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hi guys anime skill here today we're going to do another versus battle this time between naruto and madara this is going to be a fun one with lots of different forms and transformations to go over so let's get started let's start off with madura as a kid we don't really know a lot about him but we do know that he was already one of the stronger members of his clan or before he even got a base sharingan and as a kid this was also during the warring clan period so you can bet he already has tons of battle experience madara was in every sense of the word one of the biggest geniuses ever compare that to naruto at the start of the series and well he can summon a lot lots of shadow clones and that's basically it he barely has any combat experience and his taijutsu is questionable at best naruto didn't start off being very gifted so he would have no chance against this version of malara this is all different if we talk about the naruto that went berserk against aku here naruto can use a decent bit of the nine tails chakra greatly enhancing his speed and strength this boost was so huge that naruto went from being basically useless to manhandling aku this is a massive amp and i don't see even kid madura being able to really stop him naruto of course gains much more experience after his first mission and we see this during the tuning exams yes i know his fight against kiba was questionable but he did beat him besides it is clear to see that naruto is both faster and stronger than he used to be is that enough to take down madura without the nine tails not a chance now naruto did end up tapping into the cubies chakra during the exams but i think it was pretty clear to see that he didn't use nearly as much of the nine tails power as he did in his fight against aku i just don't see any way this version of naruto can take down madura when the gap between even the stronger version of kubichakra wasn't that huge of course naruto's best showing here was when he took on a partially transformed gara using a combination attack with dozens and dozens of shallow clones this gara was able to overwhelm sasuke who was using his curse mark at the time so it's a pretty big feat really it comes down to this was this naruto stronger than the naruto who went berserk against aku i don't think he's quite there yet so i'll still give this fight to madara with decent difficulty obviously all that changes when you give naruto access to gamma bunta one of the strongest summons in the series kamabunta went toe to toe against the actual one tails and even managed to momentarily pin down the nine tails kid madara is a genius but he isn't anywhere near tailed beast level so he gets squashed if naruto decided to bring the big toad out naruto of course learns a lot during part one and by the time he gets to the valley of the end he can finally use his signature move the wrestling gun the wrestling gun is no joke and he's one of the strongest and most versatile techniques in the series so naruto is now much much stronger than he's ever been before meanwhile madara has unlocked the sharingan which is a massive amp honestly i think maduro would stomp all over this naruto just like sasuke had i mean kid madara is basically a much stronger more experienced and more talented version of sasuke and sasuke alone was too much for this naruto to handle now the gap is closed somewhat if naruto taps into the power of the nine tails like he did against sasuke this isn't a huge amount of the nine tails chakra but in their fight it was enough to overpower sasuke who was manhandling naruto even with just two tomo in his sharingan still i think the gap between the two is just too big to start with sasuke was able to keep up with this naruto when he got his third tomo even with a weaker sharingan i genuinely think this matara is stronger than sasuke ever was so this fight would still be a reasonably easy win so then why do i think naruto with his one tail cloak would beat this version of madura face to base this matter is definitely stronger than sasuke was in fact the gap between the two of them was so big that even with his first staged curse mark this matterer was definitely stronger was he stronger than sasuke after he got his second stage curse mark though i have a hard time believing that not only did this sasuke have the massive stage two curse mark and he also had a stronger sharingan and even them their fight wasn't exactly one-sided i don't see this version of madara pulling off a win here naruto of course got even stronger after the time skip he got faster stronger and was much much better at using his clones in combat he didn't get nearly as big of a boost as sasuke but he was still way stronger than he was before but that's the problem he wasn't nearly as strong as susuke after the time skip this version of madara also has had years to grow stronger and now has a fully matured sharingan like we've said before he's a more talented version of sasuke in a time period with way more conflict than sasuke ever went through honestly this probably isn't even a fair fight and maduro would easily take this of course naruto always has the ability to rely on the qb giving him another amp honestly the strength difference between the two is just too massive even if naruto could use this amount of the qb chakra i doubt he'd have done much against hebby sasuke so he'd do even less in a fight against this version of madura he might even end up using a one-tail cloak the same way he did in the valley of the end that's a massive boost in power but is it enough to take down this version of madara again it seems pretty unlikely i know i'm repeating myself here but with naruto of taking down heavy sasuke even with the one-tailed cloak i