KSG -vs- DP-12 [ Best Bullpup SHOTGUN ? ]

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hey guys Sandra with gy6 vids DP 12 double-barrel pump-action shotgun vs the kel-tec KSG pump-action shotgun let's get into it now a lot of you guys been requesting this video ever since I did the full review of the DP 12 shotgun granted because it looks a lot like the KSG kel-tec I guess the sincerest form of flattery is imitation so you know they can't be too upset about it but it definitely looks a lot like it you all wanted to see a heads up review between the two shotguns also if you guys don't want to know the technical aspects a lot of you guys just want to see the shooting portions or the pros and cons or what I think about it you can click on either one of these timelines right now on the timeline the video it'll take you to that portion of the video that way you're not wasting your time hopefully appreciate that so you can go click on those links before we get started though I want to talk about the DP 12 real fast obviously if you guys have seen the full review I've done on the DP 12 I was one of the first ones ever to do a full review of the DP 12 and I had some issues with it when I first tested it and the issue I had with it was the shotgun had issues feeding the shells into the two barrels when trying to cycle it vertically what I mean by that is when you go to charge your gun let's put it on if when you're pointing in a safe direction at the ground and you go to cycle two shells would come up and they would skip a little bit and get stuck on the action and wouldn't feed and you know problem with double barrel pump action shotgun is the fact that you have one filler to feed it means you have two filters of feed and you have two shells to deal with and it's just a mess it's a lot to really deal with in the field or in a bad situation so not good whatsoever but I talked to staining manufacturing company they were upset they like yeah I know that sucks we've been looking into it they actually found out a way to fix it they sent a new shock announced as a brand new DP 12 the issue was the tubes it wasn't anything else in the action except for where the tubes line up with the receiver to push shells into the barrels there was a little gap between the followers in the tubes and the barrel so when you did a vertical charge like that the shells are jump up hop and skip and kind of catch on those little lips which would cause a stovepipe with either one or both shells causing problems that take a little bit of time to fix and it's just something don't want to deal with well they replace the followers so I wanted to test it let's just show you real fast that issue is gone she cycle through shells come up they go in the barrel reject them boom bow shells some more shells come in and it does that consistently now so you can go upside down you can go oh this way you can go that way both shock and speed no matter what direction you hold them in so we're going to skip over that in the video it's a waste of time everyone's done that test and you know we all know that the KSG is going to cycle through now the DP 12 is good to go in every direction including a vertical position now which is very good so now the length of the DP 12 is exactly three point four inches longer than the KSG shotgun also with the weight there's a massive weight difference that's partly the first thing you recognize when you pick up both these shotguns you go damn the DP 12 is a lot heavier looking at three point three pounds more weight than you do with the KSG now the KSG is only six point nine pounds so unloaded obviously with both these shotguns so with a three point three pound increase in weight so when you jump from the KSG to the DB 12 there is a 50% increase in weight shooting this shotgun that's that's a huge jump I mean there is no doubt in my mind it is much heavier but you're also dealing with two barrels and a much more robust action now let's get into that real quick the action of the DP 12 its machined out of a single block of 7075 aluminum which makes it very robust and very smooth the action is crisp and you get that metal-on-metal feel we don't get that metal on polymer feel it's quite nice and it makes the cycling and the action of the gun very reliable so you know you have an increased weight but you also have you know more reliability a little bit higher end you know you get that but you're also gaining a lot of weight because that as well overall girth I mean I'm not gonna get into the technical specs of the overall girth that you guys can see the difference it is big difference in overall girth with a DB 12 you obviously have two barrels on top of two tubes it's just more robust system even the four end or the handguard where you cycle through if you don't have vertical grips it's harder to hold on to so having that forward grip is definitely a must have on the DB 12 now as far as the hand guards go you're looking at more slots for additional picatinny rails as you can see on the DP 12 but you don't have that on the lateral sides of the KSG you do have a Picatinny rail that's built into the bottom of the KSG as well as one that's on top you have one on the top of the DP 12 as well