My new Krita brush pack: overview and description

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[Music] hello bonjour yeah new video it's a video this time about brushes i shared recently on the blog so i wanted to make a little companion video just a video that i can plug in the blog post to explain uh them one by one uh just as simple as that so it might be a little long because yeah as soon as you take like eaten by e10 it grows a bit long but feel free to skip to the one you want on the video or just watch the full things i will just talk and open some files and draw a bit to demo the brushes so let's get started oh i almost forgot but if you want the brushes you can go on my blog post i will put a link into the description and just scroll down this blog post and you have here the download and the download link it's easy at that and you have installed instruction here just follow them and it should be okay so let's start with the first one on the list i put them all into a tag here on the side of my screen so you can see the one selected and the one i'm speaking about and it will be this eraser and this eraser just have a outline so the outline is this thing on canvas you can see here moving that has a very peculiar shape it's just a square tilted 45 degree as you can see but when i switch my pencil and when i select with my brush i refer to my video about shortcut because i i'm switching eraser with one key you can learn how to set up that and you can see that i can immediately see what type of brush i'm using because of this shape i know this will erase and this will draw and when my eraser was a more like circular shape i had some time a bit of trouble and sometime i i was sort of lost just a little detail but sometimes it's this kind of little detail that improve hours and hours of drawing session uh the next one on the list is this one so this one is uh maybe just a very basic brush uh krita already has a brush like that i will show on the old list uh you have this one here that is very very similar but this one just reacts better to my pressure sensitivity so it became sort of second skin and just do exactly the same so you press low you have a very s little stroke and you press a lot and you have a large stroke and i use that just to prepare my drawing when i'm not using colorize mask because sometimes i'm colorizing sketches like that it's this brush that i find the most convenient to just create the mask or just to fill a shape like this so very basic brush but still good to get next one next one is this pencil and this is the pencil that i use it to make this type of sketches as you can see so with these brushes if you press slightly you can just make the overall shape like this and then if you press a little bit more you have like a little bit more nervous sort of stroke so i usually just use that this way so first i just roughly sketch for example here the thumb and the other part of the hand and then i just press a little bit more so well just a very good brush for sketching and this one is just an evolution of the one i made um i don't remember where on the list but yeah this one this three one but now i'm just using a single one and uh also now the shape is a bit more rounded so for the two next one on the list this one and this one they are a bit similar just uh one is a bit weaker the the stroke is a bit more transparent and this one is a bit stronger i use the first one with black color here just to make some a quick sketch as i would do with a pencil but it reminds me a bit more like using a brush and a dry painting on the canvas so for me it's it's a bit more convenient to prepare some painting because sometimes the using a pencil makes too much details like too much little grain too much little uh precision and this one forced me to be a bit more uh to do something a bit more large so i show it has this little aspect that has always has a little line here that make it not looking really regular and also this type of texture on the stroke that make like a sort of little grain and i really like to use that for sketching all the latest episode of pepper and carrot you can see that i have rescued a lot of uh page when there were only at sketch and i made them only with this type of brush for the stronger one you can see that it just reached the color black a bit more easier and it's more convenient for painting especially for adding details so for example for this shot i will enlarge it uh you can see that this is the brush that i use i will just put another layer just for all this type of line here yeah you can see how it works each time i need a little accent of color like this for detailing i will use the stronger version so the two together worked very well because uh this one made some preparation line under the painting and if they were visible that wasn't really a problem because i had this brush just to finish and so it gave a sort of harmony between the the brush stroke that are very low level and the brush strokes that are very high level on the painting so that's how these two works together for the three next brush this one this one and this one i use them especially for drawing and also for painting the last one because it's strong has the same effect that i just described the low level one for sketching and the high level one for detailing and the first very low level uh is helping me for sketching so this brush this is the one i use it to make all of this artwork for the sort of inking i don't i don't really like speaking about inking in pepper and carrot because i use some sort of soft brush digital uh that have a lot of rich gray you can see some deep black some very light gray i like to use this variation because at a distance it also plays with how the line is perceived thinner or