think it's pretty obvious that sasuke was capable of dealing with cargo level shinobi at that point and this is only double for madara and i doubt naruto is anywhere near that level just yet now four tail cloak naruto is a different story this version of the four tails is so strong that it not only almost killed uriah it went toe to toe with oroshimaru who is already stronger than all of the karger at that point madura himself is way stronger than a normal cargo but i do think naruto is just too fast and too strong for this matterer to deal with to be clear though maduro would win he just suppressed the nine tails the same way that sasuke did except even more easily i'm just guessing madura will have a little fun before realizing his fight is a little too much for him and then he'll suppress the nine tails sage mode naruto is a massive massive level up from anything we've ever seen from naruto before this point not only can he use sage mode one of the biggest strength amps in the series he can also safely use the wreston shuriken one of the most destructive jutsu in the series i think it's safe to say that sage mode naruto was at least as strong or stronger than jiraiya and dryer went against several paths of pain at once madara is strong but i don't see him taking down sage mode naruto with just the base sharingan especially considering naruto took down someone who literally had to rin again obviously there are some asterisks to that fight but there aren't nearly enough to give madura the win in this particular fight getting an ms gives madara a huge boost in power this is maduro we're talking about so i would be shocked if he didn't have an armored sisano either with this and the base strength and speed amp all of this isn't even considering whatever madura's actual manga keo powers might be now we kind of know what they are you see in one of the storm games we see maduro using his powers in a fight against hashirama here it seems like his ability is to rewind time think of it as a weaker version of izanagi this would also make a lot more things make sense like how exactly did mata survive hashirama without using izanagi for instance still even if we don't consider these whatever his powers are won't be anything to take lightly factoring all that in i don't think this madara would struggle very much against naruto kcm1 is a ridiculous boost in power for naruto he was now so fast he managed to out speed the rakage who at this point was the fastest ninja on the planet this version of naruto was so strong he was sending out his shallow clones to deal with reanimated cargae all over the place it's safe to say he left the level of normal cargo behind a long time ago is that enough though to take down madara with an ems well madara now has access to his perfect sisano you know the society that casually moves its sword around and mountains just happened to fall over this asana all five cargo gave one look at and just knew they were all about to get one shot naruto might be close to this matter in speed but he has nothing on that level of raw destructive power so he definitely lose still while the version of one kcm cloak is strong it isn't half as strong as the ktm cloak version two here with full access to the chakra of the nine tails and access to his karama avatar he finally has moves and abilities on the level of matara's perfect sisano i think it's hard to say who would win in a fight here but they're both probably somewhat equal in terms of raw power i would give madara an edge here simply because he's both a lot smarter and a lot more experienced naruto isn't as dumb as he used to be and he does have experience but madura has been in wars longer than naruto has been alive so i think he'd take this fight with some difficulty of course stacking sage mode on top of kcm2 only gives naruto one more massive amp now he's so fast and his sensory abilities are so high that he can react to jupiter a six past character this is a massive boost in strength and this would definitely be enough for naruto to finally overpower malara now the gap isn't quite as ridiculous as you'd think this is still madura after all and it wasn't like naruto was putting up much of a fight against jupiter anyway still naruto would take this fight in the end mata came very prepared in his final fight against hashirama in fact he brought the actual nine tails with him and had him fighting alongside him that is crazy enough but madara cloaked denied tales with his perfect cesano creating the majestic attire cesano something way above anything he'd used before now things are a little weird here this majestic attire cesaro is probably weaker than the ones that sasuke and naruto used against jupiter but well naruto just has his karama avatar he doesn't have sasuke sinjutsu enhanced cissano to back him up short he has the nine tails which is stronger in sideage in cherokee but is it stronger than a regular nine tails backed up by a perfect cizano it seems unlikely so i'd give madara this fight with mid difficulty now we kind of already got this fight when naruto was only using kcm2 without sage mode but i don't think sage mode matters much here this version of madura can use all of the rings powers and has access to wood style you know the same wood style that is specialized in controlling and suppressing bijou chakra even without this hack i doubt maduro is going to struggle he still has the perfect cizano and he's a reanimation so he can always just drop a few meteors and naruto's head madara would win this fight pretty convincingly this is an interesting one on one hand this naruto did take on jubidara at one point but this was the jupiter who was recovering from being on the verge of death so he wasn't exactly in the best condition meanwhile this version of