of the proof of every challenge and then I'm gonna reach share and retweet and repost some of my favorite and we're gonna just have some prize surprise gifts and then finally the third thing I would say is get a challenge buddy because we know that people stick with something better especially when it comes to learning when they have a book club if you will or when we do these memory trainings that we teach whether it's teaching people how to memorize scripts or foreign languages anything in between when they have somebody to practice with they're more likely to fulfill and be accountable to somebody else and I know does that make sense to you so what I want you to do is recruit a good friend or family member or work associate somebody on your team to do this with or maybe a group of you do the hashtag quick challenge if you will every single week with us so that way you can make these changes and I promise you the end benefit is yes you're gonna get have better focus and remember her name's and do all these things better but the most important thing I really feel like you're gonna get out of this is you're gonna become a master of change you're gonna be able to follow through when you want to make a new change in your life you'll have momentum begin you'll have references because for me every single month I like to learn something new if not every single week every single month I have you have your to-do list right and I also have it to learn lists and I feel like the longest-living people are people are committed to lifelong learning I talk about the research behind this add years to your life in life to your years let's do this together and let's turn you to a master of change so when you need to have more confidence or you want to learn a new skill because you're switching careers or you want to go to graduate school or learn a new subject or a new language whatever it is you go through it because even if you don't have the competency you have the confidence because you're like man look at all these things over the X amount of weeks that I've already learned and jump-started my habits and learned how to learn to change new things right change your brain change your what change your life change your life we could change the world so go to quick challenge calm all the details are there share with your friend hashtag quick challenge take a screenshot of this episode or a picture of this video post it and say I'm in do that that's like a proclamation a public affirmation if you will saying that you're gonna do this join me take a screenshot put the hashtag tagged me in it and say Jim I'm in and who else is with me and then we'll do this all together I'll create this massive movement of change because again if you want life to be better we need to be better but it's not as hard as you think little by little a little becomes a lot thank you for watching and listening to this episode I can't wait to do this challenge with you over the next few weeks life will never be the same and certainly never you're learning either I'll see you soon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 170,849
Rating: 4.9508886 out of 5
Keywords: jim kwik, kwik learning, kwik brain, brain challenge, learning, habits, productivity
Id: h069gom4vvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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