KRITA Animation Tips & Shortcuts

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I'm gonna walk through some bonus tips and advice  as well as some shortcuts hopefully these tips   will help you out with the workflow and efficiency  when it comes to animation as animation can get   quite complicated so right now I have this new  file opened up here and as you can see I have   these multi-colored blobs or circles on my canvas  and I'm going to use these blobs to explain some   of the shortcuts and tips if I play this animation  sequence right now you can see the blobs all kind   of move in a different way they all have different  personalities and if you look in the timeline   they also have different kind of pacing to them  the first thing I'm going to go through are the   layers for this file it's super important that you  separate different elements or moving components   of your animation sequence into different layers  so for example if I had a character walking and a   cat flying behind them it would probably be really  useful to separate them into two separate layers   just so that if I need to change the cat or delete  the cat I don't accidentally affect the character   that's walking or change some something that  I don't want to on the character when editing   the flying cat behind them another is super  useful thing when it comes to separating objects   into different layers is that you can turn off  visibility so the animation will still run like   this red blob that's jumping but I can now focus  only on the red blob and I don't have to worry   about any of the other blobs moving across the  screen as it was getting quite hectic the other   useful thing is that I can unpin other layers so  let's say if I had 20 or I don't know 30 objects   on my timeline that's way too busy and it gets  way too hectic so having just one pinned onto   your timeline can come in really handy when your  animation is especially getting really complicated   but if I want to continue working on a layer I can  always just click it on the layer panel and it'll   pop back up just like the blue blob right here  and I can now edit it I can look at its frames   and it won't be pinned onto the timeline but if I  ever want to bring it back I can always just click   the thumbtack icon or right click the layers on  the layer panel and click in the timeline now the   next thing I'm going to go over are shortcuts by  default Krita does come with a bunch of shortcuts   assigned to different tools but when it comes to  the animation kind of part of it there aren't any   shortcuts assigned at all in order to get that we  go to settings configure Krita and now this window   pops up that lets us scroll through a bunch of  different categories for us to assign shortcuts to   different tools but we can always just search it  up on the search bar up top over here and I just   typed in free because the one tool that I would  recommend assigning a shortcut to is freehand   selection so in order to assign a shortcut we  click this drop down arrow and you want to click   this box here I've already personally assigned  shift F to freehand but you can make it whatever   you want the next thing I would assign shortcuts  to and this is for the animation is next keyframe   next matching keyframe play pause previous  keyframe previous matching keyframe and onion   skin now onion skin kind of like an optional one  it really depends on how frequently you use the   onion skin and if you tend to toggle it on and off  frequently but it really is up to you so right now   I'm just going to show you the shortcuts kind of  in action just to show you how they work you can   see my mouse is just hovering off to the side  but I can play and pause it whenever I want by   pressing shift V and if I press Ctrl period and  control comma I can now jump from frame to frame   that has a drawing on it now for next matching  keyframe you need to assign a color to it and to   assign a color to a frame you just right click it  and you can select from any of these colors that   are on the bottom row I tend to choose red for  my key poses as those are really the ones that   I tend to only color every other frame I leave  the default blue color you can join our Patreon   as that will allow you access to special member  perks like critiques and classes now I color the   key poses red because those are really important  and it's really useful to flip between them really   quickly when you're blocking out your animation  sequence so you can see if everything's flowing   properly or if everything is kind of lining up  correctly so you can see that it only jumps to   frame 1 7 and 25. now another useful trick when  you want to only want to play a certain section   of your animation sequence is you don't have to  actually change the number on the clip starting   clip end you can now click on a frame hold down  shift and select another section that you want   to play so right now I selected 5 to frame 16 and  now because I only have that section highlighted   it will only play that section so similarly I can  click frame 16 hold down shift and click frame 25   and it'll only play that section so just a neat  trick when it comes to the playback you don't need   to change it in the animation timeline setting you  can just do that shortcut now to toggle on and off   the onion skin you do need to have the light bulb  on so if I click it on now I can toggle it on and   off and what it's doing is it's turning on and  off the big bar in the end onion skin kind of   panel over there it's essentially just turning up  and down the opacity levels another really great   trick or shortcut that you can use to ease up  your workflow as you're animating is duplicating   a keyframe so I'm going to use the red blob layer  to show you demonstration as to how this works I   basically want to duplicate frame nine and I want  to copy it into frame 24 but I don't want to right   click it and then click duplicate frame I don't  want to copy it it takes too much work so what   you can do is hold down control click and drag  it and you can see now that I've taken frame 9   and placed it into frame 24. so frame 24 now  has the exact same drawing as the drawing in   frame nine because I duplicated it so this is  really useful especially if you creating like   looping cycles or if you need a sequence with a  lot of frames that you want to duplicate because   what you can also do is manually select certain  frames and also maintain the spacing that those   frames have so I want to duplicate frames 11 13  and 15 and I want to put them near the end so I'm   going to hold down control and select those  three frames and then I'm going to hold down   control click and drag so that I could put them  anywhere I want and in this case I'm going to put   them at the end of the timelines now you can see  C frame 22 24 and 26 are the exact same as 11 13   and 15. again this is really useful for looping  cycles or if you don't want to redraw something   but you want certain keyframes that you want to  move if you want to learn from me or any of our   other professional artists feel free to check out  our website and maybe consider signing up for our   classes you'll get creative assignments individual  guidance and real-time feedback on your artwork if   you learned something new please like and share  with a fellow art nerd if you love receiving   quality and free arts education subscribe and here  are a couple other videos you can check out next
Channel: Winged Canvas
Views: 39,085
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Keywords: krita, how to animate, animation, how to anime in krita, krita animation, krita animation tutorial for beginners, krita animation tutorial 2023, krita tutorial, how to animate on krita, krita animation timeline, krita tutorial for beginners, krita drawing, animation tutorial, animation tutorial for beginners, how to use krita, krita animate, krita animate tutorial, how to animate krita, krita how to animate, krita animation 2023, krita animation tips, how to animate faster
Id: qGxNK5LjNsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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