Kubo's 7 most shocking answers about Bleach Story

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hello guys it's me sim orahara and in this video i want to present you kobo's most shocking answers regarding the blitz story which changed a lot of our perceptions about mini events of course this answer i hope kobo delved in them in detail in the next anime season so guys let's start with one of the most shocking answers regarding ichibi in this question kobo was asked about the blackness that covered the words of the osan zangitsu and does it have anything to do with ichibi i mean did egb use his zampaktor to stop the osun zangetsu from speaking kobo answered yes that was an act of ichibi and this was shocking because this scene from chapter i think 63 and we're talking about the beginning of the story that's why it was amazing how kobu had a perception about you about as well about ichibi's ability from the start some may say that is not possible and that is difficult for google to have imagined it this way from the beginning but guys there is nothing that can let gobo lie about this because there are questions in which he was asked about certain things and he didn't say that it was planned a prime example of this is this question this fan asked a question that i think is a wonderful theory about the possibility that the black color of she actually is related to the ability of ichivi so that they can give them strength in case of emergency here kobo could took advantage of this opportunity and say oh yes it was like that but he answered with a sample answer about why the shinigami were black she actually some people should know also that the concept of zero squad was mentioned in chapter 48 when the menus appeared for the first time sure kobo didn't have a full concept of all the member of the zero squad but it seems that at least he had an idea of their leader who is hiv in his ability ichimonji as well and we move to the mysterious case of rocky's power that was referred in one of the questions directed to kobo i have already talked about this in several videos a fan raised an important issue about how kobu writes the names of the shinigami in a brush style but when he arrived to rookia he wrote her own name in a different style kobo previously did this with herako and the rest of the visor which indicates that they possessed another power and in their case it was the power of the whole so based on this perception what happened to rookia does she have another power than the scenario power kobo answered a vague answer he didn't deny the possibility of the existence of our power other than judiciary power but he preferred not to answer what it might be i don't know if this has anything to do with the upcoming chapters of the hell arc or if kobu wants to answer it somewhere else i recently made a video about what it might be rocky's power you can watch it if you want and we move to yacht shiro's identity kobu's answer about chiachiro's true identity cleared many of the mysteries about zaraki zampakto so through kobo's answer it turns out that yatchiro is actually part of zalaki's zampacto in this part manifested in the form of a little yacht hero which is zalaki's bankai while the main body is an adult woman and it can be said it's his shikai nuzarashi i honestly wait for this to be explained in more detail in the anime and it seems that kobo from the beginning had a perception that okitaki has something to do with the sulking and this fan was talking about this scene at the end of the sole society arc it isn't mean by his words even you in other words even you o okitaki who carried within you the right hand of the sulky kobo answered yes that's what eisen meant and this answer was previously addressed and can't feel your own world a novel one of the things we wanted to see in the story was the identity of jinja and uru a lot of theories circulated around them although it seemed clear that at least they aren't ordinary humans that's why this question was asked to kobo about their identities and he replied that they are artificial souls created by oro horakisky i previously made a video about it and i explained in detail kobo's answer for anyone who wants to know more about that and we moved one of the questions that formed a long debate between the fans which is the issue of why rookie did not recognize isha as long as they were in the same time period in the goatee 13. she was in the 13 division and he was the captain of the thin division kobo said this i previously made a video in which i explained kobo's words in detail but personally the thing that excited me the most about the answer is the presence of oro horakisky and how he is the only one out of all capable of making a special giga that can enable the shinigami to have a sexual relationship with other rays of souls as i said before this makes ora arakisky the direct cause of ichigo's birth and i conclude this video with one of kobo's shocking answers that changed our perception of the zampakto in general and it's about ichigo's duel zampakto in his bankai this fan was wondering about the fate of ichigo's duel zampakto what is it kobo replied that ichigo's duo zampacto is a correction of ichigo's zampacto because in order for zampak to be in a correct position it must consist of sheath and sword and this is the case for all zampakto so that there are only two swords that don't apply to this rule and they are sayafushi and and thus the new shape of ichigo zampacto corrects this by making one the blade and other the sheath whereas in the case of bangkai the two swords are fused together so that one of them becomes a sheath for the zampato in the bankai mode and what appeared on this page is the real zangatsu the most important thing in the whole issue is that as kobo said ichigo is able to return the zampaktor to the dual situation if he wants but i hope kobo explained this in the anime he said that he doesn't he doesn't want to explain it more but we want an explanation in the anime because this is very important topic the whole battle of ichigo and you are back need to be fixed so i don't think the decision not to delve more in how the banker of ichigo works a good idea we need a full explanation of this bangkai so please kobo don't let the chance get out of your hands so guys tell me what the answer that excited you the most and do you have another questions you want google to answer them tell me in the comments for me personally the answer of hiv is what shocked me the most i have never expected that kobo was foreshadowing for ichib this far but in fact he did that with many things he hinted about yachty onahana from the start of the story also the truth of the yacht being zampakto of zaraki in this scene and as i said the important thing is to see this answer through the anime because there where we can have a good explanation these answers in the end are just short explanations and you have to keep in mind this answer without an official translation so guys this is my end of my video and see you in my next video
Channel: Simo Urahara
Views: 36,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach ichigo vasto lorde, bleach ichigo transformations, bleach ichigo true power, ichigo bankai, bleach ichigo true shikai, ichigo horn of salvation, bleach ichigo power explained, bleach ichigo true zangetsu, bleach ichigo mask, bleach ichigo hollow, ichigo kurosaki, bleach ichigo vs yhwach, bleach ichigo form, bleach ichibei, ichigo real zanpakuto, ichigo dual zanpakuto, zangetsu, ichigo true zanpakuto, bleach ukitake, bleach zaraki bankai, bleach yachiru
Id: 34MZVzGKswY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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