and you have section for an attached Picatinny rail on the bottom as well but on these shotguns having forward grips is a huge plus because cycling these things sometimes is a bit sticky I know what the K it's a bit sticky and I know what the DP 12 it gets a bit sticky so having something to have a little bit more girth and grip and d-link another round in is a plus with the DP 12 you get this grip with the shotgun it comes attached it comes ready to rock and roll with the KSG however you do not yet buy one afterwards but it's like 20 bucks both are threaded so you can put chokes in the front right now we have breacher chokes in the front of the DB 12 it looks pretty cool and on the front of the KSG we have an attachment for the 12-gauge salvo suppressor but if you want to see more of that suppressor let me know maybe we can decide to make a video down the road strictly based around suppressed 12 gauge which miku l-- but that is the feature too you can also have a suppressor on the case you cannot put one on the DP 12 and the fact that the barrels are too close you can't thread that on there it would be amazing to put two salvos on here and i was going to with my salvos but too close so wah-wah-wah now between the two shotguns you have safety mechanisms on the KSG you have standard pushover safety so you push to the right it's going to be firing push to the left it's going to be unsafe with the DP 12 you have more of an ar-15 style ambidextrous safety which is really smart move on you know DP 12 spark you're used to in an ar-15 this can be very seamless transition over to engaging safety and you know taking an off safety in between shooting moving on to the grips the grip of the DP 12 is a little bit fatter it is does have a 3d texturing to it with the KSG you have that 3d texturing as well it's just a little bit thinner a little bit easier to hang on to and you get a good purchase on both grips but if you have really small hands you're going to feel better with the grip on the KSG now the actions of the firearms are very similar you have two tubes feeding into a barrel or two barrels in the case of the DP 12 the action of the KSG you have two tubes that shells go into and then have a selector switch that you can switch over to pick whichever tube you want to shoot from which is nice because if you wanted to say have slug rounds in the left tube and you know double up buck on the right you know you can just switch that over and you're going to have your double up buck or you can get your slug rounds it's up to you whatever you want to use it for I think it's a good idea for law enforcement I think it's great to be able to pick and choose what you need you know say slug rounds to breach the door double bucks when you you know go into whatever building you're going into military as well home defense as well if you want to use bean bags instead of lethal force and vice versa some people are like I want you select the wrong tube you know blow a little Johnny through the wall when you're trying to just knock them out for stealing something I don't know whatever you want to say I personally think it's a good idea but you have that option so what happens is as you drain your shells boom boom boom boom boom you have to flip it over change your selector switch boom boom boom it's very easy it's not like a lot of work but it does take a little extra time I mean you have to do that in between now with the DP 12 you don't have to worry about that you have two tubes feeding into two barrels it's direct feed so as you cycle down boom two shells fall down as you push up boom two shells go into the tubes the problem is you can't choose which barrel to shoot you shoot right - laughs no matter what boom boom boom boom so if you have two different types of shotgun shells in here granted you can put slugs on one side double a buck and the other but when you shoot you're gonna be like don't lawbook slug rounds so you know plan accordingly but you can do that just you don't have the option to select which tube you're going to use which kind of sucks now another feature about the DP 12 a lot of people ask is can you fire both barrels at the same time negative wah-wah-wah I really wish you could even if there was two triggers I'd be okay with that or an option to flip it over to you know fire two barrels I'd be great but it doesn't so you just got right left barrel so boom boom so as you cycle through you got two barrels coming through okay so boom boom and the resets really smooth on this shotgun you can fire pretty quick pretty fast at 12 gauge as long as you know how to mitigate your recoil enough you can get some good shots on target but it is very tough when you're doing boom boom yeah granted it's a great feature but back-to-back shots of 12-gauge you can have like one on target one off target and in a self-defense situation that could be horrible you could shoot through a wall shoot off your threat you know it doesn't it's not good so just make sure you know you can control your recoil before trying to double tap with 12-gauge especially anything larger than birdshot let's get into capacity now so the capacity of both shotguns are similar I don't want to say exact because you're gonna