madura was eyeing up jupiter and was convinced he could take him on if only he got just a little tired from his fight against the shinobi forces however naruto is now a six-pass character and he's on a completely different level besides he can finally counter madura's biggest strength his limbo naruto can't see the clone of course but he was dodging attacks from much stronger versions of limbo so he wouldn't have a problem dodging these either plus even in taijutsu naruto was cracking the god tree with just his fists so there's that all in all naruto would take this fight but with high difficulty this is a fight that gets misunderstood a decent bit yes madara in this form was running away from this version of naruto but like we've said before that wasn't exactly jupiter at his best that was a dubidara that had almost died and had barely recovered plus naruto had surprised him with how much stronger he'd gotten so quickly so it wasn't like maduro was exactly prepared for what was about to hit him if madara was rested from the start of the fight i think it would play out a lot differently besides this isn't even naruto at his full strength so i think maduro would end up taking this fight in the end maduro got another massive boost in power after he absorbed the god tree to the point where he at least felt comfortable fighting naruto and sasuke long enough till he could get his second rune again but well this is naruto at the end of the series after the fight with kaguya someone weighed way stronger than this version of madara this version of naruto was holding his own and damaging kaguya in a one-on-one this naruto really wouldn't struggle all that much to take down jubidara with only one rinnegan even if he's absorbed the god tree of course maduro was really only stalling until he could get his second renegade and we all found out why maduro got a massive boost in power now he was able to use four limbo clones all of which were almost as strong as him he could use multiple chibaku tensei all at once raining them down on naruto and sasuke remember this is a matter of so strong that kishimoto himself had no idea how to beat him which is why we even got the whole surprise kaguya thing to begin with sooner or later he would end up beating naruto chop naruto did hold his own against kaguya for a while but he'd never actually beat her besides naruto and sasuke both weren't strong enough to stop the infinite tsukuyomi what chance does naruto alone have now there is a big asterisk to this fight in general the only reason naruto will be able to power up this much is if maduro will let him remember sasuke himself was busy charging up indra's arrow to the point where he didn't notice a giant nine-tailed avatar gathering nature energy madara might not be so careless if he is though then i think this level of power will be just a little too much for madura to handle remember naruto's ultimate rating shuriken attack was able to cancel out indra's arrow ajutsu that had all of the tail beast's chakra behind it does matter i have anything strong enough to equal this we haven't seen it can you absorb it with the ring well it's a ridiculous amount of chakra almost as much chakra as madara has put together so it really just depends on whether or not maduro can absorb it if you can't then naruto takes this fight naruto is much much stronger as an adult now he's going toe to toe against otsuki characters regularly to the point where we see him taking on fused mamashiki in taijutsu and getting the upper hand without all that much trouble this is after naruto has half his chakras sucked out by the way even in the war naruto was doing massive damage to people like kaguya with rating shurikens as an adult just a big ball wrestling gun that he gave boruto the energy for was enough to take down fuse momoshiki really what chance does madura have well he has the infinite tsukiyomi a jutsu that naruto can't really counter still though why would naruto let maduro hit him with a jutsu that not only has he seen before but also takes a decent while to set up in the first place i don't see maduras standing a chance against naruto here this isn't a fight at all it's just a one-sided slaughter naruto was overpowering ishiki who'd make kaguya look like a joke in comparison sure naruto has a pretty strict time limit but the time limit would literally only matter against someone as tough as ishiki and madara isn't anywhere near that level all in all madura might just literally get one shot here after the nerf naruto isn't quite as strong as he used to be borito has gone out of its way to show that naruto just doesn't have the strength to keep up with all of these atsuzuki and karma users anymore he wasn't able to stop the fight between kawaki and boruto and his only real feat is saving his son from one of kawaki's attacks still madara is a six past level character and while naruto might be the closest thing to that level he isn't a six pass character anymore so i'd see this naruto losing pretty easily to jubidara even without the infinite tsukiyomi that's it for this video and it was a long one if you have any thoughts about it be sure to let me know in the comments and don't forget to drop your ideas for future videos down there as well i promise i'm going to get around to them eventually and i'll see you next time this is anime scale out bye
Channel: AnimeScale
Views: 544,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, naruto power levels, naruto vs madara power levels, naruto vs madara power level, naruto vs madara, madara vs naruto power levels, naruto all forms, madara power, madara power level, naruto power level, naruto vs boruto power levels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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