thicker but it also influences the color once it is colorized uh but all in all the first brush uh i can sketch so if i if i want to add an object or wrong layer but if i want to add an object i just describe the big shape about it and this brush ensure me to to get a rendering always very glazed very you see i used some pure black here and i still have a very bright gray because there is a lot of opacity on it 33 by default and so i can also use this type of brush for shading so yep i will take this one but will not take maybe pure black and yeah you can glaze a little bit of gray shading uh on this episode of pepper and carrots i i prefer it to shade at the same time than i i was making the inking just to describe better the the shape i was watching the middle one is probably the one that is more balanced and the one that i use the most on this episode here the one that i made a lot of time lapse uh to do the inking so if i pick some black color here and quickly i will just directly match this type of rendering this brush i used it so much now that this is for me very balanced but it depends of my tablet it depends of my hardware it depends also on the string the little string that is uh in the stills of my pen if it's used by the time it will be softer and that's why maybe with the curve the curve of the opacity you can see it here i i have to crease a little bit more of the curve each time just to compensate maybe a spring on my studio that becomes a bit softer so all of that to say that um these brush presets are very related to your hardware in some way and i invite you to just adapt them adapt the the pressure curve to your hardware next brush is a brush i use for drawing but also for detailing so i opened this panel of episode 27 where i started to use this type of brush and uh you can see that if i create a new layer and if i pick a color that yeah i can replicate exactly this type of detail so this brush as you can see has some little variation some little texture in the stroke so i use that to make the stroke a bit less boring in general so i find them a bit less plastic than if you for example take a brush like this to make detail you will get a very regular shape a very full shape and it will look a bit synthetic with this type of a brush you can see that a stroke like this has a little sort of variation and it looks a bit more like schalke or penn city or i don't know if i can use this word like that in english sorry um but i use this type of brush also a lot for inking so if i remove the color here for example all the shading to do and you can see that this rendering here of the this type of inking drawing is done really with this type of brush and to my um big surprise this type of inking is very compatible with the colorize mask of krita even if it's not looking really compatible i must admit because you can imagine that with this uh type of texture it doesn't work but it does believe me i just made a lot of comics with the comics page with this type of preset and with the colorize mask so you can see that this is exactly the same brush and the next brush now it's a texture red basic flat texture as you can see i used it here but yeah you can see some stroke from the previous brush explained like this but this one uh was used a little bit at a deeper level uh so i don't know if i have previous step of this artwork but yeah this is visible on the background for example because i haven't so much detail at the background this brush just do some variation of size and opacity at the same time like this and if you look closer when it does the variation of opacity you have also some little grain here and yeah in the tail also of the stroke and this is convenient for making many things actually for example a brush like this can help you to to paint a lot of detail that have pointy tail like this just because it has some a lot of dynamic on the on the size of the brush but for example for this fire maybe this brush isn't the best because it has this little texture but as soon as you make some stone or something like that in background it's useful uh in general i use this brush when i have some um like this stroke here wrong layer but it's a good brush for detailing but adjusting at the same time tiny things i also use it a lot for sketching if you pick a very bright color you can just quickly do some stuff with that and then go darker yeah you get the big picture but it's a brush that is convenient in many situations that make some half glazing half textures and it's a bit the type of brush medium at all the task and not excellent at any specific one but that's one that i very like for my background in general next one on the list uh this is the two here because they work together uh you can see that this one has a little black star on the corner and uh also my favorite inking brush here this is because maybe this is the two brush that i use the most uh this brush i use it for painting when i have the sketch when i have the pre-color and when i want to just paint over everything this is the type of brush that i use the most you can see it here it had this sort of it's like the pattern of the hair of a brush that scratched the surface and it looking like uh it giving to the artwork a lot of uh sort of the direction that i i want to brush the surface for me it gives a little bit of more of human intention i dislike for example when everything is smooth like a perfect surface like this and this and this and this until everything is like just uh doesn't have any life uh i like to see the surface of of my painting with many tiny variations of stroke and also of texture and you saw it on the time-lapse of this painting so the second one is exactly the same as the first one but just a little bit more pointy so i use it for example