learn here in a second each tube can hold seven rounds at two and three-quarter inch 12-gauge or six rounds of three-inch 12-gauge that way it gives you a maximum capacity of fourteen shells here and a maximum capacity of 14 shells here or 12 and 12 the difference is you can keep one in the tube that gives you a maximum capacity of 15 you can keep 2 in the tubes which gives you a maximum capacity of 16 so you do get one more extra round either way with the TP 12 due to the fact it's got two barrels fun fact two barrels lined up with two shells feed directly in with a KSG you have round cycling from either right to left or left to right and having to roll and then be pushed up into a barrel that's in the middle of both tubes so problems with failures to feed I haven't had hardly any in my time shooting the shotgun which has been quite a bit but you know it fun thing about videos is it really brings out the issues with guns whenever you hit record trust me on that so in today's video we're using the same optic the entire time we're using the vortex Spitfire this is a zero magnification red dot it gives you great target acquisition very fast so as you pull up your instantly engaging targets we're putting them on the same Picatinny slots every time we transfer them so it's going to do the same thing every time alright enough talking you guys get it let's get into the shooting get into the fun and then finish out with pros and cons and what I think of both shotguns alright doing so first up the DP 12 we have for shoot see targets we're going to go from right left and then bottom left right always wear eyes we're using standard two and three-quarter inch birdshot so this should be nice yes definitely a little bit faster when it comes to not having to pump but you still have that second guessing of am I supposed to pump right now and then shoot or to shoot twice it's just flinching it's on my part the gun is accurate it's just the speed thing comes down to getting used to double double tapping every time before you rack let's go the kis G and see how the speed is on that one alright time for the KSG we are using still the two and three-quarter inch 12-gauge birdshot this is seven and a half shot blowing up four shells a little bit slower it's also a little bit smaller canal where you're putting the shells you got to make sure to be right on top of it not a whole lot slower but you also once you top off after then switch over fill another tube and then pick whichever side you want but right now we're going to go to the right side the nice thing about this gun is you're feeding into one barrel which means you're not slightly to the left or slightly to the right every time you shoot we are going to put the exact same red dot onto this when we're about to shoot we're using the Spitfire from vortex it's the exact same one same placement of the picatiny rail same distance between your eyes that way it's all spot-on accurate for replicating each test I'm not using a better optic on one or another so there's a shoot at see how it feels let's get that red dot on here and start shooting good to go alright all right so all clear accuracy it feels a little bit more dead on because you're shooting once pumping shooting one pumping gives you more of a traditional feel the downside is we grab Lenny shells these shells come out of this extractor so fast when you're trying to move with speed you're pulling back on that charging handle and these come out and that's nice metal section of the shells hits you right in the wrist and it's taking its toll today I'm not going to lie on we're going through a lot of shells hundreds of shells so this is build-up but it hurts right out of the gate and then just starts becoming more visual as you start shooting ouch biggest downside of the KSG this is the wrist bite that sucks it really sucks we're gonna compare four shots a three inch double up buck out of the KSG and then four out of the DP twelve slider doesn't have those recoil reducing Springs in the stock like the DP 12 does so I'm interested to see the difference between the two all right let's get eyes and ears on and shoot at the head four times in a row all right she'll still hurt like heck but it's manageable I mean you feel that it's definitely three inch the block box you're gonna get a lot more recoil from that okay moving on to the DP 12 let's see the difference shells put two and at times push them straight down it does make it nice it's such a large opening feeding shells is much faster and you don't have a selector switch you have to go from especially start training your shotgun four of them let's go dead center on the torso this time not the head come on ha weird let me keep rolling here so I the last two shells one went off and the second one did not it chambered enough there is a small very small primer strike judging from the original shells to the one that didn't extract there is a small little dimple of a light primer strike which means it didn't set it off very interesting that's kind of upsetting shopkins been shooting great all day so I hate to be negative but you know call it like I see it small dimple means the primer didn't strike all the way I'm guessing it probably didn't seat