3 Things I wish I knew as a BEGINNER "ANIMATOR"

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daughter did you do it did you do it Daddy yes [Music] what did it cost everything [Music] so here's a so here's the first mistake that I have made thinking that I need to make my first short film really good so I was wanting to make an animator short film for three freaking years and I didn't do it why because I thought the first short film that I've ever made should be really crafted really well defined really perfect it should be really really really good it can be actually it can be and I tried and it wasn't why because I simply did not have a skill because I did not put enough repetitions to get good if I need to have put that repetitions in I should have started with my first short film which I did not do how can I get good at something if I did not start doing the thing here's what I should have done instead a long long time ago I should have gone ahead and created an MVP what does that mean it means a minimum viable product it's a term often used in the business and startup cultures it's a product that is simply the most basic version of your larger product that just captures The Core Essence and the Necessities in the most minimal fashion it just works that's an MVP so that's what I did I just stopped what I was doing generally all the projects that I was doing was like put a stop let's stop it okay guys let's just focus on making a short film in 48 hours let's make the shittiest crappiest version of the short film that we possibly can that just shows what this thing can do in 48 hours and then heck we'll refine it in two weeks we have to finish this which I want to finish it there's no other options we have to finish it and that means let's just make it black and white let's finish this and then fill in all the colors and then make it come still a very short period of time to put my first quality or decent work out there second mistake is this don't take on something that is too big at the start so I made this mistake a couple of times in the past in 2018 I took on this comic project my avatar that's basically it it's my big life project and I took that comic project as my first ever project and guess what happened I am putting my 100 days of making comics series on hold it's too hard it's too hard to climb Mount Everest on day one if you haven't ever climbed or went on a hike before right because I was that kid I've never been on a hike before then I was taking on a big project was sort of going to do that same mistake right here as well but I was I was more aware of my mistakes this time I took on a one minute short film a one minute very small color short film called sweat and blood and I thought you know what it's not my Mount Everest it's very simple it's just a hike and guess what I was wrong so we've been making a superstar Shuffle right which is one minute long apparently is taking a long time as you can see so I've been drinking which is not a good thing I don't know I've been thinking what doing it which is make something even smaller make something even more do what is my comfort zone and what is slightly outside of my comfort zone and pick that thing so for me it was this five hour comic that I made in the past it was a very short comic with a very simple story and I was like you know what let's make a very small very doable short film and this time we're gonna make it even easier on myself by hiring other people hiring an animator getting an animator who's got some experience so that I can actually focus on character design directing keyframes and all those things all you do is rest just two and then flip it like this already three two one go ready three two one go [Music] once he throws it the guy is like looking go like that and then the starfish those two characters are standing right here let's say assume this is the beach stuff which obviously won't be this way right just as soon as the smallest average a couple will come taking on something too big at the start is a bad idea bad mistake and uh taking something more doable slightly outside the comfort zone is much because my friend there's a more important thing than the work that you make which is the kind of person that you become that is a third Lesson by the way if you bring a millionaire to the streets they will still become a millionaire after a while but if you give a poor person a million dollars they would still become poor let me show you something foreign [Music] see this this is what I call the project cycle it's from Austin Cleon and it actually shows what the life cycle of a project sort of looks like if a person tries really really hard and they put in all the effort and make this one great piece of work one great piece of short one great piece of artwork they just go through that project cycle just once you are asked if you do more repetitions of work more volume of work probably less shorter in quality so that you can actually get more volume right get more repetitions in if you do that you will go through the project cycle of actually finishing something multiple times because in life cycle the life cycle of a project to my understanding and to my knowledge involves so many emotions so many up so many down so many struggles that will just make you go off track very very very easily but you realize that you are essentially your own biggest enemy in a given project for you to stop being your own biggest enemy you have to actually become a season Warrior seasoned warrior with Battle Scars who's gone to war so many times that they can actually you know see through all the bull crap that you throw at yourself and stay focused on the task at hand and actually have finished that thing and for that to happen one needs to go to war many times one needs to make more work many times and that's what made me realize that you got to put in the work you got to put in the repetitions to become the type of person who can actually be that seasoned artistic Warrior because if I save someone from a thief one day that doesn't make me a hero but if I do that every single night saving people from their troubles then I would be here I would be a superhero because A wise man once said it's not who you are underneath it's what you repeatedly do that defines you [Music] so if you want more creative ideas like this make sure you follow my newsletter where I actually send out these ideas much earlier in advance through email to short bits of wisdoms and ideas and if you want to check out my art program drawing camp you can also do that too those are links Down Below in the description yeah so that is it for this video can't explore breath all this one maybe I need to do more card here
Channel: Kesh
Views: 200,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making a shortfilm in 48 hours, making a movie in 48 hours, kreativs, the starfish story, 2d animation, how to animate, how to animate on procreate, animation process 2d, making my first animation, 2d animation short film, animated short film, animated movies 2022, disney animation process, short film animation 2022, ipad animation, 2d animation making process, kesh, animated movie in 100 hours, mistakes I've made, truth about making animation films, procreate animation
Id: tmJp7xrsgsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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