when i have this type of of detail to do yeah you can see it's really the same brush that i use that when i i made this this one and the next one are two rakes that does uh at the first glance exactly the same thing one dot this and the second one the this but one the second one with a purple stroke just interact a little bit more with what pixel is on the canvas you can see there is some smudging that uh are involved so one will do some softer transition like this of color and the other one will be a little bit more hard or strong making some contrast for example if i pick a orange one with the first one i will get usually some very visible stroke and with the second one i can make some very soft stroke like this this is because one has mixing sort of brush engine and the other one doesn't but yeah with this type of effect if i rewind i i made this type of effect on this artwork you can see here the hard one and the softer one here and also here on the cloud where you have a mix of the softer and the harder and next brush so the first one this one is with a classic opacity brush the less you press you have something transparent and the more you press you have something a bit darker and even full color i pick it on black and you can see it's black here but you have some transition with a bit of texture something that i very like now you can see it uh on all this brush kit and this brush also goes from very transparent at the root and this type of brush i will use it for making uh some sort of soft stroke that glaze on the top of things so if i need for example here to do some color that merge this one into this one i can make some soft opacity overlay that's stuck together that's basically this one a brush that i use a lot when i do some modeling over some soft surface like for example if i want to add a light source here i will just plug it here and then gently brush that to make the gradient and it works except there is no light source and the lighters come from under here so it doesn't work at the light but as a shape and a gradient it works you get the idea so yeah that's the one i use a lot for doing all the type of gradient you can see here and the second one that's one i really like because this brush i use maybe now always to just set up the first color the first big block of my color i will show what the brush does so low opacity at first and when you press you have very fat opacity very strong not fat and at low opacity you have a lot of texture and uh this one disappear at full opacity and you can see this brush appearing as the deep layer everywhere of on on almost all my painting because i usually start with that to just sketch something just remove that but when i i need to to just add a new shape i will a lot of time just use that because it leaves a lot of textures and then i can on the top take a brush like this one and just select what part i want to keep and what part i want to remove just that you can see on the deep layer here also that this brush that was used so i usually use that for many tasks many tasks this one and now for the two last brush so the two last brush are just two that does a bit the same thing but that's the same brush chip and you can see it's a pattern on this brush kit uh there is often two brush that goes together uh that's normal that's the way i usually work so you have this one that is locked so the brush chip doesn't move it doesn't rotate and keeps very flat like this and this one is good for detailing everything on the floor when you have something like that so you saw this time lapse and uh that's the brush i used for all this type of picture i think it's even the only one i use it yeah when you can see yeah maybe here i used this one a little bit for the rooftop but except that it's only this one that is flat or the second one that just follows the direction of your brush so if i'm doing the direction on this side i will get the the brush just following a bit like this i made a mistake while naming this brush but i saw it after sharing the brush kit i left the word tilt it's just a small mistake this brush doesn't have tilt just a crazy erratum but this brush are good for having i guess just a little bit more texture than the previous one than this one for example this one looks very soft in comparison and with this one i can really add some more textures and have a sort of rake but that's a rake that is not regular if i could take the rake like this before they have some sort of regular shape that are very specific and this one is a bit more sketchy i really like this uh preset because if you use it just like doing a little stroke like this you can quickly get some pattern for trees so i use i use this brush a lot and sometimes i also like to sketch with them because it gives the feeling that of a sketch done with a i don't know maybe oil on a or gouache on paper directly it shows really a lot the texture of the brush so it looks really painterly and when i sketch i prefer to use the locket version so this version because it will get some interesting a variation of width and and this is what gives life and sometime i also like to go to rotation brush chip here and just put the rotation at 90 degree and you can also see that maybe this sketch was done with the 90 degree and it's done thank you very much for watching the video until the end i want to thank you also all the supporters of pepper and carrot for supporting my work and also for allowing me to take this time for sharing brushes making video about it and everything very thank you very much so see you next video bye [Music]
Channel: David Revoy
Views: 103,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UrmoHqPUfTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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