one of these shells all the way forward which is weird because if it's each one technically by design it should be able to fire both because it's seeding I mean if one went off obviously the first show went off wasn't like both didn't go off and it was me not seating it you have the action that is picking up both shells and then racking forward seating both shells there's theoretically I don't think there's a way that it could not set both off unless one of the firing pins is slightly off now or budged all day from shooting which would be bad not good but also back to the original point of what we were just doing here wow that's kind of throw me for a loop the target that we were shooting at the double trigger pole along with the recoil of the three inch double up buck you cranked off another round fast as you can thinking I don't have to pump and you can send the Scheldt right through a wall or door target behind your intended target there's a lot of factors you got to consider but that is one of them so there is faster speed for follow-up shots but also more recoil means your follow-up shot could be off target as well at least with pump in between each shot like the KSG you can control where you're at when you start pulling the trigger again granted you can do with this one to just slow yourself down but in the heat of a situation it's bad I think I've driven that point home the sheliak tractions actually in primer strikes actually bugging me more interesting but all fun facts at least you guys know all right so we have a LaRue tactical target down there so popper target once it's hit falls down and self resets let's do four 12 gauge slug rounds downrange and see if we can get a good shot on these steel targets downrange with the right-to-left barrels I'm have to slightly adjust my aim and see if I can hit it consistently also it's going to show you guys the recoil mitigation for slug rounds because I know I'm going to get that request so you can see at this distance that second shot them a little bit to the left compared to the first shot so at this you know 50 60 yard range you can definitely see a big difference in accuracy downrange with just one projectile the second shot was definitely low into the left let's try two more and see what looks like I see I overcompensate on that one let's just stay on target yeah definitely weird because you got to shift your point of aim so slug ground shooting out of the transitional right to left barrel you have to think about a little bit if you have a scatter gun you know double up buck you're not gonna have to worry about it too much but with this slug rounds there's definitely a shift you can see the slug round going downrange and impacting left or to the right interesting we wanted the KSG and see it's a little bit easier 12-gauge slug rounds downrange at the Leroux tactical popping target and a reset if it hits hard enough if it's hitting too low it's not going to knock it over and I think that's what happened on the first one this is going to be interesting to see the difference in accuracy and it's also going to prove was just because the right-to-left barrels or because I just suck at shooting slug rounds out of a little bullpup shot I'm not going to rule that out all right a little bit to the left there it is dead center the rude tactical target reset itself hitting a little high to the left all right there you go the first shots I took with the DP 12 I was hitting low and hitting the base plate that houses all the internals of a LaRue tactical popper target but when you do get a good shot falls down resets itself this one is slightly shooting to the left I'm seeing the impact points and I needed to adjust myself bring myself more to the right I would adjust this if I were to shoot long term with slug rounds which I might do in the future if you guys want me to do but as far as I can tell there's no adjusting it doesn't throw you off even more you can see where your point of impact is and adjust accordingly rather than going okay that time was the right barrel I got to go more left and that time I was left barrel I got to go more right and vice versa and then trying to calculate where you're at with your optic it's it's tough at longer ranges with only one projectile keep that in mind as well one because the system does not have a selector switch it's going to have the advantage that KSG has a selector switch we're going to stop halfway between one tube switch over the other tube and keep going this one pump boom boom and pump boom boom pump boom boom and we're just going to shoot dead center wherever the spread goes it goes and the same for the dead center steel target so don't worry about accuracy where it's going for speed on this one come on aha there's that one inert round we'll check that one in a second I'm going to pick up the other two shells alright that's annoying did it again small primer strike again on the left tube son of a gun man well that sucks we're loading up 12 more man they get sticky in there that's for sure two of them were having an issue with ejecting it's kind of stuck in the tube let's move to the KSG so two and three-quarter inch 12-gauge shells flipping over the lever so as you keep two shells in your hands it's not a whole lot slower but it definitely is slower than the DP 12 that's for sure you also have a smaller little section here it's not as wide and robust as the DP 12 to get the shells in and push them down it's more compact but it's also lighter it's not as big of a system so you are pros and cons once again puttin it over whoo this one had some stickiness as well this one had probably a little bit more stickiness to it I mean we've shot the same amount of shells out of this gun as we have the DP 12 today so that was about as fast as I can go on this with the stickiness obviously without the stickiness you're probably a whole lot faster well one thing's for sure the ability to dump your entire capacity of tubes of shells as fast as possible when here goes the DP 12 it's faster for sure you don't have to switch just boom boom boom boom pump but when you have a light primer strikes you're losing the shell and its stickiness coming back that's an issue things to keep in mind so what we do the reviews right so first off the pros with the DP 12 it's definitely more robust system you have that full aluminum block that they're machining the receiver out of so the action is a little bit smoother also you have two barrels so you don't have to worry about cycling from one tube to the other tube and having a selector switch you just have one pump boom boom go to the next two shells which is nice because you don't have to switch back and forth and it gives you more access to all the shells you have which is kind of the purpose of these two shotguns is have a massive amount of shells at your disposal but also be a bullpup style shotgun and have close quarter CQB style capabilities plus the aesthetics of the DP 12 it looks straight badass well put together solid piece of machinery looks cool you know but it does have that weight we're going to get to those concert in a second now with the KSG shotgun the pros on this one is this lightweight you're definitely having a CQB style shotgun that you don't have to worry about a ton of weight you're hauling around and it's really compact and you feel like you can hold it all day long and that's kind of the purpose of having this shotgun both these shotguns is for close quarters battle and something you want to be able to have a large access of shotgun shells with very little overall size and weight so that wins out for sure also have one single barrel so accuracy is huge for this shotgun it allows you to just point and pull once you have your optics set in or your iron sights if you put them on the picatinny rails you don't have to think about anything past 20 yards you know do I hold a little bit ride do I hold it a little bit left you don't have to think about that another pro about this shotgun is it's very very easy to break down couple pins pull them out you can do it in the field very minimal amount of equipment you need hardly at all that's a huge bonus with the KSG 12-gauge so you're getting exactly what you want with a bullpup large-capacity shotgun so those are the pros now the cons between the two shotguns there are a few for each starting with the KSG KS G's con right out of the gate biggest one I'm gonna put this down definitely on some weight how are you get to the head biggest con r out of the gate that I mean it beats the crap out of your wrist granted I had my lady shoot this and she enjoys the heck out of it and the shells just miss her wrist so she doesn't have that problem but if you have a larger wrist than a female you're probably going to get that and a lot of people have experienced this so be on the lookout this is the biggest con for the KSG shotgun is every time you cycle that shotgun you're getting jacked up in your wrist also a con is the selector switch granted you have a lot of shells at your disposal but you have to stop bring the shotgun up select your switch back in the fight in that situation it could be detrimental to your health I'll put it that way also after about 100 250 shells this thing starts getting kind of sticky you have that ah it really takes a once you get about right here it takes a lot of force to break that and get that shell to extract out the backside and then a jacks up your wrist again cons the DP 12 it is heavy very very heavy I mean it's definitely an increase from the KSG shotgun if you're using this to carry this round all day long if you're law enforcement military I mean out in range like we were doing today it takes its toll this thing does have some extra weight to it also it's more robust so you have more girth on this shotgun so being what it's designed for these two shotguns are designed for which is close quarters battle keeping it nice and tight and have to worry about being big and bulky you do have some extra bulk and you have two barrels now side by side rather than just one but it also you have two barrels you're feeding into instantly so the pros and the cons there they kind of trade off another con is this thing is I would say this is the biggest con of the DP 12 is a ridiculous process to break it down and clean it so many little screws so many little things you've got to pull out that you can lose in the field that you need certain hex keys sworn they were all the same key or the same tool that would be little bit easier but there's a little bit different ones as you go and then you get into the bolts and the bolts have to be properly placed in certain spots with that certain plate at a certain position to go back perfectly it's not a field strippable shotgun and in my mind that would be horrible if you had a major catastrophic malfunction you need to break it down real fast you can't I mean you can but we like hold this screw hold this allen key hold this bolt in that bolt and don't let that part move with that part oh it would be bad but then we get into this process I've had the issue with the cycling problems with the original DP 12 where they're stovepiping when you're on a vertical charge not with the shock and they fix that you know but if you have that problem contact Stan your manufacturing company and ask them to fix it for you or send you the followers for the tubes that way you can fix it yourself because that is the issue from what I can tell is that little gap between the old version and the new version we had multiple I'd say probably seven or eight times maybe 10 times we had a failure to fire I mean it's cycled bow shells in but the right tube fired and the left tube didn't and then the right tube din and the left tube did and it was just a pain in the neck so I don't know what's going on in the receiver but that's something you don't want out of a brand new shotgun it's just uh you know so I'm not sure the firing pins messed up and one of the bolts are both the bolts or it's not sitting properly I don't know but that is a problem and we had issues with stickiness as well after about 150 shells 200 shells right around there a little bit more longevity than the KSG did the fact like I said metal and metal in the receiver but it did still get sick you got stickier out of the gate on a couple of the three inch shells I'm not sure about that expansion or not but thinking this was still there as well and you had the failures of fire it's not good dealing also with the failure to fire failure to extract thing I need to touch on that because you have two shells in there you fire one but you can't fire the next one and you try to cycle them back and one gets stuck now you have dealing with two failures to feed or builders to extract and it's just double the trouble so keep that in mind but the maker or breaker here let's get down to it price we all know price is something that really affects what we buy and don't buy with the KSG you can find this shotgun and sometimes anywhere between seven hundred fifty eight hundred dollars maybe less if it's used DP 12 you're looking at you know you can find it for about thirteen hundred right around there but for the most part you're gonna be finding that fourteen hundred fifteen hundred dollar mark I think that is the biggest deciding factor for me if you had to choose between the two and you're like I'm not sure if price wasn't the problem then go ahead buy whichever one you want but for those you watching going what should I buy for home defense I don't have a lot of money don't overthink shotguns it's a 12-gauge shotgun for God's sake remember that so if you are looking for home defense you know a good standard Mossberg 500 or the good old trusty my baby I own a lot of shotguns and this is still by my bedside be looking at $400 sometimes in the $300 category for a Remington 870 or a Mossberg 500 some Mossberg go into the $200 category so we're looking for a 12-gauge shock and remember it is a modern day you know blunderbuss you're putting a shotgun shell in there and blasting away at something in front of you the barrel is going to get that shot somewhat on target you're looking for a good shotgun you don't always have to go most expensive keep that in mind please that being said this is Andrew with gy6 vids I appreciate you watching I'm tired it's been a long last couple days giving all this done hope you appreciate the quality hope you got some information from it if you have questions hit me up in the comments section I always like talking to you guys can't say thank you enough for the support also if you want to support gy6 vids the best thing you can do is go to youtube.com forward slash gy6 vids and hit subscribe we also have a secondary youtube channel now it's called youtube.com forward slash gy6 slow-mo and what we do is we post slow-mo highlights from past and soon-to-be future videos anything slow-motion we're going to post the highlight clips on there so you have a one-stop shop for just checking out some of the slow-mo stuff if you want a quick entertaining video thanks for watching I'll see 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Channel: GY6vids
Views: 1,027,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GY6vids, DP12 vs KSG, KSG vs DP12, KSG vs DP-12 which is the best bullpup shotgun, Standard Manufacturing Company, Kel Tec, Kel Tec KSG, DP-12 shotgun, double barrel pump action shotgun, home defense shotgun, defense shotgun, 12 gauge shotgun, 12 gauge, 410 shotgun, Remington 870, Mossberg 500, head to head
Id: CrSkm5qy1f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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